Lune Vormold

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 Lune Vormold
Lune weapon.png
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Age 26
Height 5'5"
Weight It's rude to ask!
Profession Personal servant to Cocosi Cosi
Patron Deity Oschon, the Wanderer
Server Balmung


Lune has dirty blonde hair with red tips, kept shoulder length, part of it pulled back from her face. Lune has blue eyes; her left eye is a shade lighter than the right. She's generally seen wearing a mask of some sort to hide the scarred marks on her face - proof of heresy, at least to some in Ishgard. The mask has been off more lately, due to the Dragonsong War being over, however she does keep it on her person just in case she starts feeling nervous. Her skin is on the darker side, mainly from long exposure from the sun, both as a child and now in Ul'dah.


Lune was born near the Dravanian Forelands, in a small village now gone between the borders. It was mainly a farming village, one where everyone knew everyone. She grew up in a pretty ordinary life, a little shy but polite and kind all the same. Nothing notable really happened, not until she was much older.

Shortly before the Calamity happened, a merchant rolled through the sleepy village, and being denied shelter for the night as many were preparing for the worst with Dalamud's descent, being told to keep going on toward either Falcon's Nest or Ishgard itself. This angered the merchant, and telling his guards to rough some up to get what he wanted didn't go so well. The villagers fought back, not quite killing but beating back the guards and threatening the merchant. He left, moving on to Ishgard proper. It wasn't until after the Calamity, when the snows began to fall, that inquisitors came, based on knowledge that had come from the merchant, so it was figured. They marked many, Lune included, torturing others and killing a few. One of the neighbouring villages, on their way out of Coerthas to escape the building snow, and one that had been on good terms with Lune's village, heard and saw the commotion. Instead of turning a blind eye, knowing that these people were not the heretics they were being accused of being, created chaos by running over inquisitors and their guards, fighting back against those from Ishgard and allowing some to escape. While some were still caught and taken back to Ishgard for trial, more escaped out of the country. While they were chased initially, it stopped briefly once they were found to not be within the borders of Coerthas. That did not, however, deter bounty hunters, mercenaries, and some incredibly loyal to their country in looking.

Lune found herself in Gridania, where for a short while she trained with the Lancer's Guild. It was there that Rururaji found her, and decided to employ her to become his daughter's personal servant in Ul'dah. The further from the border to Coerthas the better, she thought, and has been employed under Rururaji since.


Lune is incredibly skittish around people - large groups of people are the worst -and would rather stay away, if it were possible. She's not a very confident person, and gives off an aura of "terrified ball of nerves" because really, that's what she is. So far, the one person that has gotten her to be completely relaxed to be around is Cocosi Cosi, and that's only from being her personal lady in waiting, essentially. Outside of Rururaji's estate, Lune opts to wear masks to hide the scars seen near her eyes; partially out of fear that someone may see them and bring her back to Ishgard to be tried for heresy (despite not being a dragon or associated with them) or worse: tortured beforehand for information and then killed. When talking, especially when flustered or panicking, she'll stutter and have problems with talking in general, usually from not being able to complete thoughts. This tends to go away when she's somewhat relaxed and at least at some plane of comfort.

However, once someone is past the shell that Lune puts up around herself, while still retaining her quiet demeanor, she's quite nice, loyal to a fault, and would do just about anything for those she finds close to her.

Affiliations and Known Associates

Sunvelvet Consortium

  • Rururaji Ququraji - Boss
  • Cocosi Cosi
  • Rivienne Sorel (Associate)
  • Caelia Silverarch (Associate, go-between to the Seaswarm Privateers)
  • Anton Borneheld (Weapons teacher, friend... boy...friend? BoyfriendFiance.)
  • Jeros Redd (Acquaintance)


  • Nicknames: Little Mouse - lovingly called that by Rivienne, Little Moon, Loony, Loony Moony, etc - called such by Anton
  • Age: 24-25
    • Nameday: 28th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon (12/28)
  • Gender: Female
    • Sexuality: Straight
    • Marital Status: Engaged(?!)
  • Alignment: Good
  • Height: 5'5"
  • Weight:
  • Body: Slightly defined from training with a polearm, but otherwise non-distinct.
  • Hair: Dirty blonde with red tips
  • Eyes: Blue; one lighter than the other.
  • Skin: Tanned
  • Clothing: Comfortable, loose.


  • The colour red
  • Cocosi
  • Baked Pipira Pira, hot chocolate, fruit (fruit is usually a treat for her)
  • Empty open spaces


  • Large groups of people
  • Emerald Soup (it's pretty gross ok), Beet Soup (so is this)
  • Closed, cramped places
  • Rude, pushy merchants

Areas of Expertise

  • Martial: Some skill with polearms and lances
  • Crafting: N/A
  • Other: Good as a farmhand, can make some basic food dishes handed down through the family, won't burn water at least.

Other Notes


While most worship Halone, she's moved on to Oschon, hoping that his guidance for a wanderer such as she was would be enough to protect her.


Usually fairly quiet, Lune's pretty good at being able to blend in to a crowd if she doesn't want to be seen. Even in Rururaji's mansion does she often sneak up on those she works without meaning to. She's also not fond of people touching her, at least not on her terms. This stems from her experience at the hand of the Inquisitors. Lune will unconsciously flinch and move depending on the action, though few are exempt from this, mostly from her knowing them long enough to be comfortable around. If it's on her terms, such as someone helping her up, she's a little less prone to trigger her fight or flight defense.

When there's a lot going on, Lune will be quiet and observe what's going on; be it conversation or otherwise. She's painfully shy when people are brought into conversations she's having if they're someone new, and will be silent until she's pretty much forced to talk.


The following rumours can be heard about Lune, predominantly in Ul'dah. (If your character has an opinion about her, feel free to add it here.)

Common rumours

  • They say her face is disfigured under that mask. Wonder what's under it...
  • I've never actually seen her out by herself, she's always with that girl. Wonder if she's too good to be out among us by herself, huh?
  • Various rumours of her being mute are often flung around since she's largely silent, even when out with Cocosi.

Uncommon rumours

  • Rururaji certainly surrounds himself with a lot of women... wonder if any do any, ah, 'favours' for him. The elezen doesn't look like she would, but maybe a coupla the hyurs do...?
  • Wonder if she's done something terrible, with the way she avoids contact with people. Even with the Brass Blades she lowers her head. Not that I don't understand why, but...

Rare rumours

  • There's been vague whispers about where she's from and what might have prompted her to go to Ul'dah on occasion...

What PCs are saying

Known Haunts

You might have run into or otherwise know Lune from:

  • Ul'dah, largely the merchant strip.
  • Gridania, on the occasion she goes back to train further.