K'sato Tia

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K'sato Tia
The Pink Mage
K'sato Header.png

" Alright, I've nearly died a handful of times... But have I actually died? No!



Vital Information


NICKNAMES... Prefers to be called Sato

RACE & CLAN... Seeker of the Sun.

GENDER... Male.

AGE... 22.

NAMEDAY... 18th Sun, 4th Umbral Moon

ORIENTATION... Homosexual (Polyamorous)

MARITAL STATUS... Open Marriage

Other Statistics



FAMILY... K'ndanya Jhutoh (Mother), K'jhutoh Nunh (Father), Tihtu'ra Vuvrau (Real Father).

RESIDENCE... A small cottage within the Mist.

OCCUPATION... Performer at the Lucky Sparrow


HEIGHT & WEIGHT... 5 fulms, 6 ilms. 125 ponze.

ALIGNMENT... Chaotic Good

General Information
An affable, and warm street dancer who grew up on the streets of Ul'dah. Starting his work as a street dancer at a young age, followed by the beginning of his studies at the Thaumaturges guild, K'sato over the years has become proficient in the elemental magics, and choreography, even leading him to combine both his talents into spectacular, magic filled dance performances.
I have a plan! Which is that I don't have any plan whatsoever!
Mary Rose Pastel Pink Tanned Dancers Build Soft, & Silvery
Relaxed Right Some hidden by glamour spell Faded facial tribal markings Casual a majority of the time
Hair & Eyes
Soft, fluffy pastel pink hair sits upon K'sato's head, with soot black dye spread throughout. His eyes are a deep mary rose color that sometimes appear as if they are glowing.
Physique & Markings
K'sato appears as a fit and lean man, although with not too much muscle on his body. No markings can be found anywhere besides his face, which are only the common tribal Miqo'te markings. Two black stripes on both of his cheeks, and the brown like markings near his eyes. Aside from looking like a regular Seeker of the Sun, K'sato has inherited point fangs from his Keeper father, the only Keeper feature he managed to inherit.
Hygiene & Attire
K'sato takes very good care of his hygiene, to the point where the strong scent of fruits, candy, and other sugary like delicacies follow him wherever he goes. His attire varies from day to day, mostly what he feels comfortable wearing at the time, but all of his outfits share the single similar trait of all having a pastel pink color to them.
General Personality
K'sato is mostly, a sprightly, sociable, and to other people, a joyful individual. He is always willing to strike up conversation and turn a stranger into a friend. One will find that he prefers to put his friends before himself in most situations. Sato is incredibly protective of those he is close to, and will do and endure whatever it takes to keep them safe. Sato is an energetic man, where social situations and physical labor without suffering too much of an energy loss.
Sato to those he finds attractive, even those he just wants to tease for fun, will find he is quite a flirtatious individual. He will use his honeyed words to see how far he can get with one person, if he has some sort of secret desire with them. While he does start his advancements based on reactions, he will easily halt them and stop if he is given a hard 'No'. Despite his normally confident attitude, he can sometimes be caught off guard and brought into a fluster.
While confident, easy-going, and boastful, the Seeker is known to be rash and irresponsible.
K'sato when speaking has a soft spoken, or charming tone to his words. His vocal range is long, most definitely due to his career as a performer.
K'sato presents himself in a very casual, and laid-back manner. From resting his hands on his hips, to having his arms crossed, to just keeping his hands behind his head as he idles around. His ears and tail are almost constantly moving. From his ears wiggling from joy, or interest, or even perking up at something he wishes to hear, to his tail flicking around as he talks. If K'sato is completely comfortable, one can hear the Seeker make a cat-like purr sound.
● Foods and Sweets
● Male Miqo'te
● Performing (Singing, dancing, etc.)
● Watching performances
● Bards
● All Magics
● Pink
● Casual clothing, or things that are comfy
● Magic Duels
● Manipulators
● Corrupt persons
● Dyeing his hair
● Proficient in Magic
● Understands and speaks Hingan and Xaelic (the latter to a degree.)
● Skilled dancer
● Versatile singing voice
● Speedy and nimble

Combat, Abilities & Weaponry

Sato Combat Header.png
Basic Statistics
High: Magic
Above Average: Staves / Poles
Average: Physical Strength
Low: Pugilism
Aetheric Abilities
Mastery: Thaumaturgy
Expert: Conjury & Geomancy
Average: Red Magic
Weapon Training
Mastery: Staves, poles, wands.
Expert: Light Swords
Average: N/A
Novice: Heavy Weaponry
Combat Relevant Skills
High: N/A
Above Average: N/A
Average: N/A
Low: Physical strength
Non-Combat Abilities
Elemental Manipulation Sato is only able to use this ability for his performances. Be it controlling water around him to follow his movements. Fire that flowed around him harmlessly. Creating a small updraft for effect. Sato throws all of the elements into his performances, but he hardly uses these abilities for any combat oriented situation.
Combat Abilities
Thaumaturgy: Sato focuses on using regular Thaumaturgy. It's power is determined by how much Aether he normally uses on a single ability.
Aether Charged Arms Sato is able to cast his magic with the use of his hands. He prefers using a staff as using only his hands drains his Aether far quicker because of the odd aetheric tattoos that come with the ability.
OOC Note
For my fight scenes, I like to decide how many number of hits out of character for the fight to conclude. Then use the in game /random roller for how the attacks are determined. My personal preference is 3-5 hits as sometimes a fight can turn into just a bunch of dodging if RNGesus decides to be an ass. Fights that go on for far too long aren't normally that fun to me.

Trigger Warning: Sexual and physical abuse is mentioned in K'sato's history. Proceed with caution of these subjects are sensitive to you!
Sixth Astral Era
K’sato was born into the Hipparian tribe, located within the outskirts of Thanalan. The tribe was secluded from most of the major settlements within Thanalan. Making the Seeker’s early years lack much knowledge on a non-tribal lifestyle. K’sato was raised by, and the only child of, K’ndanya Jhutoh. At the age of four he was given a small wooden lance to begin his hunting practices. All children of the Hipparian tribe are to start learning what tool they choose to become a future hunter for the tribe.

He continued his tribal life and practices until the age of six, when an unprecedented event occured. Under the light of the moon, K’ndanya began gathering what belongings she could and told K’sato they were to leave immediately. K’sato had questions, and tried to acquire answers his mother refused to give him. Hesitant as he was, he decided to leave with her. Swiftly and silently they fled from the tribe towards civilization.

Several bells later the two arrived at the Gate of the Sultana, one of the three entries into the gil-run city. Using what money they managed to gather, they spent the night in the Inn. K’sato found himself ever more confused. The only answers he managed to acquire along the way were: “We are starting a new life together/” “It will be better for us this way.” and “It’s for or safety.”

Over the course of the next few suns, things only went further downhill from there. K’ndanya attempted to acquire work to no avail, while K’sato found it difficult to adjust to the city life. And in the span of four suns their gil had run dry. They had been removed from the Inn and had nowhere to go. The two spent time in an alleyway, K’sato trying not to worry while K’ndanya pondered over all her options.

Night approached, and their options were slim. All they could do was sleep out within this alley and hope for the best. K’sato had accepted sleeping on the cold stone, while his mother could not. As K’sato nearly drifted to sleep, K’ndanya approached him and whispered a few words to him.

“K’sato, I am going to find us some gil. Wait here for me, alright? I will be back and… I love you.” she’d place a gentle parting kiss to his forehead and disappear into the dark of night. The Seeker slowly drifted into his sleep, awakening to no sign of his mother. So he waited. And waited. And waited. He briefly left his spot and tried to search for her within the city, but found himself returning to continue waiting. He waited for bells. Bells which turned into three suns. No sign of K’ndanya and K’sato’s hunger had reached a painful level. He knew not what to do. This obliviousness sprouted fear within him, was he to die here?

That would have been the case, if it wasn’t for three street children who hadn’t brought him what food and water they could “acquire”. K’sato acted before asking and devoured the food and water he was given. Once his body was satisfied enough, he inquired about them. They then explained they’ve been watching him for the three suns he’s been in this alley. Which prompted them to ask if he had someone who left him here. When he answered yes, the three looked amongst themselves and then explained K’ndanya wasn’t going to come back. It was a long, painful discussion, but the three convinced K’sato that he had been abandoned and he would’ve died had it not been for them. They offered for him to join them, as they all shared the same fate in this city.

K’sato accepted this proposition, and began what seemed to be a lifelong friendship between four, unfortunate street children. It was through these three that K’sato had an easier time adjusting to city life. They taught him where everything is, how they “acquire” their food and gil, and where to stray away from. These four spent all their days together, growing so close as if they were family. K’sato couldn’t imagine anything without them.

Marxene, revered as the leader of their band of misfits was an nine year old Duskwight Elezen. Quax’li, an eight year old Keeper thought as their rogue. Alred a Hyur, the same age as Quax’li and the brawns of the group. Through their teamwork they were able to acquire their necessities and ensured their own survival. Yet with every passing day did K’sato wonder why K’ndanya left him, why she would even remove him from their tribe in the first place. Despite the others words in trying to make him find hatred, he could only find confusion.

Summers went by with these four remaining tightly knit together. From their early teens to middle teens did they remain. As they aged, Marxene, Quax’li, and Alred only became more cold and cynical to the world around them. Whilst K’sato grew intrigue as he spent many evenings watching the adventurers in the Sands. Particularly, he watched and listened to stories from passing mages. This intrigue spawned an interest, causing the Seeker to enroll within the Thaumaturges Guild.

This decision displeased the other three. They had become content with their street life, and found any persons or things outside of their circle a terrible thing. In fact, they always disproved of Sato’s visits to the Quicksands. Their distaste only grew more foul as K’sato began his studies at the Guild. Unbeknownst to K’sato, the other three began worrying he’d replace them. He was the only one out of the three looking to make progress and improve upon their street life. While they had no desire to leave it or have any of the four split from their group.

From then on, they expressed their distaste of Sato’s decisions to him. An attempt to discourage him from pursuing his interests. While it did dishearten him, he still wanted to further his knowledge. But to further it and better their situation, he had to make even more gil than he was “acquiring” now. K’sato noted that the female dancers around Ul’dah acquired a hefty amount of gil in their work. So, he followed suit and learned what he could from their movements. As he got their dances down, while taking his own twists to the movement he attracted viewers. The gil came in, and K’sato tried everything he could to get even more gil. His desperation, unfortunately, attracted those with less-than-reputable gil making ways.

K’sato’s body became his way of making gil, and his only way to acquire gil. He did what was necessary to keep his studies funded. Even helping his friends when he could. The lengths he would go for the three were utterly ignored. His choices repulsed them, which fueled anger. Anger that they would physically, and verbally take out on K’sato to make him stop. He couldn’t, no matter what happened.

He desired to do what was best for them, and he knew deep down this was best. Unfortunately, despite his optimism things would get worse before they got better. His skin became covered in bruises from the harm of the three. These bruises didn’t translate well on the evenings where he had to sell his body for a night. Bringing more bruises, and unwanted pain to the Seeker. Through it all, he endured what he could so that he could help him, and the three he still believes are worthy of being called a “friend”.

Sun after sun, moon after moon. The anger they portrayed only festered, their personalities becoming warped and their ideals shifting completely. Their harsh outlook on the world caused them to make rash, and reckless decisions. In fact, they became more violent towards those around them, not even just Sato.

Then came the Seekers saving grace, a single trip through Thanalan with other members of the Thaumaturges Guild. It was perceived as a mandatory trip, as it came from fellow guildmates. K’sato made his way out to the rendezvous point they informed him of in Central Thanalan. However, the trip instead turned out to be a group of guild mates expressing their concerns. They believed the people Sato call friends, are actually abusive and manipulative.

K’sato had no knowledge of these words, which they explained thoroughly to him. They inquired more about his situation, and their behaviors. His answers only made them all agree that they were not good for K’sato to progress as a person. They’d spend the entire day wandering Central Thanalan whilst they enlighten the Seeker. Heavy discussion ensued through their travels. Many facts were presented to inevitably open the Seekers eyes to the truth. The truth that he needed to survive for himself. That he needed to leave them, and let them remain angered. At the same time, he had to make sure he wouldn’t let them harm him again.

When they returned to the city, K’sato had reached a decision. He would be leaving them immediately and continuing his life without them. He confronted them in their usual alley, bringing forth the facts he now had. This of course fueled their anger as they tried to paint themselves victims to K’sato. None of it worked, he said what he needed to and began to walk off. Marxene in a fury rushed the Seeker, but he anticipated that. He’d turn just as she arrived at his front to be blasted back with a powerful fireball. She’d slide down the back of the wall behind her before falling to the ground.

“No more.” K’sato sternly said, “No more of your hatred, and anger. You’ve made your choices and so have I… I no longer need you three in my life. This is farewell.” before turning once more, he’d point and shake his wand towards Alred and Quax’li. His intimidation worked and he left freely from their clutches. No more was he to be constrained to their hatred, their suffering. He decided to reclaim that which caused him suffering. His body, his dreams, everything.

K’sato continued his studies at the guild, while furthering his job as a street dancer and courtesan. Utilizing the gil he now had for himself, he finally spent it on living within an inn room for a time. He did just as he said he would. All that caused him suffering was reclaimed. Turning it into things that made him feel… good, hopeful, and happy. However, he wasn’t perfect. There was lingering effects from Marxene, the others, and the abandonment of his mother. He feared being alone, and he feared being harmed. Thus, friends he made he grew attached to rather quickly. Quick to befriend, and quicker to love. At the same time, he was wary of those like Marxene, Quax’li, and Alred. He refused to let their scenario repeat again, and moved forward with this ideal in mind.

Seventh Umbral Era
Once Eorzea had recovered from the events of the Calamity, K’sato returned to his work. Both pursuing his dreams, his courtesan work, and improving upon his singing and dancing. For the most part, his street work was how he managed to pay for himself. Now in his adulthood he found enjoyment in the work he did. As time went on of being free from Marxene and the others, K’sato would realize more about himself.

The first being his lack of attraction towards females, and more towards other men. This would lead to K’sato meeting his first to-be husbandOnly after this marriage would K’sato realize another portion of himself. His polyamory and desire to keep the relationship open. Though, this may have been a lingering effect of his former tribal lifestyle.

Unfortunately, this realization did not work well with his husband. Resulting in a stressful and heart-wrenching argument. In the end, the two decided it would be best to part ways. K’sato was hurt by the divorce, and it brought forth a fear again. A fear of loneliness grew within him, thus he was quick to latch onto others; other men more specifically. K’sato latched onto two men specifically, an Au’ra and a Hyur who became his next partners after his husband. <br
These two partners K’sato believed were the ones he was meant to be with. Ones he could feel safe, relaxed, and happy with. Yet even so, some things are simply too good to last. Shortly after the proposal from the Hyur, and K’sato’s acceptance the relationship became rocky. What occurred happened quickly, leaving K’sato hardly any time to digest any of the information. Once the dust had settled and things made sense, K’sato was once again alone and without a partne.

This hurt K’sato tremendously, and that hurt furthered throughout the moons. From attraction that never went anywhere. Relationships that were ruined. All of it would only create situations to degrade K’sato’s mental state and further his desire for attachment. This mental state degradation lead to some very, indesirable scenarios. Ones where K’sato was ready to end his own life. Others, less as severe such as erasing his ability to feel emotion. Then one where he gained the likeness of an Au’ra. The latter being the result of an accidental spell.

His poor decisions worried his friends, they tried time and time again to keep him from doing something irresponsible. Time and time again did he ignore their worries as he fell deeper into despair. A despair that no matter how hard he tried to persevere through, never went away. A despair that seemed to be pulling him deeper and deeper. Escaping Marxene and the others was just a battle, this was the war.

K’sato did as he could to survive and stay, mostly happy. Some days he cracked, some days he struggled. However, he kept trying. Another man came into his life, one which took advantage of his naivety and friendliness. It was a situation that made him fear for his life, and he did not leave it unscathed. When he escaped this man, he was afraid. It brought back memories of the three in the alleys. He fled to a friend with healing capabilities and was patched up physically. Emotionally, it took him several days to finally leave the apartment he stayed at.

The day he finally returned outside was even more nightmarish than before. The very man he was afraid of showed up outside. He claimed to be a Maelstrom officer and arrested K’sato for a crime he did not do. This lead to his arrest, and through a plea deal he became the in-home prisoner to the very man he feared. K’sato’s never been one to think a situation through thoroughly. Not to mention the rash decisions he will go to in hopes of keeping his friends safe. Over time, K’sato gained his freedom back while his name got cleared. This portion of K’sato’s life is thought as quite possibly, the worst of his life.

It was through the man he feared, Zekh’ir, that he met other unsightly individuals. One such named as Jihn’a. A man of pure evil, and one he calls “a torturer and murderer”. K’sato struggled harshly through this portion of his life. He tried to hard to keep these people away from his friends. It was an inevitability that they too were pulled into this situation. For that to happen however, K’sato’s despair had to reach a high point once again. Causing him to push away his friends harshly, and flee into the wilderness. He wanted to disappear and be forgotten, to keep Jihn’a away from them.

His friends refused this idea. They searched tirelessly for K'sato, who had fled all the way to Dravania. Once saved, he was returned home to recover from his event. Evil however, does not allow respite. A mere two suns later did Jihn’a return, angered by K’satos choices. A brief discussion ensued, followed by his friends arriving at his home at the call of Saikhantuyaa. Who happened to use K’sato’s escape plan to avoid Jihn’a. A fight within his home ensued, one which brutally beat down Jihn’a.

Victory seemed nigh, until Jihn’a played a trick on them. Using teleportation magicks, Jihn’a stole both K’sato and his friend Sebra’li. Sato’s biggest fear, of Jihn’a getting his hands upon any of his friends had now been realized. K’sato tried to fight, tried to prevent Jihn’a from doing anything to Sebra’li. The Seekers weakness shined bright that evening. He failed to protect his friend, who in turn tried to protect K’sato. He signed a blood contract with Jihn’a to keep him away from K’sato. There was only one way K’sato could prevent it. Taking the only weapon at his disposal, a knife, he attempted to end his life then and there. His movements were slow, and there was little he could do. He failed to stop Sebra’li, he failed to protect his friend. To ensure K’sato would stay safe a memory erasure spell was used.

Arriving at Jihn’as home, and the contract would all be forgotten. K’sato could not remember his greatest failure. Sebra’li fed him the story that they beat Jihn’a and escaped. That did little to quell Sato’s fears. He anticipated Jihn’as return. So he waited. And waited. Waited so very long, and kept his friends pushed so far away. He remained consumed by this worry for a whole moon.

K’sato had been leaving a linkpearl message for Jihn’a whenever he left the house, and when he got back. Just to ensure he did not upset the man again. When he would be finally summoned, he’d find Sebra’li at Jihn’as house. Upon questioning--harshly--K’sato’s memories were returned. The truth had been revealed, but things were not at all how they seemed. Jihn’a had become...soft. Sebra’li and his elezen partner had been unscathed by Jihn’a and his ways. K’sato kept watch over Jihn’a and to ensure he wasn’t going mad.

Luckily, he wasn’t going mad. Sebra’li and his partner, Vale had defeated Jihn’a in their own way. By changing him as a person. K’sato still found hatred and repulsiveness towards Jihn’a. Yet there was little he wished to do, then an opportunity presented itself. K’sato can remain with them--With Jihn’a, or he can be free. K’sato took the latter, freeing himself from the chains of Jihn’as despair. He knew that he wouldn’t be a threat to Sebra’li, or his friends any longer. He was finally able to put another terrible chapter of his life to a close.

Recent Events
Moving Forward

Relationship Status Legend

K'ndanya Jhutoh
K'jhutoh Nunh
Tihtu'ra Vuvrau

Saikhantuyaa Oronir
H'rihn Nhaviri
Mahina Moui
Gan Angura
Red Astaire
Sebra'li Jinjahl
Jasui Vihn
K'ziyo Tia
X'inay Tia
Dastev Enoch
W'toya Tia
Rhaya'li Mhakaracca
Kyt'ir Gahre
T'keri Seru
Aeric Remora
Former Acquaintances
Tihtu'ra Vuvrau

NPC Rumors

Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Pretty sure he's slept with every man in Ul'dah by this point. Used to be a courtesan 'n all." — Anyone in the Quicksands.
"Ain't he one of them Lucky Sparrow performers?" — An Ul'dahn Merchant.
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"He once won the Spellstone. Must be a good mage, eh?" — A Spellstone onlooker.
"Seems to be skilled in several different kinds. Comes 'round with a different type practically each Sennight to compete." — A Spellstone onlooker.
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Heard he nearly set his house ablaze in some kind of breakdown episode. Twice. Best to be cautious... " — Rumormonger.
"Y'know, somethin' 'bout him makes me think he's got some illegal magicks in his possession. Like the real bad kind..." — Rumormonger.
"About a whole summer ago I recall there being a murder charge on a Miqo'te man with pink hair. Never heard much after that. " — Rumormonger.
PC Rumors

Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.

RP Info

K'sato 3rd header.png
Location & Probability
Places where the character is very likely to be seen
Thanalan He commonly trains himself underneath the desert heat, both physically and aetherically. When not training, he loiters around the city and most commonly, the Quicksands.
Costa del Sol: On his off days he enjoys a good relaxing evening on the beach. He knows the time of year and day when the amount of tourists is slim.
The Mist / His home: His home is located within the Mist, one which he spends a lot of time at. You can find the Seeker here quite often.
The Shroud: Less often than Thalan or La Noscea. He loves the sights, but worries of upsetting the forest.
Kugane: Ever so often does K'sato make a trip to Kugane. Rare occasions when he feels like touring the east again.
Eorzea: Save for the Far East, Sato rarely makes trips outside of Eorzea. Even then, there are places upon the continent that he doesn't go to so often. If one is looking for the pink Seeker, Aldenard is the place to go.
Lucky Sparrow: K'sato recently was hired on as a full-time performer for the Lucky Sparrow Entertainment Troupe.
IC Inventory
K'sato doesn't carry too many items with him, save for a few things that are necessities. ((OOC: If one wishes to pickpocket him, do ask me at the time as I can give exact amounts of gil, and anytthing else he may have at the time.))

Glio coinpurse.png

Coinpurses: Wherever the Seeker goes he carries leather coin purses with him. Normally a decent amount of gil so that he doesn't happen to run out while he is out and about. (If this
Wand: Sometimes he carries a small wooden wand with several jewels lining it's tip.
Keys: Several keys attached to a singular chain.
RP Limits
consider myself a person who is okay with most roleplay scenarios, but please take a look at what I will and won't do even if it is brief!
I will play casual, mature, and sexual themes. From simple conversation to a bit of flirting that leads to a bedroom, all of these are okay with me. However I will only do RP with sexual themes with those over 18 years old!
Ask about plot RP, or any form of RP that may have some kind of lasting effect on K'sato. Normally I will go along with it, but I'd at least like to know ahead of time what he may be getting into!
I won't play RP that would cause K'sato to lose limbs, or an RP where the end result will be his death.
RP Hooks
While the below is by no means comprehensive, it's a kind of spring board for walk-up RP. Longer plots that are meant to run for more than a few quick RP's, please feel free to send me a tell so we can work out a good reason for our characters to get to know one another. I'm always looking for RP, unless I'm actively spamming PvE content.
Magic: As a mage, Sato loves to meet those who share his interest in the arcane. Especially those who bring new ideas or magicks to the table
Performing: Performing is a big passion for K'sato. Singing, dancing, etc. He loves to show his skills off to others, or see what they have up their sleeves.
Magic Sparring: He trains his abilities a lot, but nothing ever trains him harder than a good ol' magical duel.
Sweets: He has quite the sweet tooth, perhaps a discussion of favorite sweets can turn into a friendship?
Adventuring: Is your character adventurous? Great! They could meet while they're both on one of their own, or perhaps meet and decide to go on one together? Exploration is fun!

OOC Notes
Player Information
Player Note
There is a lot of information on this character wiki, but it is by no means completely comprehensive. There are chunks of backstory that are left intentionally vague so that details can be later added as developed through creative writing or in role-play revelation. Feel free to use Common or Uncommon rumors freely, if you want to use a Rare Rumor as a plot hook or to spark RP, I would ask that you send me a tell first, to make certain it's alright.
Character Lore Adherence
Everything concerning this character that has not been confirmed by in-game lore should be taken with a grain of salt. Anything that has had to be changed because of lore shifting will be noted below.
■ No changes.
Character Concept
Character Tidbits
Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki, but are technically relevant to the character.
■ Link Description: Link Title
Tropes & Explanations
A trope is a convention or device that is often found in creative works. In this case, the tropes below describe my character either in part, or as a whole. Their background, personality, appearance, etc, most of them can be described in the tropes below.
Trope Tropes are devices and conventions that a writer can reasonably rely on as being present in the audience members' minds and expectations. On the whole, tropes are not clichés.

Wiki Information
This wiki is constantly changing as the character’s story changes. It was last modified on September 28th 2018.

A blank version of the wiki template can be found here
Layout Information
The following is not entirely comprehensive, but contains general credits. Please leave the link-backs if you use this template!
■ Original template by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Header image inspired by D'lyhhia Lhuil.
■ Music bits from J'karu Rhome.
■ Relationships & OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Various formatting inspired by Odette Saoirse & others.