Aanzo Dinzo

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 Aanzo Dinzo
Relatively Old Badass
Gender Male
Race Lalafell
Clan Dunesfolk
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Age Unknown
Nameday 9th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon
Occupation Sneaky Mercenary Guy for Trident



" The Mighty Dinzo* ". Growing up in a family who barely had any troubles caused Aanzo to acquire a carefree attitude, which he still shows despite the moustachioed scoundrel being well into adulthood. The tough rogue is naturally ready for anything at almost any given time, allowing him to profiteer quite well from the role of a hired mercenary, even more so with assistance from his band of "merry men".

Note:* Only Aanzo calls himself this.


Despite isn't the tallest lalafell around, most will probably see him to being of an slighty-taller-than-average height. As average as lalafells can be really. Then there's the whole glossy protective layer that covers his purple eyes, the only real give away to Aanzo being a Dunesfolk, since his pink-tanless-skin shows no sign of actually being exposed to sunlight for a long duration.

His dark brown hair is normally cut to be as short as possible, but the Dinzo family grow hair at a fast rate, a rate that Aanzo can really not be arsed with. Maybe someday he'll conquer these major issues.

Speaking of which...look at that glorious thing! It's so finely groomed, as if it was cut by some sort of laser! It's quite possibly the most MAGNIFICENT moustache ever! Also the strange-chin-beard-thing he's got going on is alright.

Behavior / Personality

Aanzo normally shows a positive and cheery attitude, albeit coming off as extremely carefree and cheeky most of the time. When around his own family Aanzo's attitude alters, he shows a great deal of respect to his elders and tends to be extremely serious during any sort of family affair.

After a recent run in with an old friend, Aanzo's became a very calm individual, he's less likely to burst out in anger now, and you'd have to do something that would really piss him off before his face turns red and he becomes the Incredible Hulkzo.



Being no stranger to combat, Aanzo always keeps a weapon or two by his side, having experience in the use of spears, knives, and short swords. It's pretty damn obvious he focuses on being as fast and flexible as possible and thanks to the recent funding his group have received, he's been able to improve his ways of training massively.

When it does come to a royal rumble, being a lalafell will not stop him from being in the middle of the fight...but the bigger guys probably will, so sneaking around the sides works as well.

If all else fails, Aanzo will forever have the super ancient secret Dinzo family technique of running away super fast.


Dinzo Fu is not a real thing, Aanzo is just extremely cringe-worthy at times, proud owner of a stupid old sense of humour.

His grandfather, being an absolutely fantastic guy, had a wanderlust that couldn't be sated. Nothing at all would stop him from leaving Eorzea and researching everything he could regarding different continents and their culture. Aanzo recieved a huge supply of said notes when he was a lot younger, the notes just piled up and up with Aanzo not really caring too much. However, because of recent events, he's actually gave them a look-through and long story short, his knife and footwork has improved like crazy. He's fascinated with the stuff. Not that he could ever be up to scratch with the folks who actually invented it though.



  • Alcohol.
  • Women.
  • Loot.
  • Working and being all sneaky-sneaky.
  • The company of his family and friends, sometimes.
  • His band of merry men.
  • Cozy housing, snug beds, all that good stuff.
  • The odd book or two.
  • The color purple, it's so fancy.
  • The piles and piles of research notes that were given to him by his lovely old grandpa.


  • A lot of creatures and beasts, but he'll never admit to being scared of them.
  • Having his motives questioned.
  • Having his facial hair insulted.
  • "Cooking Accidents".
  • Moths, holy damn they're spooky and scary and aaaah why do they even exist.


  • Can be extremely sneaky, like, he-was-there-and-then-he-wasn't kind of sneaky.
  • Can balance a spoon on his nose for one second.
  • Always seems to have a couple of tricks up his sleeve, if a couple meant a lot.



Aanzo rarely mentions his family to anyone, like, seriously, nothing to put here at the moment.


It takes quite a lot of run-ins for Aanzo to consider someone his ally or friend, he's extremely picky, he likes to think he's got himself a fine bunch of mates so far though.

Stalwart Mountain - Aanzo's trusts this anchor-wielding giant with his life. He is quite literally one of the most intimidating Hellsguard you'd ever see, mostly carrying the "Business in front, Business also at the back." attitude but that doesn't stop Aanzo from engaging in friendly insulting banter. Arguably one of his closest mates.

Qhas'ir Mujuuk - Mister Fancy and Fabulous, Mister Banana Suit, Smarty Pants Tight Pants, Aanzo's got a lot of silly and just plain nonsensical names for this fair accountant of Trident, while he does consider the guy a close friend he'd never say so in public, they argue like a married couple at times. Which they aren't. Female lalafells around the world, Aanzo is ready for you.

Mustafa Steel - No one seems to get why Aanzo keeps this guy around, and whenever they ask all he says is "I owe him a life debt." While this is true, Aanzo has also known Mustafa for most of his life and has witnessed things those who meet the Mustafa of today could never imagine. It's because of this that despite the bickering, fighting, insulting, and all that crap that goes on, Aanzo will forever have a high opinion of Mustafa, having so much respect you'd think he was crazy.

Stalwart Boulder - A sword 'n' board Mercenary that Aanzo ran into while hunting some big beasties for a snobby Noble, they connected like -pow- and got along extremely well. They took various jobs together and the roegadyn just seemed to be a natural at making Aanzo feel better in general, good job you glorious bastard. It's just a shame he had to go and die, to protect Aanzo none the less.

Nananomi Nomi - One of the last recruits Trident accepted into their band, Nomi joined with his sister, who was perhaps a tad too protective for her own good. Aanzo was glad to have another lalafell around and took it upon himself to teach the boy the tricks of the trade, becoming some form of mentor and uncle figure. Even though he enjoys the company of Nomi and most of his friends, there's the odd few he can't stand, and believes that the golden haired lalafell has made some incredibly bad choices in general, but it's really not his place to tell him is it?

Zho Greywind - A Lancing-Axeing-you a question-ing miqo'te, one that Aanzo actually enjoys the company of, there's nothing too special about her in his eyes, but she's pleasant conversation and useful with that axe. He considers her a good addition to the band of merry totally-not-pirates.

Mhaya Bajihri - Aanzo met this gladiator of the bloodsands on a recent visit to Limsa, and while it's very unusual for Aanzo to consider someone he just met an ally, there's something about this miqo'te that just screams "Her? She's good for banter and a giggle, keep her around."

Bexy Amalaryssia - More so a companion of Nomi's that he likes to converse with whenever he pops on over to the Kindred's bar, she seems to be a bit too fancy and well-mannered to be a friend of Aanzo's. However, she hasn't filled his person with arrows or whatever for being poorly mannered and/or tormenting her love for elezen, so she gets bonus points for that.

The Aanzo Trivia

  • "Aanzo is so hot right now" - Says everyone.