The Bunny

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The Polymath

Name: Bubunro Bunro
Alias: The Bunny, Bunny, Rabbit
Age: Early 30's
Gender: Male
Race: Lalafell
Clan: Dunesfolk
Orientation: Bisexual
Preference: Lalafell Females, Roegadyn Males
Role Submissive
Grand Company: Maelstrom (former)
Affiliation: Sky Pirates, Garlond Ironworks, Ishgardian Explorers, Scions
Deity: Rhalgr

Despite boasting an above average physique gently toned with a subtle impression of muscle, Rabbit's figure still carries the proportions of his race. His arms and legs share a familiar flab; though his biceps, thighs, and calves all posses the appropriate lines of stretched flesh needed to reflect the effort he put into escaping the confines of his species. The result of such extreme effort gives Rabbit an uncommon level od muscle tone for a Lalafel.

His left arm is etched in ink with various edges and arcs not unlike a tribal tattoo resembling lightning. An anchor is located on his right shoulder, which he received while in service to the Maelstrom. The Tattoo on his forehead is somewhat of an honor badge for a unknown allegiance, and finally a swirly half-sun above a series of vertical lines is located on his left shoulder-blade, though he insists it's a meteor meant to symbolize the events of the calamity and how the past is behind him. Contrary to popular belief, the stars on his cheeks aren't tattoos, they're Henna, and Rabbit has been known to wear makeup.

His body has more than a few scars from his adventures and experiences. Most notably a long vertical line across his belly, two bullet wounds in his right pectoral, and various stab wounds.

Rabbit tends to remain quiet in crowds and rarely speaks to strangers due to an often overwhelming social anxiety brought on by a traumatic string of events where he couldn't live up to the expectations of those around him. Because of this, he often comes off as cold or dismisive until his interests are piqued. He is also extremely poor at expressing complex emotions without turning them into a joke or attempting to hide them entirely, giving him traits similar to the tsundere archtype. The side of him rarely shown is the Loud and easily excitable thrill seeker and risk taker. His contacts are often kept short and bridges quickly burned, and it's not uncommon for his friends to go months without hearing from him directly. Tales of his exploits are shared primarily by those lucky enough to experience them at his side. Rabbit revels in challenges that push his limits and harbors an unrivaled wanderlust complimented by an inexhaustible hunger for knowledge and to simply know. because of these traits, Rabbit often lives in the moment and gets lost in an experience. Perhaps due to his noble roots, his life follows a dogmatic list of edicts. For example, he believes that one should never show their back to their enemy and will often attempt to meet weaker opponents on equal terms, going so far as to wield a weapon he has no experience with for no other reason than it is the weapon of his opponent. Even a loss is a valuable experience to him.

  • Challenges, Duels, Experiences
  • Debauchery, Thrill, Cooking
  • Knowledge, Learning, Adventure


  • Whiners, Expectations,
  • lies, blatant bullshittery
  • Fish, Milk, various vegetables


  • Loneliness, Rejection
  • Death, Dismemberment, Disability
  • Weakness


  • Favorite Foods: Fried Eggs,Priestly Omelette, Spagetti
  • Favorite Drinks: Cactus Piss
  • Favorite Colors: Blue, Gold

Parenting and Early Life Bunro was a product of birth from the joining of a very wealthy merchant and his muse, an Ala Mhigan monk turned gladiator. By technicality, that would make him half blooded, though much of his physical form does not show it. The details surrounding their relationship are best left untold, but in the days before their romance, Bunro's father used to attend the mother's gladiator matches and it is assumed the man was attracted to large, powerful woman. The father had inherited his fortune, but had a vast knowledge of Tradecraft.

Rabbit, the Impromptu Mage of Red

Prior to his enlistment into the Maelstrom, Rabbit was a traveling merchant with a knock for learning things very quickly. Though he wasn't a true Red Mage, his wide range of talent initially classified him as such. Unlike those who practice the art of Red Magic, Rabbit utilized both Black and White spells he'd learned while wielding a firearm and wand. He even went so far as to create a unique style of magecraft that fastened the wand to a pistol like a bayonette to empower the projectiles. His connections to the Scions brought him into contact with Garlond Ironworks, and through deals spoken behind doors, The Bunny was given access to custom Airships to transport his goods, which was very successful for a long while.

Rabbit the Sky Pirate

As his reach spread to establish new routs, the risks grew as well as the rewards to the point where Sky pirates had become an increasing problem. After several small bouts, Bubunro's airships, cargo and crew were all seized in a single well-planned act of piracy. As no faction had any real means of combating the skyward brigands, Rabbit's options were drastically limited. His wanderlust lead him to a great gambit which would streamline his addiction to thrill. With no other option, Rabbit offered the unnamed captain to a duel of pistols which he easily won thanks to his unheard of style of gunplay. The contractual obligations of the duel were honored and the assets of the fallen captain fell into The Bunny's palms, but his taste of hype left a lingering hunger for more. The contract initially stated that the crew of the ships were to become his employees. They were to be paid well, fed, and homed. Such was the case, except rather than return to his dismal life of trades and wealth, Rabbit decided to take the mantle of Captain and explore the skies in search of adventure. His use of magic from then on grew stale as he learned from his crewmates, established friendships, and tightened the bonds. His fleet became his family. Through them, he was introduced to a myriad of fighting styles, none of which he could master. Through effort and long hours of training, his handling of an axe improved well enough that he could pass as a great marauder. His fighting style from then on was defined by using an axe primarily while supplementing with ranged attacks from his augmented firearm. He was also known to refresh his crewmates mid battle with some lower mid tier white magic.

Bubunro the Loremaster


Waterproof thigh boots

Adventure Hatchet

Folding Fishing Rod

Magitek Hotplate

Gilded Pocket Calibur

<tab name="Rumors" style="padding: 10px; margin-left: 0px; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 10px; border-color:#728275; border-radius:15px; background-color: #ffffff;">

Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category!


◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!

    "I've heard the lil' bastard meows at Courls and barks at jackals!" -- Drowning Wench chatter
    "He once got drunk and ranted to me about the fundamental basics of magitek and how it can be implimented into items usable in our daily lives... It din' make a lick o' sense though. Something about hot plates and tiny paintings." -- Waking Sands patron
    "The lad lost a leg at Carteneau, I saw it myself! But last I saw, he was walking like it never happened. Aye, he was a viscous one.. I can't say I'm surprised" -- Off-Duty Maelstrom Officer "

◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!

    "Can copy people's spells" --- Overheard in arcane guilds or places of knowledge
    "Fled to Ala Mhigo after the battle of Carteneau" --Common rumor for Maelstrom personnel, uncommon to all others
    "Hates the Empire, very violent towards them. Brutal even"--Common rumor for Maelstrom personnel, uncommon to all others

◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!

    "Used to be a captain of an entire Sky Pirate fleet" --Only other Sky pirates would know of this


◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!

    "Add rumor here." Name
    "Add rumor here." Name
    "Add rumor here." Name

A roster of Rabbit's most defining skills.




Rabbit's hypothetical spellbook

    [Thunder I, II, III]
    A ball of lightning strokes the target and leaves a lingering sting upon sundered nerves
    [Thunder IV]
    serpentine streaks of raw lightning assault targets from a skyward vortex of destruction magic
    [Thunder V]
    Cascading pillars of lightning rain upon foes in a designated area, tearing apart the land and ruthlessly disintegrating targets



RP Preferences

💖 Allowed: Walk ups, Rumors, Mature content, Violence, /tells
💔 Not Allowed: Meta-knowledge, injury, Death
🔎 Seeking: Long term stories, Adventures, Contacts, Romantic interest
❗ You are totally free to /tell me anytime if you're interested in roleplaying. Prefix your /tell with two asterisks "**" to message my character via Linkpearl!
Time Zone/Server
⏰ Time Zone EST / GMT-5
🌐 Server: Balmung

I edited this so I could personally express how gratefull I am to these cool dudes for proving me with a hella nice template I edited some parts myself; and probably broke it because I can't code for shit

■ Template was created by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Background and headers Atreus del Alumet.
■ Tabs by Suen Shyu.
■ Music and OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Mashing everything together like a mad scientist D'lyhhia Lhuil.

Please remember to proper credit when using this wiki. Thank you.

Loremaster // Red Mage // Sky Pirate //