Aubrey Lockhart

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Aubrey Lockhart
Ffxiv 25102017 203940.png

But it is one thing to read about dragons and another to meet them.

Ursula K. Le Guin, A Wizard of Earthsea


Vital Information

FULL NAME Aubrey Rose Lockhart


RACE & CLAN Hyur, midlander


AGE 20

NAMEDAY 32nd Sun, 4th Umbral Moon, 1561 S.A.E.



Other Statistics



ALLEGIANCE House Fortemps

RESIDENCE (latest) Kugane

OCCUPATION Courrier, mercenary

PATRON DEITY Halone, the Fury Halone Icon.png

HEIGHT & WEIGHT 5 fulms, 2 ilms. 114 ponze.

ALIGNMENT Type Lawful good.

General Information
You done taking the picture or what ?
Hair & Eyes
One of Aubrey's proeminent features is her thick red hair she often keeps attached in a bun or in a ponytail. Said glorious mane is mostly kept unattended as the person whom it belongs to isn't really caring. As Aubrey spent most of her working time in armor, she doesn't keep her hair untied very often as it can be bothersome. She cuts it from time to time but would rather keep it long if possible. Neither of her parents are red haired, she got her color from a famous great-aunt she never knew. However, she got the eyes of her mother ; dark brown in color, they are round and comely. They are often seen behind thick glasses lenses as she suffers from some bad case of bad eyesight.
Physique & Markings
Although her primary bodily feature is her small size, Aubrey has been trained from her childhood to wield a various range of weapons. This has left her with a strong body. Her skin is rather pale, red cheeks and freckles brand her face as pretty recognizable. Her last years being spent on keeping watch in armor gave her great stamina. She is rather flat chested, her hands are rough and scarred from living in cold climate. From her years spent fighting, she's left with a handful of scars, mostly on her arms. Faint lines mark her face and her knees, mostly from childhood. More important scars litter her legs, from a fight against dragons she recalls but from other people's sayings.
Hygiene & Attire
Aubrey had been brought up as a soldier and grew up to be a traveller. She wears what is best for long days and journeys in the most varied climates. Often clad in shades of brown and sometimes even red, wich suits her best, she sports an important number of bags and isn't often seen without her beloved shield at her back. Her travels dictate what she wears and how frequently she bathes. Her frequent encounters with marshes, creatures, rain, mud and the various things one can meet on their way often leaves her with dirt under her fingers and leaves in her hair. She's got a deep love for long skirts and flowery smells and also for elaborated hairdos she often wears in her spare time.
Psychological Profile
She is of cheerful disposition, prone to joking and talking without reserve. Being a very bad liar, she often gets herself into weird situations when she tried to keep the truth from somebody. That said, it is not often that she tried to lie. Her globally positive demeanor isn't easily broken, yet she can be bothered by the various things she doesn't like.
Philosophy & Mannerisms
Her most proeminent trait is her faith. A deep, constant faith for the Fury like most of the denizens of Ishgard. She defends it tooth and nail. The recent events and the end of the war left her with a feeling of helplessness and doubt, as she tried to keep up with her life and beliefs as if nothing had happened while discovering the outside world. This contradition has led to her trying not to think about it. She is of positive nature, talks with her hands and always try to keep a conversation going.
● Rain
● Travelling
● The ocean
● Dawn
● Cute stuff
● Halone
● The color orange
● Dusk
● Bugs
● Cynism
● Swordsmanship
● Needlework
● tree-climbing