K'sato Tia

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K'sato Tia
The Pink Mage
K'sato Header.png

" Struggles, bad as they may be, are temporary. It may be hard to realize, but there is light at the end of the tunnel



Vital Information


NICKNAMES... Prefers to be called Sato

RACE & CLAN... Seeker of the Sun.

GENDER... Male.

AGE... 22.

NAMEDAY... 18th Sun, 4th Umbral Moon

ORIENTATION... Homosexual (Polyamorous)

MARITAL STATUS... Open Marriage

Other Statistics



FAMILY... K'ndanya Jhutoh (Mother), K'jhutoh Nunh (Father), Tihtu'ra Vuvrau (Real Father).

RESIDENCE... A small cottage within the Mist.

OCCUPATION... Performer at the Lucky Sparrow


HEIGHT & WEIGHT... 5 fulms, 6 ilms. 125 ponze.

ALIGNMENT... Neutral

General Information
An affable, and warm street dancer who grew up on the streets of Ul'dah. Starting his work as a street dancer at a young age, followed by the beginning of his studies at the Thaumaturges guild, K'sato over the years has become proficient in the elemental magics, and choreography, even leading him to combine both his talents into spectacular, magic filled dance performances.
I have a plan! Which is that I don't have any plan whatsoever!
Mary Rose Pastel Pink Tanned Dancers Build Soft, & Silvery
Relaxed Right Some hidden by glamour spell Faded facial tribal markings Casual a majority of the time
Hair & Eyes
Soft, fluffy pastel pink hair sits upon K'sato's head, with soot black dye spread throughout. His eyes are a deep mary rose color that sometimes appear as if they are glowing.
Physique & Markings
K'sato appears as a fit and lean man, although with not too much muscle on his body. No markings can be found anywhere besides his face, which are only the common tribal Miqo'te markings. Two black stripes on both of his cheeks, and the brown like markings near his eyes. Aside from looking like a regular Seeker of the Sun, K'sato has inherited point fangs from his Keeper father, the only Keeper feature he managed to inherit.
Hygiene & Attire
K'sato takes very good care of his hygiene, to the point where the strong scent of fruits, candy, and other sugary like delicacies follow him wherever he goes. His attire varies from day to day, mostly what he feels comfortable wearing at the time, but all of his outfits share the single similar trait of all having a pastel pink color to them.
General Personality
K'sato is mostly, a sprightly, sociable, and to other people, a joyful individual. He is always willing to strike up conversation and turn a stranger into a friend. One will find that he prefers to put his friends before himself in most situations. Sato is incredibly protective of those he is close to, and will do and endure whatever it takes to keep them safe. Sato is an energetic man, where social situations and physical labor without suffering too much of an energy loss.
Sato to those he finds attractive, even those he just wants to tease for fun, will find he is quite a flirtatious individual. He will use his honeyed words to see how far he can get with one person, if he has some sort of secret desire with them. While he does start his advancements based on reactions, he will easily halt them and stop if he is given a hard 'No'. Despite his normally confident attitude, he can sometimes be caught off guard and brought into a fluster.
While confident, easy-going, and boastful, the Seeker is known to be rash and irresponsible.
K'sato when speaking has a soft spoken, or charming tone to his words. His vocal range is long, most definitely due to his career as a performer.
K'sato presents himself in a very casual, and laid-back manner. From resting his hands on his hips, to having his arms crossed, to just keeping his hands behind his head as he idles around. His ears and tail are almost constantly moving. From his ears wiggling from joy, or interest, or even perking up at something he wishes to hear, to his tail flicking around as he talks. If K'sato is completely comfortable, one can hear the Seeker make a cat-like purr sound.
● Sweets
● Male Miqo'te
● Performing for others
● Watching others perform
● Music
● Magicks of all kind
● The color pink
● Soft, comfortable, or revealing clothing
● Leather
● Manipulators
● Corrupt persons
● Dyeing his hair
● Proficient in Magic
● Understands and speaks Hingan and Xaelic (the latter to a degree.)
● Skilled dancer
● Versatile singing voice
● Speedy and nimble

Combat, Abilities & Weaponry

Sato Combat Header.png
Basic Statistics
High: N/A
Above Average: N/A
Average: N/A
Low: N/A
Aetheric Abilities
Mastery: Thaumaturgy
Expert: Conjury & Geomancy
Average: Red Magic
Weapon Training
Mastery: Staves, poles, wands.
Expert: Light Swords
Average: N/A
Novice: Heavy Weaponry
Combat Relevant Skills
High: N/A
Above Average: N/A
Average: N/A
Low: Physical strength
Non-Combat Abilities
Elemental Manipulation Sato is only able to use this ability for his performances. Be it controlling water around him to follow his movements. Fire that flowed around him harmlessly. Creating a small updraft for effect. Sato throws all of the elements into his performances, but he hardly uses these abilities for any combat oriented situation.
Combat Abilities
Thaumaturgy: Sato focuses on using regular Thaumaturgy. It's power is determined by how much Aether he normally uses on a single ability.
Aether Charged Arms Sato is able to cast his magic with the use of his hands. He prefers using a staff as using only his hands drains his Aether far quicker because of the odd aetheric tattoos that come with the ability.
OOC Note
For my fight scenes, I like to decide how many number of hits out of character for the fight to conclude. Then use the in game /random roller for how the attacks are determined. My personal preference is 3-5 hits as sometimes a fight can turn into just a bunch of dodging if RNGesus decides to be an ass. Fights that go on for far too long aren't normally that fun to me.

Trigger Warning: Sexual and physical abuse is mentioned in K'sato's history. Proceed with caution of these subjects are sensitive to you!
Sixth Astral Era
K'sato was born into the Hipparion tribe with his mother K'ndanya Jhutoh and his father K'jhutoh Nunh. Growing up he was energetic and quickly made friends with the other Miqo'te children in the tribe. He spent a brief period learning how to handle a lance as he was going to prepare to be a hunter in the future, but that was all quickly altered when his mother decided to leave the tribe and take him with her. Why this happened remains a mystery to K'sato still, however the truth behind this all was because of his Nunh. In truth, K'sato was not his Nunh’s son, rather the son of K'ndanya and a male Keeper she happened to meet along her travels. Upon his birth and the discovery of his fangs, K'ndanya tried to cover it up as a rare birth defect to K'jhutoh. A lie that he easily believed until years later when he spotted K'ndanya with Tihtu'ra nearby their tribe. Learning the truth of K'sato and his mother brought him a rage, in which he killed Tihtu'ra and left K'ndanya to deal with the body as he returned to the tribe. K'ndanya, after recovering from her fear and her shock, snuck to the tribe for a brief moment only to take K'sato away and fled to Ul'dah with him.

At six summers old K'sato was brought to Ul'dah with his mother where she promised they would start a new life where they can be happy together. As well as the tribe managed to work out, so did life in Ul'dah. K'ndanya could hardly find work for herself, even when she simply begged to be sold off for a night for gil. With what gil she could make they only managed to barely keep by in a small in room with small amounts of food. K'sato had begun to adjust to this city life, but at the same time he missed his tribal life and what friends he had there. In only two weeks after having moved to Ul'dah, K'ndanya brought Sato into an alleyway in the middle of the night where she told him to wait as she would return later. K'sato remained there in that alleyway for three days before a group of street children brought him food and water as they had seen he hasn't eaten anything for some time.

These children asked about his situation, and once he explained the details the three came to the conclusion that he had been abandoned in a similar way as they had in these alleyways. It took much explaining from them until K'sato was able to accept the harsh truth she was not coming back, and from then on he remained with this group. Marxene an Elezen girl who was the oldest, Quax'li who was the middle child, and Alred who was just a year younger than Quax'li. Sato was younger than all three of them, but he still managed to enjoy his time with them.

This group of misfits did everything together, from playing games to small thieving of food and gil. They did what they could to get by, but the older they got the more hostile the other three began to turn, especially after K'sato gained an interest in Thaumaturgy and seeing the world for himself. Upon K'sato taking initiative to start his studies at the Guild, Marxene and the others' hostility began to fester and grow. They believed that K'sato would too leave them to rot in the alleyways after everything they've done for him, so a plan was proposed. A plan to destroy his hopes and dreams to keep him with them forever. It began with simple degrading words to try to ruin his motivation or give him second thoughts, and when that failed it began to turn to threats which he simply believed as playful banter, and it only went downhill from there.

At the age of fourteen summers old, they shifted to compliments and praise of his physique over theirs. Then began to feed him the idea that he can be their Gil supplier if he learns how to be a street dancer like some of the females street dancers found throughout the city. Without much convincing as it did seem fun to him, K'sato learned how to dance for his money, but even so he still managed to find time for the Guild. To make him take up more time, they convinced him to go further with seduction. The group providfed rich individuals for K'sato to try his seduction on, and it did not take much for them to oblige... However some of them that we're chosen by Marxene we're ones that are known to be...More rough than they should've been. Thus when he would return many new bruises, wounds, and other things that we're unpleasant for him would be found all over him, but he did what he could for the group as he believed it made them happy, but even so he still pursued his own happiness as well. When after everything they've done had failed, Marxene had finally had enough with their scheming and simply resorted to physical violecne upon K'sato.

Hoping to install a fear upon him that if he left he could die or worse through their words and actions upon him, and sometimes they seemed to just beat at him for sport. At times K'sato simply thought they we're just angry and wanted to release that anger so he did not fight back, but it was definitely unpleasant for him. It lasted until he was sixteen summers old when a fellow Thaumaturge at the guild took him on a small trip with some others. In that trip they revealed to him the horrible, horrible things that his friends have been putting him through, that they managed to deduce based on the marks he would enter the guild in. After some time away with true friends, K'sato began to open his eyes at how horrible Marxene and the others truly were. After weeks of travel, when they returned to Ul'dah he planned to set them all straight K'sato learned of a failed attempt at creating utter chaos in the markets through murder. Several were wounded by Marxene and the others, but we're ultimately struck down by the nearby Flames. K'sato felt a rush of many things when he learned of this information. Sadness, happiness, freedom, loneliness, so many things he didn't understand. But in the end he kept going through it all.

K'sato finished his studies as a Thaumaturge, and continued his lifestyle as a street dancer and courtesan for funds, but as time went on he learned that not everyone is as terrible in that aspect as he had originally made them out to be, which transformed that fear into something he has come to enjoy. With an amount of funds to be able to live for himself as he wanted to, the Seeker began to start his own adventure out into the world, and find out what he wished to do next.

Seventh Umbral Era
After the Calamity, K'sato helped rebuild where he could and help those as he found them. All of his time was consumed by assisting those who we're displaced, places that needed rebuilding, and monsters that needed defeating. Up until life seemed to stabilize again and things returned to normal, K'sato at 20 summers old moved into the home of a man he later called his first husband in the Mist. His life seemed to stabilize again and he found himself happy with the man he had married, but slowly that happiness and marriage crumbled around him, spiraling him into a turn of events he desires not to relive again.

The mess of his divorce with his first husband nearly drove the man to jump off a bridge, but was convinced otherwise thanks to close friends who happened to be there at the time. K'sato spent many months recovering from that incident and has been trying to move forward since, with some bumps in the road to recovery.

In Recent Times
Moving Forward
Sato has suffered through several failed relationships in recent time. He offered his heart to so many, yet in the end he only got heartbreak. These losses of love helped further push Sato into the despair filled state he is in at the moment. His most recent ex-boyfriend, Zekh'ir Vahyuu, was the one person who brought him to a man Sato can honestly say he loathes. Due to Zekh'ir with his very first encounter with him, he got put into the claws of a man named Jihn'a Gahre. The very first meeting with Jihn'a, Sato suffered extreme amounts of pain delivered by Jihn'a, along with having to take someones life. Out of everything in Sato's life, Jihn'a is the worst of the worst. He is the main driving factor in pushing Sato to a point of no return.

Although Sato fears this man very much, he fears losing his friends to him even more. His nightmare is being the reason that causes his friends to get involved with such a terrible man. Thus, Sato is willing to endure and do whatever it takes to keep Jihn'a from going after those he cares for. In turn, Sato has also had to push those he cares about away. It hurts him to a great degree, but deep down he believes it is the best solution. However, there may be something stirring that he is blissfully unaware of...

Relationship Status Legend

K'ndanya Jhutoh
K'jhutoh Nunh
Tihtu'ra Vuvrau

Kyuzo Mifune
Irys Mankhad
Araan Noirterel
Saikhantuyaa Oronir
H'rihn Nhaviri
Mahina Moui
Gan Angura
Red Astaire
Sebra'li Jinjahl
Jasui Vihn
K'ziyo Tia
X'inay Tia
Dastev Enoch
W'toya Tia
Rhaya'li Mhakaracca
Kyt'ir Gahre
T'keri Seru
Aeric Remora
Former Acquaintances
Tihtu'ra Vuvrau

NPC Rumors

Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"I've heard almost every man in Ul'dah's spent a night with him." — Anyone in the Quicksands.
"Ain't he one of them performer types?" — An Ul'dahn Merchant.
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"He once won the Spellstone. Must be a good mage, eh?" — A Spellstone onlooker.
"He has this odd tattoos on his arms sometimes. Seems keen on keepin' 'em hidden." — A Spellstone onlooker.
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Think he's the one who nearly blew up his house in the Mist. Nobody knows why..." — Rumormonger.
"I swear, he's gotta have some kind of illegal magicks in his possession..." — Rumormonger.
PC Rumors

Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.

RP Info

K'sato 3rd header.png
Location & Probability
Places where the character is very likely to be seen
Ul'dah: Loitering around the Quicksand, or dancing somewhere around the cities streets.
Costa del Sol: Either around the beach, or at his home some small distance away.
Limsa Lominsa: The Mist
Gridania/The Shroud: Wandering the lush forests, the main city, or the Lavender Beds.
Almost Anywhere: K'sato wanders quite a bit, it would be easy to bump into him along one of his travels throughout Eorzea.
Most of these aren’t public, and would have to be asked after!
Ul'dah: Having grown up in Ul'dah, K'sato holds this city-state closer to himself than the others. While not directly affiliated with the city or the Flames, he will say his allegiance leas towards Ul'dah.
IC Inventory
A few items K'sato commonly carries around. Although he doesn't carry too much, if someone we're to pickpocket him, these are the few items they would be able to find.

Glio coinpurse.png

Coinpurse: A simple coin purse made of soft leather, containing a few hundred gil. On certain occassions, K'sato will carry around larger coin purses filled with a sizeable amount of Gil inside.
Wand: A small wooden wooden wand with several jewels on it's tip.
Keychain: A chain holding a single key. Presumably for his house at Costa.
RP Limits
consider myself a person who is okay with most roleplay scenarios, but please take a look at what I will and won't do even if it is brief!
I will play casual, mature, and sexual themes. From simple conversation to a bit of flirting that leads to a bedroom, all of these are okay with me. However I will only do RP with sexual themes with those over 18 years old!.
Ask about plot RP, or any form of RP that may have some kind of lasting effect on K'sato. Normally I will go along with it, but I'd at least like to know ahead of time what he may be getting into!
I won't play RP that would cause K'sato to lose limbs, or an RP where the end result will be his death.
RP Hooks
While the below is by no means comprehensive, it's a kind of spring board for walk-up RP. Longer plots that are meant to run for more than a few quick RP's, please feel free to send me a tell so we can work out a good reason for our characters to get to know one another. I'm always looking for RP, unless I'm actively spamming PvE content.
■ List item.

OOC Notes
Player Information
Player Note
There is a lot of information on this character wiki, but it is by no means completely comprehensive. There are chunks of backstory that are left intentionally vague so that details can be later added as developed through creative writing or in role-play revelation. Feel free to use Common or Uncommon rumors freely, if you want to use a Rare Rumor as a plot hook or to spark RP, I would ask that you send me a tell first, to make certain it's alright.
Character Lore Adherence
Everything concerning this character that has not been confirmed by in-game lore should be taken with a grain of salt. Anything that has had to be changed because of lore shifting will be noted below.
■ No changes.
Character Concept
Character Tidbits
Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki, but are technically relevant to the character.
■ Link Description: Link Title
Tropes & Explanations
A trope is a convention or device that is often found in creative works. In this case, the tropes below describe my character either in part, or as a whole. Their background, personality, appearance, etc, most of them can be described in the tropes below.
Trope Tropes are devices and conventions that a writer can reasonably rely on as being present in the audience members' minds and expectations. On the whole, tropes are not clichés.

Wiki Information
This wiki is constantly changing as the character’s story changes. It was last modified on June 23rd 2018.

A blank version of the wiki template can be found here
Layout Information
The following is not entirely comprehensive, but contains general credits. Please leave the link-backs if you use this template!
■ Original template by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Header image inspired by D'lyhhia Lhuil.
■ Music bits from J'karu Rhome.
■ Relationships & OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Various formatting inspired by Odette Saoirse & others.