Izayoi Kisaragi

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Izayoi Kisaragi
The Street Rat


Sometimes it really do be that way.



Vital Information

PRONUNCIATION... Ee-zah-yo-ee Kee-sah-rah-gee.

NICKNAMES... Rat; White Rat; Iza.

RACE & CLAN... Au Ra, Raen.

GENDER... Female.

AGE... 21.

NAMEDAY... 19th Sun, 2nd Umbral Moon.



Other Statistics



FAMILY... None.



PATRON DEITY... Halone, the Fury.

HEIGHT & WEIGHT... 156.5cm, 43kg.


General Information
Are you gonna eat that?
. . . . .
. . . . .
Hair & Eyes
Izayoi has long black hair which is braided or tied into a ponytail. There are white highlights streaked throughout, a momento of her youth. Her eyes are dark red with crimson limbal rings, lending a fierce look to her otherwise soft features.
Physique & Markings
Slightly tanned from her days out in the sun, she has wiry muscles and a lean build. She has flared horns which jut out a little too far and the typical white Raen scales framing her cheeks, brow and scattered over her body. Pale white dots run over the bridge of her nose, too uniform in pattern to be a birthmark but Izayoi won't tell anyone what they really are. Her tail is long with spikes jutting out haphazardly at the base. There is a long, jagged scar located on the underside of her tail though it can barely be seen. Numerous other tiny scars can be seen over her body.
Hygiene & Attire
Izayoi bathes in streams, ponds and fountain water when no-one is looking. She keeps herself clean at the bare minumum. She is never seen without streaks of dirt on her cheeks or on her palms and knees. She keeps very few clothes and wears whatever is available and appropriate. She has been known to fashion hats out of newspaper to keep the sun from her eyes.
Psychological Profile
Philosophy & Mannerisms
Food. She will never turn down a free meal or two and has a habit of eating very quickly.
Strangers. Despite growing up cautious, she loves to meet people and goes out of her way to say hello and strike up a conversation.
Adventures. Never one to sit still, she's always on her feet doing something fun or getting herself into trouble.
The Ocean. She is scared of water that goes past her knees and will avoid it at all costs. She is currently learning how to swim.
Liars & Lying. They taste like plastic.
Abuse. Especially with animals, she will not hesitate to jump in regardless of her own well-being.
Running. She enjoys running and any sort of physical activity that will get her heart pumping. Very, very fast when she wants to be.
Eating. Banned from all-you-can-eat competitions back at the orphange.
Hiding. It's part of the job.
Combat, Abilities & Weaponry

Basic Statistics
Above Average:
Aetheric Abilities
Weapon Training
Combat Relevant Skills
Above Average:
Non-Combat Abilities
Stealing: As a thief, Izayoi is very skilled at taking things that isn't hers. Even when she doesn't intent to, sometimes her hands simply wander without thought. At her best, she's stolen someone's belt without their knowledge and is slowly working towards the ability to snatch someone's shirt right off their back.
Combat Abilities
Ability: Description
OOC Note
Any relevant notes about combat should be added here, such as player preference, system preference, or links off-site to sheets using existing XIV player-made combat systems.

Disclaimer: .
Sixth Astral Era
Abandoned before the steps of an alleyway orphanage, she grew up knowing only her name. On the shining streets of Ul'dah, Izayoi Kisaragi learned to run before she could walk. Nicknamed "Rat" by her peers for her small and ragged stature growing up, she took the name and made it her own. Before long, she could find every nook and cranny worth hiding in with a single glance. She could pick the pockets of unsuspecting guards and residents and frequently stole into neighboring homes in the dead of night.

Izayoi left the orphange with two others, a midlander and a lalafell, when she was twelve. They formed a small gang but were unfortunately split up five years later. Though she cannot recall the faces of her mother or father, she was told by the Matrons that they did what had to be done.

Izayoi has pondered her birthright and their identities through many sleepless nights but has since come to terms with it. Still, she has a subtle hope that she might find them one day.

Seventh Umbral Era
This is typically post calamity information, or information since the turn of the era (Domans & others not in Eorzea proper).

In Recent Times
Moving Forward
Izayoi is on a very personal quest, one in which she has made very little headway in but she will not lose hope. Very few people know about this, and as far as she's concerned, the less the better.

She was recently taught how to keep her head above water by a Raen male by the name of Hojo Yatsurugi and a Xaela female who goes by Chika Shionome. They spent some time in Costa de Sol before it began to rain. They shared a hot meal -- Chika's treat -- and bid each other farewell with a promise to say hello from time to time.

Even more recently, Izayoi made the mistake of targetting the wrong people to steal from. Eavesdropping on a Lalafell and Au Ra on the Ruby Road, she decided that her stomach had suffered enough hunger pains and she was willing to take what she could get. Her eavesdropping lead to her being caught by the Lalafell who introduced herself as Princess Meimeiko Meiko and her knight, Nokai. She lead the pair to what they were seeking and was paid handsomely for her assistance, but as always, she found herself caught up in a promise for riches and attempted to steal more from Nokai before her eyes, intending to make a great escape after.

Izayoi was quickly caught, and after a brief altercation which included threats of death and dismemberment made in earnest, a deal was struck. She was whisked away to the pair's estate and bears a collar that will shock her if she attempts to remove it. This connects her to the Princess and Nokai's will, who will most certainly call upon her should her thieving services be of need in the future..

Relationship Status Legend


Yukari Yoshimura: A female Midlander whom she attempted to steal from and was caught doing so. They have a volatile relationship. She has not seen Yukari in a while.
Khojin Arulaq: A female Xaela whom she befriended in The Quicksand. They got off the wrong foot but she hopes to speak with the quiet Xaela again.
Hojo Yatsurugi: A male Raen whom she befriended in The Quicksand, taught her how to swim. A strange but kind person with a rather buoyant tail.
Chika Shinonome: A female Xaela whom she befriended in The Quicksand, taught her how to swim. Friendly and cute.
Noa Mi: A female Raen whom she befriended in The Quicksand, treats her like a little sister and is very protective over her.
Sigue Vaultier: A male Elezen whom she spoke with in The Quicksand. She doesn't know much about him but has dictated a letter to him before.

Nokai Dothral: A female Xaela she tried to steal from in the Sapphire Avenue in Ul'dah and has been collared for her crimes for an unspoken amount of time.
Meimeiko Meiko: A female Lalafell who introduced herself as a Princess. Izayoi is thankful for her mercy.

Former Acquaintances

Gele: A male Lalafell she grew up with at the orphanage with pale green hair. She found his body in the sewers behind the Ruby Road Exchange.
Yamizawa Kin: A female Midlander she grew up with at the orphange with golden eyes and hair. She was kidnapped in front of Izayoi and is believed to be dead.

NPC Rumors

Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Rumor." — Rumor Monger.
"Rumor." — Rumor Monger.
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.
PC Rumors

Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.

RP Info

Location & Probability
Places where the character is very likely to be seen
Location: Probability
Most of these aren’t public, and would have to be asked after!
City-State, Region or Organization: Affiliation reason/purpose.
IC Inventory
The following items are things that this individual carries on their person at all times. These are noted for pickpockets, and those watching her closely. This information is meant to be a prompt for insight and is not to be meta-gamed, though feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in RP (pickpocketing, a search, etc) with use of a simple /tell.

Glio coinpurse.png

Coinpurse: A simple coin purse made of soft leather, containing a few hundred gil.
RP Limits
I like to consider myself a flexible player who is willing to commit to a number of different types of scenes and role-play scenarios, but even I have my limits. If something is on the play list, assume it means yes, as long as it's within the context of the current play or ongoing plot. No's are typically a hard no, and it means don't ask.
I will play .
Ask about .
I won't play .
RP Hooks
While the below is by no means comprehensive, it's a kind of spring board for walk-up RP. Longer plots that are meant to run for more than a few quick RP's, please feel free to send me a tell so we can work out a good reason for our characters to get to know one another. I'm always looking for RP, unless I'm actively spamming PvE content.
■ List item.
OOC Notes
Player Information
Player Note
There is a lot of information on this character wiki, but it is by no means completely comprehensive. There are chunks of backstory that are left intentionally vague so that details can be later added as developed through creative writing or in role-play revelation. Feel free to use Common or Uncommon rumors freely, if you want to use a Rare Rumor as a plot hook or to spark RP, I would ask that you send me a tell first, to make certain it's alright.
Character Lore Adherence
Everything concerning this character that has not been confirmed by in-game lore should be taken with a grain of salt. Anything that has had to be changed because of lore shifting will be noted below.
■ No changes.
Character Concept
Character Tidbits
Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki, but are technically relevant to the character.
■ Link Description: Link Title
Tropes & Explanations
A trope is a convention or device that is often found in creative works. In this case, the tropes below describe my character either in part, or as a whole. Their background, personality, appearance, etc, most of them can be described in the tropes below.
Trope Tropes are devices and conventions that a writer can reasonably rely on as being present in the audience members' minds and expectations. On the whole, tropes are not clichés.

Wiki Information
This wiki is constantly changing as the character’s story changes. It was last modified on Month ##th, 2016.

A blank version of the wiki template can be found here
Layout Information
The following is not entirely comprehensive, but contains general credits. Please leave the link-backs if you use this template!
■ Original template by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Header image inspired by D'lyhhia Lhuil.
■ Music bits from J'karu Rhome.
■ Relationships & OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Various formatting inspired by Odette Saoirse & others.