Yasavur Sunid

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Yasavur Sunid
Sunid Shaman



Vital Information

NICKNAMES... Yasa, Little Egg.

RACE & CLAN... Au Ra, Xaela.

GENDER... Male.

AGE... 25.

NAMEDAY... 1st Sun, 2nd Umbral Moon.



Other Statistics



FAMILY... Sunid tribe.

RESIDENCE... Coerthas, The Black Shroud.


PATRON DEITY... The Dusk Mother, Nhaama.

ALIGNMENT... Chaotic good.

General Information
A peculiar Xaela shaman who wanders the wilderness between Coerthas and the Shroud. Settlements seem to frighten him for he gives them large berths whenever he passes nearby. He forages and hunts for his food, but can sometimes be found stealing supplies from solitary cabins, halted caravans, and unfortunate campers.
Green with brighter green limbal rings. Black. Dark brown, often dirt streaked. Wiry. Exuberant or reserved by turns.
Invasive or skittish. Left-handed. Various, small. Blade scars on hands, tongue piercing. Mismatched, sometimes threadbare.
Hair & Eyes
Shaggy black hair that tends to hang into his inquisitive green eyes. Often tangled but usually clean aside from any leaves, twigs or smears of dirt he’s accumulated that day in the forest.
Physique & Markings
Scrawny and runtish when compared to others of his tribe. Blade marks on his hands, silver tongue piercing that he often clicks in thought or worry.
Hygiene & Attire
He bathes regularly, but tends to also get himself dirty in a hurry. Special attention is paid to his personal cleanliness when performing rituals or healing others. He especially enjoys making other things clean - be it people or objects. His clothes often clash when not in traditional garb and never seem to fit him quite right. He seems to have a special fondness for any egg-shaped jewelry.
Skittish to most races and often avoids any contact. Elezen in particular seem to spook him, no doubt thanks to unfortunate run ins with a few more zealous Ishgardians while wandering Coerthas. The Wood Wailers of the Shroud have not helped his prejudice. Miqo’te is the only race he seems comfortable approaching, but only because he relates them to the manuls of his homeland and sees them more as sentient pets than people. He is intensely curious and will ask a multitude of questions about anything that piques his interest or baffles him, scribbling notes and new words down in thick notebooks. His tenuous grasp on Common presents a language barrier that often frustrates. Yasavur is also prone to sudden shifts in temperament. For days or weeks on end he may appear cheerful, lively, and excited about everything he encounters, but he may suddenly sink into a pit of despair that lingers for just as long. Above all else he is deeply devout to Nhaama and even in his darkest times will cling to his faith in Her.
Full of curiosity and excitement, but never over-loud. When he’s feeling badly he will often mumble and words are difficult to extract from him at all.
Philosophy & Mannerisms
Everything in life he relates to Nhaama in some way. He seeks to atone for the transgressions he’s committed against his tribe and once he senses that a task has been set before him from the Dusk Mother he will direct all his energies to completing it.
● The night.
● Eggs.
● Making things clean.
● The wilderness.
● Shiny trinkets.
● The day.
● Cities.
● Raen.
● Garleans.
● Machinery.
● Unnatural filth.
● The Oronir and Malaguld tribes.
● Purification.
● Healing.
● Languages.

Combat, Abilities & Weaponry

Basic Statistics
High: Spiritual affinity.
Above Average: Speed.
Average: Agility.
Low: Strenth, stamina.
Aetheric Abilities
Mastery: Purification.
Expert: Healing.
Weapon Training
Average: Bow, dagger.
Novice: Staff.
Combat Relevant Skills
High: Retreating.
Above Average:
Non-Combat Abilities
Purification: Talented with purging poisons and diseases from those afflicted through shamanic ritual.
Combat Abilities
● None to speak of. He is the first to flee.
OOC Note
I prefer freeform combat, but also rely on dice in situations where both characters seem more evenly matched and it's requested. I've no problem with Yasavur getting his ass kicked so long as there's no blatant god-moding that wasn't agreed upon beforehand, but he’s probably gonna get the heck outta Dodge before any blows can be exchanged.


Sixth Astral Era
A Xaela from a cannibalistic tribe that wandered the western steppe. His parents found little use for such a runtish child and he spent his formative years passed around the tribe doing the work all others felt beneath them. When his mother was killed during a raiding expedition, he had not actually spoken with his parents in several years. His father brought her body back and they shared her as a meal in silence. His father was later disgraced and executed - his body left to rot.

Yasavur learned to hunt and kill, but despite efforts to prove himself he remained the lowest peg on the pole in his tribe. Early on he discovered an innate talent for purification, a skill he became obsessed with as a way to distinguish himself. The tribe began to value this convenient talent and began to bring him on long range expeditions where a poison or disease could easily kill.

Seventh Umbral Era
Three years ago, Yasavur was sent with a raiding party of seven other Sunid up into the mountains. They encountered what was thought to be an abandoned temple, when it in fact housed several warrior ascetic Raen. Yasavur, perhaps by virtue of his helplessness, was incapacitated while on watch and spared. His tribesmen were massacred and stacked outside the temple where Yasavur had been carried. Yasavur dutifully consumed his tribesmen before they could rot, a feat which was aided by the bitter winter temperatures. Their scales and horns he wrapped and left outside the chief’s hut once he had made the lonely journey back to where the tribe was currently settled. With the remnants of his fallen tribesmen he left a note detailing the failed raid and his decision to exile himself from the tribe until such time that he has sufficiently redeemed himself. What this might entail is a mystery, but it is clear that Yasavur has chosen to run away rather than face the scorn of his people.

Currently Yasavur dwells in various caves and a makeshift yurt in the northern Shroud. He continues to serve Nhaama and has convinced himself he is waiting for a sign from Her to set him on his true path of atonement.

The Sunid Tribe
General Overview
Tribal cannibalism: It is thought a great honor to be consumed upon death. Scales and horns are either kept as a remembrance or ground up and imbibed by the tribe. It is a great dishonor to be deemed unworthy to be eaten and left to rot. Such cannibalism is always performed under the light of the moon. Consuming the body and bone-soul of a fallen tribal member is thought to give them eternal life through the lineages. The khan or khatun is considered closest to the Dusk Mother and a type of divine being. When this khan or khatun passes away, the chosen successor will consume his or her body and is believed to ‘reincarnate’ as the previous leader after lengthy shamanistic rituals. His or her old name is abandoned and he or she will take on the previous leader’s name - Cheren. This name has therefore remained unchanged through many generations. This khan or khatun is attended to by an elder shaman, but this shaman does not consume his or her predecessor upon their death.

Gender: Men and women share in all tasks of the tribe and do not have differing roles. Despite the worship of a female deity both genders are regarded equally. Homosexual relationships are not forbidden, but there are certain expectations to propagate the tribe. Generally siring or birthing two or three children fulfills such expectations. Family units are loose and some children are raised by the entire tribe rather than their parents. This is common for children whose parents are both hunters or raiders. The concept of marriage is not found in the Sunid way of life.

Religion: Devout unto the Dusk Mother Nhaama. It is possible the Sunid and Kagon tribes share common ancestry many hundreds of years in the past, but the Sunid do not adhere to the strict nocturnal habits of the Kagon. All important tribal rituals and ceremonies are performed under the light of the moon and they regard those who pledge themselves to Azim to be tainted. In this same way they regard the Raen as a poisoned race, their souls bled from their bodies as the color has been bleached from their scales. Contact with the Raen is forbidden, and killing any they encounter is seen as a mercy.

Typical life: The Sunid rise later in the day, often in the afternoon. As their favored migratory grounds are within the lower foothills and bases of the northern mountain ranges, their yurts are well hidden in the sparse forests of the region or within larger river-carved caves. Migrations occur once a month on the new moon unless hostile tribes have been spotted nearby. Contact with other tribes is limited to those with which they can trade. Their primary items with which to barter are dried meats, hardy nuts and mountain herbs, and any lumber they might be fortunate enough to harvest. Twice a year they will venture into the more open plains of the Steppes for religious celebration.

Namedays are not celebrated, but the phase of the moon is noted for every birth. Once a month, during the moonday of a tribe member’s birth, they will leave an offering at the closest ovoo and be given an extra ration of airag - fermented mare’s milk. The first sip is always poured into a small cup and tossed into the air to make sure any spirits that have gathered are sated with the first drink.

Children are considered adults at the age of 15. They are expected to fully participate in upkeep of the tribal way of life and must have chosen their particular specialization. For those children who are unruly or indecisive, a role is chosen for them. Punishments are harsh.

Hunting is the most common specialization. There is some crossover with the tribe’s warriors, those tasked with the security and safety of the tribe wherever they go. Other Sunid are responsible for domestic tasks such as child-rearing. Breakfast is a tribal affair, cooked by a handful of dedicated Sunid cooks. Other meals are consumed wherever tribe members wish, but nearly all food is prepared by the tribal cooks. There are also shamans, some of which who venture with the small raiding parties the Sunid often sent out to pillage supplies. Those responsible for raising and tending the horses are often also sent out in these raiding parties.

The traditional Sunid weapons are the recurved composite bow and lightweight saber, common amongst many xaela tribes. A few warriors choose to train with hooked halberds, usually those who excel in horsemanship. The tribe maintains as many horses as is needed to outfit their warriors and raiders.

The Sunid is comprised of around 50-75 xaela at any given time. This number has fallen due to the encroaching Garleans and unfortunate encounters with other tribes and - in one particular case - with the Raen.

Tribal rivalries: The Oronir and Malaguld are regarded with particular ire and the Sunid will attack them if encountered. The Dotharl and large tribes are avoided at all costs.

Relationship Status Legend




Former Acquaintances


NPC Rumors

Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Looking for a Xaela around here? So am I. The little bugger made off with half my chestnut stores.." — Exasperated Shroud farmer.
"x." — x.
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"x." — x.
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"xx." — xx.
PC Rumors

Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.

RP Info

Location & Probability
Places where the character is very likely to be seen
The Black Shroud: Very high.
Coerthas: Medium.
Most of these aren’t public, and would have to be asked after!
Shaman: Talented traditional Xaela healer.
IC Inventory
The following items are things that this individual carries on their person at all times. These are noted for pickpockets, and those watching her closely. This information is meant to be a prompt for insight and is not to be meta-gamed, though feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in RP (pickpocketing, a search, etc) with use of a simple /tell.

Glio coinpurse.png

xx: .
RP Limits
I don't have many off-limit subjects in RP as long as my roleplay partners maintain strict IC and OOC separation.
I will play mature themes that include sexuality, violence, or death.
Ask about non-consensual violence of any sort.
I won't play meaningless scenes of violence or sexuality, incest, anything even vaguely resembling pedophilia.
RP Hooks
■ Fellow xaela.
■ Anyone living in the forests of the Shroud.
■ Ishgardians stationed in Coerthas Central Highlands that he might have had run-ins with.
OOC Notes
Player Information
Player Note
Character Lore Adherence
Adjustments may be made to fit new lore if anything is found to be incorrect. Changes noted below.
■ No changes.
Character Concept
Character Tidbits
Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki, but are technically relevant to the character.
■ Link Description: Link Title
Tropes & Explanations
A trope is a convention or device that is often found in creative works. In this case, the tropes below describe my character either in part, or as a whole. Their background, personality, appearance, etc, most of them can be described in the tropes below.
Trope Tropes are devices and conventions that a writer can reasonably rely on as being present in the audience members' minds and expectations. On the whole, tropes are not clichés.


Wiki Information
This wiki is constantly changing as the character’s story changes. It was last modified on Month ##th, 2016.

A blank version of the wiki template can be found here
Layout Information
The following is not entirely comprehensive, but contains general credits. Please leave the link-backs if you use this template!
■ Original template by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Header image inspired by D'lyhhia Lhuil.
■ Music bits from J'karu Rhome.
■ Relationships & OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Various formatting inspired by Odette Saoirse & others.