Tiadolma Raeko

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Tiadolma Raeko
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Call me what you will.

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Vital Information

PRONUNCIATION... Tee-ah-dole-mah Ray-co, Vish-neye, Ah-lew-cah Naw-vish.

NICKNAMES... Few, but multiple alias'

RACE & CLAN... Xaela, Clan "Navish" (extinct or largely absent)

GENDER... Female

AGE... 26

NAMEDAY... 8th Sun, 1st Astral Moon, 1552 S.A.E.


Other Statistics


CITIZENSHIP... Formerly Ul'dah, currently none

FAMILY... Vozami Raeko

RESIDENCE... Varies, wildly

OCCUPATION... Publicly: Prospecting / Information trade

PATRON DEITY... None to her knowledge

HEIGHT & WEIGHT... 5 fulms, 10 ilms. 150 ponze.

ALIGNMENT... Chaotic Neutral, Good leaning

General Information
Heroes are for children and fools.
Red Black Deep blue, black scales Lithe, but not skinny. Deep for a female, smooth
Fluid but often formal Favors her right None outwardly visible Striped across her face, metal caps on her central horns and 5 metal barbs on the end of her tail Usually functional over formal. She is well kept unless fresh from combat, and takes time to ensure her equipment is always in working order.
Hair & Eyes
Black, thick, course hair surrounds and is framed by three sepearate pairs of horns sprouting from this Xaela's head. Her hair is kept well in check, out of the way in tight ties or a birade. It is often died a myriad of reds or whites, even a mix of both, depending on her current work, location, or even mood. The longest pair of horns are, at first glance, unmistakeably voidsent in nature. They are nearly three fulms long, not accounting for their curve, and hang rather elegantly over her back. The smallest pair curves upwards from above her forehead, and the third pair sweep forward from the sides of her head and are capped with metal tips.
Physique & Markings
Tiadolma is tall for a female Au Ra, though by no means is her height anything overly unusual for her race. Her skin is very dark blue/grey, hinting at a desert-dwelling clan heritage, and her face is swept by stripe-like markings. Her features are perhaps a bit too angular to be considered beautiful, but there is a certain predatory elegance to them. There is not a single scratch, scar, or dented scale on her face, which is usually the only part of her body besides hands where skin is visible. The five hooked metal barbs on the end of her tail appear hammered or welded on, and would be impossible to remove normally.
Hygiene & Attire
This Xaela dresses to suit the occasion. She takes great pains to keep her armor, dress, and herself well maintained and clean; the only exception being during or immediately after combat. Her armor is largely leather with custom fit allagan metal inlaid into it, and designed as much for protection as it is stealth. Usually it's painted a striking red, but has worn far more muted or suitable colors. Her dress clothes look refined, and are in fact a mock-up of royalty. She is also been known to wear far more casual garb of simple linins or swimsuits, but is never without her blades even then.
Psychological Profile
At first glance Tiadolma seems quite the extrovert. Her own personality is difficult to nail down, as she blends with extreme varieties of crowds at the drop of a hat. She can shift from inviting and friendly to cold and cruel in a second flat. In her adult life she has, to date, never stayed in one place for very long. In spite of all this, Tiadolma has proven exceptionally loyal to those few who earn her trust, almost to a fault. She has been known to work en gratis, even at great personal risk, if the cause was dire enough.
Her voice is deep, for a female, and as smoothly fluid as the woman herself. In a business setting she can also be quite eloquent. Rarely one to yell, she will on rare occasions growl or hiss to show honest displeasure; however, this is not a cat-like sound and rather quite reptilian. She also has been known to communicate with her mount with various whistles or clicks and a series of hand signs.
Philosophy & Mannerisms
Spending the majority of her life in a hand-to-mouth existance, she puts little faith in others and even less in anything divine. Having long since lost any respect for true authority or the judgements of others, she strives only to ensure she and those she cares for see the next sunrise. To her, there is no true justice in the world without some ulterior motive, and as such will often personally settle any debts be they monetary, favors, life and death, owed to or from herself as soon as possible. She works hard for where she is and would not have it any other way. The plights of others will often mean little to her, though if the cause is great enough she will often act suddenly to correct it. While others might see her as indifferent or cynical, she merely takes her time assessing the world around her carefully before acting.
● Honesty
● Bladecraft
● Prospecting
● Information Trade
● Combat
● Warm weather
● Cold/Snow
● Religious Zealots
● Judgement
● Stereotypes
● Her "father"
● Show offs
● Excessive noise or light
● People who don't try to solve their own problems.
● Bladecraft: Trained extensively in rogue and ninja specialties, she also has a strong knowledge of one and two handed combat. While she is too wirey a figure herself to effectiely wield greatswords or greataxes, she nevertheless has strong working knowledge of both on a personal and observational level.
● Information Trade: Even if it doesn't look like it, she is always listening. Extensive personal travel and an enormous network of contacts help facilitate this sometimes violent trade.
● Hiding: Using an alias more often than not when working, she is quite skilled at keeping her otherwise high profile out of sight, both literally and politically. She rarely enters a situation unprepared and will often spend weeks or even months setting up potentially difficult or dangerous work: everything from paperwork, the occassional bribe, or basic repainting of her horns and armor to blend where the situation calls for blending.
● Astrologian: Tiadolma has never had an affinity for magicks of the elemental or spiritual nature, outside of very specific ninjutsu, but recently she has begun honest study of the stars and Sharalyan practices to help fill the gaps in her otherwise sorely lacking ability in the area.

Combat, Abilities & Weaponry

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Basic Statistics
High: Dexterity, Intelligence, Willpower
Above Average: Charisma, Defense
Average: Strength
Low: Magicks
Aetheric Abilities
Mastery: Ninjutsu
Expert: Astrology
Average: N/A
Novice: All Aetheric affiliations not listed above.
Weapon Training
Mastery: Daggers (throwing or melee), Short Swords/sabers
Expert: Great Sword, Long Sword
Average: Great Axe
Novice: Archery, Guns, Shields, Polearms
Combat Relevant Skills
High: Agility, Dodging, Counter-attack, Precision strikes, Feints
Above Average: Pain Tolerance
Average: Aim
Low: Parrying, Blocking, Clash, magic resistance.
Non-Combat Abilities
Hard Beginning: Due to a rough childhood and upbringing, she is used to physical and emotional abuse. Tiadolma is not easily unsettled by whatever horrors she bears witness to.
Street-Smarts: Living a hand-to-mouth existence for the majority of her younger years, Tiadolma retains a wary, street-wise state of mind that makes her immediately suspicious of almost everything, and yet an excellent ability to hide her true intentions in any situation. It is exceedingly difficult to fool her. By the same token, it is easy to be fooled by her, and she is quite talented at hiding her true motives or even her mood in any given situation.
Never Settled: Tiadolma does not put down roots in one place for very long, even if she isn't being hunted down. As such, she has seen much of Eorzia and spent time with many different cultures, that tolerate her initial presence anyway. She can empathize with many different cultures or worldviews without much difficulty, and is adept at traveling the wild-lands without any civilization at all. She can read a map.
Combat Abilities
Spatial Sensitivity: This Au Ra has exceptional vision, even in dim light. She cannot see in absolute darkness unaided, but she can see most attacks coming with an extra half-second to react. This is in-part related to her horns and lengthy tail, both surprisingly sensitive and giving her heightened perceptions of sight, sound, and touch. This is also a weakness as massive overloads of these senses can cripple her for many moments.
Quick Reflexes: She is fast. For her height and size each and every muscle is tuned for speed and precision. She can and will quickly move out of the way or redirect most blows, even overwhelming ones.
Vampiric Blades: Either due to the strange construction and spirit in her daggers, or her own less-than-noble heritage, this Xaela possesses the ability to drain the vitality of any living thing cut by her weapons. The freed aether can be re purposed to heal minor to moderate injury for herself and to a lesser extent any in physical contact with her at the time. This will not work for mortal injury, or if the wounds are not tended to before they begin healing on their own. Poisons cannot be neutralized this way, but their effects can potentially be delayed.
OOC Note
I prefer fast-pasced RP, and will often resort to rolls for combat just to speed things up. However I will happily write out combat scenes and responses as I believe detail and creativity also adds to the story. Ultimately it's up to whoever I am Roleplaying with at the time, though if combat starts taking too long I will often have to leave as my time IRL is limited. This can be quite annoying in group settings, as I would never want an event to grind to a halt waiting for my return. Tiadolma also has some unique quirks whose effects are sometimes best discussed OOCly before I even make a roll for them. Finally, I strive to respect other's characters as much as my own, and even though Tiadolma is a bit of an information hound I will not have her know anything unless there has been a legitimate IC instance where she overheard it or OOCly if someone else gave her permission to "look up" the facts (names, combat abilities, etc).

Disclaimer: Much of this information would be difficult, but not impossible, to discover on their own. At best, a few bribes or some serious luck would be required to learn even parts of Tiadolma's history, as she is normally very closed-book about it. Especially in public settings with lots of ears. She simply would not spill her life's story over a drink at some bar.
Sixth Astral Era
Tiadolma was born Aluca Navish, of the Navish clan of Xaela living in the mountain caves surrounded by the southern deserts of Othard. The clan was small and extremely secretive, for good reason. They parleyed with voidsent on a regular basis. It is unclear weather the tribe dabbled heavily in void ritual, were controlled entirely by voidsent posession or even bred with them. But what is clear is they often sold their souls to these devils in the name of greater power.

Often the Navish clan would accept rejects from other clans, if only to sacrifice them to further their goals, and in doing so earn the ire of their neighbors. The war-like Dotharl clan, for example, would and did happily hunt the Navish to apparent extinction. Tiadolma was an infant when a raid upon her family's clan left her without parents, in the process likely sparing her some horrid ritual, though none of the Xaela clans wished to keep such a stigma'd child. Instead she was traded and carried further and further south, across the Ruby Sea and into Doman territory.

Through further trade she ended up under the nose of a Lalafellian noble, Ledo, who took her in and saw her as a priceless novelty of the mysterious eastern lands. At the age of three she was renamed Tiadolma Vish'nai, a bastardisation of her former clan, and Ledo raised her as his daughter. Tiadolma was told nothing of her own kind, or even her true name, and she worked hard to please the little man that had "done so much" to save her.

Seventh Umbral Era
Very shortly after Tiadolma saw her 12th year, she managed to catch her father in a lie, and was smart enough to figure out pretty much nothing he had ingrained in her was true. Knowing nothing of the world outside Ul'dah, she nevertheless promptly escaped his custody, and because Ledo did not want to admit how much he wanted his property back, a quiet bounty was placed to bring her back alive. Tiadolma left Ul'dah and eventually traveled up and down Thanalan in it's entirety until she eventually reached La Nosicaan lands.

She survived as a thief and beggar, learning quickly and even managing to lift the purse from one of the rogue's guild own. They caught her only a short while later, before she'd even had a chance to rifle it's contents, and to her surprise offered her a job. She spent her last years into adulthood learning to ply her trade in daggers, and her comrades there valued her not just as property or for her skills but as a friend. With the invasion of the Garlean forces, Tiadolma fought and fought hard to protect what had become her home, but several of her recent comrades were still lost in that battle.

The loss of her few comrades ensured she never again felt at home in Limsa, or anywhere else, and she left the sea-side city to travel in the hopes of finding more of her own kind. She was never the type to feel sorry for herself, and still trained daily, plying an adventurer's trade where she could. It was not until the word of scaly refugees arriving in Ul'dah reached her that she risked returning to the city to find out if the news was true.

Finding her people left her with more questions than answers, and only strengthened her hatred for the Garlean Empire. Eventually she rekindled her relationship with the rogue's guild and subsequently found a new one with the foreign Ninja, whose craft she had an uncanny knack for. She became a master of the art over the span of just two years, and found a sort of personal fulfillment in the precision and disciplined direction of her new profession.

In Recent Times
Current Events
Tiadolma since reaching maturity has started developing troublesome voidsent-like traits that grow more pronounced with each passing month. Though the lengthening of her horns and crimson glow to her eyes, among other features, were a bit worrying, it was not until she noticed her disciplined mindset beginning to falter that she took decisive action. Traveling to Orthard with other adventurers, Tiadolma quickly found her people. Or rather they found her.

Through a game of cat and mouse with Dotharl clan-members who very much wished to see another Navish dead, Tiadolma learned of her former clan's existence and the true depth of the lies her father had spun for her all those years. She escaped her pursuers and attempted to learn more of her former family in those deep caves, but all she found were piles of bones and cursed, rusty weapons. All tomes, if there ever were any, long since crumbled to dust in the dry desert sands. She lacked the resources to explore the caves further and returned home with one of the rusty blades, hoping to learn more. It was quickly taken from her by a trusted appraiser, labeled as something terribly evil and a tool for depraved acts of sacrilege, and quickly destroyed to her knowledge.

Shortly thereafter, Her father discovered her soul-searching journey and promptly changed the bounty on her. It was now quadruple the price, and to kill. She found herself dealing with bounty hunters regularly, usually young bucks easily evaded, but when she had to fight she fought for her life. A month later Tiadolma and her husband attempted to infiltrade an increasingly paranoid Ledo's compound in Ul'dah, only to fail miserably and two innocent bystanders were caught in the crossfire. They were killed by Tiadolma herself in a rare but nevertheless potent loss of control as they had the extreme misfortune of getting directly in her path, simply enjoying some quiet midnight stroll, and delaying her rush to aid to her greviously injured husband.

Tiadolma skipped town, but has recently been coming back more and more often, as her own influence and that of her partner has grown enough with both the Sultan-sworn and Immortal Flames to downplay any charges Ledo might levee against her. This still does not stop the bounty hunters, though.


Vozami Raeko: Husband. Shares his last name.


Numerous NPC contacts

Former Acquaintances

Mindas Oro Ledo: adoptive father, extremely wealthy and corrupt.


Many, if not most or all, of the Navish clan of Xaela. Comrades in Limsa Lominsa killed in the Calamity.

NPC Rumors

Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"She's some kind of traitor, I know it! I seen her with Garlean looking tech." — Ul'dah Commoner.
"She read my fortune! She's scary looking, but really nice, I promise!!" — Child in Limsa Lominsa.
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
""There's an enormous bounty on her head, but not through the Flames. Some guy called Ledo really wants her pointy head."" — Gladiator in Ul'dah.
""She's been here before, a lot actually, traveling to and from the Xaela lands. She is a respected Shinobi here." — Sekiseigumi in Kugane.
"Saved my life once...cut down that Garlean so cleanly it looked like art. Either that or she's had a lot of practice." — Wood Wailer in Gridania
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
""She's killed people...killed 'em in cold blood. I, I saw it! Just a couple out for a stroll the other night... she, she just rushed right at them, and cut them down! With those damned red knives... like some kind of demon! They couldn't even cry out..."" — beggar in Ul'dah.
""You know she's got a nasty scar on her chest. Back, too, like something ran her clean through, once."" — Doctor in Goblet's public clinic.
PC Rumors

Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"I don't want to put anything here without their permission." — Some Writer

RP Info

Location & Probability
Places where the character is very likely to be seen
Kugane: Likely
The Gold Saucer:Very Likely
Doman Wildlands: Most Likely
Goblet: Likely
These are fairly easily asked after, with the exception of the rogue's guild.
Ishgard: Trained new recruits for a time before the end of the Dragonsong war. Fought in the Dragonsong War
Twin Adders: Fought for pay, and later gratis, against the Garleans since before the Calamity. Earned the nickname "The Shadow" by some Garlean platoons.
Dutiful Sisters of the Edelweiss: The rogue's guild took Tiadolma in when she as about 16 years of age. Their relationship comes and goes, but Tiadolma is quick to come calling should any trouble that could benefit from her skills arise.
IC Inventory
The following items are things that this individual carries on their person at all times. These are noted for pickpockets, and those watching her closely. This information is meant to be a prompt for insight and is not to be meta-gamed, though feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in RP (pickpocketing, a search, etc) with use of a simple /tell.

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Coinpurse: A simple coin purse made of soft leather, containing many silver, gold, and platinum coins as well as Gil and paper notes. There are also small but valuable gems in here from time to time, Materia or otherwise, and a card containing MGP points redeemable at the Gold Saucer.
Weaponry: Extremely detailed and well-crafted hooked blades, too short to be proper swords, too long to be daggers or shivs. They glow eerie red when drawn.
Tool Kit: Containing everything from poisons and small bombs to rare and unique tools for picking locks. This belt also contains a weapon's care kit, complete with oils and antidotes to any poisons contained therein. Any vials have their own individual pockets sewn in to ensure a snug fit and reduce the risk of them breaking.
RP Limits
I am always open to RP though my time is limited and I can't always commit to long play sessions. I am also as detailed as possible when the situation calls for it, so if a post seems small it's either because the character in question is watching for a response or all descriptions have already been presented. As for types of RP, I'm willing to try almost anything within reason, but I will not participate in ERP of any kind.
I will play: Virtually anything, combat to conversation. In a pinch she could even be convinced to turn to the cards and read someone's fortune. Just for fun, of course. She is by no means even capable of reading the true future in the stars.
Ask about: Character development! Tiadolma has seen a lot but there is always room to learn more. Anyone wishing to take their character in a new direction can feel free to contact Tiadolma for some new angle to work on. She's seen and experienced a lot of shit, and can probably relate.
I won't play: ERP. Of any kind. My characters are friendly relationships only. Attempts that fit the story may be acknowledged ICly, but WILL be shot down in some way. She's just not into you like that.
RP Hooks
While the below is by no means comprehensive, it's a kind of spring board for walk-up RP. Longer plots that are meant to run for more than a few quick RP's, please feel free to send me a tell so we can work out a good reason for our characters to get to know one another. I'm always looking for RP, unless I'm actively spamming PvE content.
■ Tiadolma has a bounty on her head, feel free to make the attempt to collect or even help her settle it.
■ She has recently been playing around with the Astrologian trade, and it contrasts sharply (pardon the pun) with her usual stabby-stab skillset.
■ Will work for pay, and has various skills to do so. Prospecting materials be they mining, botany, or fishing related, or more mercantile work with her blades.
■ Actively searching for more information about her former clan, in hopes of understanding more of her condition, or other Xaela might even be looking for her. (The Navish were not nice people)

OOC Notes
Player Information
Player Note
There is a lot of information on this character wiki, but it is by no means completely comprehensive. If you have any questions please contact me in-game or use the Discord link found below to contact me outside of FFXIV.
Character Lore Adherence
Everything concerning this character that has not been confirmed by in-game lore should be taken with a grain of salt, though Lore in this case is generally followed to the best of my ability, with no attempts to bend existing cannon that directly states itself. Anything that has had to be changed because of lore shifting will be noted below.
■ Nothing yet.
Character Concept
Tiadolma is not an evil character, and despite a bit of an identity crisis she never really feels depressed or sorry for herself. She simply lives as best she can with what she has, and some characters might even find inspiration in her headstrong assertiveness. She is not meant to be the pitiable type, but instead an example of turning weaknesses into strengths rather than hiding them.
Character Tidbits
Links Out
■ Link Description: Discord
Tropes & Explanations
A trope is a convention or device that is often found in creative works. In this case, the tropes below describe my character either in part, or as a whole. Their background, personality, appearance, etc, most of them can be described in the tropes below.
■ Don't judge a book by its cover: Looks can be deceiving for this Au Ra.
■ How many roads must one walk down: So much time traveling and she's still finding herself!
■ Take the path less traveled by: If given a choice, Tiadolma would happily betray conventions. This applies to combat as well as a general philosophy of life. If it doesn't work, try something outside the box.


Wiki Information
This wiki is constantly changing as the character’s story changes. It was last modified on Month ##th, 2016.

A blank version of the wiki template can be found here
Layout Information
The following is not entirely comprehensive, but contains general credits. Please leave the link-backs if you use this template!
■ Original template by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Header image inspired by D'lyhhia Lhuil.
■ Music bits from J'karu Rhome.
■ Relationships & OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Various formatting inspired by Odette Saoirse & others.
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