Savona Drake

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Savona Anne Drake
The Highlander from Ishgard

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The Cheerful, Energetic Highlander.

When life puts you down, pick up a smile!


BIRTH NAME: Savona Anna Drake.

OTHER ALLIAS: Sav or Savy. Anne to close friends.

RACE & CLAN: Hyur Highlander

GENDER: Female.

AGE & NAMEDAY: 22 years old. Born the 16th Sun of the 1rd Astral Moon

HEIGHT & WEIGHT: Athletic Build, but short for a Highlander at 5'8" tall and weighing 146 lbs

NATIONALITY: Ul'dahn born, Ishgardian raised.

ORIENTATION: No Preference.




OCCUPATION: Foremost a soldier. Now working as a Sellsword and tackling odd jobs to keep herself afloat

RELATIVES: FATHER: Gavinus Drake. A wealthy merchant recently deceased. His wealth was seized by Ishgard Authorities and what become of it after that is unknown. MOTHER: Unknown. Savona was taken away from her mother at the age of 3 and has never seen her since, believing her to be deceased. SISTER: Unknown. Savona had found an old journal entry of her fathers and it mentioned another child. When asked about it, he scolded her for snooping and forbid her from speaking of it again.

ALIGNMENT: Lawful Good, [1].

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Note from Savona's Player: Thanks for taking the time to browse over my character Info. Feel free to walk up for RP or send a /tell. IC and OOC friends and contacts always welcome!


Always a constant smile on her face, Savona is the essence of true happiness, or so it would seem on the outside. A bubbly, happy personality follows with her warm smile as she seeks to become friends with most everyone. Very little seems to get her down and no matter what the circumstance, will meet each problem with a "CAN DO!" attitude and a tenacity to see that it is accomplished. She is dedicated and persistent, and never seems to give up
She is extremely caring and compassionate and has a heart for helping people, especially those who lack the means to care for or help themselves. She will give a stranger a helping hand, the shirt off her back or her last piece of gil if they would have need of it She is patient and will explain things 10 times over if that's what it takes to help someone understand a problem or issue.
Where confidence in her own ability is high, when it comes to herself personally, she is very insecure. Often takes jokes personal, and is somewhat easily hurt but snarky or mean comments. She's also very insecure with her own appearance and tries to follow along with all the latest fashions if possible at the time. Most of her insecurities she keeps tucked deep away and only lets them show when she is alone.


Ishgard and its Patron Diety, Halone. Raised around the lands of Ishgard, she's fallen in love with its culture and magnificent sweeping views. She is a devoted follower of Halone and can often be seen or heard muttering a prayer unto him.
Asher: Her Chocobo. She found the little black chick when he was almost frozen to death in the cold just outside the city walls. Together with her father she nursed the little chick back to health and has considered him a friend ever since.
Tea, Cocoa, and other warm drinks. Seeing the cold enviroment she's been raised in most her life, she tends to favor the soothing warm drinks over hard alcohol or liquor.
Red Wine. Perhaps the only alcoholic drink she can be seen drinking with any sense of regularity, she vastly prefers it over over types of strong drink and is her go to drink of choice when socializing.


¦ The intense heat of Ul'dah. She's become accustomed to the freezing cold of Ishgard winters and has very seldom wandered anywhere much warmer. The natural brown of her skin often confuses her with those in more of a sunny climate.
¦ Taking advantage of the less fortunate. Having been under this treatment herself for most of her life, she despises any who would take unfair advantage of another and would do her best to put an end to it.
¦ Lacking in Wealth. She's constantly broke, but not from her own spending. Circumstances have found her gil-less and without a home. Still she would be happy if it wasn't for her giving nature and seeing so many in need and her being powerless to help them.


Perseverant & Reliable. Once her mind is set on accomplishing a particular task, she will throw herself into her work completely, and repeatedly if need be. The term "Never back down, never surrender" seems to be a favorite motto of hers.
Loyalty & Honor. A friendship with Savona is a friendship with loyalty itself. She always has her friends or family's back, and will readily defend or help them with any issues they may have. She's always there with a warm smile and an encouraging word for them and even strangers should they happen to need a friend. She does not cheat, nor steal and upholds the law of whichever land she is in. She's never killed a person depsite her military career and would do her best not to, and only under the most dire circumstance would she seek to do so.


Naive & Gullible. Willing to trust anyone or anything that is told to her, she is often taken advantage of and tricked and sometimes persuaded to do things she would not normally agree with. Her desire to build lasting friendships with everyone she meets does not help this problem.
Playful. She doesn't know when to stop her little games and be serious. Often times even when under a stressful circumstance she will still be full of smiles and laughs, usually much to the disdain of those around her.
Overconfident. Though confidence is always a good thing, she believes she is way stronger than she is, not always seeing the danger in the situation. Though her attitude and mannerism are thoes of humility, her belief that she can tackle any problem if she puts her mind to it could one day be a problem


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Born to a Highlander father and a Midlander Mother, her skin tone features resemble that of her father. Her shorter height, hair, and eye color she inherited from her mother, or so she's been told. Pale emerald eyes are set by natural brown skin and her blonde hair is tied back in a ponytail and though she does her best several strands always seem to fall down around her face.
She's usually seen in military grade equipment ranging from leather or chainmail to heavy plate armor. She always has one weapon on her at all times whether one is visible or not. For being a soldier, her body lacks and major signs of damage save for a nasty bite mark on her left wrist. the wound is recent but it will no doubt leave it's mark forever upon her skin. A recent turn of events in her life has her dressed in simple clothes, lacking any noticeable flash or extra frills.
A few years in the military has seen her turn from an average built woman to an athletic one. She lacks and major muscle where not needed and makes up for it in pour stamina. She can jog for miles on end with only the slightest of breaks. As such she is toned and well fit. At 5'8" she is short for a Highlander and often the brunt of jokes among them

C O M B A T & W E A P O N R Y

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Unlike every over child in Eorzea, (or so it would seem) Savona has lacked any form of weapons or combat training in her years up until she was 20yrs old. At that age, she enlisted with the Ishgard military and has received the most basic of military instruction and combat training of which involved Archery, Lance and Sword. However, given her brief time within it's training camps, she's not an overwhelming threat to a more seasoned fighter or perhaps to anyone with a knack for combat or fighting. Apart from what she may believe herself to be, she is your standard frontline combatant who more often then not is thought as purely expendable.
Her self defense is rated a bit better and her agility and stamina can sometimes help to even the odds a bit more. Her wins in sparring usually involve tiring out her opponent before rushing in for a few quick hits herself and backing out again. She has had a bit of training in unarmed combat but barely passed her drills so she always prefers to carry a weapon around with her, whether it is concealed or not.


CHILDHOOD Born in Ul'dah to a Highlander father and a Midlander mother, Savona's childhood started off rather uneventful. Her father was a local business man who made his living by overseeing the operation of several market stalls in the area. As business in Ul'dah often does, it soon started to interfere with their family life. Being a wealthy merchant, or his wife, granted you the ability to purchase anything your heart desired. Including companionship. When at 3 years old, fighting between her mother and father grew intense and infidelity was soon found out when her mother was with another's child. Her father quickly seized up young Savona and his wealth and instantly left for the lands surrounding Ishgard to run his businesses there.

TEENAGE YEARS Not much changed over the years. As Savona grew older her memories of early childhood faded. And though her father loved and cared for her deeply always, he was a mystery to her. He never talked of her mother, or where they had came from and when asked would chide her and tell her to let the past be in the past. Once she stumbled on an unmarked book and quickly paged through it not realizing it was her father's private journal. Inside she saw mention of perhaps having a younger sister. When confronted about it her grew angry and struck her once before heading out for a night of heavy drinking and didn't return until late the following day.


ARCHERY: Learning how to draw and fire a bow has been a true pleasure for Savona. She received basic training before purchasing her own and going out into nature and plunking at targets with it. Not particularity skilled in it but due to her passion for it she's slowly been improving

WHITTLING: As a child she would watch her father sit in his armchair puffing on his pipe and carving little wooden toys for her to play with. The hobby seems to have been passed down to her as she know has her own little collection of crafted wooden figures, mainly birds and other small animals.

Dancing: Since arriving in Ul'dah she's developed a love for Dancing. Though she is not very skilled, once the music starts she finds herself almost powerless not to swing along.

GARDENING: Even as a teenager and young adult, she was always found of the little garden she kept inside of a small greenhouse her father had built for her. Even to this day she wishes she had more time to pursue this hobby.


COOKING: A natural cook, she was always cooking up various cakes and pies that no doubt contributed to her fathers massive weight gain. A fan of extravagant dinners and parties himself, this was a talent her father took huge advantage of for parties to entertain his guests.

BIRD CALLS: As odd as it may seem, she has a knack for imitating the local winged wildlife that surround her. Pointless as talents go, this one serves no real purpose other then her own enjoyment.



Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. If you wish to add anything, please let me know, and I will update this section!
? Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
¦ "I hear she's unfit for duty, and yet she still waltz around like she belongs here, aye?.." -- Racist Ishgard Noble.
¦ "Miss Drake is the nicest lady ever! Why one day she brought me a plate of cookies for no reason!." -- Homeless Child in the Brume.
¦ "Seems like the alright sort, don't know her much meself over then what I see of here now n' again" Bartender .

? Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard.
¦ "Heard some theories about her father havin' killed off 'er mother and fleeing here. Who knows...." -- Local Gossiper.
¦ "I heard once that she'll do whatever it takes to rise up the ranks. And I do mean anything....." -- Disgruntled Soldier.

? Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!
¦ "The blonde with freckles? Isn't she cute? Can't find a more passionate Adventurer than her. Little sweetling's a quick learner too. You should definitely hire her if you need some muscles."-- Ayaka Yatsurugi.
¦ "She's a kind kid, reminds me of a little girl I used to know. Teaching her how to fight, but hopefully she'll never have to. Good hearts like that don't last long in a war."-- Koen Stone.


Romantic Attraction Sexual Attraction Platonic Love Family Deceased Positive Negative Neutral ? Unsure Trusted

Suzani Raos ( ? ) - "Oh yes, her. I know her, trying to be her friend really, but she's oh so difficult!"
Savona met this young woman will sitting at the bar in the Quicksand one night. She immediately struck a conversation up with the woman and was shocked when the woman accused her of trying to seduce her! After much insiting otherwise that it was not so, the two shared several more times together in the Tavern. Any attemtps at forming a lasting friendship with the woman has been for naught though and their friendship never seems to go beyond casual acquaintance despite Savona's best efforts to become her friend.
Evelina Blackwood ( ) - "Miss Evelina? Oh yes, she's a very good friend!"
Perhaps to be considered one of the only friends she's has in Ishgard, Savona always looks forward to going to the tavern to see her favorite bartender. Whether the woman likewise regards her as a friend, she knows not. But Savona is rather fond of her anyway.
Koen Stone ( ) - Oh Mr. Koen? He reminds me so much of my Father...
Savona met this tired looking Highlander at one of the local taverns in the Goblet. They shared a table together and she was instantly fascinated with the older battle-scarred male from Ala Mhigo. The man's resemblance to her own father is uncanny and as such she can't help but be fond of the grumpy looking fellow.
Ayaka Yatsurugi ( ) - "Why will she always be special to me? Well that's personal..."
Savona first noticed the woman seated by herself at the Quicksand and offered her friendly conversation. In turn, the woman offered her a simple drink. A drink that spurned into action a night of passion between the two women. A close bond soon developed between them and now Savona would consider the AuRa one of her closest friends in Ul'dah and is rather fond of the attention the woman pays her.
Tana Firesong ( ) - "The woman is covered in scars, which makes her mysterious!"
Savona encountered this battle sarred Miqo'te seated upon some crates just outside of Ul'dah, enjoying a spot of tea. Savona soon struck up a conversation with her and learned the woman was very skilled in combat and weapons. She enlisted the woman for some instructions and after a quick bout, soon found themselves in something a little more personal.



Template adapted from N'hadiya Khei, originally adapted from Bancroft Gairn.
NOTES: This Wiki will be a constant WIP. Feel free to check back every so often for updates. c:

Personal RP Limits:
¦ Do: Anything appropriate that is logical for the plot. Examples of this would be coarse language, violence, short-term imprisonment, slander, and rumors.
¦ Ask About: Mature, dark or adult rated RP scenes before initiating RP. I am usually open to considering any type of RR. Including adult content, torturing, or long term injury.
¦ Do Not: God mod the RP. Doing so will result in the RP being retconed, and you, the player, will be ignored or possibly blacklisted