Kyrrae Liminia

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Kyrrae Liminia
Arcanist kyrrae cropped 2.png
Gender Male
Race Lalafell
Clan Dunesfolk
Citizenship Ul'dah
Pronunciation Kai-ray Li-min-yuh
Age 24
Height 2', 10
Job Mercenary
Class Monk/Paladin/Arcanist
Relationship Status Complicated



Though Kyrrae might strike many as a mischievous and flirtatious man, his impish behaviour belies a canny intelligence and honorable nature. Although he may appear to be quite the womanizer, Kyrrae has the utmost respect for women. He finds it amusing to flirt with them, but only if he doesn't think that serious consequences will result. He is a gentleman at heart which results in him apologizing if he believes he has gone too far, or seriously offended someone. In fact, the more flirtatious he is, the less likely it is that he has any actual romantic interest in that person.

Kyrrae has a deep-rooted hero complex, defending anyone he believes is in serious danger. He has a strong sense of social justice, repugnant of the corrupt and people who abuse their riches and power to take what should not be theirs. On the other hand, he is sympathetic to those who steal as a matter of survival. It angers him if he thinks someone is being judged on their appearance, or even station in life. Accepting anyone on the grounds of their current behaviour, he allows them to prove themselves as long as any misdeeds of the past have been left behind them. However he is not naive, and is cautious of anyone new he meets until he is satisfied that their actions convey the true intent of their hearts. However, once his opinion is set on someone, he is slow to change it. For those he trusts that can mean blind loyalty, but for someone who has betrayed him it means extreme suspicion, regardless of any penitence or initial remedial actions.


At just under three feet, he is among the shortest of his kind. He pays close attention to his personal appearance and grooming, keeping himself neat and his clothes in excellent repair and appearance. With black shoulder length hair, deep green eyes, and wearing a set of deep black thighboots, he is usually clad in a traditional lalafellin tunic. Of late though, he has grown accustomed to wearing a set of mages robes that he purchased due to his current obsession with the skill of arcany.


He serves as a free contract mercenary for hire, but typically takes short contracts involving personal security. He prefers to take jobs that seem interesting, but will take anything if it involves protection of some kind. His main source of income actually comes from the reinvestment of his earnings into the Ul'dahn trading markets.

Skills and Talents

A natural pickpocket, Kyrrae is able to fade into his surroundings if needs be, quietly sneaking through the area. He is a very articulate and persuasive person with a shrewd mind for monetary matters. Highly intelligent, he prefers to think through a situation rather than rush in head-on. He learns at a very rapid rate, absorbing all that he can. This results in him learning both magical and martial arts fairly quickly if he puts time and effort into it. However, he has a very low mana pool. He is only able to cast a handful of spells if they consume a significant amount of mana. He also has a low amount of anima, even less than many Eorzeans. He is only able to cast one or two significant teleports a day, depending on the distance covered. If he exceeds that, he will become exceedingly fatigued, barely able to walk, and requiring a long night's rest to recover. He also has a strong knowledge of both sensual and sexual techniques, taught to him by the prostitutes that raised him through his adolescence.

Martial and Magical Abilities

For most of his life, Kyrrae had no combat abilities to speak of. In fact, though he could move quickly, was limber, and had an excellent sense of balance, he was not that strong. Less than two years ago, he came back to Ul'dah and enrolled in the pugilist's guild, learning techniques at an astounding rate. Within several months, he had been recommended to a lone Monk living in the Northwestern Shroud. The monk was preparing to return to Ala Mhigo in the next couple months, and so in order to learn all he could, Kyrrae went through an intensive training program, practicing until his body would collapse from exertion. He would then take several days to recoup in Gridania, and then return once again, determined to learn as much as possible while he was able. By the time the monk had departed, Kyrrae was left with a strong foundation of many techniques of the Fists of Rhalgr.

While in Gridania, he spent his recovery period pursuing conjury, thinking to train his mind while his body rested. Though grasping the initial concept, he failed to grasp the most important concept of conjury, to lean on nature for your power. Instinctively he leaned on himself for strength, and quickly found that he drained himself of energy within a handful of basic spells. He spent his time learning the concept of the spell, only casting but one or two a day, in order to not infringe on his recovery from his martial training. Once the monk had moved on Kyrrae attempted to continue in conjury, but to his chagrin found that no matter of training would increase the amount or intensity of his spells without suffering proportional side effects of the mana consumption.

Around 6 months ago, he became inspired to learn the art of defense with a blade and shield, realizing that his martial prowess was a purely offensive ability. Since his goal is to defend, he began taking lessons from the gladiator's guild, determined to be able to shield his friends from harm, not just attack those that would hurt them. Once again he learned at an astounding pace, spending every moment of his day in practice. After a month and a fortnight, his teachers recommended that he seek tutelage under the Sultansworn of Ul'dah , recognizing that he had no interest in the conflict of the coliseum. He apprenticed under a paladin by the name of Leeroy who taught him to draw the enemies attacks in a way that he could either dodge, flustering them until he had an opening, or baiting their attacks onto his shield to manipulate their energy to his own uses. After a period of several months, and some additional tutelage at the Vylbrand Academy and the Marauder's guild, Leeroy had completed the teaching of his techniques to Kyrrae.

He spends at least 4 hours a day in private, practicing both his hand to hand, and skills with his handaxe and shield. Of late however, this has dropped to around 2 hours or less, as he is obsessed with the art of Arcany upon discovering that it has little draw on his mana. He is but a growing novice in it at this point.


Early Life

Mother and Father. That is all he ever knew them by, for if he ever heard their names spoken, he cannot recall it. He recalls that they were tall, but every young child sees their parents as such do they not? The only other details that survived the drink and erosion of time is that his father had blonde hair, and his mother was always veiled.

Within months of his birth, they began preparing him for life on his own. His father spent most of the day manning his merchant's stall, but during lulls in activity and at the end of the day he would take time to train Kyrrae's tongue and lips to be able to speak clearly and smoothly. His mother would spend much of the day teaching him word association, and urging him to vocalize in more than coos and screams. She gave him what would normally be seen as physical therapy for an adult, having him push his tiny legs against her hands, kicking and stretching. And he soaked it all up, speaking before his first nameday, and walking by his second. By his third he could move throughout their small abode as easily as any child of three times his age. From that point on, his mother showed him how to be light on his feet, and light with his fingers, and how to smoothly move unnoticed through a crowd. She taught him not only the ability, but the responsibility that it carried, disciplining him when he filched anything in other than practice. "We steal only to right the scales of the world that hang low. Never forget that." And he never did.

Around the age of seven, his father began teaching him elementary knowledge of product value and the art of negotiation. At a young age he had taught Kyrrae how to put people at ease, creating a comfortable atmosphere through both mannerisms and speech, and Kyrrae soon learned that it fit hand in hand with what his father had to teach him about negotiation and compromise. After he could see the boy had comfortably settled into these basic principles, he began periodically sending him to help a lalafellin auction house trader. The man would point out a thing or two to him, Kyrrae absorbing everything he had the opportunity to learn from.

However, he always looked forward to times at home the most though, racing his mother through the city and occasionally meting out social justice. Perhaps a powerful man who had strong-armed a merchant into giving him some of his wares would find that his bag would snag on the corner of a stall on the way home. No matter how hard he searched, he was a few coins short of what he had before. A week or two later the cheated merchant might find that his inventory count had been off, somehow miscounting in his favor. A homeless beggar finding a loaf of warm bread tucked against his side as he awoke. Precious moments that would bring him much comfort in remembrance, yet such pain.

Months before his eighth birthday he awoke to find his parents gone, the only trace of their existence being a short note they left along with a sealed letter addressed to the lalafellin trader. Upon receipt of the letter, the man informed Kyrrae that he would be his apprentice. Over the next two years Kyrrae rose in the esteem of the trader, becoming one of his main trade makers. But alas, he never recovered from the pain of his parent's abandonment. When by chance he discovered that drink could numb his pain, When the trader discovered it, he forbade him from it, but Kyrrae was not to be deterred. then drink he did. He was consumed by the basic desire for it, and his trades began to suffer as a result. One day while under the influence, he made yet another bad trade which resulted in a ten thousand gil loss, and the man had had enough. He turned Kyrrae out onto the streets, washing his hands of him. He attempted to steal to fuel his desire for drink, and was locked up several nights for the failed attempts, for a drunken sneak is no sneak at all. He resigned himself to begging to support his addiction, and his life became a blur, barely conscious much of the time, as the alcohol took its toll on his young body.

The Sisters of Pleasure

After more than a year of living on the streets, he was found as a drunken child close to death by prostitutes of the Sisters of Pleasure .The took him in and found that no medicine they could find would stop his sharp craving for alcohol nor the illness it had brought upon him. In his fevered state, they took him outside the city to a goblin trained in strange ways of healing. In return for a large sum of gil, draining their savings meant towards buying their own freedom, the goblin implanted Kyrrae with an alcohol absorbing, and expelling materia. Though it would not stop his craving for alcohol, it would eliminate the damage and effect it had on his body, and could allow him to break free from his dependence on it. The goblin warned them however that such a materia was very rare, and could make him a target if it was known. To protect him, the Sisters lied to him and told him that they had taken him to a traveling goblin trader who had pity upon him and cast a spell that caused these effects.

He never came to know of the price they paid that he could live, and such a price indeed. For in his seventeenth year, 6 months before the Calamity, Kyrrae caught ear of Edwier's, (the brothel owner) plans. He meant to sell the brothel grounds, and sell the Sisters individually to maximize profit. Kyrrae confronted him, begging Edwier to give him time to collect enough money to buy their freedom. Edwier scorned him telling him of his exact plans. He meant to sell them on the black market to pirates! In a rage Kyrrae rushed at him, only to be thrown against the the wall with such force as to knock him unconscious.

When he awoke, Edwier, and the sisters were gone. He searched up and down the coast for news of their arrival, or clues to their fate, but the only news he found was that which assured him that he was too late. Gone were they, the closest family he had ever known. He traveled to Limsa Lominsa to wait for news of pirate ships, endearing himself to the underbelly of society with the purpose of catching a whisper of their ship, determined to free them should he find them. For months he searched in vain, trying not to lose hope of ever recovering them. Then Dalamud descended upon the Carteneau Flats and the world turned to chaos.

After the Calamity

The next 5 years were a blur of survival and depression. He resigned himself to the reality that his sisters must be dead, if not on the high seas, then from the chaos of and following the Calamity. The bottle was no help to him anymore as he could no longer become intoxicated. Many were the times the strange curse, "Damn goblin!" was heard by those around him. But time brought acceptance, and acceptance brought healing. Confronting himself with his own weakness, he resolved to learn how to protect those he loved from those who would take them by force. He boarded a ship to Ul'dah and enlisted in the pugilist guild there.

Vylbrand Academy

OOC Facts

-This Template was created by Satomi Hasuke