Ayaka Yatsurugi

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Ayaka Yatsurugi
The Night Raven
Ayaka Top Banner.png

Clean and precise...

-Ayaka Yatsurugi

Vital Information

NICKNAMES... Aya, Yaya

RACE & CLAN... Raen

GENDER... Female

AGE & NAMEDAY... Twenty-four (24) | 1st Sun, 6th Umbral Moon

ORIENTATION... Pansexual (Leaning on females)


Other Statistics


RESIDENCE... Currently staying at The Mog and Mug

OCCUPATION... Adventurer & The Mog and Mug employee

PATRON DEITY... Llymlaen (The Navigator)

HEIGHT & PHYSIQUE... 4'11" | Slender, Fit

ALIGNMENT... True Neutral

Garlemald Flag.jpg Ayaka Yatsurugi
Ayaka Side.png
The Raven Nomad
Gender Female
Race Au Ra
Clan Raen
Citizenship Doman
Age 24
Deity Llymlaen (The Navigator)
Orientation Pansexual (Leaning on females)
Marital Status Single
Occupation Adventurer & The Mog and Mug emloyee
Nameday 1st Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon
Ayaka Yatsurugi is a wandering Adventurer Au Ra, hailing from Othard of the Doma city-state. She was one of the Doman refugees that came with Yugiri Mistwalker, though she wasn't active during the process of acquiring their new shelter/home due to certain circumstances. However, when they were finally accepted in Mor Dhona, the Raen sought permission to take on a new occupation as she was inspired by the Adventurers surrounding her. Now she explores the land of Eorza, discovering new things whilst helping the people around her, just like what the Eorzean Adventurers do.
Regardless of the woman always returning to Gridania to rest and enjoy the peaceful forest, Ayaka is usually found visiting Limsa Lominsa as well as Ul'dah out of personal desire. She, enjoys her view, is what she would usually reply to curious people. The reason however, is simple. Ayaka wishes to learn everything about Eorzeans as she found herself becoming fond of its people. She especially enjoys admiring female Roegadyns but that is another story to tell.
Because of this however, it only shows that the Au Ra doesn't care much for the politics around her, so long as it would not have anything to do with her fellow Domans. However, she does show favor on the residents of Mor Dhona and the Scions as it is them that accepted the refugees.
But stories aren't always as simple as that...

Your Character's Inventory

Last updated: 11 6th, 2016

* Journal Book & Quill
* Small Gil Pouch
* Neatly tied vials of Ether
* Two (2) blades
* A stack of Galago Mint
* A batch of Dried Prunes
* Dried old white rose (Given by Rymmrael)

Current Situation

  • Ayaka continues to travel around Eorzea with her friend, Rymmrael, as they accept numerous adventurers jobs and the likes.

Previous Situations

  • Ayaka has found herself a temporary home in Gridania with the Mog and Mug inn. Here she stays with her 'friend', Rymmrael.