Reevon Temps

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Reevon Temps ReevonAV.png
Personal Data
Real Name: Reevon Temps
Known Aliases: Reeve, Grave, Ghost
Race: Duskwight, Elezen
Age: 41
Name Day: 24th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: Dark wine
Occupation: Independent researcher


Little Tidbits/Offsite Fun

Tumblr.png[Character Tumblr]



Aspects That Stand Out:
Tattoos on his face are from a cult based in the shroud.
Usually has vials, crystals, and various alchemy-supplies with him.
For those acutely aether-sensitive, it could be sensed that Reeve has some sort of connection with the void.


Rough Timeline
■ Born within a cult in the shroud, where he remained for the first 26 years of his life learning only of their ways and little of the outside world.
■ The calamity, while devastating, was what at last gave Reeve the opportunity to slip away and do as he wished. He left the cult and decided to travel and learn of everything he could. They would think him just another lost in the calamity.
■ After traveling for several years, Reeve returned back to the shroud with his curiosity sated and despite all that he learned, he wanted to return home to his 'family'.
■ Came across a small keeper clan that had become overwhelmed in flooding in the shroud. A miqo'te child was left unspoken for. Reeve saw in the child promise due to its innate ability to command aether even without teaching. He decided to adopt the miqo'te, Jin'sae Hara, and planned to teach him as a sort of prodigy.
■ Upon returning to his 'family' in the caves of the shroud, he found a less than warm welcome. They offered to forgive his departure if he handed over the miqo'te as a suitable offering for a voidsent that, in their upbringing, they believed was a god.
■ Reeve accepts the clan's offer, but waits for preparations for the ritual to be underway to attempt an escape with Jin'sae Hara. A close friend from the clan promised to aid them in their departure. Instead, they were met with an ambush at the location that was meant to be their escape. Reeve fought and killed what were once his family to leave with Jin'sae Hara but with a cost: Reeve was gravely injured.
■ By some fluke, Reeve's demise is post-poned when Jin'sae manages to transfer his essence into one of Reeve's crystals. He eventually hid it away inside a doll Reeve had given him as a gift shortly after his adoption.
■ Reeve spent the next ~10 years existing inside the doll where he had to learn to utilize aether to connect with others, speak, move, and cast some spells.
Jin'sae Hara spent that time searching for a way to bring Reeve back out and have someone with the know-how to save him.
■ Present day



The unknown.


Loud people.
The willfully ignorant.
The mundane.
Nosey people.
Certain insults.


Acquiring Artifacts.


Aetherical manipulation.
Has some sort of connection to the void,enabling him to teleport himself and others through portals (Not excessively, but as long as he can gather the aether and time)[Please note: He is not void-possessed or a void-sent. The connection is due to his cultist background and the activities they were involved in with a voidsent involved.]


Has a connection to the void, making him a target for some.[Please note: He is not void-possessed or a void-sent. The connection is due to his cultist background and the activities they were involved in with a voidsent involved.]


Personal fulfillment


Due to his history and connection with the void, Reevon is able to move rather freely on his own through portals. He does not always use this to his advantage, given how some could respond, but he usually does depending on the situation and who is around. This does require him to use aether and some of his stamina in each entrance and exit, which he can regain partly in the time between if he chooses to remain between. In that time, he would be invisible to anyone unable to track traces of aether. To those able, they could find where he moves to meet him at his exit. With enough aetherical force (this would required a considerable about), he could be forced out involuntarily as well.
Weapon: No specific/special equipment at this time.
Weapons of Choice
Dark-aspected and blood-magic
Elemental-magic only when he has access to crystals

OOC information for YOU

Below is useful tidbits should you ever be interested in trying to attack/spar with Kiri. Please note that I am very open to gore and violence and am not beyond having my character sport an injury for days to weeks on end. However! Dismemberment, permanent damage, and even death needs to be spoken about prior in vivid detail/discussion before anything will ever occur IC.
Sort-of Grindstone rules: More or less everyone's go-to in the public-realm of RP. (using ingame /random rolls) We start with an initial roll to determine first to strike. Thereafter, roll for attack, roll for defense. Post. Repeat until someone reaches agreed upon number of blows. Or 3 as per Grindstone standard.
Free-form: I will sometimes be open to this form of combat if I know you well enough or am generally comfortable enough with you that I know any sort of mishaps during an encounter can be discussed and worked out in a timely manner. Paragraph-posts most welcome in this form, but not required. We exchange attack attempts and have our characters respond accordingly to their personal limits. Requires both/all parties to have intimate knowledge of their own characters limits and trust on both sides that both people will respond fairly. (Your characters dodge, evade, etc, within reason of their limits). Be prepared for a fight like this to possibly go on longer than average roll-system based fight.
Talk to me: If there is ever any ideas you might have that you'd like to pass by me, go for it. I'm very open to ooc discussions even off-the-wall AU stuff or just ideas in general. Throw them at me!! Same goes with combat ideas. I'm very willing and open to consider other ideas and options. This goes beyond just combat RP!



Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
He's a bit of an ass.
He tends to talk... a lot.
He's fairly knowledgeable about some things (spells, potions, etc). So, he's probably well learned and traveled.
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
Why are his teeth all sharp like that? Does he eat people?!
You've seen the tattoos on his face? I wonder if they're all over like that?
Wasn't there a kid with a doll with that name??
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
The tattoos on Reevon can be linked back to a cult originating in caves in the Twelveswood that was rumored to have dabbled in void-related rituals, kidnappings, and killings.
Reevon's aether would be a direct match with what would have been seen/felt by any who met Jin'sae Hara along with his cait sith doll.


Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors -
"Place Rumor here " — Rumormonger.
"I hate that fucking cocksucker." — Axia Arcadius.
"He can be reliable but he's also an ass." — Ensei'to Shuse.



Thank you all for letting me use/alter your codes. If it weren't for you my wiki would not look how it does.

■ Template was created by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Suen Shyu.
■ Wiki Mash User:Abelia Kir Armiger.

Please remember to proper credit when using this wiki. Thank you.


Player Note
Luminhara/Lumi - awkward, gender-neutral, friend-shaped nerd
Personal RP Limits
I don't have very many hardcore limits honestly as I feel consequences must be adhered to when RPing any character regardless of whom they might be. However there are a few exceptions to this and they are as follows.
I will play Almost anything that isn't described below.
I won't play If you're ever uncertain of limits, just ask!
Little Tidbits.
If you're ever uncomfortable, please, PLEASE let me know. I play my characters out how they would naturally respond and while I do my best to ensure I do not overstep anyone's comfort-levels, I am only human. If I ever make you feel uncomfortable in any way, please speak up.
I RP to have fun and as long as my RP is not forcing anything on yours, I hope to get the same amount of respect you'd offer anyone else in the role-play community as far as communication goes. We're all playing in the sandbox together. Some people enjoy different things. I understand that. But please remember this is all playing pretend on a video game at the end of the day. It's absolutely ridiculous getting judgey and petty all over make-believe characters. So, please, lets just have fun together!
If my character is ever bothering you to the point you are affected oocly in anyway, PLEASE let me know what I can do to alleviate that. If it's just the character in general, I will even do my best to avoid interacting with you in the future. In short... I do NOT want to ruin anyone's idea of a good time. But also please do not ruin mine with nonconstructive feedback. Thank you.


Potential Plot Hooks
While the below is by no means comprehensive, it's a kind of spring board for walk-up RP.
■ Former Cultist with a very shady past in the shroud.
■ Could be approached to ask for help in unsavory matters. (void related, underworld/criminal, occult, etc.) But preferably ask OOCly first so we could discuss details of how this rumor/connection would be known before starting the RP.
■ Could be approached for assistance in aetherical training. Not entirely likely he'll accept unless he can be convinced it'd benefit him in some way.
■ Use the rumors, if you're ever unsure if you can/should, just ask!
■ Please just throw any/all ideas/suggestions you have at me. I'm very open to ideas or plots others might want me to join in. So, seriously, just message me OOC anytime for open discussion.