Mahvashi Labanya

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Mahvashi Labanya
Aerialist, Dancer
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Moon Keeper
Citizenship Ul'dah
Height 5 fulm 3 ilm
Weight 140 ponze
Age Mid-20s
Patron Deity Menphina, the Lover
Namesday 27 th Sun of the 1 st Umbral Moon
Place of Birth The Shroud


Aliases/Nicknames: Vashi, Nightshade (alias)


Face: Vashi's face is heart-shaped with full, high cheekbones and a gently pointed chin. Her nose is small, her eyes large and tilted at the corners, eminently feline. Her skin is a soft pink with dramatic white stripes leading from her temples to her eyes and across her cheeks. A very soft sprinkling of freckles is barely visible across her cheeks and nose. Vashi's lips are full, her upper a definite bow shape and her lower plush-looking. Her lips are generally stained a deep purple-blue. On her forehead, Mahvashi wears a tear-shaped black jewel that sparkles in the slightest light. Her face is framed with deep blue-violet hair that falls straight along her cheeks and down her shoulders- all the way down to her calves. A topknot is pulled back in an elaborately carved silver barrette to keep her hair out of her eyes.

Eyes: Her eyes are a deep violet and lined in a dark liner, emphasizing long, long lashes. Her eyes are large but angular, her pupils round. Her pupils constrict to tiny pinpricks in the light, making the violet irises seem huge.

Body: Mahvashi is on the taller side for a Miqo'te female, with dramatically hourglass curves. Her bust is full, her waist small, her hips wide. Her legs are quite long and notably muscular. In point of fact, despite her plush curves, her arms, legs, and core show the muscular lines of a dancer. She works hard to maintain her figure, that much is very clear. Vashi's ears are large and purple-furred, with tufts at the end that darken to black. Her tail is fluffy and echoes this darkening and it is an easy bellwether of her emotions. Both ears and tail are extremely expressive.
The miqo'te's hands are slender and tipped with sharp, semi-retractable claws. Her fingertips are slightly callused.
There are a few small scars along Vashi's arms and legs, signs of the blade, the lance, and (much faded) the claw.


Voice: Low, husky, faintly whisky-and-cigarettes. When excited or stressed, her voice carries a hint of an accent, something exotic and evocative of the forests of the Shroud.

Demeanor: Mahvashi is playful, clever, and flirtatious. She's friendly to essentially everyone, far preferring to make friends than enemies. When the situation calls for it she can become quiet, serious, and tactical- even fierce. She's extremely proud of her heritage and has no embarrassment about her chosen professions.

Personality: She's a hedonist that enjoys the finer things in life and does her best to get whatever she can get away with. Mahvashi is, however, fundamentally a good person with a tendency towards doing bad things for the wrong reasons. She's a thrill-seeker that cares passionately for her friends and has a ferocious streak of loyalty.

Flaws: Headstrong, manipulative, hedonistic. She lies frequently and well and appears to have no strong moral compass. In truth, she operates from a place of deep fear and inadequacy. She is thoroughly convinced she should have died in the Calamity. Her hedonism leads her into dangerous situations frequently as she seeks that next adrenaline high.

Intelligence: Mahvashi is smarter than she seems, considerably so. One needs to be intelligent to be good at playing a double life and she has done so with aplomb since the Calamity.

Religious Views: Vashi is secretly religious, she keeps a small travelling shrine to Menphina in whatever inn-room she's currently in. She reveres NaldThal as well, praying to them both when she's undertaking any particularly dangerous job.

Romance: Vashi's views on sex are, to put it simply, loose. She enjoys pleasure of all kinds and doesn't see why sharing intercourse should be any more complicated than sharing a pint in the tavern. Romance, however, is something that Vashi isn't entirely certain actually exists- or if it does, surely it's not for someone like her.


Style: Mahvashi calls herself an 'aerial lancer'. Her style typically utilizes the lance or other long-hafted weapon and a great deal of acrobatics. When she is having to be more discreet than a 6 fulm spear can be, she uses her claws, small throwing knives, and gymnastic tricks to strike many times while not being struck. When sparring or in one-on-one combat, Vashi utilizes her long hair, teasing, flirting, any distractions she can to give her an edge. When in group combat situations she becomes extremely serious and loses most of the artistic flourishes in favor of solid lancer skills, speed, and acrobatics to avoid getting hit.

Strengths: Vashi is fast. She has a great deal of training and experience in gymnatic/acrobatic styles and isn't shy about using her natural weaponry in combat. She is skilled in the use of her body, her hair, and her sensuality as leverage and distractions.

Weaknesses: Being fairly small and light, Vashi can't take a lot of damage. She can be impulsive and reckless, easily getting in over her head in a fight because of pride or simply not acknowledging a stronger foe. If, for some reason, her maneuverability is hindered, Vashi doesn't have much to fall back on.



  • Fancy clothing
  • Fine alcohol
  • Attractive people


  • Bad smells
  • Being ignored
  • Willful ignorance


Father: Osu'li Gozli- (deceased) Osu'li was extremely important to Mahvashi when she was a child. She was roughly seven cycles old when he was caught in a Wood Wailers trap set for poachers and died in the resultant fight, leaving Vashi orphaned. Mahvashi blames herself for his death.

Mother: Lita Labanya- (deceased) Lita died giving birth to Mahvashi's younger brother, Lita'a, when Mahvashi was six cycles old. Vashi has many positive memories of her mother.

Sibling: Lita'a Labanya- (deceased at birth)

Sibling/extended family: When she was orphaned, Mahvashi was raised in a group of thieves, poachers, and general miscreants run by a miqo'te couple called only "Maman and Papa" in a perverse parody of a family. When the Wood Wailers raided their 'village' when Vashi was twelve cycles old she fled to Ul'dah and has not had contact with them since.

Player Character Standings

Romantic Interest        Sexual Desire     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing

Friends and loved ones



Common Rumors:

  • ”Mahvashi... yeah, I know that name. She's a 'dancer', the kind that ends in nothing but her hair and a little scrap of cloth if you get what I mean.”
  • ”Oh, her.” The speaker snorts. “She's nice and all but it's hard to tell if she really means what she says. Could sell an Ishgardian snow if she wanted to.”
  • ”She fights well. Did some training in Coerthas, even. Nasty with a guisarme.”

Moderate Rumors:

  • ”She doesn't like to go to the Shroud. Gets sad. I saw her drinking in the Carline Canopy once, she didn't even smile at me.”

Rare rumors:

  • ”Pssst, hey, you. I heard you were needing something 'acquired'. I know somebody- name's Mahvashi. Leave a note for Nightshade at the Quicksand, she'll get what you're looking for.”

PC rumors:

((Characters I've interacted with free to add))


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Present Show text

OOC notes


This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea with additions and Ideas from Siobhain Surtsthalwyn, Brynhilde Wulf, and Renaise Galwind