Qadan Hotgo

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Latest activities (RP hooks): Since his return from Othard, Qadan has taken to helping build a better future for his newly adopted home of Ul'dah. More recently, he's begun working with the Immortal Flames.

Birth Name: Qadan Hotgo

Gender: Male

Race & Clan: Au Ra, Xaela

Age: 29

Height 7 fulms 3 ilms

Weight: 265 ponz

Nameday: 26th Sun of the Third Astral Moon

Guardian deity: None


Birth Place: The Plains of Othard

Citizenship: Ul'dahn

Free Company: Equinox

Residence: Balanai's Rest, Ul'Dah

Marital Status: Saraghul Qulaan

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Job: Mercenary

Hobbies: Sparring, Hunting, Drinking, Blitzball

Alignment: Chaotic Good


Qadan is an Au Ra Xaen who is one of the few surviving members of the Hotgo tribe. Prior to the destruction of the Hotgo, Qadan served as a specialist berserker among the tribe's militia. His responsibilities would ultimately cause him to be away from the village as it was descended upon by the Dotharl, and it was only upon his return did he learn the fate of his only home. Having narrowly survived the slaughter and the steppes no long providing anything for him, Qadan set west from his ancestral homeland to the continent of Eorzea.


Qadan's pitch-black scales have grown in wide patches around his body, hardening like organic plates of armor from repeated blows during his training as a child. His horns, thick, sturdy and ever-sharp, serve as a natural weapon should he ever need it. The top of his head is home to blood red hair with black tips. What was once a long and flowing braided mane has been cut thoroughly back and styled in a way to prevent interference with his vision in combat, as well as give him a more contemporary look in his new Eorzean home. Favorably, Qadan's sun-kissed skin contains the hues often associated with Hyur's, allowing him the reprieve of at least some of the initial prejudices his more exotic-skinned kin may experience.

Face Paint: The Hotgo tribe was known for their colorful and unique face paint, where designs and colors were utilized to express statements and emotions. Qadan's visage has featured the same design and color ever since his tribe's massacre. The design centers around his eyes, where streaks on the interior extend upward like horns, while those on the end of his eyes extend down like tears. They represent his thirst for revenge against the Dotharl, and the anguish he holds for the loss of his kin. The black color of the paint, a seemingly permanent fixture on his face, is representative of the emotions that have dominated him since that day: a macabre consolidation of rage, sorrow, and regret. .

Voice Qadan speaks remarkably clear and concise Eorzean given his status as an outsider. He lacks the distinctive accent found in many people around the world, and deliberately attempts to speak in a concise manner.[Voice Claim, Gaius - Tales of Xillia]

Impish, Affable, Driven, Focused, Noble, Motivated

  • History
  • Allagan Ruins
  • Military Strategy
  • Firearms
  • Spelunking
  • Classy Parties
  • Dogs
  • Chess
  • Triple Triad (Collecting)
  • The cool night of the desert


  • Garlemald
  • Monetarists
  • Slavery
  • Arrogance
  • Oppression
  • Laziness
  • Snow
  • Low quality weapons
  • Sour things
  • Over-cooked meat

Distinctive Features

  • Complete destruction of Rabanastre
  • Never going home
  • Closed off / tight spaces
  • Unregulated Magiteck


  • Favorite food: Lamb skewers
  • Favorite drink: Rum
  • Favorite colour: Palm green
  • Vices: Insatiable sweet tooth
  • Possible alignment: Neutral Good


Qadan strikes an imposing form even with the hefty standards of a Xaela, standing at a towering 7 ilm and 1 fulm. His height allows him to comfortably carry more weight than the typical Auri, filling out at a hefty 260 ponz while still maintaining adequate physical athleticism.

Qadan's pitch-black scales have grown in wide patches around his body, hardening like organic plates of armor from repeated blows during his training as a child. His horns, thick, sturdy and ever-sharp, serve as a natural weapon should he ever need it. The top of his head is home to blood red hair with black tips. What was once a long and flowing braided mane has been cut thoroughly back and styled in a way to prevent interference with his vision in combat, as well as give him a more contemporary look in his new Eorzean home.

Favorably, Qadan's sun-kissed skin contains the hues often associated with Hyur's, allowing him the reprieve of at least some of the initial prejudices his more exotic-skinned kin may experience.

Skills & Abilities

   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity

While loving, Asher's father was a strict man that instilled a strong work ethic into his son. He pushed both mental and a physical exercise, the former creating a love of reading at a young age for Asher. Reading became a favorite hobby of the young Bright, and as a result he grew into a well read and intelligent man. Asher has an encyclopedic knowledge of many cultures - especially Dalmasca for some odd reason - and has read extensively on military strategy from many great minds over the years. This has bequeathed him with an analytical, sharp mind that's thirsty for knowledge.

Physically Asher has been trained in the ways of his forefather's greatswords since the time he was able to physically hold it. The Brights are not only masters of the creation of such weapons, but upon their use as well. Well over two decades of training and refinement has honed Asher's martial craft into a force to be reckoned with. What he completely and utterly lacks in aetherical capabilities, he compensates for with the skill of his swordsmanship.

While not particularly capable with the workings of advanced technology like magiteck, Asher has an unsurprising interest in mechanical technology. Specifically, tinkering with firearms and other devices serves as one of his foremost hobbies, and through it he was able to craft his very own rifle. He often uses it to hunt wild game, a lover of the many indigenous meats that can be found around Ul'dah.

And last but certainly not least, Asher is rather capable in the art of diplomacy. This is thanks to his mother, who over the course of fifty years had become something of a master of the trade. She taught her son everything she knew, and like anything else the Bright heir learns he's always seeking to improve it. It's one of the many reasons that Asher seeks out conversation so readily.

Heavy Metal Greatsword Icon.png
Historically wielded by the commander of the Bright Blades, this greatsword was forged through traditional House Faris smithing techniques as the pinnacle of their trade. Inherited by Asher as the eldest son of House Faris.

High Mythrite Cuirass of Fending Icon.png
Lightbringer's Cuirass
Traditional House Faris armor created for the commander of the Bright Blades.
Steel-barreled Carbine.png
Dalmascan Rifle
A rifle assembled with Dalmascan aesthetics in mind. Nothing particularly special about it beyond it's appearance.
Adamantite Knives Icon.png
Farisian Dagger
A traditional dagger created by House Faris smiths. Once standard issue among Dalmascan infantry.

Notable Posessions
Wondrous Tails (Key Item) Icon.png
Desert Jewel: The Kingdom of Dalmasca
An extensive series of books detailing the long and storied history of the once proud Kingdom of Dalmasca. It serves as a constant reminder of Asher's lifelong dream of liberating his home.

Wolf Pup (Minion) Icon.png
A very good boy that Asher found as a stray in Ul'dah. Enjoys ear scratches, dodo meat, and chasing marmots.
Personal Transportation
Company Chocobo Icon.png
Desert Chocobo
Asher's trusty steed. Sired from a breed of desert acclimated chocobo.
Bright Estate

While Asher is oft traveling because of his duties, his family owns an estate in Ul'dah as a result of their successful entrepreneurial relocation.

Romantic Relationship
Romantic Interest
Trusted Friend
Lost contact

Chakha Hotgo
Living in homes opposite one another from birth, Qadan and Chaka developed a strong bond as children, becoming nearly inseparable from a young age. Through all of the adversity and struggles he faced during his training, Chakha served as not only a close friend, but the only confidant he felt he had. As they grew older their relationship blossomed into one of love, and upon their seventeenth birthdays they were wed. The couple would have two children, Cirna and Khuan, who perished along with their mother during the Dotharl massacre.

Saraghul Qulaan 💗 Hunting Mate
In the beginning insults and fighting were the norm for Saraghul and Qadan. It eventually became clear, however, that the two had more in common than just their attitudes. Both having survived the loss of their children and family, the two developed a close bond that over time blossomed into love. Sara was able to save Qadan from his own anger, self loathing, and self destructive tendencies developed response to his tribe's demise. Qadan now has an unbreakable loyalty to Sara, and feels love for her that he didn't now he'd be able to feel again. He has since become Sara's hunting mate under Qulaan tradition, and is now known as her darukhani.

Jaliqai Qulaan
More commonly known as "Red" among the company, she often finds herself on the receiving end of Qadan's antagonizing behavior. The Hotgo was still distraught over the loss of his own tribe when several Qulaan began to reappear. Jealously manifested as resentment, and it has never quite healed. Despite all of this, Qadan respects Red absolutely as the leader of the company. Given his newfound joining with Red's cousin, Saraghul Qulaan, he's begun to make a concerted effort to change his behavior.

Ryanti Veanysus
An affluent soldier of both Miq'ote and Hyur lineage, Ryanti is Qadan's original employer. He hired the imposing Xaen to serve as his personal bodyguard as he ventured into the dangerous Ishgardian region, but over time the two have developed a close friendship. Despite Qadan's less than warm initial personality, Ryanti was one of the first people to have truly given him a chance in this new world. Qadan has never forgotten then, and despite their very different lives, considers Ryanti to be one of his closest friends and allies.
Your Name Here
Machina and Magitek

Something about the person here. Asher has no acquaintances yet? He must not get out much. Typing more so it doesn't break the box format. Typing more so it doesn't break the box format. Typing more so it doesn't break the box format. Typing more so it doesn't break the box format.
Common rumours & quotes

  • "I tricked him into eating one of my son's sour candies - the look on his face was worth nearly getting punched." Mischievous Flame Private.
  • "Asher's super nice! He gave me this cool wooden sword and lets me train with him sometimes!" Excitable Ul'Dahn Boy
  • "I'll have one of each!" Asher as his eyes widen looking at a street vendor's selection of sweets.
  • "There's a reason the coldest people live in the coldest places." Asher talking about his hatred for snow, and the nature of Ishgardians.

Rare rumours & quotes

  • "Aye, he's a chipper enough fellow as far as Flames go. Always talkative and has a warmth about him - it seems like he cares. Always seemed like a really trustworthy guy, but I've seen him meeting with shady individuals more than once. They thought they was bein' secretive but I see everything on these streets!" Anonymous Ul'dahn Urchin
  • "He seemed so happy during Doma's liberation! But ... after the Empire laid waste to Rabanastre, he was inconsolable. Does he fear for Ul'dah?" Anonymous Flame Private

Players rumours & quotes

  • "Your quote here." No one because he needs to get out and RP.

Son of Dalmasca

While only known to the most privy and well-connected persons, Asher's true lineage lies outside of the great nation of Ul'dah. The Brights, as they have been known in Ul'Dah since their arrival, are in truth displaced refugees from the once great Kingdom of Dalmasca. They were known as House Faris, one of the prestigious noble houses of the desert nation, and trace their lineage back to when the nation was but a fledgling state. Their forefathers, and subsequently House Faris itself through the many generations, were expert smiths that supplied their nation with the finest of arms and metal works. They worked in unison with the other houses of Dalmasca to support their beloved nation and rulers, and due to their heritage the Brights have a love for their true home even after three decades.

House Faris was responsible for the creation of an elite unit of swordsman, known as the Bright Blades, that served the nation of Dalmasca both domestically and in times of need. This all changed, however, when Garlemald invaded. Despite a valiant effort, the Bright Blades found themselves overmatched by the wondrous magitek of the Empire, and the unit was utterly destroyed by their Imperial invaders. Shortly after Garlemald's victory, House Faris fled the country both in shame of their inability to protect the land they love, and the refusal to allow what wealth they had that remained and their smithing abilities to help their new overlords.

Victor and Camille Bright, heads of the House, found themselves and their kin refugees in need of a new home. They'd find their bastion in Ul'Dah, taking up the surname of "Bright" for the protection of their family and as an ode to their once renown company of warriors. Seeking a way to undermine the Empire and prevent any further victims, the Brights put all of their resources and knowledge to work for Ul'dah. Over nearly three decades they've made quite the name and fortune for themselves, their estate a testament.

Asher was only two years old when his family left Dalmasca, but despite this he still has dreams of the land ... the glistening sand, the palm trees, the azure water, and it's distinctive architecture. He was taught the importance of keeping their family's past a little known secret, though, and like his father began down the path of bettering themselves in their new home. He joined the Flames as soon as he came of age, and has dutifully served ever since. The dream was and always has been the eventual liberation of their once proud home, and that dream drives him in everything he has done and ever will do.

Scion of the Ravaged Sands

  • The news of the razing of Rabanastre was devastating. The sense of loss was only eclipsed by the feeling of guilt, as Asher had been working discreetly to supply and fund the revolutionaries. He, like his countrymen, were inspired by the liberation of Doma. He's not sure if he'll ever get over the regret of it all - should they have waited? Would it have mattered? These questions and more still haunt him.
Noble House Faris

House Faris was once one of the great noble houses of the Kingdom of Dalmasca. They trace their lineage all the way back to when it was but a mere fledgling city-state, and it was during that time that they rose to prominence due to their renown ability on the forge. For generation after generation, House Faris supplied Dalmasca with much of it's weaponry, refining their trade continually.

To go along with this, the leaders of the house established an order of Knights known as the 'Bright Blades'. Together with their forged equipment, they served Dalmasca faithfully as a benevolent organization to solve domestic issues. The company was predominantly greatsword wielding, lending to the fighting style practiced by the smiths of Faris. The House ceased to exist upon the fall of Dalmasca to the Garleans, publicly dust to the wind. Behind the scenes, however, they fled to Ul'dah and reestablished themselves as the Brights.

OOC Information

Stances on RP: I enjoy all kinds of lighthearted and social situations, but I'm also up for mature content and themes (violence, sexuality, drug / alcohol use) as long as they're logical in a plot-driven encounter. Coarse and excessive language. Temporary injury and incapacitation. Temporary imprisonment. Most walk-up encounters. I'm open to permanent injuries depending on the content of the RP itself, but this would need to be discussed ahead of time. I'm not interested in any kind of character death or rape plots.

Hooks and relationships: Totally open to any idea that can provide potential quality RP with my character. If you feel that my character profile can provide a hook for a story you have in mind, don't hesitate to reach me out to see what can be done! I am also definitely open for family ties, or background/business connections between characters. Also, if you have a Dalmascan character I highly encourage you to reach out to me! I'd love to get in touch with other characters of the same heritage.

RP combat and injuries: Open for most systems as long as they make sense to me. I can roll random dices or settle it through a fully organic RP exchange without any other tool, or a combination of both..

Miscellaneous: That wiki page is pure OOC knowledge unless your character specifically knows or learned about it.

Trivia: The surname 'Bright' was chosen in homage to the wonderful JRPG series 'The Legend of Heroes' !

Important! If an aspect of RP makes you uncomfortable in a scene we're playing, please send me a /tell, letting me know. Communication is very important, more important than potentially keeping immersion.

Server and Timezone

Player Info: US player, GMT+4. Usually available between 9PM - 12AM EDT in the week, or most of the day in the week end.

Server: Balmung

Wiki Templates: Using the skill stats window from Fancy Template. Thanks to the authors!

Layout originally designed by Sune Szihu. Adapted by me for the use of my character with permission from Sune's page!

If you are interested in my old layout, please see here