Silver Sun

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Silver Sun
"Sometimes stepping on others is the only way to get ahead, yes?"
Race Roegadyn
Clan Hellsguard
Citizenship Ul'dah
Age 46
Marital Status Single
Occupation Seamstress
  • A Daughter, multiple sisters and one brother

Basic Info

An Ala Mhigan Royalist with a snobbish attitude, but the martial prowess to back up her arrogance. Silver feels no kinship with most of the Ala Mhigans she encounters unless they are of highborn descent. Should only be approached if one has thick skin, as Silver tends to be a bit snarky. Poses as a competent seamstress in Ul'dah, but is not above doing dirty work that compliments her martial skills.


Military-esque Discipline
Strong individuals


Ala Mhigan Rebels
Nonsensical people/things
Being tricked/slighted
Yellow Moon


Alignment: Lawful Evil
Vice(s): N/A
Favorite Food: Lava Toad Legs
Favorite Drink: Grape Juice
Favorite Color: Silver

Appearance & Personality

Power Hungry

Silver stopped wearing her Fists of Rhalgr clothing after she was excommunicated from the order.

Silver's body is tone, due to her self imposed training regimen, even after her years in the Ala Mhigan Army. Silver has never been embarrassed by her large chest, though it often has been a concern of hers during combat. Silver's body is nothing out of the ordinary for her race. She's susceptible to flattery, but can almost always discern if someone is being sincere or just trying to butter her up.

Silver's body language and voice reflect her arrogant personality. The tan Roegadyn will stand upright, and prefers to look down at others. When speaking she coats every word with a pompous air, always thinking she is superior to whoever she is conversing with. Well versed in politics and the games that go along with it, she adapts to social situations quickly.

Silver's goal of regaining her lost nobility and wealth in Ala Mhigo is always on her mind, and she will take any opportunity she can find to help in her endevour to restore her former glory.


-A torn report in the backroom of the Flame HQ-

Silver Sun was born 1532 of the Sixth Astral Era. Daughter of renowned Ala Mhigan Warrior, Red Sun and his wife, Sapphire Swan. The family, devout royalists, enjoyed the life of nobility due to Red Sun's accomplishments in battle, and his father's achievements before him. Red Sun was also a man of known for his many mistresses. Silver Sun is his eldest child, but he sired several other daughters. Silver was brought up from a young age to follow a militaristic lifestyle like her father, tutoring in scholarly and martial aspects were a daily routine.

Red Sun, no doubt seeing the political influence shift in the direction of the Fists of Rhalgr, who now superseded him and many others in authority, pulled strings to have his daughter inducted into training to become a Fist of Rhalgr. His plan was having someone to influence the group from the inside, or that was the plan.

Silver's record of growth was not documented well, but it seems her years spent with the monks were not pleasant. From what little was documented it seems she was repeatedly disciplined for egregious behavior. The only thing that seems to have kept Silver from being dismissed from her training altogether was her prowess in hand to hand combat, which the followers of Rhalgr thought was a blessing. Don't read this thinking she was a prodigy, but it seems she was good at hitting things, enough to keep her head above water, though not for long.

From what was gathered it seems that Silver after becoming a full fledged monk decided to pull her favors, or the favors she thought she was owed within the order. Even at the age of Twenty-Five she thought herself a master and demanded to be put into a high ranking position. She was excommunicated from the order shortly after, the monks obviously saw what she was truly there for, and it wasn't the religion.

Being removed from the monks when she was might have been a blessing in disguise, as she was able to position herself within the regular army, in a high position no less. She caught the ear of some noble, that much is certain. Her rise in rank and power indicate this as she soon outranked her own father. During her political maneuvering she managed to get pregnant, though the father was never made known.

Not long after that we have the violent purge of the Fists of Rhalgr and then the rebellion followed by Garlean occupation. Silver managed to elude all this and make her way to Ul'dah as a refugee, though she was denied entrance. Seems eventually she was able to gain entrance though she was not with her child when she did so. The child's whereabouts are unknown. Silver built her way up once inside Ul'dah, making a name for herself...not as a fighter, but as a seamstress, of all things.

At present she seems to be living a humble life as a seamstress, but with her years of training and eaking out a living via her fists, it's highly unlikely she's retired from fighting entirely.

-The torn report ends there-



Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"Claims to be the best seamstress you'll ever meet. Can't tell if she's just full of herself, but she did make me a nice cloth tunic." - Ul'dahn Lalafell
"She's come in here a few times and caused a bit of trouble. For some reason she and Yellow Moon cannot behave around one another." - Weaver's Guild Apprentice
"Lady is always talking about the glory days of Ala Mhigo. You'd think she lived there or something by the way she goes on about it." - Brass Blade
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"I think she may have been one of those troublemakers way back, when we were letting the first wave of Ala Mhigo refugees in." - Ul'dahn Guard
"Don't let her noble ways and fancy clothes fool ya. Woman hits harder than a full grown Behemoth. That right hook..." - Quicksand Regular

◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"I heard from another sod, when she was comin in with other refugees to the gates of Ul'dah she had a kid with her. Strange how ya don't see her with a child" - Little Ala Mhigo guard
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
"Eight fulms of sin. Steer clear." - Nonotome Tototome
Romantic Interest Platonic Love Good Standing Poor Standing

Karen Brightflower


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