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Yes, it hurts, that’s the moral of the story. Yellow is the color of my wanting.
I’ll say to you, here is honeyeat.



Vital Information

FULL NAME... Aedida Aldricht

TRUE NAME... Vedís Ölldricht

NICKNAMES... Aedie, Dida, Little Bird

RACE & CLAN... Hyur | Highlander

GENDER... Female

AGE... 21

NAMEDAY... Eve of Starlight

ORIENTATION... Heterosexual | Demiromantic

MARITAL STATUS... Single | Complicated

Other Statistics

NATIONALITY... Abalathian

CITIZENSHIP... Ul'dahn Citizenship gained from work with Frondale's

FAMILY... Father | Mother | Two sisters | Four brothers (One deceased)

RESIDENCE... Ul'dah, The Goblet, The Hope

OCCUPATION... Physicker | Chirurgeon

PATRON DEITY... Rhalgr | Pious

HEIGHT & WEIGHT... 5 fulms | 100 ponze

DISPOSITION... Chaotic neutral | INTJ

General Information
There is no bad weather, only bad clothes.
Hair & Eyes

One's first impression upon spotting Aedida in a crowd would be Uninspired. With her dark hair cropped short it would take a second glance to notice the the delicate and intricate weave of braids in the thick mass, the light catching it at the right angle to bring out its earthen tones. Within the braids Aedida wears beaded jewelry as decoration; carved bone to painted wood creating an image of composure and lost culture in her otherwise unadorned appearance. The beads vary in size and shape, though all distinct and unique they bear the mark of an expert craftsman with a fondness for detail. The sets rotate without a pattern or purpose, just as she braids her hair in whatever fashion she fancies at the time. The effect is whimsical yet balanced with her austerity.

Her eyes, however, tell another story. Glassy as the reflection of a full moon on water; an imperfect mirror warped and ever shifting, obscuring the depth below. The faint gray, lingering on the edge of violet, is a trait of her Clan known to her and her own as the Augu Vindur. Their light colour and faint pupil give the impression of cataracts though her vision, poor as it is, is in perfect health. Often lacking in honest emotion contrary to her personality, they are nonetheless striking on their own and could be described as unnerving.

Physique & Markings

Aedida's most notable feature would be a dark mole beneath the corner of her left eye, all other moles covered or swathed in clothing too large for her narrow frame.

Her complexion is clear beside a smattering of freckles that cross over her nose from cheek to cheek, easily disguised by a dusting of cosmetics. It is a sign of vanity that she bears no visible damage to her face outside of the redness of her eyes and the dark circles beneath from a lack of sleep and proper rest. Were one to brush the hair from her eyes the may see a small thin scar disappearing into the dark mane. Stripped of her clothing she is fair of skin without any indication or tan lines to suggest she spends a large amount of time outside.

She bears another handful of distinct scars and markings, the old wounds showing signs of immediate and expert treatment. Blossoming from her heart are veins more blue and distinguished than the rest beneath her near transparent skin; the dark branches stretching toward her left shoulder before fading. The faint touch of spider-like tendrils curving down her left arm only to fade near the elbow as though struck by lightning. On her left there are two scars from projectiles, one just over her tenth rib, and another not much lower. The tissue is clean, showing both sign of surgical treatment and immediate aid of magic, the location of the lower more fatal than the other.

Physically, Aedida is small even by Highlander standards, at five fulms tall she is hardly imposing. She hides her physique beneath over-large and heavy clothing, her body narrow and thin but delicately toned. While she does not give the impression of being exceptionally strong, she is not as malnourished as she first appears either. The woman would appear to be built for climbing and running long distances.

Hygiene & Attire

Every morning Aedida bathes herself in the manor of the girls of the brothel would, with whom she learned from. Her routine is simple and without fuss, cleaning herself head to toe occasionally in a state of half-dress as she prepares for her day. Even if she is running late she will do the least required of her as she is not fond of appearing in public, or in front of friends, unwashed.

Wearing a modest amount of powder and khol, Aedida does not often spend an inordinate amount of time in front of a vanity table, however where lacks in rouge she makes up for in her choice of scents. From the heady fragrance of a pure Heather, to the exotic distilled essence of fennel and sandalwood, she will always leave behind a warm impression on the senses as she leaves the room.

Aedida's wardrobe is simple and sparse. With her gil going elsewhere, she does not find herself with enough left over to purchase attire suitable to her preference in style or in her own size. Her clothing is all second hand, purchased from stalls known for their thriftiness, and discarded articles from her friends. Each piece has been hand mended many times over, her favoured shirts often thin in the elbows and shoulders where the suspenders have worn the hempen fabric threadbare. As with her clothing, her shoes also bear the scuffs and worn soles - her commitment to keeping things despite their declining value and high maintenance highlighting her stubbornness and distaste for waste.


Stubborn, Vexing, Confusing - all words used to describe Aedida at one time or another.

Aedida is a a woman of extremes, her capricious social attributes often catching others off balance. On the surface she is cordial and perfectly sensible, offering advice when prompted and lending her undivided attentions to a friend in need. When she is feeling in a particularly disruptive mood, or she senses the energy in the room has swung too far in one direction she will pick apart the conversation to tease her companions or sober them with undeniable truths. As a Physicker of Frondale's Phrontistery Aedida often assisted in the children's ward where she found a penchant for getting attention in ways other than possessing a commanding voice. She uses this talent for persuasion and manipulations in other areas of her life with varying degrees of success, earning her both the praise and ire of her peers depending on where they stand and the outcome. Because of these traits it is not shock to her that people find her motivations suspicious or selfish.

However, as selfish as Aedida is, she strives to be (and do) good in most aspects of her life. Devoted to her friends, she would follow her closest companions to the ends of the mortal plane if it meant not only demonstrating her commitment to them, but to also protect them from harm. As a physicker and chirurgeon she cares deeply for the health of others to the point of neglecting her own. Self sacrifice is her greatest weakness and the most personal notable trait. Aedida would rather do for others and live a life of service than to ask for help or admit to her own desires. These things born of her schooling and heritage in the Northern mountains, are traits she has not been able to shed from her youth. Raised to serve her clan as midwife and healer, she can only see a future in what she feels is her duty.

Prior to the Calamity Aedida was a cheerful young woman, mature yet happy to join in the revelry of her friends. She rarely drank to excess or exercised her freedoms liberally once away from home. Since, however, she has experienced a fair number of accidents and loses. She numbs the bitterness of war and the painful memories by smoking heavily in private - a somnus pipe not far from reach in the darkness of her private quarters.

Now living carelessly like her time cannot be taken away, Aedida engages in risky behaviour and relationships. Picking fights in the Lane of Ul'dah and the market wards, as well as loitering long after hours in the slums, she wiles her sleepless hours away memorizing the city's limits (as well as her own.) In her pursuit to a slow end she has met many who would do both good and harm her, taking both in stride and making no commitments. This seemingly emotionless exchange of words and deeds gives the impression of aloofness, neither caring if a turn down one street will be her last or if she will find meaning in her deliveries to those who suffer. It is in caring for the sick in these areas of the city that Aedida finds herself tethered to the present. While it is difficult, she does wish to live and will seek purpose wholeheartedly whenever possible.

A follower through and through, in desperation she looks to those who lead with admiration and dedication even if it brings her ruin.


Aedida's voice possesses a unique quality to it, a husky rasp just a hair above a whisper - cut with her heavy northern accent. She rolls her R's, and clips every D with an added T. Her tone has a musical quality, teasing light with a suggestion of a secret. In some instances it could be considered seductive, a lure all on its own to gain attention where she cannot raise her voice. She never uses contractions when speaking eorzean merchant common, lending her speech a formal edge. When speaking her mother tongue she speaks more fluidly and swiftly. Aedida never swears or uses curse words in common, nor does she use euphemisms or suggestive remarks. This can lead to a misunderstanding of her innocence, but as she is not fully fluent in common it is one's understanding she does not speak often and when she does it is careful and deliberate. Or at least, she does try.

Voice Claim: Björk | Fran; FF12

Philosophy & Mannerisms

Aedida's philosophy in life is that in mercy she will find herself closer to Rhalgr and to the Gods, and where she might find forgiveness in her own sins. She would not suffer to watch another in pain if she could ease it - and she could not bear to be the hand to deliver punishment without quick end. To her, the end must justify the means - even if they seem cruel she understands that no one person is above the group.

When she is nervous she rubs the back of her neck and paces, and when she is enthusiastic or desperate in her emotions her gestures become full bodied.

Wind Chimes
Paper Craft
Dried fruits and nuts
Inventing small useless toys and games
The colour yellow
Candy | pocket-able sweets
Heights and tall places
The colour red
Crowds | Loud crowds
Water | Swimming
Any reminder of Carteneau (fireworks)
Sudden and violent actions
Fish | seafood
Cannot swim | Traumatic water experience induces panic
A crude but efficient seamstress
Has no experience in leading or riding a chocobo
Can measure weight by hand within an onze or two.
Gained room and board in a brothel in exchange for personal medical services to the courtesans for several moons
Can play the hiiu kannel
An expert Songstojo'ri, Aedida is well versed in kulning and aetherically projecting her voice for malms.
Can climb just about anything
A fast runner, able to turn corners and sprint down alleyways swiftly

Combat, Abilities & Weaponry

"I lie! To excess! - You can trust me on tha~t."
Basic Statistics
High: Speed, aetheric manipulation
Above Average: Acrobatics
Average: Constitution, caution
Low: Physical strength
Aetheric Abilities
Mastery: Arcanistry, Wind element based magicks, Rune reading
Expert: Navigation of the aethernet, Sixth Astral vision
Average: Conjury
Novice: Thaumaturgy
Weapon Training
Mastery: Bo staff, Foci
Expert: Spear, poisons
Average: Shields
Novice: Hand to Hand, Rapiers/Swords
Combat Relevant Skills
High: Running, Climbing, Jumping
Above Average: Reaction, strategy, Slight of hand, Poison immunity
Average: Willingness to fight
Low: Initiative, knowing when to quit
Non-Combat Abilities
Sixth Astral Vision: When caught in the spell of the late Louisoix on the fields of Carteneau, Aedida was struck by a projectile to the side of the head. Her glasses had shattered. A piece of the enchanted glass entered her eye, giving her an uncoordinated and unpredictable insight into the past to the start of the Seventh Umbral Era. The vision allows her to see a shadow of what was up to a period of 5 cycles. When the aether is particularly strong, or a storm is on the horizon, she must wear a pair of specially crafted glasses to filter the images out, as it is more or less a handicap than an asset. Examples of cons being seeing rocks and roads and are no longer, or potentially stepping too far off a short fall. The pros being, on occasion, seeing beyond a glamour or tracking a person if given enough time, focus and energy.
Rune Reading: In her free time Aedida studies the ancient magic runes of civilizations past, giving her an edge in her pursuit of knowledge in the Arcane arts.
Alchemy: Quick and dirty, or in a lab, Aedida is a graduated student of Fronadale's. Having learned from the best in Ul'dah, she can produce anything from potions to poisons to suit any occasion. The downside being she refuses to let anyone be a test subject... Outside of herself.
Of the Songstojo'ri: Aedida can project her voice or a sound for malms if conditions are met by aetherial manipulation. A learned skill from her home, it is used infrequently. It is useful to carry a message long distance, or alert a party left behind that the way is clear. It is also quite fun to sing in an echoing cavern.
Unassuming Character Aedida often lies about her experiences in combat and hardships - either in part due to trauma experienced in the weeks leading up to the battle to Carteneau, or because she finds comfort and enjoyment in being under estimated. As she needs time to form a strategy in a fight, she will feign defeat or weakness to work her way into a crushing opening against her opponent. She might be reckless, but she isn't foolish.
Combat Abilities
Slight of hand poisoning: Be mindful of keeping your flesh covered, and the rings on Aedida's fingers. Using a combination of her speed and a gamble of allowing others to get close in combat Aedida has a spring loaded ring coated in poison that can pierce the flesh of near any Spoken - the needle not nearly thick or long enough to pierce through scale or armour however. While the poison is often just paralyzing, she does not wear just one ring.
Potion of fire breathing: Two vials held together with sealing wax and twine; This potion, when uncorked and poured into her mouth, can produce a cone of fire for either the effect of causing distraction or to damage an opponent. If thrown the mixture would produce a flame equal to that of an oiled torch, capable of setting off explosives or catching things on fire. Occasionally it has been used to produce a campfire under dire circumstances, but do be cautious.
Aerial Aether: With her expertise, and clan heritage, in the manipulation of the wind Aedida can jump higher and further.
Mithridatism Aedida has spent her late teenage and early adulthood immunizing herself to common, and increasingly less common, venom and poisons. So long as they are organic and can be broken down by the body, it will have little effect on her. However she is not immune to supernatural ailments to her aether, nor to toxins that build up in one's body to disable them.
Held Spells Not always having a full grimoire on hand, Aedida takes time every morning to tear pages from a book to draw Arcanic spells of healing and harming. With the aid of specialized enchanted inks; They can be activated either with enough aether to initiate the spell or, in the case of incomplete spells missing a component in the ink, activated with spoken blood. Her own, of course - lest there is an unfortunate foe beside her.
Helios A construct of Aedida's own creation and hubris. She shrouds the mistake and its origins in a blanket of lies. Unlike the fairies of Nym, this construct has little sentience or personality, driven by impulse and purpose to give succor onto others. It is as independent as Aedida allows, rarely finding a need to control it herself. Roughly the size of a carbuncle, the construct shares a likeness with Aedida in features. She is currently looking into research to make it more intelligent, as it terrifies and unnerves most who happen be in its presence.
OOC Note
WIP | Grindstone score: Battles Won: 0 / Battles Lost: 0 / Overall Victories: 0

Disclaimer: Anything written here are things that have occurred in-character, pre-written history and are heavy spoilers. Proceed with caution after reading this information and roleplaying! Any and all forms of meta-gaming with such information without gained through RP will be cause for immediate cut in communication until further notice.
Sixth Astral Era
Pic if desired


Seventh Umbral Era
Pic if desired


In Recent Times

Pic if desired


Relationship Status Legend
Listed in order of importance to how often I RP with an individual. NPC's will be marked as such, and information about them is uncommon knowledge unless discussed first!

Romantic Feelings
Physical Attraction
Former Partner
? Unknown
Close Companions


Character Relationships
200px|frameless|left Text here


NPC relationships


NPC Rumors

Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Physickers Aldricht and Hwynkoelwyn have been instrumental in their campaign for public health and hygiene in Ul'dah through Frondale's Phrontistery- The pair's remarkable work within the impoverished community continues to draw donations, the contributions easing the burden of the staff for Frondale's and lessening the impact spread of common illness in all through education and public assistance." — The Raven.
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"They never gave her name, but I'm certain it was Physicker Aldricht in the Bloodsands not a cycle past as the Noxius who won her freedom. A sober battle it was." — Ul'dahn Residents.
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"I thought to have seen the doctor exit the home of merchant Yopashawu the night he died in a carriage - the Lady of the house had said the morning after that it was unusual, as she usually walks home from house calls." — Mrs. Coppersmith.
PC Rumors

Feel free to add your own rumors to this section. Remember, some of these may be true, untrue or greatly exaggerated! Please try not to be innappropriate when writing PC rumors or they will be removed.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of there are more rare than others. Please ask character or the one who said the rumor before using.
"Rumor text." — Character Name.

RP Info

Location & Probability
Places where the character is very likely to be seen
Ul'dah | The Lane | The Quicksand: High
The Shroud | Lavender Beds: High-Moderate
Thanalan | The Goblet: Moderate
La Noscea: Low
Ishgard: Low
Othard: Extremely Low
Hingashi: Extremely Low
Not public information
The Adventure League of Eorzea: Sha'ir of TALE in The Goblet, located at the Wanderer's Hope
House de Bayle: Friend and associate
The Sable House Company: [NPC] 'Associate' and private physicker
IC Inventory
Items on Aedida at all times:

Glio coinpurse.png

RP Limits
I believe wholeheartedly in separation of IC and OOC. That said the beliefs and actions of the character do not reflect the views or beliefs of who I am. I am flexible, but prefer longer term RP and plot. I am okay with most scenes, but I do have a list of hard passes. I will RP mature content but I have a list of hard passes. I love communication in and out of character, if something makes you uncomfortable please let me know as soon as possible as I will do the same.
My time is CST//-0600. I am available most evenings 5:30pm until about 10pm. I am available most weekends all day. I do better with structure and having plans, so please do not feel put out if I do not have the time to RP as I may have other activities planned for the evening.

✓ Long-term Roleplay.
✓ Combat Roleplay.
✓ Organic romances.
✓ Sexual tension/actions.
✓ Slice of life / Casual scenes.
✓ Mature/ERP within reason.
✓ Paragraph Roleplay.


● Injuries: No permanent damage to sight, mobility, etc. I will not agree to loss of limb or function on my character.

*I will assist in the consensual maiming of another with reason and if it is agreeable ICly. Aedida is not an evil character she would not harm someone without reason.

● Kinks: Please be kind and communicative.

● Predetermined relationships: I would Love some new friends in RP with pre-arranged friendships and relationships. If you are interested in Aedida's clan and family scenario, let me know! We can work something out!


× No walk ups for just ERP, please.

× No Permanent death or maiming.

× No immature behaviour OOC;

RP Hooks
While the below is by no means comprehensive, it's a kind of spring board for walk-up RP. For heavier, long-term RP, our characters would have to get to know each other better, prior to meeting. I'm always looking for RP, unless I'm running PvE/PvP content or simply just AFK.

OOC Notes
Player Information
Player Notes
● Not everything on this Wiki has been kept up to date by the minute and things change. Please ask about plot hooks and rare rumours. I appreciate walk ups, tells, and messages through tumblr.

● Best way to get a hold of me for discussion of RP would be to through Tumblr, if I am comfortable enough I will let you know my Discord.

● PC Timezone is CST/UTC-0600 / Weekly work schedule static at mon-fri 7:30am to 5pm

● Player is over 18 years old.

Character Lore Adherence
So long as it is describable within the context of the Lore I will accept most forms of RP, outside of RPing with the 'real WoL' and what not. I may DPS as a Dragoon but that does not make me ICly a Dragoon. I appreciate creativity. Below are a list of canonical lore attributes/triva that apply to Aedida.
■ Has a version of the Echo
■ Is a conjurer in a basic sense.
Out-of-Character Information
I am aaeds on Tumblr.
Character Tidbits
Links Out
Below is my character blog.
Tropes & Explanations
A trope is a convention or device that is often found in creative works. In this case, the tropes below describe my character either in part, or as a whole. Their background, personality, appearance, etc, most of them can be described in the tropes below.
Acquired Poison Immunity
Aedida's mithridatism.
Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass
With a fondness for being taken for granted, Aedida appears unskilled and unreliable in combat. She travels often without an apparent weapon and will wander away from a fight staggering, often with an explanation that her opponent was equally - or more incompetent than herself.

Tropes are devices and conventions that a writer can reasonably rely on as being present in the audience members' minds and expectations. On the whole, tropes are not clichés.


Wiki Information
This wiki is constantly changing as the character’s story changes. It was last modified January 2018.

A blank version of the wiki template can be found here
Layout Information
The following is not entirely comprehensive, but contains general credits. Please leave the link-backs if you use this template!
■ Original template by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Header image inspired by D'lyhhia Lhuil.
■ Music bits from J'karu Rhome.
■ Relationships & OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Various formatting inspired by Odette Saoirse & others.
■ Other alterations by KHMarie