Edith Wicke

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Ishgard.jpg Edith Wicke
The Princess
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Ishgard
Server Mateus
Height 5 fulms, 3 ilm
Weight 98 ponze
Eye color Emerald
Age 19
Alignment True Neutral
Classes/Jobs Machinist

Basic Info

Edith is a young and energetic tomboy with a past of servitude. She is new to Eorzea, and many basic concepts are foreign to her, due to her deprived upbringing.


Born into servitude, for 18 long twelvemoons, the halls of Dzemael Manor were all she ever knew. There, she was mistreated as most female servants tend to be... until one day, she had enough. With little but the clothes on her back, she made her escape. Now, she wanders the land of Eorzea in search of aid and employment, as she really hadn't put much thought into what to do after she was free. At first, she threw her lot in with the trading charter Callaway Holdings, where Ser Callaway instructed her upon her letters, and marksmanship, but that was not meant to last. She made a misguided effort to raise funds for the company at a date auction, but the whole thing went sideways and ended with her being fired in short order. Now, she wanders the streets of Ul'dah once again...


Edith is an energetic, forgetful, and ditzy woman. She frequently loses her belongings, and is rather naive about the world due to her sequestered upbringing.



Edith was born out of wedlock. Her father and siblings are unknown to her.

  • Marguerite Wicke: Edith's mother. The two were separated at birth, and have not seen each other since. Marguerite is still alive, and serving House Durendaire.


  • Justice Burke: Edith and Justice met at a Little Ladies' day party. He insists upon calling her "Princess," out of a desire to show her her own worth. According to the traditions of Little Ladies' Day, Justice pledged himself to her as her Seneschal. Edith insists upon calling him "Ser Burke."
  • Michael Callaway: (Previous) Ser Callaway took Edith in off of the streets, perhaps out of pity, and hired her on as a company retainer for his trading charter, Callaway Holdings. He intended to teach her to read and write, and how to fight with a gunblade. After the date auction, the two never spoke again.


Basically the entirety of House Dzemael. She was the favorite plaything of Lord Tedalgrinche's son, and House Dzemael is offering a reward of gil to anyone who would locate and deliver their wayward servant back unto them.

Other Notes

I adhere very strictly to lore, but I do not mind other characters that bend lore slightly. I am up for nearly all kinds of RP, but I do not enjoy plotless sex. Characters that attempt to bed her randomly can expect a gunblade in their face for the trouble. Edith is exactly as she appears in game.

Plot hooks

  • You've seen the posters hung all about Ishgard, with a drawing of her face, and a description. House Dzemael really does want her back.
  • Guns. She loves the gunblade she was given as a gift by Ser Callaway.
  • You're an Ishgardian too. Her lowborn accent is somewhat noticeable.
  • You want to help her learn her letters and numbers.