Natalie Mcbeef

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 Natalie Mcbeef
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Citizenship Ul'dah, Member of the Sultansworn
Tribe Unknown
Age 24
Height 5' 6
Date of birth Unknown
Server Balmung
In game Varies, in PST Zone
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Natalie Mcbeef is a friendly, yet battle hardened Miqo'te who resides in the City of Ul'dah. She grew up as an orphan on the streets of Ul'dah and does not know her birthday, tribe, parents or original name. Her rather unique name came from time spent in an orphanage, where herself and other children were simply assigned them randomly from a book. Because of this upbringing she is culturally distant from the people of her race, and has a dim outlook on most traditional Miqo'te customs. Despite her difficult childhood she has grown to be a proud daughter of Ul'dah, and loves the city dearly despite its faults. In her late teens she trained tirelessly to join the ranks of the Sultansworn, and although she often acts independently these days, she still takes her duties very seriously.

Recent evidence suggest that Natalie might have been lying about her past, as a female seeker has been seen prowling around the city, attempting to return Natalie to her tribe.


Natalie is quite tall for a female Miqo'te, taller than many males, and standing eye to eye with some Hyur as well. She is very athletic, with good reflexes and endurance, but still her face is covered with scars from her many wounds. She takes little care in maintaining her appearance, and never wears cosmetics or attempts to trim her bushy eyebrows. Her hair is cropped close and short, in order to prevent an enemy from grabbing onto it. Her most striking feature are her piercing green eyes, which she often uses to stare down the enemies of Ul'dah. She eschews clothes and fashion, and can normally only be seen in her full combat armor, or a lighter set designed for patrolling the city.


Natalie views herself first and foremost a protector of Ul'dah and it's citizens, and most of her behavior is based around that fact. When she is off duty she is friendly, playful, and warm, however under her warmth lies a core of steel, always ready to defend her city. She frequently questions those who she suspects to be involved in various misdeeds, mixing harsh questions with a friendly demeanor that often puts people off guard. She is often seen hanging around the Quicksand in her off duty hours, where she is quick to strike up a conversation with any that approach her.



Natalie can almost always be seen wielding a sword and shield, and she is out of her element when using other weapons. Her standard fighting style seems to be cautiously offensive, attempting to pressure her opponents and cause them to make mistakes. While she likes fighting, especially in the Arena, she does not like hurting or killing people, and makes every effort to resolve situations without using violence.



  • Ale, Rum and Alcohol of any Sort
  • Meeting new people
  • Fighting (Friendly Matches, The Arena, Killing Primals for the 30th time)
  • Keeping the city safe


  • Killing or Hurting others, Physically or Emotionally
  • Being lied to
  • Dealing with her feelings
  • People who take advantage of others


  • Fighting
  • Investigating criminal matters
  • Making friends.


  • 'Nat' by her friends
  • 'Sultansworn' Often used respectfully, but sometimes said in a sarcastic tone



Natalie has no idea of her original tribe or Family, she treats her fellow Sultansworn as family.


Until recently, Natalie's duties had left her little time to spend inside the city, however now that events with the Garleans have calmed down slightly, she has been able to develop a social life within the city. Some people she calls friends are: (descriptions and links coming soon)

-Amaderuil Graham:: One of the first people Natalie met after returning from the Garlean campaign, Amad helped the stiff Natalie relax and learn to have fun again.

- Emelie Annel:: Originally under investigation, they became fast friends after a friendly duel.

-Marrow Ochi:: While Natalie was originally dismissive of her Primal origins, the two have grown very close over time, and now Natalie views herself as something of a big sister.

-C'kayah Tia:: Kayah was the original focus of Natalie's longest and most painful investigation, and throughout it personal feelings developed in between the two. While Natalie has charged him with lesser crimes, she is either unaware of, or unwilling to tackle his larger crimes.

-Salem Nuhn: Natalie often teased Salem for his near constant presence on the quicksand's railings, however as time went on they began to become fast friends. Natalie agrees with his self given title "Master of Relaxation.

-S'rahvi Kai:: A close female friend, Natalie and Rahvi have strong affection towards each other, and mutual affection toward C'kayah.

-Roen Deneith:: Natalie's apprentice of sorts, Roen is calm, collected, and restrained, everything that Natalie is not. Roen often ends up as the voice of reason to Natalie's more reckless actions.


While Natalie has no specific enemies, she often finds herself at odds with various people during the course of her duties.


Common Rumors

  • 'I heard there's been a sultansworn sniffing around our operation' - Shady Resident
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Moderate Rumors

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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Rare Rumors

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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

PC Rumors

  • "Woe to any who fall under her suspicion. She will not relent until she has either proven you guilty or innocent. And she will use any means necessary to do it." - Roen Deneith
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras pellentesque felis mi, et consequat felis ullamcorper quis. Phasellus sed placerat justo. Cras id semper lectus. Suspendisse pulvinar diam eget ante vehicula, at fermentum velit pulvinar. Vivamus rutrum, elit eu pellentesque suscipit, nunc dui ultricies sapien, quis semper lacus elit dapibus augue. Morbi semper metus venenatis quam sodales fermentum. Cras odio nibh, aliquam at porta vel, ultrices ut sem. In id viverra purus. Maecenas malesuada ipsum nec erat egestas, ac ornare ligula tincidunt. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.


This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea