Tserende Valqirelle

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Tserende Valqirelle
Betwixt and Between
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Don't be afraid to ask for help. But don't you dare waste my time.

T. Valqirelle, 1551 S.A.E.
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Vital Information

PRONUNCIATION... Saer-in Val-quir-el


RACE & CLAN... Hyur, Midlander

GENDER... Male

AGE... 23

NAMEDAY... 3rd Sun, 1st Umbral Moon, 1554 S.A.E.



Other Statistics





OCCUPATION... Odd Jobs / Unemployed

PATRON DEITY... Halone and Azeyma

HEIGHT & WEIGHT... 6 fulms. 197 ponze.

ALIGNMENT... Lawful Neutral

General Information
Here at the end, here to stay. For better or worse.
Steel blue Raven black Pale Toned, lean Medium-baritone
Well postured, refined Leads with the right Multiple dotting arms and chest, most prominent from brow to opposing jaw Light dusting of freckles along he tops of his cheeks. Simple jewelry of worn leather, fabrics, and metals. Seems to travel light, with high quality yet well worn belongings and attire
Hair & Eyes
Dark, raven black hair hangs loose arond his face, left to do as it pleased for the most part. While it not exactly short, Tserende seems to keep it to a mangable length, reaching to just below his jaw at the longest sections. A short, scruffy layer of stubble seemed to linger around his chin and jawline as well. By far however, one of the most attention grabbing features of his face are his eyes -- pale, steel blue and icy. Vibrant in color and expression, they keep track of his surroundings with an acute awareness.
Physique & Markings
Easily reaching the upper spectrum in height among his fellow Midlander peers, Tserende sports a rather athletic and sturdy build while still remaining lean. Years of presumed training and strife have left him with a carefully toned body, clearly accustomed to some form of intensive manual or martial exertion. Tiny scars dot his pale arms and hands when exposed, along with several more substantial markings marring his chest and back. The most prominent of these however lays plain across his face for all to see, cutting a gruesome line down from one brow to the opposing jawline. Were one to look past that they would find a rather handsome face though, accented with a light dusting of freckles along the tops of his cheeks.
Hygiene & Attire
Tserende quite clearly goes to some lengths to present himself in the best light possible for all of those who happen across him, always freshly washed and groomed when such is possible. His wardrobe, despite being well worn, is of high quality and well tended, and he decorates himself with a small assortment of simple leather, cloth and dull iron jewelry -- rings, necklaces, and bracelets. while his range of colors may leave much to be desired (tending to linger amongst the darker colors of black, grey, and dulled silver) one would be hard-pressed to criticize his sense of dress. For those finding themselves in closer proximity to him, a subtle cool, minty scent seems to linger about his person, along with the faint smell of tobacco smoke.
Psychological Profile
Tserende is something of an introvert, preferring to keep largely to himself and those few he cares to involve himself with on a regular basis. That said, he does try to be polite even when out of his element, and he is entirely dedicated to a task once he has said it will be done. Just the same, he is dedicated to those considered a friend -- valuing both loyalty and thoughfulness in his companions, traits which he strives to return in kind.
A medium, rich baritone sound which Tserende rarely raises above a polite conversation level. His words can be rather commanding when deemed necessary, and when angered they carry a particularly icy undertone. Obviously educated to some degree, his speech carries the careful pronounciation and clipping of one raised from a young age to be both respectful, and "proper."
Philosophy & Mannerisms
One challenge and trial after another in the long road to building a better world for both himself and those around deemed worth while, this is what life is when it comes down to simplest details. While Tserende often struggles with the ideas and what exactly he should do with them -- this is what he believes in. For all of the shortcomings and vices he may have, he does desire a just and fair life for those who deserve it. The question is simply, how does one deem who does and does not deserve such?
● Snow
● Smoking
● Wine
● Intellectual studies
● Fine craftsmanship
● Hard, loyal workers
● Disloyalty
● Loud gatherings
● Laziness
● Mediocrity
● Being out-done
● Smug individuals
● Experienced miner: Part of his work in training from his younger days, Tserende did his fair lot of "grunt work." This included acquiring materials to help produce and maintain the weaponry and armor of his fellow man.
● Moderate cartographer: Tserende did everything in his power to ease his travels -- he spared no expense in ensuring he knew exactly how maps were drawn and taken down, and how to navigate with them.
● Novice herbalist: Not exactly his specialty, but he knows enough to not poison himself in the wilds at least.

Combat, Abilities & Weaponry

Basic Statistics
High: Strength, Vitality, Defense
Above Average: Charisma, Intelligence, Willpower
Average: Agility, Dexterity, Wisdom
Low: Aether
Aetheric Abilities
Mastery: None
Expert: Manipulation
Average: None
Novice: None
Weapon Training
Mastery: Two-Handed swordsmanship and Polearms
Expert: One handed swordsmanship, shields, Hand-to-hand
Average: Daggers, Axes
Novice: Archery, Guns
Combat Relevant Skills
High: Parrying, Blocking, Counter-attacking
Above Average: Feinting, Pain tolerance
Average: Dodging
Low: Marksmanship
Non-Combat Abilities
Pain Tolerance: Over the years of training and skirmishing, Tserende has been no stranger to injury. Perhaps in part due to his personality and dogged determination, and then intensified by the Order's training, Tserende has a rather grim, unwavering tenacity in the fact of danger and threat of harm. He is not afraid to push his body to the whatever limits it may posses, regardless of what may be put before him.
Well Traveled: Originating from Ishgard, Tserende has done his fair share of traveling since leaving the city proper. Acquainting himself with maps and other navigational tools came naturally over the time spent doing so, leaving him with a natural sense of direction -- or the means to reorient himself in the odd occasion he finds himself lost.
Combat Abilities
Martial Prowess: Serving under the rule of a rather small House, but no less fanatic in their duty to serve, Tserende was put into weaponry and combative training at a relatively young age. His natural aptitude for such lent him much success, and he has not hesitated to continue honing that talent in the years since.
Illusive Opponent: While Tserende may not be the most agile or muscle-bound opponent in the mix, it would be a dangerous mistake to underestimate based on those simple observations. Both a potent and unwavering combatant, Tserende has spent a large portion of his practice perfecting various ripostes, feints and counter-attacks, enabling him to turn an opponents movemnents and actions against them.
OOC Note
Combat RP in my opinion should be done either through the use of approximate emotes and responses (X attempts to Y, then Y attempts to X), or through the use of dice. Typically if I do not know a person very well I will ask them to roll dice, if a reasonable outcome cannot be determined OOCly first. This avoids undue conflict between people of similar skill. To those I trust not to abuse the system, approximate emotes in combat may be used. Don't hesitate to send a tell if this is unclear.

Disclaimer: I am a firm believer in finding out about prior history IC. Everything here will be presented in a snapshot form just to give an idea of where Tserende has been and what he has been through. Obviously more than this has happened in his life. Find out through RP! (History WIP)
Sixth Astral Era
This is typically pre-calamity information, or information from before the turn of the era (Domans & others not in Eorzea proper).

Seventh Umbral Era
This is typically post calamity information, or information since the turn of the era (Domans & others not in Eorzea proper).

In Recent Times
Moving Forward

Relationship Status Legend

Former Acquaintances
NPC Rumors

Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Rumor." — Rumor Monger.
"Rumor." — Rumor Monger.
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.
PC Rumors

Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.

RP Info

Location & Probability
Places where the character is very likely to be seen
Kugane: Highly likely
The Ruby Sea: Moderately likely
Doma: Moderately likely
Most of these aren’t public, and would have to be asked after!
City-State, Region or Organization: None as of yet.
IC Inventory
The following items are things that this individual carries on their person at all times. These are noted for pickpockets, and those watching her closely. This information is meant to be a prompt for insight and is not to be meta-gamed, though feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in RP (pickpocketing, a search, etc) with use of a simple /tell.

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Coinpurse: A simple coin purse made of soft leather, containing loose gil and bank notes worth several hundred each.
Weaponry: A large, two handed sword typically kept slung over shoulder. It seems rather old, yet well cared for -- still quite functional despite the apparent age of the dull colored metal and well worn embellishments and decorations engraved upon it.
RP Limits
I like to consider myself a flexible player who is willing to commit to a number of different types of scenes and role-play scenarios, but even I have my limits. If something is on the play list, assume it means yes, as long as it's within the context of the current play or ongoing plot. No's are typically a hard no, and it means don't ask.
RP Hooks
While the below is by no means comprehensive, it's a kind of spring board for walk-up RP. Longer plots that are meant to run for more than a few quick RP's, please feel free to send me a tell so we can work out a good reason for our characters to get to know one another. RP is always welcome, unless I'm raiding or working on progression for other content. Feel free to send a tell if you're not sure whether or not I'm busy.
■ Tserende has been looking for opportunities of employment in some manner of bodyguard work.
■ Tserende has been offering mining services, as well.
■ Actively seeking scholarly sorts well versed in history and literature of the local Kugane area.
OOC Notes
Player Information
Player Note
There is a lot of information on this character wiki, but it is by no means completely comprehensive. There are chunks of backstory that are left intentionally vague so that details can be later added as developed through creative writing or in role-play revelation. Feel free to use Common or Uncommon rumors freely, if you want to use a Rare Rumor as a plot hook or to spark RP, I would ask that you send me a tell first, to make certain it's alright.
Character Lore Adherence
Everything concerning this character that has not been confirmed by in-game lore should be taken with a grain of salt. Anything that has had to be changed because of lore shifting will be noted below.
■ No changes.
Character Concept
Character Tidbits
Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki, but are technically relevant to the character.
■ Link Description: Link Title
Tropes & Explanations
A trope is a convention or device that is often found in creative works. In this case, the tropes below describe my character either in part, or as a whole. Their background, personality, appearance, etc, most of them can be described in the tropes below.
Trope Tropes are devices and conventions that a writer can reasonably rely on as being present in the audience members' minds and expectations. On the whole, tropes are not clichés.

Wiki Information
This wiki is constantly changing as the character’s story changes. It was last modified on Month ##th, 2016.

A blank version of the wiki template can be found here
Layout Information
The following is not entirely comprehensive, but contains general credits. Please leave the link-backs if you use this template!
■ Original template by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Header image inspired by D'lyhhia Lhuil.
■ Music bits from J'karu Rhome.
■ Relationships & OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Various formatting inspired by Odette Saoirse & others.
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