Neilas sas Seles

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◊ Neilas sas Seles ◊

♫"Oh so many ways for me to show you,"♫
♫"How your saviour has abandoned you."♫




Tribunus Augusticlavius of the Xth Imperial Legion, and overseer of a mysterious project dubbed "Project Anima", Neilas is an intimidating figure with a résumé that would make some of similar positions balk. He is fairly tall, though standing at only about average height for a pureblooded Garlean man of his age. He keeps himself well-maintained, and his hair is often pulled back into a singular braid, exposing his third eye. He is the head of the Xth Legion's Research and Development division, and puts progress over much else. He is incredibly ambitious and driven to succeed in every endeavour he undertakes, and does not suffer failure - his own, or that those under his command - lightly. He often appears polite, courteous, and considerate, lending him a very calm and calculating demeanour. Few know what the Tribunus's real thoughts ever are, however, and that pervasive aura of mystery lends those around him a healthy amount of fear and respect for him.

"Progress at any cost."
"Failure is intolerable; expend every effort. Do not relent."
"I ask not that you understand - only that you obey."


Neilas stands at approximately six feet tall and, should he be seen openly, he bears a considerably toned musculature. His face is not altogether hard, but he has a sharp, clean look which lends his stern and judging gaze something of an extra edge, along with the icy blue glare of his eyes. His hair is of the general colour one would expect of a Garlean, white-blonde, and is kept at just over medium length, and in a tight braid. His voice tends to ring with a baritone that pierces walls and bones alike, and his posture supports the powerful sound with an air of confidence, pride, and sheer willpower.

Neilas is most often seen in his Tribunus's armour: a black-and-silver set of armour, adorned with bladed extensions and concealed firearm attachments on the forearms and feet. It bears dark orange and red trim about the chest and helm, the latter looking much like a three-eyed feline beast of some kind with its ears pressed back aggressively and its maw closed around what looks to be a canister with air ports on either end - likely a breathing apparatus, though it is clearly part of the helmet.

Alternatively, he will wear a silver, silken dress uniform adorned with some manner of magitek gadgetry, either for convenience or defense, the shirt and shawl decorated with trim and adornments bespeaking his position. The sleeves of the shirt are buttoned to the upper arms, revealing his forearms, and with it, he wears a pair of black leather gloves, as well as black dress pants and shoes.
Aspects That Stand Out:
Has a cold, judgmental stare, even when pleased.
Speaks in a deep baritone.
Always carrying some manner of magitek gadgetry.


Neilas most often comes off as guarded, cold, and calculating. He is always very polite and courteous to most everyone, including his enemies, lending an often-patronising air of smug superiority to the way he treats others. His typical demeanour is calm and collected, always keeping a decorum about himself that one would expect to go above and beyond his position. He is a brilliant strategist and leader alike, often inspiring a nearly-perfect mix of fear and respect from those who serve or even meet him.

Seemly impenetrable as to his motivations, Neilas is often the subject of some manner of rumour about his "true" personality and ambitions. However, he has ever remained unswayed from revealing anything of the sort. He believes in the aim of the Empire - to exterminate those forces which would do irreparable harm to the planet, and to unite Hydaelyn under Garlean rule for the betterment of all its peoples - and takes great joy in crushing anyone who opposes the ideal, be it through word or action.


Progress. Be it scientific, philosophical, military, or otherwise, Neilas seeks to ever better himself and those around him.
Philosophy. Though ever dedicated to that of Garlemald, the philosophical structures and beliefs of other cultures fascinate Neilas.
Alcohol. Neilas enjoys a good drink, but is ever careful with moderation.
Control. There are few things more satisfying than being in control for Neilas, and he always makes sure he has it.
Cats. Despite all else, Neilas has a soft spot for cats, finding their willfulness charming in an ironic way.


Failure. Neilas abhors failure, but even moreso when nothing can be gained from said failure to prevent it in the future or move past it.
Disobedience. For one with a need for control, he has an obvious disdain for those who attempt to slip out of it.
Religion. Neilas sees faith and religion as hallmarks of a weak will, and those who lean heavily on faith vex him.
Cluelessness. There are few better ways to annoy Neilas than to be utterly oblivious to one's situation.
Inelegance. Neilas detests any sort of inelegant, brutish design and is often possessed by the drive to correct such things or prove he can do better.


Philosophy. Neilas enjoys politics, philosophy, and some manners of debate.
Dance. Having taken dance classes since a boy, entranced by the grace and elegance of it, Neilas continues to use it to keep himself in top condition.
Tinkering. A graduate of the Magitek Academy, Neilas's rise to Tribunus was thanks in no small part to his skill with magitek.
Strategy. Chess and other such games are favourites of Neilas's.


Willpower. Neilas has an incredible power of will, which drives his ambition and motivations to incredible levels.
Engineer. Given his proficiency in magitek, he is skilled with most things involving the trade.
Military. Neilas is the very picture of a military man: disciplined, strong, sharp, and driven.


Anger. Neilas has a poor temper, and though he does not fly into a rage, his judgment is often errant when clouded by his proclivity to anger.
Aetherically Inept. Being a pureblooded Garlean, cannot manipulate aether for magic or aetheryte travel, and refuses to piggyback on others using them so out of pride and spite.
Perfectionism. Neilas often settles for nothing less than perfection, and when it cannot be presented to him, he can be possessed by a will to fix it himself in whatever way he must.


Perfection - Neilas is an idealist with a view of a perfect world, and he sees Garlemald as the people most capable of making that reality.
Ambition - An ever-churning drive to succeed and progress pushes Neilas forward in everything he does, both for himself, and for the "greater good" in which he believes.


Chaste ♡♡♡❤♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Lustful
Energetic ♡♡♡❤♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Lazy        
Forgiving ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡ Vengeful  
Generous ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡❤♡ Selfish    
    Honest ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡ Deceitful
          Just ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡♡ Arbitrary
Merciful ♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡♡♡♡ Cruel    
Modest ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡ Proud
      Pious ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡❤ Worldly
  Prudent ♡♡❤♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Reckless
Temperate ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡♡ Indulgent
      Trusting ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡ Suspicious
  Valorous ♡♡♡❤♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Cowardly


This information may be known publicly of Neilas, with or without prior confirmation. Feel free to use these as RP hooks or reasons to approach him!
Neilas is the Tribunus Augusticlavius of the Xth Legion and overseer of a mysterious "Project Anima".
Neilas's division of the Xth is currently stationed at Castrum Oriens following an attack on one of his people at Castrum Centri.


This information may or may not be known. If you're not sure, feel free to ask!

Childhood: WIP


Adolescence: WIP


ಌ Technique/Weapons ಌ

While skilled in magitek and engineering, as well as some firearms, Neilas prefers to be "up close and personal" when he fights. As such, he is deadly in hand-to-hand combat and very rightlfully thought of as a force to be reckoned with when in close quarters. Though not entirely unskilled in longer-ranged weapons, he finds them less enjoyable.
Pugilist: Neilas prefers to meet combatants head-on with his weaponised armour.
Silver Coeurl Armour - Neilas's armour is adorned with many bladed weapons and firearm attachments that he can adjust and activate with subtle movements of his hands and feet inside of his armour.
Hand-to-Hand - Even without his armour, Neilas is a considerable threat, as he is capable of striking deadly blows to vital areas with just his bare hands.

Marksman: While he prefers close-ranged combat, Neilas is still skilled with a gun.
Imperius - A compact revolver, its small size disguises its surprisingly powerful kick (and recoil).
Leo - A heavy gundagger that is more dagger than gun.

ಌ OOC Combat Info ಌ

I am generally open to any and all combat situations, but prefer that limits are established or understood beforehand - otherwise, I am open to very nearly anything but character perma-death! I am willing to engage in just about any system so long as it is explained to me and I have time to understand it.
Tier 1 Combat: This system is my preferred method, and uses detailed posts to explain actions that are being placed in combat. It uses a roll system which the person playing the attack will roll and the defender will need to roll higher to defend. Critical hits are welcomed in this system and often are considered if the difference between rolls are over 700 (using ingame /random rolls). Explanation swiped from Abagail Graves along with her layout.
Designated Personal Systems: Everyone has their own system for group combat RP which they themselves made or they made for their Free Company. I am open to discovering, learning, and uses all kinds!
Freeform/Honour System: I am not a fan of the honour system unless it is established and agreed upon as to who will win the fight beforehand on an OOC basis and there is a mutual trust on the same level. I will not often do this with strangers for any reason.

Family Involved Romantic Platonic Physical Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure
Corelyn Rosefire ( $)
Character's Thoughts: "She is an asset that must be kept by any means, regardless of the past."
Corelyn and Neilas grew up together. Though the precise details are not entirely well-known, the two were once involved in a very intense relationship that ended in much the same fashion when she departed for Eorzea with the XIVth Legion, and he was still enrolled in the Magitek Academy. Though he claims that he harbours no feelings for her, it is unknown whether or not that is true.



Some of these rumours are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumours - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"He's a bloody sociopath is what he is." -- Prisoner of War
"Never seen him go a day without a drink." -- Garlean Soldier
"He's scary as hells, but he treats us well for the most part." -- Servant
◢ Uncommon Rumours - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"He once killed a man with his bare hands over a cat." -- Bar Patron
"He doesn't lose his cool easily, but when he does... run." -- Engineer
"Heard he had a personal rivalry with Livia sas Junius of the VIIth." -- Fellow Tribunus
◢ Rare Rumours - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Apparently, he killed his own father for the inheritance and got away with it." -- Anonymous
"That "greater good"? It's nothing but tripe. Everything he does is for himself." -- Anonymous


Feel free to add your own rumours to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumours - Some of these are more rare than others!
"I knew him... once. What happened to him? That look in his eyes..." -- Corelyn jen Bellor.


Songs used to set a mood; lyrics may not reflect the views of my character. The following links will take you to Youtube. Please mind your speakers.

Character Theme
Artist: A Perfect Circle

Ambient Theme
"Shinra Company (Remastered)"
Artist: RaTKiN (Orig. Nobuo Uematsu)
X Theme
[https:// "Nothing yet"]
Artist: Nobody yet

Y Theme
[https:// "Nothing yet"]
Artist: Nobody yet
Z Theme
[https:// "Nothing yet"]
Artist: Nobody yet

Whatever Theme
[https:// "Nothing yet"]
Artist: Nobody yet



Player Note
Neilas is currently watching over the Xth Legion's "Project Anima" at Castrum Oriens in the Black Shroud.
Personal RP Limits
I will always refrain from these things and ask all people do the same when engaged with my characters. I am incredibly open to most things, so talk to me OOCly about what you would like to do.
■ No godmoding.
■ No powerplay.
■ No rape.
■ No violating the IC/OOC divide.
The views and mannerisms of this character do not always align with those of the player and are never meant to offend, belittle, or do intentional harm to any one person or their character on an OOC basis. All actions taken by this character are as the character would be written and will not be tailored to OOC influences except as absolutely needed to continue playing the character as I like.


Potential Plot Hooks
Character Lore Adherence
This character will always adhere as closely as possible to established lore as possible. Small deviations into territory not fully covered may be possible, but never without solid logic and reasoning, as well and will always be researched as thoroughly as possible before implementation. Non-lore-friendly aspects present are subject to retcon at any time as they are brought to light for any reason.


Name - Neilas sas Seles
Race - Garlean (Pureblood)
Age - 27
Name Day - 17th Sun, 2nd Astral Moon
Deity - None
Orientation - Heterosexual
Status - Single

Alias: None
Citizenship: Garlemald
Occupation: Tribunus Augusticlavius, Xth Legion
Voice Claim: Benedryl Cucumberman
Hair color: White-Blonde
Eye color: Icy Blue
Complexion: Fair
Piercings: None
Marks or tattoos: None
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Key Items: ???
Favorite Food: Seafood Stew
Favorite Drink: Bourbon
Favorite Color: Silver


Tribunus Augusticlavius of the Xth Legion, Neilas sas Seles is in charge of the mysterious Project Anima that has seen its way to Eorzea for research and development. He serves the Empire faithfully and is quite the imposing figure when need be.

===== Template is from Abelia's Template ! =====