Oyun Ilydena

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Revision as of 16:20, 20 April 2017 by Zivenia (talk | contribs)
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This character is considered retired, though can occasionally be found in Roleplay(typically Wednesdays at Saika if anything). PAGE IS MASSIVELY WIP!
Wave Kissed Mystery

Birth Name... Munkhsaran Dotharl ( Unknown to all )
Alias... Oyun
Age... 28
Gender... Female
Race... Au Ra
Clan... Xaela
Orientation... ??
Marital... In Relationship
Deity... Dusk Mother , Nymeia the Spinner , ??
Nationality... ??
Occupation... Owner of Saika
Alignment... True Nuetral

Hair blue as the ocean waves with sea foam shore kissed highlights. They cascade down her back and over her shoulders like a waterfall hiding the secret treasure between her shoulder blades. Her touch gentle as winds light kiss upon one's skin and her smile warm as a mother's who loves her child dearly. Light lavender eyes and limbol rings betray the demeanor of this woman, carrying a hollow look as it may feel like she gazes into one's very soul. Seen upon streets or out in the open, her movement is fluid like that of water and her hair sways like waves.

Oyun is short at a height of 4 fulms 9 ilms and weight of roughly 110 ponzes, she a light auri with a slight curvy, but thin, body. * As of 4/20/2017 Oyun is now Six months pregnant.

Random Features: Oyun has a strange, almost eerie, marking on her back between her shoulder blades. Her eyes always appear empty or depressed, opposite of her usual warm inviting smile. If ever seen, around her neck would be a dragon tooth necklace and near her heart on her chest is a large great sword piercing sized scar.

Voice: ---

Clothing: Oyun can be seen in a wide range of attire, though her red coat and black high boots are most common. She is always wearing a teal ring embedded with the symbol of Nymeia the Spinner and a Dragon Tooth necklace. ( Nyemia's Ring )

"The warm smile of one's face as they happily eat what I create is enough for me." - Oyun Ilydena

Oyun is often described as a warm and beautiful kind hearted soul. Though, whether all is but a front mask or truly how she is will be a mystery for others to discover themselves!


  • All forms of Culinary Arts
  • Tubby her fat cat and Hooters her owl
  • Feeding & Making others feel acknowledgement
  • Nature & Quiet Areas


  • Imperials
  • Her past & regrets
  • Bad Food
  • The amount of Refugees and Beggars.


  • Her Past
  • Past Familiar Faces
  • Time


  • Favorite Food: Bananas
  • Favorite Drink: Tea & Black Coffee
  • Favorite Color: Neutral Colors like whites, greys, and blacks

Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category!


◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!

    "Oyun? Haven't seen her for some moons now, usually walked Pearl Lane mid-sun to hand out food to refugees and beggars." - Ul'dahn Merchant
    "A blue haired Xaela? I believe I saw someone like that wandering the Lavender Beds, apparently she runs a small restaurant and refuge." - Passing Adventurer
    "Haven't seen 'er, used ta go wanderin' off ta da refugee camps all the time." - The Coffer & Coin Regular

◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!

    "Seen her standing beside some rocks not too far north of Camp Dragonhead, seemed real sad about something." - Adventurer
    "Oyun? Is that her name? I've seen her offering healing and aid to some travelers, yes. Quite a warm sight in such a cold place." - Ishgardian Astrologist

◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!



◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!

    "Working for Miss Oyun at Saika has been absolutely lovely thus far! She's very sweet, and I can tell she cares for all us! Never had a boss as sweet as her!" Trishelle Kimishima
    "Add rumor here." Name
    "Add rumor here." Name

Stories are in chronological order. (Best that I can remember) Some of these logs have been compressed or combined! (Wouldn't want a page with over 50 roleplay logs now would you?) Major Work In Progress!

    The Spark of Light
    Context: ---
    Context: ---
    Eorzea and The Descent into Madness
    Context: ---
    A Culinairian or Something More?
    Context: ---
    The Shield of Freedom or The Darkside's Sword
    Context: ---

    New Free Company and New Faces
    Context: ---
    The Darkness and The Light
    Context: ---
    Context: ---
    Reason to Fight
    Context: ---
    Context: ---

    The Chaotic
    Context: ---
    Friends or Foes?
    Context: ---
    Faded Light
    Context: ---
    The Bloodseed Grimoire
    Context: ---
    Isolation and Another world
    Context: ---


Personal RP Limits

I will play mature content and themes (violence, sexuality, drug / alcohol use) as long as they're logical in a plot-driven encounter. Coarse and excessive language. Temporary injury and incapacitation. Temporary imprisonment. Most walk-up encounters.
Ask about long-term and/or permanent injury and disfigurement. Long-term captivity or imprisonment.
I won't play permanent character death.
■ If an aspect of RP makes you uncomfortable in a scene we're playing, please send me a /tell, letting me know. Communication is very important, more important than potentially keeping immersion.
Art done by myself or others relevant to the character.

Thank you all for letting me use/alter your codes. If it weren't for you my wiki would not look how it does.

■ Template was created by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Background and headers Atreus del Alumet.
■ Tabs by Suen Shyu.
■ Music and OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Mashing everything together like a mad scientist D'lyhhia Lhuil.
■ Characters and information of characters to their rightful owners.

Please remember to proper credit when using this wiki. Thank you.

"The past may have brought me here, but it does not govern my future. Only the Spinner knows where my tale takes me." - Oyun Ilydena