Kasumi Gakunin

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Kasumi is a displaced Oiran (high-class courtesan) that hails from Doma. In Eorzea, she is well-known performer, hostess and manager for the entertainment company, The Keeper's Kiss.

Garlemald Flag.jpg Kasumi Gakunin
Gender Female
Race Au Ra/unknown
Clan Raen
Citizenship Doman
Age 21
Height 5 fulms, 6 ilm .
Weight 100 ponz.
Profession Performer, Hostess and business woman.


The first thing that usually captures the attention of admirers of Kasumi is her porcelain pale skin, completely unblemished due to a lifetime of diligent care. Kasumi’s eyes are lavender in colour, surrounded by a thick limbic ring of black which gives her the appearance of wearing circles lenses. Because of this, her iris looks bigger then it is and it makes her eyes look larger and doll-like. While her eyes are slanted like au ra and hyur from Othard, they are slightly more rounded than the average Othardians due to being half-breed and that her sire is not of Othardian decent. Long, thick black lashes adorn her lavender hues, adding to the woman's oval face which oft' portrays a false innocence to the world. Small, slightly plump lips are painted light pink and always have a ready smile for those she greets. The Dancer's frame is willowy, and at 5'6 she is unusually tall for one of her species. When looked at nude, one may note her skin is flawless, free of any blemishes or scars from a life time of pedantic care and a strict beauty regime. To the touch, Kasumi’s skin is soft and warm.

An oddity about her is a lack of patches of scales compared to other Raen; her face has no scales except for the adornment on her temple and only a small collection of scales down both sides of her neck unlike the usual large patches meant to protect the neck of au ra from damage to the sensitive area. Likewise, her arms and legs have no patches of scales but she retains the normal pattern of scales around her hips. Her scales are quite pale; an iridescent pale-silver that changes in colour depending on the light.

Kasumi does not tan and gets sunburnt quite easily. Because of this, she often wears sun lotion and large hats in the warmer moons to help avoid getting sunburnt.

The longest part of Kasumi’s body is her legs. Long, lean and pale, they are toned from a strict exercise regime including dance, yoga and the occasional run on the beach. Her legs are free of her of the usual patches of scales on au ra. She keeps them smooth and hairless, shaving them on a daily basis.

Kasumi usually dresses in the most luxurious fashion composed of exotic silks from the Near East, real fur coats, the latest fashion from Ishgard or Doman garments. Her favoured colours to attire herself in are shades of purple, pink, white and black.


Kasumi, born Hiina Naeuri, was born in a rice farming town in the mountains of Doma, populated mostly by the Au Ra. The first five summers of her life were happy and simple and as the only daughter out of several siblings, she was doted on, especially by her mother. However, Hiina's father never seemed fond of the girl, seeing her only as another mouth to feed with coin he could spend on his gambling habit. Her life changed dramatically after her parent's farm suffered several failed crops and fell into poverty. Because of this, Kasumi’s father fell further into debt and struggled to support his large family. When a scout from a high-class Pleasure House in the Capital happened by the village one day he was intrigued by Hiina's doll-like appearance he offered her father the chance to enter his daughter into a contract of indebted servitude with the possibility of her one day becoming an Oiran, an elite Courtesan. Seeing this as an opportunity to help his struggling finances agreed, sending the girl away with the scout during the night while her Mother and siblings slept. In the Capital she became a kamuro (attendant) for a high ranked Oiran, a Tayuu. Hiina attended to her mistresses needs as well as being trained in a number of skills including tea-making, flower arranging, music, dance, and conversation. At the age of sixteen summers Hiina, renamed Kasumi Gakunin, debuted as a Courtesan, her mizuage (maidenhead) selling for a high price due to her exotic beauty, even for an Au Ra. Despite being bound to the Pleasure House by contract Kasumi did not hate her job, instead enjoying the luxurious lifestyle and attention of powerful men (and occasionally women) her position gave her. In less than two summers she had been promoted to Oiran and continued to live her life blissfully unaware of the troubles outside the walls of the Pleasure District. It wasn't until the razing of Doma began that her sheltered life was quickly torn asunder as she and the other Courtesans tried to escape the bloodshed. A patron of Kasumi saw the woman fleeing and offered her an escape to the Old World on his private airship and seeing no other means to escape, took it.

The Old World proved difficult to her patron, a merchant, and the woman was sold against her will to an anonymous bidder. Her new “owner”, Ren'li Nblu, only had kind intentions however, releasing the Oiran from any form of slavery straight away, instead offering to keep her in his care as a companion and a performer. Kasumi and her new companion, a middle-aged miqo'te who was from Eorzea, spent several moons together before he was forced to flee, sending the Raen to a friend in Eorzea to start a new life while he hid from old enemies that threatened his life.

Recent Events

Kasumi settled into Eorzean life relatively easily. She spent some time staying with Juno Iskandi, an old friend of Ren'li's, before finding employment at the Velvet Rose where she met her fellow co-owners of The Keepers Kiss. Kasumi recently sold off her share of the company to Vachir, instead choosing to take on a mentor role as a Performer as well investing her time in more unsavory activities.


At first, Kasumi gives off the appearance of the ideal Doman woman, polite, friendly, sweet and above all else demure. While she is all of these things, beneath the surface lays, as Vachir puts it, is a brat. Raised in an environment where she was only honored by men for her beauty and pampered like a prize winning cat, the woman is vain and petty, not taking rejection or insults well. Selfish is often another word used to describe the woman, Kasumi prizing her own personal success above all other things save for a few friends and those in her company. Those she considers friends she would defend to a fault, often seeing the best in them blindly, even when all evidence shows they are in the wrong otherwise. Kasumi's morality is somewhat complex. She often uses her high social intelligence to her advantage whether it be through polite conversation or plain manipulation.

Likes and Dislikes


  • Fine clothes
  • Nature
  • Doman tea
  • Socialising


  • Rude people
  • Conflict
  • Eorzean alcohol.


Kasumi has a moderate knowledge of thaumaturgy and conjury. The woman would rather talk her way out of a fight or use her network of contacts to defend herself rather then entering combat herself.


Romantic Interest Platonic Love Good Standing Neutral Standing Poor Standing
Vachir Qerel : Since the interview where Vachir first interviewed the Raen for a position at the Velvet Rose the two have shared an emotional and physical bond that only grew quickly the more time they spent together. While they continue to have a complicated, and at times difficult, relationship, the two remain close.
Juno Iskandi : Kasumi was delivered quite literally into Juno's care when she arrived in Eorzea. Juno feels she has a duty of care for the Raen and often can be seen checking in on her to ensure she is safe and well.
Septimus Nerva : Kasumi was initially hired to help the melancholy man's mood but the two quickly bonded over a shared love of tea. Septimus brought out feelings in the Courtesan usually not reserved for clients. After a torrid few moons of being together, they parted after the Garlean was charged with espionage, only to hear news that he was rescued by his half-brother Sereaux Voltain and whisked away to Garlemald. Kasumi has an open invitation to join him in Garlemald at a time of her choosing.
Hinako Mori : A fellow Raen Kasumi met at the Grindstone one day. She instantly respected the woman for her manners and wit and enjoys spending time with her whenever the two find each other together, often due to a number of mutual acquaintances they share.
Sereaux Voltain : Assigned as Kasumi's bodyguard of sorts by Septimus, Kasumi has a love-hate relationship with the man, finding him both endearing and extremely irritating at the same time. Despite their up and down relationship, Kasumi remains extremely loyal to the man due to his resemblance to Septimus and a personal debt she feels to him for rescuing Septimus from prison.

The Keeper's Kiss


Some of these rumours are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumours under PC!
◢ Common Rumours (Easily overheard)
● "She makes me remake her tea every damn bell, on the bell, in case one of her clients or friends come by. She's a bloody pain in the ass".- Grumpy Menphina's Respite maid.
● "The girl can dance. Offered her a bunch of gil after one of her "cabaret" shows and she said no and that her client list is "quite exclusive". I bet she only see's all those rich, noble types". -Menphina's Respite patron.
◢ Moderate Rumours (Moderately difficult to overhear)
● "Lady Kasumi? Such a pretty thing. Did you hear she isn't working as a courtesan anymore and decided she'd rather be a famous performer instead? Good luck to the lass. I hope she makes it". - Quiet Doman crafter in Mor Dhona.
◢ Rare Rumours (Rarely heard)
● "I heard she's a Garlean sympathiser. Welcomes all of those apparent Garlean "deserters" into her bed. Disgusting!" -Angry Doman man.
● "I worked in her Pleasure House in Doma. She was engaged to a Samurai who was going to pay off her family's debt and make her his wife but was executed for treason before the debt was paid off. Such a sad tale". - Doman woman who previously worked at an attendent in a pleasure house in the Doman capital.
◢ PC Rumours (Rumours from the character's of other players)
● "Lady Gakunin? She's one of the most well respected and talented performers within the Keeper's Kiss. She's very polite yet slightly mysterious, although if you see her with Vachir she always has a smile on her face. She likes tea too. Lots of tea." - Teirra Lihzeh
● "Oh, yeah. She's real nice. I don't actually know her all that well, but she showed me the way t'the stage on my first day. She sat an' answered every question I had, an' she was real polite. Makes me wish I was a bit better with manners, y'know? Ah, maybe I can learn a thing or two from her.." - Etani'a Sedi


About Oiran

The Keeper's Kiss

TV Tropes

Yamato Nadeshiko

Uncanny Valley Girl

Bitch in Sheep's Clothing