Kazha'a Anhsari

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Kazha'a Anhsari
Upon the Edge


Birth Name: Kazha'a Anhsari
Race and Clan: Miqo'te, Keeper of the Moon
Birthplace: The Black Shroud
Gender: Male
Nameday: 15th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon
Age: 26
Occupation: Blade-for-Hire
Marital Status: Single
Sexuality: Demisexual
Height: 5 fulms 4 ilms
Weight: 135 ponze
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

KAZHA'A ANHSARI is a broody, young Keeper of the Moon that abandoned his clan in search of independence once he came of age. Named a traitor, he can never return and has been hunted since, but found himself more drawn to the freedom outside of his family unit as the seasons came and went. He made a living as a blade-for-hire for most of his life, taking difficult or messy jobs that most would shy away from. Kazha'a also made quite a name for himself tomb raiding and treasure-hunting for various clients interested in trinkets of the past. Currently, he still takes the occasional job, but has left his more troubled past behind him.


Hired Blade: As a blade-for-hire for nearly ten cycles, Kazha'a has made a name for himself in several circles of those with coin. Researchers looking for ancient artifacts within deep ruins were some of the more common employers in the past, but he has also escorted merchandise and acted as a bodyguard.

Underground: In his earlier years, Kazha'a did not shy away from the darker means of earning coin. It often pais well, and he cared little for where the gil came from. He's been hired as an assassin, a smuggler, and a thief before. While he is keeping his head down now, he knows he has earned his place on a few bounty lists or on the bad side of some powerful people.

The Arbiters: A few years ago, Kazha'a joined a small company named the Arbiters. Their goal was to make Eorzea a better place by taking jobs for little coin to help those that could not help themselves. His time there did not last, and it has made him reserved in joining his name to any other organization.

The Shroud: Kazha'a still feels the most at home within the Shroud. While his mother is alive however, he can never stay for long, in fear of being hunted and killed by his clan. Some merchants and leatherworkers know his face, but he keeps to himself and to the woods whenever he returns.

Thanalan: Ul'dah is most commonly where Kazha'a went for work. The coin was easy to earn if one knew the right people. He actually hates the desert, but does still go back if he find himself in need of gil.

La Noscea: Kazha'a frequents this area as well for work and has ties with some of the more questionable people who also frequent Limsa Lominsa. He enjoys the weather there, but still does not stay for long.


Like most male Miqo'te, Kazha'a has a short, yet toned form. His small stature make him rather flexible and quick on his feet. He has a somewhat ashen tone to his skin thanks to his Keeper heritage. But, it also carries a hint of color from the sun due to his travel and time outside the Shroud. With a still slightly young face, Kazha'a's features are remain somewhat soft. He has an angular nose and eyes. He would look quite a bit younger than he does if he learned not to scowl so much. He has naturally deep brown hair that grows in a pale blonde along his hairline. Curly hair runs in his mother's line, but he only has a slight wave which worsens when damp.

Kazha'a has a number of scars across his body from his dangerous line of work. While most are not note-worthy, he does have two large scars. One is on his left side, just under his ribs, he has a large mangled scar from a trap in the ruins of Qarn. And on his right thigh is a scar from where he was run through by the tail of a chimera. Most recently, he was nearly stabbed to death by his mother and has some fresh scarring along his chest from a knife.

Caring little for frivolities of fashion, Kazha'a wears things with purpose or that serve to aid him. While traveling, light armor such as leathers and coats make up most of his equipment. He is overly fond of dark colors and black. He often wears lightweight leather armor and coats for ease of movement, leaving him open if an attack ever did manage to land. His arms are often the most protected, even wearing gauntlets or plated leather gloves for protection in close combat.


Kazha’a is a man who prefers keeping to himself. He is temperamental, anti-social, and seemingly unapproachable. He distances himself from people because he lacks the experience to freely give trust to those he does not know. But for those who do manage to earn that trust, he is fiercely loyal, protective and slightly possessive. What Kazha’a lacks in social skills, he makes up for in sheer determination, willingness to do tasks most would shy away from, and a need for independence.

Kazha'a has a bad habit of getting angry for no reason, or running from his problems. He also has reservations being around women thanks to his open hatred of his mother, and the fear of most the females of his clan.

With more applicable skills in combat and survival than anything in relation to a proper education, Kazha'a was yet another illiterate citizen of Eorzea up until quite recently. After befriending an Elezen in his time in the Arbiters, he began teaching him to read and write. Kazha'a never made much progress before they parted ways, but now his newfound mate and traveling companion, Shar'a, is slowly teaching him once more.



Kazha’a was the first born of a clan matriarch of Keepers deep within the Shroud. From a young age, he knew he was to be treated differently. Being the first male born in several years and with his mother being the respected leader of her kin, Kazha’a was a promised breeding male to several females before he could even walk. As he grew, he began to resent that fact. He had a rather troubled childhood, lashing out or running away several times before being found or crawling back himself when he grew too hungry or cold.

His adolescent years were spent more often than not hunting or sparring with others of the clan or more often with his father. Kazha’a quickly made a name for himself as a talented and skilled fighter. This only further served to strengthen his mother’s claim to use him as a strong sire for the future of the clan. There were days when Kazha’a accepted the fact of his birth, knowing it was fairly common among his kind. But when his mother made arrangements to join another small Keeper clan together with her own using Kazha’a as that bridge once he would come of age, he could no longer stand by and wait for his life to be decided for him.

One of the only things that kept Kazha’a from leaving much earlier, was his youngest sister, Savir. The two bonded quite well, and Savir’s kind heart and jovial nature often kept Kazha’a sane. Savir was not a favored daughter of their mother due to her unfortunate weak immune system, and the lack of combat skill. Kazha’a began training the younger girl with daggers shortly before he left the clan for good, and while he never thought fighting suited her, Savir showed promise. He can only assume her training was continued after he left.

On a cool summer’s night after coming of age, Kazha’a finally left his clan for good. His mother and a small group of hunters managed to track him, only for him to escape once more. Kazha’a knows if he was ever found by his clan again it would mean his death. While some Keeper families are more open to such notions, Kazha’a knows his mother too well. For the first time in his life, Kazha’a was completely alone.

Having no skills other than hunting, Kazha’a lived off the land for several months, trading skins and other such things for supplies from settlements within the Shroud. After his first winter alone, he sought work within the city of Gridania. For a time, he made a living doing odd jobs or escorting caravans. When he was hired by a small group of Duskwight researchers to explore a newly uncovered ruin in the forest, he found he was paid rather handsomely for retrieving artifacts from inside.

Kazha’a took to such jobs rather well in the following years. He made quite the name for himself raiding ruins or other forgotten places of Eorzea. He easily made enough gil to support himself, purchase supplies and weapons, as well nights in inns when the weather was less than agreeable. During his twentieth summer, Kazha’a took a job for a mining company based in Ul’dah. A newly discovered area of the Sunken Temple of Qarn had been unearthed, and Kazha’a was sent in to both deem it safe for further excavation and to bring back anything of value. After tales had surfaced in regards to ancient traps and even the undead, not many were willing to do so.

While such superstitions did not phase him, Kazha’a still entered with caution. Inside the temple, he did not find undead immediately, but instead triggered the ancient traps that had been indeed still active within the temple, releasing the hordes. Kazha’a found himself gravely wounded. If it was not for a timely rescue, he more than likely would have died within the ancient walls. Kazha’a still has a large mangled scar on his left side near his rib cage from the experience.

Life went on for years like this, after his recovery. He was no stranger to the darker side of taking any job for coin, even if it involved murder. Kazha'a lived contract to contract, traveled as much as could and trying to steer as far away from the Shroud as possible. Shortly after his twenty-fifth summer, he began for some sort of change. He was unsure if it was merely from being solitary for so long, or something entirely different. It was about this time he first got wind of a small group of people making a name for themselves in aiding the unfortunate. While Kazha’a had no hopes or dreams of changing the world, for some reason he found himself intrigued.

When Kazha'a signed himself with the company known as The Arbiters, he was unsure of his decision from the start. He shied away from most people, yet openly fought beside them during contracts with no reservations. He even grew close to another, an Elezen man by the name of Alleaux Lebeau, after feeling indebted when the man treated a rather nasty wound Kazha'a had acquired on one of the contracts. The man was everything Kazha'a tended to hate in a person: loud, touchy, a drunkard, and carried an air of superiority about him. But for some reason he even allowed Alleaux to begin to teach him to read and to write.

And so when Alleaux came to the Arbiters with his own request for aid, Kazha'a readily stepped up to assist. Unfortunately, he was the only one to do so, and the result was the death of Alleaux's close friend, and very nearly Alleaux and himself as well. And so, when the Elezen parted ways soon after from the Arbiters, Kazha'a packed his things and took to wandering for several weeks.

It soon became apparent that Kazha'a missed the life he had there. He had, for once, felt settled and like he belonged, despite his constant refusal he did. Kazha'a did try and contact Alleaux and seek him out once more. But all his leads ran dry. Even the man's wife, Ellere Valahan, was not to be found and the home they had once shared had been sold away with little information for Kazha'a to go on. Left with nothing once more, Kazha'a resigned himself to continue on, alone, and with a vow to be even more careful than he was before in allowing people close.


But plans changed, as they often did. Kazha'a met a few other people in his travels he might have called a companion if they had not left him as Alleaux had. After a run in with his mother, left to bleed out in the Shroud, Kazha'a was saved after his sister, Savir, sought help from Wailers near Quarrymill. Recovery was slow and painful, but he eventually healed enough to move around on his own again. And in a chance meeting with another Keeper by the name of Shar'a, who claimed to know healing as well as knowledge on pain killers, Kazha'a took advantage of the moment, eager to be on his own again.

Shar'a made such a thing difficult however, insistent on following him. Kazha'a planned on leaving this Miqo'te in much the same fashion as everyone else, but a run in with a Morbol on the way to Ul'dah took his sight from him. Once again he was dependent on another person, and he grew despondent. Shar'a however, was a constant presence, and with his help, Kazha'a recovered slowly from the blindness. But as they grew closer, Kazha'a panicked. In a foolish attempt to keep Shar'a from leaving him, he decided to leave first, sneaking out in the middle of the night, leaving the other Miqo'te only a satchel of gil.


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Of those from the Clan...

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Kazha’a’s relationship with his mother has never been amiable. As the matriarch of their clan, Kazha was a woman not to be fooled with. She held the people of her clan to high standards, her own family more so. Being that Kazha’a was her first and only son, much was expected of him and it was a constant source of strife between the two. When he left his clan, his mother vowed he would be killed on sight if he was to ever return, seeing his abandonment of his people as an act of betrayal. She has already almost succeeded once, but Kazha'a plans to kill her himself as soon as he can.
WikiRela Neutral.jpgTavikh'a Anjal WikiRela Family.jpgWikiRela NPC.jpg
Tavikh’a was the favored mate of Kazha and Kazha’a’s sire, a strong hunter and man who said little unless necessary. Kazha’a was trained to fight and to hunt by his father in order to groom him to be both a provider for the clan as well as a breeding male. While his relationship with his father was not as strained as it was with his mother, Kazha’a cared little for the man’s open acceptance of the way he and the other males were treated.
WikiRela Poor.jpgVerha Anhsari WikiRela Family.jpgWikiRela NPC.jpg
Born three years after Kazha’a, Verha is one of the twins. Verha is a capable fighter, and quite talented in the making of herbal remedies and poultices. She and Kazha’a shared a rivalry in their younger years. When he left the clan, she swore she would be the one to kill him if he ever returned.
WikiRela Neutral.jpgZerha Anhsari WikiRela NPC.jpg
Born three years after Kazha’a, Zerha is one of the twins. Zerha is an excellent forager and fisher. Simpler in mind than her twin, she cares little for fighting and finds her strength in other things. She is good with her hands, and likes to weave and sew.
WikiRela Good.jpgSavir Anhsari WikiRela NPC.jpgWikiRela Platonic.jpg
Kazha'a's youngest sibling is the only one he would admit to missing after leaving the clan. She was a bright and optimistic young girl, who looked up to her brother. Kazha’a taught her to use knives after she begged him to. When he left, she was making progress and shaping to be a talented huntress herself.

Of those trusted...

While recovering from the attack by his mother that nearly killed him, Shar'a bribed Kazha'a into trading a meal for some medicine. After a shaky agreement, the two found themselves traveling together. While they were on the road, they were attacked by a morbol that took Kazha'a's sight from him. While he eventually recovered, Kazha'a found himself growing close to the other in a way he had never before. And so in a panic, Kazha'a left the other Miqo'te while he slept.

Of those known...

WikiRela Poor.jpgAlleaux LebeauWikiRela NPC.jpg
For reasons he cannot explain, Kazha’a found Alleaux quite easy to talk to and felt indebted after the Elezen tended his wounds after a rather nasty run in with a chimera. While they were in the Arbiters, Kazha'a found refuge in the man's room. When Alleaux left the Arbiters, Kazha'a chose to leave on his own path. He no longer knows where the man is, and holds a grudge about the whole thing.
Alleaux's wife that served as the head doctor of the Arbiters. Kazha'a tended to stay far away from the woman, as she liked to touch and fuss over everyone. He is unsure what happened to her either, finding nothing when he sought her out in search of Alleaux.
A Keeper Kazha'a was reluctantly pushed into a partnership with in search of an old pirate stash. His company is tolerable, at best, but Kazha'a also found himself agreeing to teach the Miqo'te to fight and use knives, something he has not promised anyone since he left his sister. But Haydn'to stole away into the night, and Kazha'a hasn't heard from him since. He didn't take it well.
A rather annoying Keeper that chanced upon Kazha'a in Ul'dah. After learning of the other's younger sisters, Kazha'a has been keeping an eye on the small family for reasons he can't quite fathom even going so far as leaving the girls gifts secretly overnight.

Of those met...

A young Seeker who claimed to be some sort pirate, but Kazha'a seriously doubts it. The guy hired him as an escort looking for treasure in the Sea of Clouds.
Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category!


◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!

    "Mm, yeah, the name sounds familiar. Sour sod, that one. But gets a job done." -Ul'dahn Merchant
    "Would it kill him to smile? Actually, I think it just might." -Dreamy Wood Wailer
    "Isn't much for words, I like that. All results, that one." -Gridanian Caravan Driver

◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!

    "Aha, poor bloke 'as the worst pair o'sea legs I seen. 'E was green 'fore we left dock." -Limsan Privateer

◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!

    "Murderer and a thief, bah! Why anyone pays him anything at all is beyond me." -Ul'dahn Citizen
    "Word is he has a price on his head. Maybe that's why he's so jumpy." -Blade-for-Hire


◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!

    "He acts really tough and cranky, but he's actually a big, cuddly softy on the inside. ...Just don't tell him I said that." -Shar'a Nhaki
    "Add rumor here." -Name





My alts are: Nahdu'a Rastahn, Ellere Valahan, Arshtat Ejinn and Tala'li Dakelh
FFXIV Art and RP Blog: Tumblr

About Me as a Roleplayer:
- I am located on the west coast, so I am in the PDT/PST time zone.
- I am a full-time graduate student, so my schedule varies, but I’m usually available any time in the afternoon/evenings and on weekends unless I have class or a large assignment.
- I like RP with plot and substance, long build-ups and deep story.
- I tend to prefer Skype/Discord RP for the above reason, but am more than open to in-game RP if that is your preferred method.
- I am open to pre-established or old relationships (old friends, enemies, clients etc).
- I am open to mature or darker themes.
- I lean to things being lore-friendly and compliant, though open to have fun within reason as well.
- Love interests are great.
- Antagonists or enemies are just as great.
- So are friends.


■ Overall design adapted from D'lyhhia Lhuil & Oyuu Dataq's profiles.
■ Headers from Bancroft Gairn's template.
■ Coded up by Ruran Vas!