Ebenezer Locklear

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 Ebenezer Locklear
Locklear Ref.jpeg
Birth Name Ebenezer Gillead Luvarat-Locklear.
Nickname(s)/Alias Doc, Doctor, Locky.
Age Unknown.
Nameday 31st Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon.
Birthplace Unknown.
Race Elezen (Mostly).
Alignment Chaotic Good.
Citizenship Ul'dahn (Honorary/Requited).
Guardian Thaliak, the Scholar.
Physique Toned, though not overly muscular.
Hair Copper-red.
Eyes Golden, serpentine pupils.
Skin Fair tone, heavily scarred.
Facial Features Almost serpentine eyes, unnatural of an Elezen. A scar rests over his right eye.
Tattoos Garlean Empire's emblem on the back of his neck, hidden beneath his hair.
Scars Littered with them. Lashes across his back/shoulders.
Clothing Usually in darker clothes, suits or Doctor's work clothes.
Keywords Neighbourhood madman. Kind and caring Doctor.
Hobbies Studying, mostly.
Likes Aiding those in need, fine wines, company and conversation.
Dislikes Ignorance and arrogance.
Core Motivator Some unknown form of personal gain.
Fears He keeps these to himself.
Greatest Accomplishment Yet to be determined.
Greatest Regret Loss.
IC Profession Doctor, specialises in mental health.
IC Soulstone Does not possess one ICly currently.
Combat Style A Thaumaturge in practice, Locklear deals magical damage to assailants.
Physical Advantages Limber, quick on his feet, surprisingly flexible.
Physical limitations Not built for hand to hand combat.
Non-combat A Doctor practiced in multiple physical medicinal fields.
Primary Weapon Two handed staff used to channel his spells or handgonne, depending on magical capability at the time.
Secondary Weapon Mind-games. He often torments others with their darkest fears once he picks up on what they may be.
Armor Usually in a simple set of dark coloured, lightweight leather armour. The pouches adorning his back, being re-purposed weapons sheathes, often carry medicinal supplies.
Time Zone UCT+8 (Perth, Australia)
Server Mateus (Usually visiting Balmung)

**Side bar template adapted from: Infobox-roe by [MoenMoen]

**"The TMI Character Template for the Hopelessly Detail Oriented" created by [MoenMoen]

Note: This profile is fairly large.

'Smaller' version: Locklear's Carrd

I take pride in detail regarding my own character, and so have no regrets for just how long this profile is.

Everything has been sorted into smaller segments, to make navigation more simple should you want to skip to certain points.

Doctor Ebenezer Locklear

Ebenezer Locklear, born Ebenezer Gillead Luravoix-Locklear; formerly known under aliases 'aan-Luravoix', 'kir-Luravoix', then 'lux-Luravoix'; is a wandering Elezen man of undefined origins, often spending his time around the Ul'dahn people whensoever he is not caught with his nose in a tome or scroll.

Almost unusually friendly for what could be expected of an Elezen, Locklear does not possess the usual pride of his people, and views others as equals to himself more often than not, lest they give him reason to doubt.

Between his studious silences and his almost mad ramblings, it is difficult to tell just what this man desires in life, yet he would tell you it is only to aide those in need, being the Doctor that he is.

Being practiced in multiple fields of ranged combat, specifically as a Black Mage and Machinist, if anyone were to ever go against him they would have better luck in close-quarter combat, lest they end up being torn to shreds by magics or bullets.

Very little is known of his past, and he is aught but one to share such information about himself.

General Information


Locklear's magi-mechanical (Magitek) arm, oft hidden beneath a thick leather glove.
These scars, from whips and the likes, cover the entirety of Locklear's back and shoulders.

Standing at about average height for an Elezen man, Locklear is nothing to gawk at at first glance.

With fair facial features rather typical of an Elezen, his gaze usually calm if not a little calculating due to his studious nature, the golden-hued orbs bare pupils that are unnatural for most Elezen, with an almost serpentine appearance to them, often gazing from behind a pair of thin-framed spectacles. High cheekbones, a strong yet smooth jawline, sturdy brow and well-kept beard give Locklear the general aura and appearance of having experienced much in his life, being knowledgeable despite his occasional ramblings. His face is framed by silken, copper-red hair that he tends to keep at shoulder-length and no longer, lest it become a bother when his skills are needed. Among the numerous scars that litter his body, his most notable would be the singular scar that rests over and below his right eye, offsetting the otherwise flawless features of the man.

His right arm bares extensive scarring from his elbow down, despite being often hidden beneath a long leather glove. Should this glove ever be removed, it would be seen that his arm had been lost in some way in his past, from just below the elbow and down being replaced with a magi-mechanical (operated by his mind and magics) prosthetic. It could even be argued that this piece of gear was Magitek equipment, perhaps linking him to some form of dealings with the Garlean Empire. He wears the glove for the sake of others, lest they be put off by the appearance of it, and lest he get pestered about how it came to be.

Beneath his armours, Locklear bares a caster's form with a slim build, not quite muscular enough to dive into hand-to-hand or any other form of melee combat. Scars litter his entire body, the worst adorning his back and shoulders, and looking to be lashes from some form of whip, or whips, as the scars seem to vary in size, length, depth and general appearance, some being more jagged and rough than others.


It is nigh impossible to determine just how this man behaves on a day to day basis, as he never seems to stick to any particular set of mannerisms.

Some days, Locklear is friendly, talkative, and goes out of his way to aide others even if they are not particularly in need of aide. Anything from offering a few gil, to simple companionship and conversation, Locklear would seem like just about any other patron in The Quicksand or wherever else he may wander.

Yet on other days, Locklear can seem gloomy, almost brooding, while being lost within the recesses of his mind. Although still with a hint of that usually friendly nature, he is a little more difficult to associate with when in these phases, as he is far more intent on focusing on his work, whether it be physically carrying out said work, or simply planning the steps within his mind.

Overall, there is forever a hint of lunacy, the occasional ramblings or the restless fidgeting of one who could be considered nervous or anxious, as though hiding something in plain sight.


Locklear tends to live for the finer things in life, though is far from the typical Elezen.

From a casual conversation and company, to a fine glass of wine or champagne, Locklear is also modest with what he enjoys, usually ensuring that others are well and happy, in both body and mind, before seeing to his own needs and wants.

Despite these tastes for finer things, Locklear is rarely seen, or even heard of, indulging in lusts and desires of the body. Although he does not seem to be completely opposed to them, he is not one to indulge in such things on a whim, seeming to put some thought into any action he takes long before he does anything at all.


As with most anyone, Locklear is not particularly a fan of the ignorant and arrogant. It is with a passive fervour that the man, in fact, avoids any form of conflict with these kinds of people. Not to say he avoids the people themselves, simply getting into any form of conflict with the individuals. The Doctor may be a slight madman, but he is fair from being witless.


Locklear's known history is fairly uninteresting to most, and so he bothers not in telling.

An Elezen man from an unknown area, having travelled much in his life and finding himself almost settling in Ul'dah, although he still travels much regardless to aide others as well as gather supplies for his professions and hobbies. A Doctor by trade, it is clear he has trained for quite some years to be what he is now.

Without a doubt, his past is far more complex than being a simple, wandering Elezen. Getting him to speak of his past in depth, however, is far more difficult than one might think. He may hint at things, or speak short about some memories, but detailed re-tellings would require specific questions, persistence and at least some trust between him and the person he is speaking to.


Although mostly ignored and rarely mentioned, Locklear carries a few titles from both current and past events.


  • Magus-Doctor.

Self explanatory, being both a Mage and a Doctor.

  • Mortician.

Once having worked in a mortuary, tending to the deceased as he would often tend to the ill or dying, few might recognise him for his work preparing the dead for their burials. It has been some years since he has worked under this particular profession, however. Even if he no longer works directly as mortician, he still aides others in the profession however he can when time permits.

  • Grave Keeper.

From time to time, he would tend to the gravestones and graves around commonly, and even not-so-commonly, visited graveyards. However, he did not do this often enough to call it a profession, more-so an act of good will.

  • Praefectus Castrorum.

Very, very rarely will he ever admit to baring this title, known under an alias when working in the field it entitles.


Some of these still apply to the man, but he rarely refers to them.

  • Tek-Magus.

Locklear went by no specific alias while baring this title, as this time ranged from his time as a Medicus Veteranus to current.

  • Primus Medicus.

At the time going by the alias 'lux-Luravoix'.

  • Medicus Veteranus.

At the time going by the alias 'kir-Luravoix'.

  • Peregrinus.

At the time going by the given name 'aan-Luravoix'.

All of these titles, Locklear is not privy to saying aloud to just anyone.

Each have significant ties to his past, and few may recognise him as one of the above should they have any knowledge of the Calamity or happenings before it.


Combat Skills

Locklear's combative skills consist primarily of the magics of a Thaumaturge, specialising as a Black Mage, dealing consistent damage revolving around the elements of fire and frost, as well as the occasional lightning spell to meddle with his opponent's nerves and motor skills.

Whenever he struggles with his magics, as can happen from time to time with occurrences in his past, he will switch from casting magics to instead using a handgonne, being specialised in the past as a Machinist, the ammunition of such being prewarded with magics to enhance the damage output.

Among his magical skills as a Thaumaturge, he also employ tactics of mind games to races and opponents that would be affected by such. Oft by observing his opponent for long enough, whether it be in or out of combat, Locklear is able to pick up on hints of a man's (or woman's) darkest fears and desires, using these to his advantage to mentally weaken and distract his opponent.

Due to his physical build, as well as ailments that the man suffers, he cannot set himself to the practices of melee or hand-to-hand combat styles, as it would do him more harm than good to do such. From time to time, he finds that parts of his body, specifically muscles in his back and shoulders, seize up due to past injuries and traumas, and although it is relatively easy to bypass this problem while casting spells, as one need only be able to think and speak more than move to do so, should he dive into melee range/combat, it would surely lead him only to further injury.

Primary Profession

Locklear's primary profession outside of combat revolve around his works as a Doctor. Specialising in psychology and psychiatry, it is not uncommon for anyone to see the man idling about the Quicksand observing its patrons, or speaking with a few individuals, often one on one, whom might seem shy or withdrawn.

However, the matters of the mind are not the only fields of medicine Locklear is practiced in. He takes great pride in the fact that he also practices physical, practical medicines, not being one to rely entirely upon magic to mend wounds like many-a healer. Everything from bandages and splints for simple injuries and broken bones, to surgery for more severe and grievous wounds, this Doctor is experienced in many fields, and is aught but shy to tell of such.



Outside of his usual work as a Doctor, Locklear has taken up several minor professions to pass what little time he has to spare, and of course has chosen more practical hobbies that, in turn, aide in his primary profession.

Out of many crafts that he could practice under the category of Disciples of the Hand, Locklear has set his focus to the crafts of a Weaver and Alchemist, the latter of which he finds most useful as he is able to provide himself with potions, salves and other such medicinal items, oft supplied by ingredients and reagents that he gathers himself.


Locklear's habits are odd, to say the least. Some might even find some of what the Doctor does a tad.. off-putting.

Often, the Doctor can be found idling about the Quicksand in Ul'dah, observing the patrons silently as he watches, studies their mannerisms and behaviours, their own habits and ticks, as though making some form of mental list. Why he does this, exactly, is not entirely known. He often excuses it as he is observing others to better understand the workings of the mind, to further his ability to aide in mental illnesses and ailments. But there always seems to be something left out of his explanations.



Locklear's armours can consist of any number of sets. Thus far, two have been detailed below, with references provided.

Doctor Locklear in his usual armours.

Locklear's usual armours consist of dark-toned, often black, lightweight leather. Rather unusual in appearance, his armours do not look anything alike what most Elezen, or most of anyone of Eorzea's races, would choose to wear.

A sleeveless vest adorns his chest, with thicker leather gloves protecting his hands, his left up to the wrist, whereas the right covers up unto his elbow, protecting the prosthetic beneath from both damage as well as prying eyes. His left shoulder is cupped with a single spaulder, baring a badge that bares the semblance of a wolf's head. The decision to bare this armour piece on his left shoulder, as opposed to his right, is not clear, however it is possible from a glance that it is to protect the straps that hold parts of his armours in place.

Loose, black pants hang from his waist and cover the entirety of his legs, the design of which bare a few pockets that are oft used to store emergency potions, quick-working antidotes and other such remedies for use in combat. Simple combat boots protect his feet, with nothing particularly eye-catching or fancy about them.

A black smock drapes from his left side, from the waist down, seeming to protect naught but his left side leg only. The purpose of his smock is about as clear as the spaulder upon his left shoulder.

Strapped upon his back are four identical re-purposed weapons sheathes that he uses as bags to store an array of items (to be listed in "Miscellaneous Items").

Magitek Conversion Armor (front view)
Magitek Conversion Armor (rear view)

Another set, and one he has chosen to use more often out in the field as of late, consist of black and white tones, laced with Magitek machinery to aide in his work. Lacework across the back and shoulders draw dark Aether directly from his body through contact with the scarring he bares, then converted into light Aether and channelled through either his mechanical arm or his Magitek stave to heal others akin to how a Conjurer might. This, however, tends to have a detrimental effect on the Doctor, causing him need for rest to recuperate his Aetheric supplies.

Casual Attire

Although it is uncommon to see Locklear out of his usual armours, especially while he is out on the field, it is not entirely improbable.

Whenever he chooses to wear something more casual than his typical leather armours, he tends to dress in a myriad of outfits, from suits fit for ceremonies and meetings, more casual attires such as long-sleeved shirts and slacks, or even heavy-woollen robes. The latter is more common for him to wear should he have need to visit the colder regions of Eorzea.

Main Weaponry

The main weapon the Locklear employs in combat situations is oft a two-handed stave of one form or another which he uses to channel his magics.

Being a Black Mage, Locklear issues forth a myriad of destructive spells, with many affiliations to different elements, whether it be to burn, freeze, shock or simply tear his opponents apart, occasionally even draining their life essence from them and taking it as his own. Such magics come at a cost, however, as it often leaves him feeling drained despite calling upon external sources of strength and power to cast his spells.

However, from time to time, he finds his energies drained, unable to call forth the destructive powers that lie dormant within him, and so he switches tactics to that of a Machinist.

With ammunition that is warded well before use, baring abilities from lightning and fire magics, the damage output of an otherwise normal handgonne is amplified to the same level of destruction as his usual spells.

Secondary Weaponry

Locklear's secondary weaponry to be utilised in combat situations is his tricks with meddling with the mind itself.

After having observed people for most of his life, studying their mannerisms and behaviours, he is easily about to pick up hints of his opponent's fears, and will often use these against them whether it be through word or spell.

Miscellaneous Items

The 'SDS Millenium', acquired from Garlemald by unknown methods.

Locklear carries with him a myriad of items, from alchemy ingredients to potions to bandages and beyond. Needless to say, this man tends to be prepared for just about anything.

Visible Items

Items that are simply hanging from his belt, or otherwise visible to the naked eye.

  • Spectacles.

Perhaps the most obvious of the things he carries, as they perch upon the bridge of his nose more often than not, most would assume that he requires these to see. However, his sight is perfectly fine even without the thin-framed spectacles, so perhaps he only wears them for style?

  • Wolf's Head badge.

Upon his left spaulder, as stated in his armours, it seems to be built of simple metals, with a ring being held within the maw of the beast's visage. Often, Locklear would use this ring to clip small items onto whenever he is working, whether it be to hang a small towelette, hold his keys to a certain piece of machinery he calls 'Millenium', or other such items, to free his hands for work.

  • Canteen, often full.

A simple, metal canteen rests at Locklear's right hip, clipped to the belt. The contents contains an unusual scent, but is far from alcoholic. He never offers this particular drink to another, but does not often give the reasons as to why.

Non-Visible Items

Items usually held within the re-purposed weapons sheathes that the Doctor uses as bags.

  • Bandages, assorted.

A selection of bandages, from thin, short ones for wrapping hands or other small areas, to pieces of cloth large enough to be used as a sling or wrapped around a splint. All neatly folded, tied up with string, so they don't unravel and become tangled. Often held in the first (uppermost) bag upon his back.

  • Potions, assorted.

From antidotes for common poisons, eye-drops to ease irritation of the eyes, to general salves and healing potions. Many of these are made by the Doctor himself, and stored in the second bag that rests against his back.

  • Surgical Tools, assorted.

The typical instruments used to emergency surgery, including scalpels, forceps, needles and suturing threads. All of these are kept in the third bag resting against his back.

  • Surgical Attire.

Usually carrying no more than two of each at a time, excluding gloves, are masks, smocks and hair nets, all neatly folded and bound in string alike the bandages, always immaculately clean and kept in the third bag, alongside the surgical tools.

  • Rations, assorted.

The final items, not really worthy of note, are simple rations that keep the Doctor fed while out in the field. A water canteen, dried fruits and jerky meats, the rations consist mostly of long-life foods, as well as some beans and lentils that he is able to cook whensoever the opportunity presents itself. These are often kept in the fourth, and final, bag that the Doctor carries about.

External Items

The most notable of possessions under Locklear's name, aside from the items that he carries with him, is an unusual piece of machinery that can only be assumed to be Magitek, or Garlean, in origin.

Dubbed 'Millenium', this machine is used as transport in place of a Chocobo, as most might use, to get the Doctor from one place to another quickly and efficiently.

OOC (Out of Character) Tidbits

OOC time! The following information applies to the player more than the character, regarding activity, preferences, and other such things.

Important Note

If, per chance, I am in game and am not responding to you, it may be that I have fallen back to my dreadful habit of alt-tabbing. I will, however, more often than not, hear the notification for a /tell, so feel free to do so to catch my attention if needed.


These are mostly personal references and things I find suit the character, such as a voice claim, and music that suits combat, idle, or casual settings.

Voice Claim

Crispin Freeman as Alucard.

Motion Claim

Specifically for dancing and the likes, and rarely referred to in RP unless under certain circumstances.

Locklear, despite the scarring and general damage dealt to his body in the past, is surprisingly flexible and able to move his body with ease in ways most might find themselves unable to mimic. For a specific reference as to these motions, I tend to refer to Horus Mozarabe's dance routine at the The Massive Spectacular.


I (the player) happen to be most active during the later hours of the evening/night, going by the general server time, as my own timezone revolves around Perth, Australia (UCT+8).

However, due to insomnia and others such issues, I can be around anytime, any day, really.

Whenever I am not out in the world running quests or collecting DoH items, I am often found idling in the Quicksand in Ul'dah.

RP Preferences

There is not really any forms of RP that I do not stand against, aside from the typical of child abuse in any way, shape or form.

Dark, Mature, Light, Erotic, Casual. Given my time is not being put to a complete waste, and you are not trolling, I am open to anything, although I do prefer a good story and people returning for more RP rather than a one-night stand or single stand-up thing.

RP Likes

  • Dark RP.

It goes without saying that Ebenezer Locklear is a dark character at times, both with his profession and his past. Blood, gore, and other such aspects do not phase me when it comes to RP.

  • Mature RP.

Typically revolving around conversations revolving previous events in Eorzea, or chance conversations regarding the mental or physical well-being of another character, what was once a simple 'hello' could turn to more mature subjects quite quickly.

  • Light/Casual RP.

Looking for something more cheerful? The good Doctor does enjoy a bit of a joke around from time to time, share a drink with a new friend, and other such lighthearted moments. Despite being a doctor, not everything has to be all dread and gloom, right?

  • Erotic RP.

Well... Need this really be explained? All that needs be said is no to scat, urine, death or other extremes. Most anything else is free game. Male/Female and Male/Male are fine by me, among whatever else your character might be classed under. (F-list)

RP Dislikes

  • Godmodders.

You know who you are, you know what you do. Just stop.

  • Metagamers.

Again.. Just... stop.

  • Controlling.

More specifically: Controlling another's character without explicit permission from their player. This isn't fun for anyone unless that's what they want. Anything done to another character should always be an attempt, nothing more.

  • Instadeath?

Seriously? When did others get the choice on whether my character dies?

  • Yadda yadda yadda.

I could go on all day with this list. Just... play nice, alright?