Aislinn Dorne

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Aislinn Dorne
"She is both hellfire and holy water."


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RACE... Midlander Hyur

GENDER... Female

NAMEDAY... 28th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon

AGE... 25

HEIGHT & WEIGHT... 5fm 3im & 121pz

ORIENTATION... Heterosexual



NAME MEANING... (Aislinn) dream, vision (Dorne) thorn

CURRENT RESIDENCE... Gridania, The Roost

OCCUPATION... Lancer in training, odd jobs

PATRON DEITY... Oschon, the Wanderer

ALIGNMENT... Chaotic Neutral

VOICE... FE Fates - Scarlet


proud ▪ ambitious ▪ blunt ▪ volatile ▪ bold ▪ clever ▪ impatient

▪ Born in Ishgard to minor Hyur nobility house, Desrosiers
▪ (Brief house overview) Old blood, original members clawed their way to the elevated standing, then worked tirelessly to maintain it. Some intermarriage to keep the bloodline "pure", very strict about marrying up and siring only Midlander children. After some rigorous time and work, Desrosiers became a prominent name, boasting superior numbers and resources. Enjoyed a steady century of prosperity and then a following century of gradual decline, a suffering culmination of illness, infertility and various scandals. The Desrosiers house is now a shadow of its former glory, barren and shamed.
▪ Hugh and Cecily Desrosiers sought to restore the house's prestige, mercilessly attempting to groom their children, Aislinn and Wilmund, into their visions of perfection. Wilmund was steered toward knighthood, and Aislinn was subjected to a slew of etiquette lessons, prepping the girl for upward movement through marriage.
▪ Wilmund complied, but Aislinn and her wild heart yearned for more, for adventure and freedom. She rebelled at every turn; sneaking out to drink or romp in the stables, wearing trousers under her dresses, visiting the blacksmith to gander at the weapons, etc. The more her parents tried to reel her in, the further she strayed.
▪ Wilmund was pressured to climb higher, to endeavor for a position as a Dragoon. He bent to the command, despite Aislinn's protests, and labored diligently; he told Aislinn it made him happy, but she could see the strain and toll. She begged him to stop, but he did not relent.
▪ A year before the end of the Dragonsong War, Wilmund ventured out to complete a heroic trial that would earn him the title and rank of 'Dragoon'. Days passed...Weeks...Months. He did not return, his body never retrieved. Aislinn mourned and their parents struck his name from their memories, accusing their son of failure and disappointment.
▪ Cecily and Hugh, with one shot remaining, shifted their sole attention to Aislinn. She suffocated under the weight of their demands and expectations, and taking her own life crossed her mind. It is the thought of Wilmund which kept her upright; someone must linger to remember him, to sing his praise. But she knew she could not stay.
▪ Her parents introduced her to a suitor, a man they were arranging for her to wed in the coming months; Biorn Gagnon, a Midlander from a small, albeit wealthy family and noble line. Aislinn detested the sniveling man from the start, and it is this turn of events which strengthened her final resolve. A fortnight later, in the dead of night, Aislinn cut her hair short, shed her dress for more practical garments, shouldered what little supplies she had procured, and vanished from Ishgard.
▪ She kept her head low as she traveled over the next week, moving quickly and under cloak. In Gridania, she set up temporary residence at The Roost, proclaiming her surname as 'Dorne', should anyone inquire, and picked up a lance, honoring her brother and choosing her own path.


Incredibly proud and out to prove herself, Aislinn strives to do her best in everything she attempts. Nothing short of perfection is tolerated.
The moon and starry night sky; she would switch to a nocturnal schedule, if it were practical.
Nature; napping in the grass, climbing trees to pick their fruit, bathing beneath waterfalls, roasting a kill over an open fire. She feels incredibly free, relying on herself and the land, away from the politics and crowds.


Abhors feeling patronized and is slow to reveal her story, lest the listener offer sympathy. Rarely will she accept aid of any kind.
Being used or lied to. Being told she can or cannot do something.
Feeling like she is not in control of her own destiny. She would rather die than play as a pawn in someone else's game.


Easily prone to irritation, and expresses this openly through gestures: shoves her bangs aside, crosses her arms, narrows her eyes, etc.
Walks briskly, as though perpetually in a hurry. Finds it difficult to keep still and bores easily with too much downtime.
Speaks brusquely and with little regard for small talk/social pleasantries. Does not frequently laugh or smile; when she does, it's more often a smirk or bitter chuckle.