Juno Iskandi
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Gender | Female |
Race | Hyur |
Clan | Highlander |
Citizenship | Limsan |
Guardian | Oschon, the Wanderer |
Trades | ??? |
Server | Balmung |
Given name: Juno Iskandi
Pronunciation: [Jyu-noh Iz-kahn-dee]
Nameday: 16th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon, 1545
Age: 27
Place of birth: Lower La Noscea.
Current residence: Hungry Wolves Den, Ul'dah
Grand Company Allegiance: The Maelstrom.
Employment: Self-employed adventurer and Company head.
Height: Six Fulms, three ilms.
Weight: One hundred and sixty ponze
Body: Juno is significantly softer in build than her prior look, with strong arms but a swimmers physique defining the rest of her body. Where before she was muscular and it showed, her muscles are now somewhat less pronounced.
Hair: Generally Black. Prone to change. Has a liking to blonde.
Eyes: Grass green
Skin: Caramel tan.
Scars/Markings: Her scars are, rather miraculously, gone. Such is a penalty of ones body changing overnight.
Clothes: Skirts, small shirts, and a stolen Ul'dahn style top held in place with more sashes than usual to mask the fact it's borrowed from someone taller and larger.
Voice: Sultry and husky. Junos voice comes across as unrefined yet smooth. Her lasting 'Sailors Accent' keeps her from sounding in place amongst nobility or the educated but remains pleasant to listen to in its own way. Attempts to stiffle it result in Juno coming across sounding rigid and almost robotic in nature.
- Women
- Men
- Rain
- Strange new foods
- Alcohol of all sorts
- Women
- The terrifying rush of staring down certain death with naught but a few sheets of mithril covering you.
- Fishing.
Juno is the epitome of the adventuring do-gooder. A paladin in the classical sense, she travels the land, offering aid to those who ask it, protection to those who require it, and attempting to leave the world a better place. There is no man in the world who doesn't receive a second chance with Juno Iskandi.
Unless they happen to try and harm someone close to her. Those are spared no mercy.
- Juno is seen perpetually with some manner of snack or drink at hand. Be it a mug of Verrigans stout, a stick of aldgoat jerky, or some manner of sweet from an alchemist she only calls 'The chocolateer'. It's safe to say she always has enough to share, too.
- She often simply stuffs things into her 'legendary' "Adventuring Pocket". Said pocket is is sewn on the inside of each of her jackets and shirts and is said to contain the vast majority of her adventuring kit.
- As she speaks, Juno tends to start leaving out letters in words. Often because she progresses from one word to the next quickly. Examples? 'Yknow, Hop to 't. Don' light me'n fire y'bloody loon'.
- If a smaller woman manages to endear herself to her, she'll ruffle their hair. No one knows why.
- She has a particular weakness for wine. While she can drink hard liquor all day and remain lucid and somewhat close to sober, Wine destroys this image and turns her into a blushing, clingy drunk.
Will fill in later
Claire Siranta
Location: Deceased (Illness)
Jack Iskandi
Location: Missing/Deceased (Lost at sea pre-Calamity)
Renara Iskandi
Location: Deceased (Calamity).
Emille Blue
Location: Deceased (Age)
Seryn Iskandi
Location: Deceased (Age)
Lacey Orwell
Location: Ul'dah, Hungry Wolves Den.
Friends & Foes
Lacey Orwell: Wife - The circumstance in which Juno met Lacey wasn't the most magnificent. At one point she was good at hiding her affection for her while she never bothered trying. She was there for Lacey when her brain was scrambled by some manner of evil wizard and when she was getting out of a rough relationship. Some might even say they were fated to be together.
Juno won't disagree. She loves her with all her heart.
Hotaru Gin: Surrogate Sister-. Juno could once be seen parading about with Gin carried up on her shoulders, with the latter proclaiming herself some manner of Magitek construct. Often does he try to spoil her and make her day just a bit less cloudy. To go into their relationship would require days of explanation. Suffice to say: She's her stupid big sister. And Hotaru fills the place of spoiled little sister. With Gin preoccupied with other matters, the two aren't seen together often as of late.
Misha Jinhri: Close Friend- Juno can often be seen cracking jokes with this fine example of a Seeker woman within the Quicksand. Often she refers to the 'Monster that no brush has survived' that lurks upon her head. The two are more obviously close, however, when some issue arises. She could be seen giving her advice often enough, and she can be seen attempting to help shoulder the otherwise easygoing womans burdens. This is another friendship that has seen distance come between it, though the way Juno thinks of the Seeker girl isn't like to change soon.
Nananomi Nomi: Sidekick – It's often said that Juno and Nomi together formed the most charming man in all of Ul'dah. Between Junos attitude and Nomi being an androgynous Lalafell packed with enough adorability to level the nearest city block. . .Those who say it (Misha.) may be right. The fact remains, however, that they play two parts of a perfect whole. One is kind, caring, and compassionate. . .The other is a smartass Lalafell. Nomi has been off adventuring, though when put together it's as though neither ever left the other's side.
Tallera Weaver: Friend – The relationship between these two is devoid of needless complexity. To put it into perspective, Juno mended the mis-healed bones of her leg where she thought that none would spare her a second glance. The result? A lasting friendship with just a touch of romance. Though on which side would be difficult to guess.
Kaiya Alibhe: Friend and colleague - Kaiya is largely. . .No. She's entirely the reason for Juno's current living arrangements and employ. She approached her one day in the Quicksand ('Wearing a cute naval style uniform')and offered Juno a position working as an extra body in the Company. She accepted, and fate was cemented. While she may harbour wandering eyes when the short Keeper walks by, she's never acted on it. It's either respect on her side or a lack of interest on Kaiyas (or both. Probably both, both is good.) that has lead to things never progressing beyond a friendship between them. She perpetually owes the Miqo'te a drink.
Bonus Stuff
RP style (light, casual, moderate, or heavy)?
- Light/Moderate preferred. Needless drama is generally avoided, however.
How far from the actual lore are you willing to stray?
- Eh? As long as it's not men from the grim darkness of the future where there is only war and so long as it's fun for others, I'm game.
Who did you steal this Template from?
- Honou Hijiri. I mentioned that I'm incompetent when it comes to Wiki articles and she declared 'HAVE FUN EDITING OUT ALL MY INFO' and hit me in the face with the contents of her article. So really this being here is her fault.
Will you ever actually go over this and spell check it?
- Maybe.