Rythiel Rothmoore

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Rythiel "Rothmoore"
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Highlander
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Age 34
Marital Status Single
Occupation Mercenary / Sell-sword
Orientation Straight
  • (Father) Unknown
  • (Mother) Unknown
  • (Brother) Dalton - Unknown
  • (Sister) Embla - Unknown

Basic Info


Those who are able and willing to fight
Those not afraid to step up and speak their mind
People with a sense of Purpose
People willing to laugh and joke around
Anyone who might happen to buy him a drink or give him a free one


Those who would refuse to fight even if their lives depended on it
Cowards and the likes of those that would abandon friends or comrades in a battle
Turncoats and Traitors
People lacking sense or any form of respect


Alignment: Chaotic Neutral / Neutral
Vice(s): Fortitude ; Anger ; Pride
Favorite Food: Most fish
Favorite Drink: Soft spot for strong drinks
Favorite Color: Rust Red

Appearance & Personality

First Glance

At first Glance Rythiel seems to stand rather tall even by Highlander standards, his physique looking as though he's either spent cycles training and continues to do so, or has spent cycles fighting. Both would hold equally true given simply by asking him of his occupation, to which he'd respond with plainly stating he was a Mercenary. The armour and weapons he carries would confirm as much, even if of late his armour seemed to bear the marking of the Flames.

Armour and Weapons

It wasn't long ago that you'd be able to see Rythiel decked out in armour coloured with Blacks and Reds, some parts looking distinctly Maelstrom like in appearance. And whilst some of those bits likely were pieces he'd aquired during his cycles with the Maelstrom, most of it was from before those days. Yet of late both his armour and weapons have changed substantially. First his Axe changed, he formerly had one obviously taken from the Maelstrom, showed by the way it was forged and adorned. But the one he carries now bears no such markings, it seems simplistic yet efficient in its design, and at first glance could easily be mistaken for a Mace rather than an Axe. But upon drawing it and adjusting certain parts of it, the blades of the Axe slide out from the Mace like head with a rather satisfying sound. The Axe itself looks rather imposing, and certainly doesn't look to be something you'd wish to find yourself on the opposing end of. Though it also holds a lot of meaning to him with its History.

His armour recently however seems much lighter than what he wore before, and the change might've been brought on by his recent time spent within Ul'dah and Thanalan. It maintains protective parts in a lot of areas, whilst admitedly exposing others, yet the change of armour has allowed for more versatility and movement on the battlefield. It also seems to bear a marking the Flames are known for suggesting he might've started doing a bit of work for them or taking on a few contracts. Of late as well he seems to have begun carrying around some hefty sized fist weapons, they're far from anything fancy. Infact they appear to be for the most part made of Iron, and then wrapped tightly in leather.

Scars and Markings

The man seems to have scars littering across his body and most of his armour, the two most notable and visible ones being on his face. One of them just above his right eye, and the other on his left cheek, the angle of them both could suggest it might have been a single blow that caused these, and you wouldn't be blamed for thinking so on first glance. But upon further inspection it'd become clear they're both seperate incidents, they vary in both their depth and their angle on his face. The one above his aye could've proven far more serious had it been a little deeper, and could've caused him to lose sight in that eye, if not the whole eye. The other on his cheek looks to more of a graze caused from a blade that might've narrowly nicked at his skin, but cut deep enough to leave an obvious scar.

Beneath his armour the scars would spread further, primarily across his upper body and upper arms, but also branching across his back. However amongst the scars there's a different marking, on his left upper arm his has a tattoo. The tattoo in question is hardly something extravagent and if anything seems to resemble something you'd expect a Pirate or Brigand from the La Noscea region to make use of. Most of the scars that cover his body look to have been caused from fighting, but two look a lot newer than the others. On his left side side sits one of these which looks like a glancing blow from a bladed weapon that cut through his armour. Though on his right shoulder there looks to be more of a stab wound from a smaller blade, yet this has been healed up and was likely far worse before the healers got to it.


Most of the time Rythiel is fairly cheerful, and it's not often he'll have cause to get angry or raise his voice towards people. Yet that's not to say his mood can't turn from happy to angry fairly swiftly with the right motives. He can be incredibly stubborn and prideful when it comes to certain situations, which has led to situations that might've been avoidable, instead escalating further. But once he's set in a path it would take a great deal of effort from those around him to sway him from it.







Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"Rothmoore? Heard the Maelstrom finally got 'im cycles ago in some elaborate trap they set, though from what I 'eard the other ship an' crew fled the minute they realized it was a trap. Which left 'im an' locked against one o'the Maelstroms vessels." - A few Traders of Limsa upon hearing the name Rothmoore
"Hells, the ol' bastards still kickin' eh? Heard after we let 'im go he started doin' Merc work instead, lil' more 'onest than 'is previous work aye.. Ain't 'eard anythin' from 'im of late though.. Feels like maybe a cycle now? S'you see 'im tell 'im t'stop by for a drink, wouldn't mind a chance at winnin' back m'gil from 'im!" - A Maelstrom Soldier who seems more cheerful upon hearing the name

◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"I 'eard Rothmoore ain't his true name, instead that he took it from 'is mentor who passed it on t'him." - Across Limsa + La Noscea
"Hells not this again.. Y'want to know what happened? Fine.. We caught him an' most o'his crew cycles ago, posed as a distressed Merchant vessel to lure them in. When they got close we locked the ships together t'prevent him from escapin', what we didn't expect was them t'charge us instead.. One o'the ships fled but it took hours before we had control of the situation with the two locked vessels. Look.. I shouldn't say more on it.. If n'Lieutenant 'eard me talkin' 'bout it again.." - Select members of the Maelstrom upon hearing the name
"Oh.. Y'mean y'wanted t'hear 'bout that part? After we caught 'im we 'ad 'im imprisoned, an' bluntly offered 'im a choice. Either we put 'im down for 'is crimes, or he worked for us doin' the same job really.. Jus' under our colour's. He was far from 'appy 'bout it but agreed given he 'ad little choice.. Kept 'im under close watch for a few cycles. Personally don't know why the higher up's got rid o'him.. Man knew 'ow to use an' Axe like no other, an' seein' 'im board a vessel was quite the sight." - Maelstrom soldier if asked about Rythiel's time working for them

◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"Heard that Highlander who took the mantle o'Rothmoore ran 'is ol' crew through.. Serves 'em right from I 'eard.. They left 'im at the mercy o'the Red's cycles ago, an' it'd seem he finally caught 'em." - Hushed whispers from within the dark corners of Limsa
"Look! Fine! Jus' keep y'damned voice down.. If m'Lieutenant 'eard me repeatin' this.. The battle lasted hours, in the end Rothmoore knocked a bunch of our lad's down with a stay bit o'debris, reckon he'd lost his axe at some point.. Then he seemed to pick out where our Lieutenant was, an' realised he was callin' the shots on our end f'the battle.. Never seen a Highlander move s'fast, he moved like a man possessed or somethin'.. He broke through our lines an' quite literally decked the Lieutenant out across the ships deck.. Out cold in a single punch, but it left 'im open an' we managed t'subdue 'im shortly afterwards." - Maelstrom soldier if pressed and coerced further

◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
"He's a handsome bastard, and an easy man tae talk tae. Shame he's not 'Mhigan, but then we can't all be perfect." - Brynhilde Wulf


Romantic Interest Platonic Love Flirting with Good Standing Enemies Bad Standing Long Lost Friend Employee/Colleague Aquiantance
Status Name Details
Alex Lyons Fought alongside Alex for one of his longer contracts he took, and whilst Rythiel may not generally like those who favour ranged weapons. He'd willingly admit Lyons proved useful and a decent shot during their work.
Nailah Quill He's spoken to Nailah openly a few times and holds respect for her, probably one of the few people he'd openly trust with certain things.


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