Neena is an Elezen who is six fulms and two ilms that wears blue/grey skin, light blue eyes and long blonde hair in a tight ponytail. Like many of her kind, she is a bit on the lanky side, but has some defined muscles from her training with swords on the occasion. She also has long pointed ears like any other Elezen and helps with eavesdropping on passerbys.
Scars & Markings: There are white markings that decorate her eyes that are somewhat in the form of a flame.
Voice Claim: ---
Clothing: For the most part Neena wears flowing robes that don't make her feel stiff or constricted when she's casting her spells. On occasion she'll wear typical adventurer clothing when traveling long distances.
As per usual from those of Ishgardian decent, Neena isn't much of a social butterfly to strangers. She prefers to keep quiet and listen to the conversation and with her keen hearing, she often picks up different conversations in the room and may listen in on anything interesting. The Duskwight is no pushover, though, and will speak her mind if she feels strongly about the subject and feels the need to interject. She may even create a bit of chaos with her fire magic if she deems it necessary to quell her annoyance on certain individuals.
Aside from being reserved and somewhat destructive, Neena is passionate about what she loves. Perhaps it was developed from a need to rebel against her father or maybe she inherited it from her mother, but Neena is deeply involved with magic and dragon-kind. She'll defend both subjects with mature statures, though will refrain from mentioning that her magic is the forbidden Black Magic. This is also true to the few individuals that she holds near and dear to her heart and may act a bit more irrationally when defending or protecting them. Unfortunately these people often bring a more sensitive side to Neena's heart and could be used as leverage in a dire situation; something she'd want to avoid at all costs. This goes for people who have already passed that she's had strong connections with.
Swords & Armor
Her Father
Losing her mom
Being chained down by responsibility
Being stuck in a large crowd of strangers
Favorite Food: Ginger Cookies, Tree Toad Legs,
Favorite Drink: Triple Cream Coffee, Chamomile Tea, Water
Favorite Color: Purple
Color Key
❤ In A Relationship: Neena is romantically involved with this character.
♥ Romantic Attraction: Neena is romantically interested in this character.
♥ Sexual Attraction Neena is physically interested in this character.
★ Platonic Love/Family: Neena considers this person family.
✦ Friend: Neena considers this person her friend.
✦ Friendly Acquaintance: Neena considers this person mostly friendly, or as an ally.
● Good Standing: Neena has no specific feelings about this character, however they left a good impression.
● Neutral: Neena has no specific feelings about this character.
● Bad Standing: Neena has no specific feelings about this character, however they left a bad impression.
✘ Dislike: Neena doesn't consider this person a friend, and will talk if needed, but try to avoid them.
▼ Hate: Neena consider this person an annoyance, and will try to avoid them. Conflict can happen.
☢ Fear: Neena is terrified by this character, and will try to avoid them at all cost.
⇝ Rivalry: Neena consider this person a rival, and will try to initiate conflict every time she gets to meet them.
❂ Family Member: This character is related by blood to Neena.
✉ Business: This character is either an Neena's employer, employee, or coworker.
◉ Deceased: This character has passed away.
? Hidden Feelings/Unknown: This character has one of all the color keys above, but Neena isn't fully aware of it yet.
Count Charlemend de Durendaire[ ❂ ✘]( NPC ) - Father
Not only the reason for her mother's death, but he isthe reason Neena was forced to take in the shoes of her older half brother. For these reasons she still harbors negative feelings for her father, though they have been slowly diminishing over time, especially with the end of the Dragonsong War. Still, she rather avoid him; unsure how she would react to talking to him after all these years
Melanie Estienne[ ❂ ★ ◉]( NPC ) - Mother
Even now after her death Neena thinks highly of her mother. Going so far as to practice the same Black Magic as her to achieve the ultimate fire magic: Colors of Fire. Apparently Melanie was famous for her splendid colorful magic, but it only took her so far before the Holy See deemed it worthy of heresy. Now its Neena's goal to achieve the same power and control of this power like her mother. She's also determined to be faithful towards her mother's covenant to the dragons and help bridge peace between man and dragon.
While her half brother disappeared when she was but five years old, Neena looked up to Carvallain when he was the heir to the Durendaire house. Like her father and the rest of her house, she believes him to be dead, though she has noted that the captain of The Kraken's Arms looks much like how he'd look like as a man. Unfortunately she has yet to talk to the captain about this matter and is hesitant with fear of having her hopes dashed.
There's no doubt about Neena's love and dedication to Sera. The Succubus may be a voidsent, but Neena never put that between their relationship. In fact even when she found out at eleven years old she protected Sera, for she couldn't live through seeing another mom die and leaving her with just her father. While she hasn't been around Sera as of late the Elezen does still want to hang out with her as she can, especially with some troubling news as of late.
Ever since Eadric/Sara became part of her family, Neena has loved her immensely. Even now she feels that way, all the while wondering what happened to her dear aunt. She was going to have to talk to her mom about it...
Nothing has really changed for Elf, she doesn't think much higher of him other than an acquaintance. A friendly acquaintance, but one nonetheless. He's good for some things at the very least.
Every time she sees Oliver it seems to be he's either, sad, cheery, or ready to go against Sera and people she cares about on a dime. She never quite got why, but she never lost faith in Oliver either. Even without her mom's connection to him, Neena feels that Oliver is the closest person to get her to show her 'true' self. Her 'mischievous' side.
[Sea of Sand] Context: Neena makes her way to Ul'dah in an effort to pave her way as an adventurer.
[Mother's Path] Context: Thaumaturgy practice begins.
[TBA] Context: TBA.
[TBA] Context: TBA.
■ If there is any part of an RP that makes you uncomfortable or confused please let me know via tell! I don't bite and I think OOC communication is just as important as the RP itself!
Outward Links
Links that lead to things that pertain to Neena
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Time Zone/Server
■ EST - Eastern Standard Time
■ Balmung
Thank you all for letting me use/alter your codes. If it weren't for you my wiki would not look how it does.