Roxian Silvermoon

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Roxian Logan von Silvermoon
The lone knight in the dark
Roxian top banner.png

Forget not the shadow you cast - it will always follow you.



Vital Information

PRONUNCIATION...Pronounce as read

NICKNAMES... Rox, Roxi

RACE & CLAN... Xaela Au Ra, demivoidsent

GENDER... Male

AGE... 25

NAMEDAY... 19th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon

ORIENTATION...Bisexual, prefers men


Other Statistics

NATIONALITY... Meracydian(secret), Gridanian(public knowledge)

CITIZENSHIP... None, moves around too much

FAMILY... Only father is alive

RESIDENCE... Inns generally

OCCUPATION... Dark knight, assassin-for-hire

PATRON DEITY... Menphina, The Lover


ALIGNMENT... Chaotic Neutral

General Information
And what would you want from me, filth?
Deep purple, bright purple limbal rings. Narrow pupils Jet black hair with blue highlights Snow white skin, except for his arms and legs which are a dark, almost burnt-looking gray, having a hint of red around his elbows/knees Lean buildVoice claim is Adam Gontier
Carries himself well, but will slouch if relaxed Ambidextrous Numerous scars all over his body, the largest ones being on his back. Majority of scars going across his scales have completely removed the scales from where the scars are Blackened legs and arms that gradually fade into his natural white skin. The borderline of the dark and white skin is slightly red Usually in full armor when outdoors, but prefers casual, non-restrictive clothing that covers his skin
Hair & Eyes
Roxian's eyes are naturally a dark purple, but his eyes change color from purple to red depending on certain elements. His left eye is always slightly more red than the right, but it's barely noticeable unless looked at really closely. The limbal rings are a bright purple but similarly to his irises, they change color to a more red tint to match his eyes. The only time you can clearly see the red color in Roxian's eyes is when his Darkside is activated and even then, usually only his left eye is red. It is uncommon to see both of his eyes red.
His hair is naturally black and blue. It has a somewhat rough texture, but is soft to the touch. Roxian keeps his hair semi-short most of the time, but it's not strange to see him with hair that reaches for his shoulders.
Physique & Markings
Roxian has a well-trained body, as is required for the work he does. Not overly muscular, but toned with a focus on upper body strength. He used to have more focus on his legs, back when he was a famed dragoon, but those days are long gone. When inspected closely, you will notice that his thighs and upper arms have a very thin layer of scales. Their purpose is unknown and so far only seem cosmetic.
As far as markings go, Roxian only has a few but they are notable. His arms and legs from elbow/knee-down appear blackened, as if he painted his limbs with dark ash. The borders of his limbs where the dark skin ends are tinged with red which is almost the color of blood.
Hygiene & Attire
Despite his seemingly busy life, Roxian always makes sure he washes daily or at the very least every other day. He can't bear feeling dirty. He is still far from being a germophobe and is not afraid to get his hands dirty when need be.
Attire-wise, Roxian prefers clothing and armor that covers up his body sans his head. He does always keep an eyepatch on, a different one based on what he's doing. One that covers his right eye when he's out and about as a dark knight or working on an assassination, one that covers his left when he's in casual wear.
Psychological Profile
Roxian is far from what you would call a stable person. Outwardly he seems stoic and unphased by what happens around him, no matter how shocking it would be. Inwardly though, he is in the middle of a storm. Insecurities, deep sorrow and a raging anger plague him day and night, but he is surprisingly good at keeping himself composed. However, he is quick to "flip a switch" so to speak - he can go from calm to highly irritated or even angry at a moment's notice.
A different personality occupies Roxian's mind. A highly aggressive, sadistic person that some would call a monster. There are seemingly no limits to the cruelty of this other personality, but luckily Roxian is pretty well in control of this violent personality. Sometimes he slips and the aggressiveness comes out, but rarely does he do a full switch from one personality to the next. Roxian is incapable of remembering what happens when his other personality takes hold of him and even when he just slips briefly, even mid sentence, he'll forget what he said or did. He does relive the other personality's memories and actions in his dreams which depending on how badly things went, Roxian may end up avoiding sleep altogether. His nightmares are very vivid and real-like and easily leave him shaken up.
When conditions allow, Roxian is actually an okay person to be around with. What few friends he has, he is extremely loyal to and will protect them with his life. He can also be humorous and likes to be mischievous, often times finding amusement in playfully harassing his friends or even semi-strangers. Drinking is a common thing for Roxian to do during his off-time, both as a coping mechanism as well as just for relaxation purposes. He has an extremely high tolerance for alcohol and it will take quite a lot of drinks to get him actually drunk. When drunk, he is rather moody but also very flirtatious.
As Roxian is of noble birth, he was taught manners and how to "kiss someone's ass", as Roxian put it. He was never one to be good-mannered and you can expect him to be rude to you from the moment you meet him.
Roxian generally doesn't speak a lot, but his voice is audible and clear when he does. When his other personality takes over, his voice becomes "distant" and distorted. The less control he has over his body, the more distorted and unnatural his voice becomes.
Philosophy & Mannerisms
Roxian is a man of fickle stances. He values respect, but has no problems disrespecting someone or defending his own pride. A quick way to anger him is to show him disrespect but be warned - Roxian, or rather, his other personality is quite devoted to holding grudges and remembering those who dare insult him. Even so, Roxian will also defend his friends from being disrespected and will quickly step in to say his piece if this becomes an issue. This applies to general injustice towards his friends too, but not strangers - he does not feel the urge to defend those in need of aid and could watch someone get beaten up without a dent to his conscience. Speaking of, Roxian's sense of right and wrong is a little skewed, often times disregarding clearly bad things such as violence or abuse. It almost depends on his mood whether or not his moral compass is working or not.
You will quickly notice that Roxian fidgets a lot when nervous - playing with his necklace if in casual wear, his hair if in armor. He also plays with his necklace if he's deep in thought or reminiscing. When angry, Roxian can hiss like a snake and curl his tail around himself if feeling threatened, although this is pretty rare.
He does have a few quirks left from his days as a Miqo'te, enjoying very cat-like things such as petting his hair and rubbing the small of his back. He also finds joy and comfort in being around familiar scents and especially the scent of his lover is soothing to him, easily being one of the things that can calm him down from anger or sadness. When really letting his guard down, Roxian will nuzzle the person he cares for.
As Roxian wasn't actually born either into a regular Miqo'te tribe nor did he associate himself with the Xaela of the Azim Steppe, he has no knowledge of their respective tribal behaviors or culture. Concepts such as living in a female-dominant family as a Keeper or engaging in usual Xaela rituals are lost on him. In a sense, he doesn't really know his people and therefore often feels like an outsider among those peoples. Not that he'd admit it or particularly care, but he does find himself thinking about these things from time to time. Roxian can show interest in learning more about the cultures of "his people", but more often than not he will feign disinterest. He feels more at home among dragons or simply being by himself.
● Traveling and seeing/experiencing new things. Part of the reason he's rarely seen in the cities as he doesn't like to stay in one place for too long.
● Challenging himself, be it musically, in combat, physical abilities...
● Drinking. It's not uncommon to see him spending a lot of time in a tavern, drinking the night away.
● The cold, oddly enough considering how much he enjoys spending time in Coerthas and Ishgard.
● Whining. He'll quickly have some choice words to say about whining if he has to listen to it for a longer time.
● Being disrespected. He sure loves to disrespect others, but having himself be disrespected? Not a fan.
● Large bodies of water. Roxian has aquaphobia, meaning he is deathly afraid of oceans, lakes and such.
● Roxian specializes in alchemy and has always had a knack for it.
● As he was raised in Meracydia, he was taught Draconian and is fluent in it. Other languages outside of Common? He's quite hopeless with those.
Combat, Abilities & Weaponry

Roxian combat banner.png
Basic Statistics
High: Physical strength
Above Average: Resistances(All elements sans white/ice magics)
Average: Ranged combat
Low: Non-dark magic usage
Aetheric Abilities
Mastery: Dark magic
Expert: Fire magic
Average: None
Novice: None
Weapon Training
Mastery: Great swords, lances
Expert: Short swords
Average: Axes
Novice: Weapons used for casting magics
Combat Relevant Skills
High: Stealth
Above Average: Acrobatics
Average:Tactics in a group
Low: Utilizing magic other than dark/fire
Non-Combat Abilities
Toxicology: Roxian is adept at toxicology and he is capable of creating toxins and antitoxins at a moment's notice, as long as he has the necessary ingredients
Guitarist: When Roxian doesn't have a lot to do, he tends to pick up his guitar and play it. Over the years he's become quite good at playing it
Combat Abilities
Dark magic: Being a dark knight, Roxian has access to vast amounts of dark aether, his aetherpool further increased by his voidsent energies. He is very skilled at using these magics and has acquired the finesse to shape the darkside aura around him into different shapes
Partial transformation: While not entirely in control of this, Roxian can alter parts of his body and change them into those of a gargoyle - thickening the skin around his limbs, growing longer and sharper claws, additional horns etc. The alterations will disappear after some time
While Roxian may seem very powerful, that power comes with major weaknesses. When Roxian says he doesn't like the cold, he really doesn't like the cold - it will heavily cripple him, slowing him down and ice magicks work excellently against him. So do Holy magicks as they sap him of his strength, further weakening him by e.g. blinding him or temporarily preventing him from using his Dark Arts.
As he is partially voidsent, someone who has an excellent knowledge of the void and voidmagics could potentially partially bend Roxian to their will. And as an addition, Roxian does hunger for aether and being starved of it will render him incredibly weak, preventing him from utilizing dark magics. The hunger won't kill him, but he will remain in a docile, weakened state until his hunger is sated.
One the flipside, trying to poison him or burning with him acids will prove fruitless as he seems to be immune to their effects.

Disclaimer: I've taken some liberties with lore when it comes to Roxian's backstory. If you're not cool with that, I respectfully ask you to not express your disapproval in an aggressive manner. People enjoy different things and sometimes it takes bending the rules just a little. Let's be cool, alright?
Sixth Astral Era
This is typically pre-calamity information, or information from before the turn of the era (Domans & others not in Eorzea proper).

Before the Calamity, Roxian was still a Keeper Miqo'te learning the ways of lancer. He turned out to be somewhat of a prodigy and quickly gained a name for himself in Gridania as he climbed the ranks in the lancer's guild. After he turned 18 summers old, he wasted no time looking for any work fitting a lancer.

But before any of that, before Roxian ended up in Gridania, he lived in a long-forgotten corner of Meracydia. A kingdom with no one to rule, but the royal family still upheld the old traditions and teachings fitting a noble family. No one really knows why the family insisted on keeping the old ways alive, but there are theories made up by the people living in the mansion where the family resided. Some of the traditions the family did was the soulbinding of a guardian dragon to the child who would become the heir to the throne. The guardian dragons are meant to act as the heir's bodyguard and often are made to take a more humanoid form through use of powerful spells. These humanoid dragons are very much alike with the current date Au Ra albeit they share more bestial features with their original form.

In his earlier years, Roxian had a twin brother, Ryo. They were incredibly close, but were torn away from each other on a fateful night. An Ascian kidnapped them both and proceeded to open a voidgate using Ryo as a sacrifice, utilizing his aether to bring forth a gargoyle that the Ascian then killed. They then killed the fiend, gathering its blood and forcing Roxian to consume it while binding the soul of the gargoyle in the boy. But little did the Ascian know, the lingering soul of Ryo became bound to Roxian as well, although severely twisted by the ritual. It lay dormant within Roxian along with the essence of the voidsent for years until adulthood.

Seventh Umbral Era
This is typically post calamity information, or information since the turn of the era (Domans & others not in Eorzea proper).

Roxian had been warned about the coming of the Calamity(by sources unknown to the public) and he had fled to his old home in Meracydia until roughly 5 years passed. During his time away, Roxian had further improved his combat abilities and was as ready as ever to take on tougher jobs which were plentiful now, after the Calamity. It did not take long before it was discovered he possesses the Echo and he was guided to seek the Scions of the Seventh Dawn.

Over time, Roxian met plenty of new people, made new friends, even found love. A free paladin going by the name of Matthew Wrion became Roxian's closest friend and his very first - and so far, the only - lover.

As Roxian continued to work with the Scions, felling primals, he began to show signs of illness. Weakness, loss of aether, a hunger for something. It was a slow, gradual process which ultimately lead to Roxian having to run away from his Scion's duties and go under the radar for quite some time. During his disappearance, he went through changes. Small and almost unnoticeable at first, like the thickening of his skin around his upper arms and thighs, forming scale-like skin. The sharpening of his teeth and nails turning into claws, the skin of his arms and legs darkening. Then eventually, excruciating changes in his bone structure and whole body in general, leading up to him losing his Miqo'te form completely and instead taking a more Au Ra-like form. This new form was due to him having been soulbound to a bodyguard when he was born - a Xaela man by the name of Toraga. When his Miqo'te body couldn't take it anymore, the more formidable form of an Au Ra took over.

This drastic change broke down Roxian's mental barriers. He believed himself insane which gave way to further changes in his psyche. A malevolent personality took residence in his mind and through this personality and the knowledge it shared with Roxian, he learned what he truly had become: a demivoidsent. All of the memories of his childhood that he had locked away in the deepest corners of his mind came back flooding and it lead to Roxian sinking into a deep depression. He tried to off himself on numerous occasions but the other personality would not let him. He took on incredibly dangerous jobs which he hoped would be the end of him, but he would not fall, no matter the wounds he suffered. Through lots of reflecting and exploring the depths of himself, he learned that this personality wasn't just something born out of his childhood trauma - it was Ryo, in his twisted form. Yet despite the gruesome alterations to who used to be a very sweet boy, Ryo still had a very strong urge to protect his brother. Protect him from those who would wrong him and from his own urges to end his life, for better or for worse.

In Recent Times
Moving Forward
In recent times, Roxian is a recluse with a lot of blood in his hands. He fills the void in his heart with drink, sex and the thrill of killing. However, he does seem to wish for something when he reminisces about the past, about the good times he had.

Any leads on Ascian activity will prompt Roxian to move. He seeks revenge for what the Ascians did to him and his brother. Sure, he might've actually worked for them for a short time in the past, but that won't stop him from hunting them down. He also seeks answers as to why they did it all. Why them, why this. What could they possibly want to achieve by summoning voidsent and binding them to some nameless boy in a place that hardly anyone knows about.

Relationship Status Legend

Sylvia Silvermoon
Ryo Silvermoon
Former Acquaintances
The Scions
Matthew Wrion
✝(Roxian doesn't know he's not actually dead)

NPC Rumors

Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"I recently made some deals with a male Au Ra with an oppressive aura around him. I felt uneasy doing business with him. You ever feel something is just... slightly off about somebody, but can't quite place it? That's how I felt." — Merchant
"He's a common troublemaker around these parts. Nothing major not that I know of, but there's always something going on with him. Minor fights with local thugs and such." — City guard
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"I had this man come to my shop the other night. Bought a large supply of my finest poisons. I don't know about you, but I think someone's going to get what's coming to them, hehehe." — Black market merchant
"Oh, this guy? I don't know if you want to mess with him. He's real intimidating, I tell you. Even by himself. But when that other Au Ra man is with him? I think you're only inviting disaster to yourself, my friend." — Tavern patron
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"I saw him tear that poor man apart! Guts spilling out, blood spilling everywhere... gods, it was a gruesome sight." — A man in the alleyway
"That man is no human. He is something else entirely, a monster, a demon. I swear to you, I saw it with me own eyes! Transformed right in front of me. Wings, spikes, long claws... Something right outta me nightmares!" — Rumormonger
PC Rumors

Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"Roxian? I think I might've heard that name from somewhere before... You said he's an Au Ra male? I don't know, the time I heard of this man, he was definitely a Miqo'te." — Innkeeper
"Ohohoho, I don't advice you to go after Roxian. His very name means trouble and brings ill tidings to you. Some say you could get cursed for even uttering his name..." — Elderly woman


Roxian screenshot banner.png
Animal I Have Become
Artist: Three Days Grace
Origin: One-X
Context: Theme song
Hunter Of The Dark
Artist: Yoko Shimomura
Origin: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix
Context: Battle theme
So Far Away
Artist: Avenged Sevenfold
Origin: Nightmare
Context: Devotion to Roxian's old lover

In-Game Screenshots
RP Info

Roxian rp info banner.png
Location & Probability
Places where the character is very likely to be seen
Ishgard: Most commonly seen around the tavern or lurking in the dark alleyways.
Coerthas: Not often seen out in the open during daytime - you might catch a glimpse of him during the night, flying around on his dark horse.
Ul'dah, Gridania, Limsa Lominsa: A rare sight in the three main cities. Seemingly strictly nighttime visits and even then he prefers to avoid the more crowded areas.
Most of these aren’t public, and would have to be asked after!
Ascians: Briefly, some years back. Avoids talking about it and denies any proof.
The Scions: Sometime after making a name as a dragoon to the end of Heavensward.
Meracydians/Dravanians: Little known connection and a well-kept secret.
Voidsent: Being half-voidsent means Roxian is involved with them whether he wants it or not.
IC Inventory
The following items are things that this individual carries on their person at all times. These are noted for pickpockets, and those watching him closely. This information is meant to be a prompt for insight and is not to be meta-gamed, though feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in RP (pickpocketing, a search, etc) with use of a simple /tell.
Small vials filled with unknown liquid: Has only a handful of these. The liquid in them seems to be black, but is actually a very dark purple. It's thick and has a strong, pungent scent.
Black necklace with a black cross: Always wears this. The chain goes around his neck twice and has small black beads. The cross is surprisingly heavy.
Coinpurse: A simple purse for gil. Quite hefty.
Wind-up Meateater: Almost never seen without this small automaton. Takes good care of it. Affectionately calls it "Qiqi".
RP Limits
I like to consider myself a flexible player who is willing to commit to a number of different types of scenes and role-play scenarios, but even I have my limits. If something is on the play list, assume it means yes, as long as it's within the context of the current play or ongoing plot. No's are typically a hard no, and it means don't ask.
I will play: Mature, dark, long-term
Ask about: Erotic, gore
I won't play: Erotic RP with certain fetishes
RP Hooks
While the below is by no means comprehensive, it's a kind of spring board for walk-up RP. Longer plots that are meant to run for more than a few quick RP's, please feel free to send me a tell so we can work out a good reason for our characters to get to know one another. I'm always looking for RP, unless I'm actively spamming PvE content.
■ You may have seen a wanted poster of Roxian somewhere, or heard he is wanted for a multitude of crimes. That was a while ago though, wonder what happened to those claims...
■ Roxian carries the scent of voidsent. Sometimes it's only a mild hint of it, sometimes he reeks of it.
■ Since Roxian has a lot of blood in his hands, he has also made a lot of enemies. Someone has surely put a bounty on him.
OOC Notes
Player Information
Player Note
There is a lot of information on this character wiki, but it is by no means completely comprehensive. There are chunks of backstory that are left intentionally vague so that details can be later added as developed through creative writing or in role-play revelation. Feel free to use Common or Uncommon rumors freely, if you want to use a Rare Rumor as a plot hook or to spark RP, I would ask that you send me a tell first, to make certain it's alright.
Character Lore Adherence
Everything concerning this character that has not been confirmed by in-game lore should be taken with a grain of salt. Anything that has had to be changed because of lore shifting will be noted below.
■ Roxian is a demivoidsent(Au Ra/voidsent[gargoyle]).
■ He was originally a Keeper Miqo'te, but changed into an Au Ra later on. This is explained in his background
■ Roxian is Meracydian royalty(prince)
Other information
■ All of my RP characters are located on Mateus.
Character tidbits and other characters
Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki/to other characters, but are relevant to this character.
OC/Headcanon blog(Tumblr)
Matthew Wrion
Izuna Aoi

Wiki Information
This wiki is constantly changing as the character’s story changes. It was last modified on Month ##th, 2016.

A blank version of the wiki template can be found here
Layout Information
The following is not entirely comprehensive, but contains general credits. Please leave the link-backs if you use this template!
■ Original template by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Header image inspired by D'lyhhia Lhuil.
■ Music bits from J'karu Rhome.
■ Relationships & OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Various formatting inspired by Odette Saoirse & others.