Tulip Turner

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This, too, is an old story. Yet, it is not death.
Alias: Tulip Turner.
Name: Enzih'a Czarha.
Age: 24 Summers.
Gender: Male.
Race: Miqo'te.
Clan: Keepers of the Moon.
Orientation: Demi-Bi.
Marital: Single.
Deity: Menphina, the Lover.
Nationality: La Noscan (Lominsan).
Occupation: Novelist.
Alignment: Neutral Good. [ x ]
❝ Like trees, we fall in the dark forest and make no sound. / The deer never raise their heads. ❞

Height: 5'8" (173cm).
Weight: 154pnz (79kg).
Main Jobs: Warrior, (Pass/Fail) Scholar.
Secondary Skills: Passable with knives, excepting throwing knives. Proficient fistfighter.

Elemental Affinity: Earth, Nature.
Elemental Magic Proficiency: None.
Magic Affinity: Cosmic Manipulation. [ x ]
Major Affinity ties: Scholar & Astrologian.
Inverse Enablements: Strong defensives, strong support.
Magical Inabilities: Strong elemental magic, strong pure offensive spells.

Body Reference: Marlon Brando in A Streetcar Named Desire, 1951. [ x ]
Physique: Long-legged and framed by a nigh-foregone adolescent lankiness, Tulip moves with all the awkward feline carriage of a Keeper who grew up late, and all at once- powerful, toned arms and suddenly broad shoulders subside into a limber torso and slender, V-shaped waist. His face is lean and ovular, oft' jeweled by a juvenile, too-big lopsided smile that favors the unmarred musculature of his right side. The hills of his cheek stretch comfortably o'er high cheekbones that taper down into a softly squared jawbone hinged with a lazy - but handsomely palpable! - upward sway. The bridge of his nose slopes gently outward without overhang, somehow cozy and befitting o'er thin, unpainted lips. The left side of his face is strikingly marred from brow to jawline, the worst of the scarring always dutifully concealed. Attached at the joint in his shoulder, his left arm whirrs and clicks in quietude beneath its complex shield of interlocking plates with all the secret machinations of a magi-technological contraption.

Skin tone: Moon-pale and hard to tan, his full complexion dotted haphazardly by clusters of etherial, tawny freckles that ghost down the slope of his neck unto the topography of his spine; trickling over shoulders, chest, and back - & thereupon nigh obliterated by multitudes of vicious scars that rend almost every inch of his concealed torso.

Hair: A cool, ashen dark brown prone to immense amounts of lightening with exposure to the sun. Soft, thick, somewhat fluffy, and accentuated with the occasional gentle wave, Tulip's hair is typically cropped short and left to lay as it will - bangs swept intentionally leftward to help conceal some of the scarring 'round his absent eye.

Eyes: Double-lidded. Bright and almond shaped, with a comfortable down-turn at the inner corner and a frame of dark, feminine lashes. His right eye is fathoms-deep, the color of crushed cacao; the left was a striking cerulean, now years lost.

Voice Claim: TBD.

❝ It’s not always enough to be brave, I realized years later. You have to be brave and contribute something positive, too. Brave on its own is just a party trick. ❞

MBTI: INFP [ x ]
MOTIV Interpersonal (Othercentric) [ x ]
Vice: Shyness.
Virtue: Benevolence.
Blood Type: A. [ x ]
Temperament: Melancholic. [ x ]
Western Zodiac: Pisces.
Enneagram: 2w1 (the Servant) [ x ]
Basic Desire: To feel loved.
Basic Fear: Of being unwanted, unworthy of being loved.

- [Former] Anti-villain. [ x ] (see Villain in Name Only [ x ])
- The Pollyanna. [ x ]

Personal Tropes: ---

- Socially Awkward Hero. [ x ]
- Good is Not Dumb. [ x ]
- Trauma Conga Line. [ x ]


  • Culture, in general; both defunct and modern.
  • Gardening, specifically oranges and other fruiting or flowering trees.
  • Audible storms, chunky droplets or driving rain, wind that churns the skies and waters.
  • Reading and writing! Tulip is not oft' found without a book nearby, be it fiction or otherwise.


  • His own anxiety, which he strives constantly to overcome.
  • Violence, especially done unjustly or undeservedly.
  • Loss of bodily control - inc. intoxication, severe drowsiness, et cetera.


  • Death of a friend or loved one.
  • Any kind of sedative, including medical sedatives.
  • The Dark, when it's lonely. & This paired with a certain deserved respect.


  • Favorite Food: Parfaits!
  • Favorite Drink: Tea with honey, hot chocolate, or cold coffee.
  • Favorite Color: Jade.

Keep in mind that some rumors may be exaggerated to any degree, or untrue!

Common Rumors

  • "Asked me up an' down about bleedin' oranges tryin' ta grow tha' twelve-damned grove of 'is. Like I bleedin' know! I just peddle the damn things..."
  • "Boy sees a different world than we do, you know. Lives where the grass is greener, by my reckonin'."

Player Characters

  • ---
  • ---
  • ---

Uncommon Rumors

  • "'eard 'e went north wiv that Hunter from the dell. Dropped right off the map..." He presses air through the gap in his dentition in a low, morbid whistle, a cupped hand arcing downward from above, as if to illustrate. "Came back wiv that 'ole in 'is head, 'e did - dragon musta did 'im in, eh? Heh heh. Never laid eyes on that Hunter again, though."
  • "Oh, Tulip! What a curious little creature! Used to help him recite shopping lists to the grocer in the markets - learning to read, he said! At fourteen, can you believe?" She grins at the depravity of the thought, fanning herself with slow, regal motions despite the ever-present chill in the air. "Even so, I daresay he's done us all proud on that front - he's authored novels now, after all!"

Rare Rumors

  • "That sweet boy," The woman scowls, driving her head back and forth with fervor- as if arriving yet again at some long foregone conclusion. "ain't never known a decent master. Dawson is a real monster - rips 'is people all to hell, offerin' their parts on the market like fodder - and 'is "Miss Lafayette" a glorified serial killer! No less! Ill-tempered whore prolly ripped his arm off 'erself, I say! "
  • "Runs with the Rhodes', last I checked." He takes a long drag of his cigarette, mustachios twitching with the tightening of his lip. "Smugglers, that lot. Good ones. Good man, Mal Rhodes; shame about his wives... Hah! Tulip ain't no Rhodes, though- Nah, boy's no bootlegger."
  • "Three people died in that explosion." How easy it is to look studious while the mind wanders! "He's lucky to be breathin', if you ask me. Damned if anybody does, though."

Personal RP Limitations

I WILL PLAY: Most logical mature and NSFW content. (violence, sexuality, gore, et cetera.). Temporary injury, imprisonment, and incapacitation. Most walk-up encounters.
ASK ME ABOUT: Long-term captivity or imprisonment, permanent injury (this includes everything from inflicting /particular/ scarring wounds to loss of (another) limb).
NO-NO LIST: baseless M/ERP is most of my no-no list. For the most part I limit ERP interaction to my immediate friend circle. The rest of my no-no list is permanent character death.


If an aspect of RP makes you uncomfortable in a scene we're playing, please send me a /tell, letting me know. Communication is very important, more important than potentially keeping immersion.

OOC About

OOC Tumblr: Astralchord [ x ]

■ Tulip is on BALMUNG! He's also notably not my primary character.
■ My timezone is EST.
■ I'm a veteran Tumblr roleplayer, but I'm fairly new to Roleplay in-game. That said, I can be slow with replies as I'm prone to habitual retrospective over-editing and it's very difficult with such a small text box. Please bear with me !


Thank you all for letting me use/alter your codes. If it weren't for you my wiki would not look how it does.
Please remember to proper credit when using this wiki. Thank you.

Coding Credits.

■ Template was created by Bancroft Gairn. [ x ]
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera. [ x ]
■ Background and headers Atreus del Alumet. [ x ]
■ Tabs by Suen Shyu. [ x ]
■ Music and OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai. [ x ]
■ Mashing everything together like a mad scientist D'lyhhia Lhuil. [ x ]
■ Template was de-tabbed and HEAVILY edited by me.

Link Credits.

■ Enneagram information from The Enneagram Institute. [ x ]
■ JUNG, MOTIV, and Enneagram tests courtesy of Similarminds. [ x ]

Quote Credits.

■ The quote heading for Tulip's Physical section is from Charles Wright's 1991 poem, "Black and Blue".
■ The quote heading for Tulip's Personality section is from B.J. Novak's novel, "One More Thing".
■ Top and bottom quotes are from Charles Wright's 1969 poem, "In the Midnight Hour".

And not like water and not like darkness, but like smoke, like prayer.