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Sokhani's Main Theme: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wQ_BQHmV3A Ori and the Blind Forest - Climbing the Ginso Tree]<br/>
Sokhani's Main Theme: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wQ_BQHmV3A Ori and the Blind Forest - Climbing the Ginso Tree]<br/>
Sokhani's Secondary Theme: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1eA4MK6VXw Ori and the Blind Forest - Thornfelt Swamp (feat. Tom Boyd)]<br/>
Sokhani's Secondary Theme: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1eA4MK6VXw Ori and the Blind Forest - Thornfelt Swamp (feat. Tom Boyd)]<br/>
Sokhani, the Earthen Serpent: [https://youtu.be/byzWyQOwvBw Ori and the Blind Forest - The Waters Cleasned]<br/>
Sokhani, the Earthen Serpent: [https://youtu.be/byzWyQOwvBw Ori and the Blind Forest - The Waters Cleansed]<br/>
Meditation or Calm: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_I7EWEu76yM Hydra - Huma Huma]<br/>
Meditation or Calm: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_I7EWEu76yM Hydra - Huma Huma]<br/>
Kharanai's Song to Sokhani: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOkgC5JfM9I Mai Hime - Ensei ~Omou Kokoro~]<br/>
Kharanai's Song to Sokhani: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOkgC5JfM9I Mai Hime - Ensei ~Omou Kokoro~]<br/>

Revision as of 22:11, 31 March 2016


I Am The Earthen Serpent



NICKNAMES... Sokha, Khani, Crank-y, Slowka.

RACE... Xaela.

GENDER... Female.

AGE... Twenty-six.

ORIENTATION... Pansexual, Polyamorus.

MARITAL STATUS... In a Monogamous Relationship, Complicated.



CLAN... Was of the Malqir Tribe.

RESIDENCE... Ul'dah.

OCCUPATION... Martial Arts Instructor.

HEIGHT & WEIGHT... 5 fulms, 6 ilms, 155 ponze.

ALIGNMENT... Chaotic Good.

VOICE... Audio Example.



Sokhani's sleeve tattoo.

Sokhani is a tall, at least for an Auri woman, fighting sort. Her eyes are naturally slanted into a harsh glare and her lips thin. She often gives the appearance of an eternal scowl or harbors a heavy case of the grumpies with her already angular facial construction. Her chin especially leads a dagger-like point, and the warpaint she carefully applies every sun does not make her uncompromising look any softer. Her hair always remains perfectly straight and thick with a grayish coloration. What sorcery keeps it this way Sokhani could never say. It would seem a hue of green managed to make its way into a few segments of her hair as well, but she would refute this claim!

The woman's attire changes from casual open shirts and shorts to heavy armors and training gear, but she is never without a earthy brown hue to her clothing. She favors the color along with golds and oranges. She is most often seen in training raiment with short to no sleeves and a aggressive facial halfmask. The reason oft given for the mask is, mayhaps, already guessed. Her left eye is in a state of disrepair, and so she hides its likeliness away. Her arms are often covered by either heavy, weighted forearm gauntlets, or brown strappings that contain depleted earth crystals. Sometimes she can be seen with two extravagant jamadhars. She keeps these weapons polished and clean, and her pride over her ownership of either of the three pieces is etched upon her eye.

While her right arm bears no remarkable feature other than her pronounced muscle definition, the left can be seen covered entirely with a tattoo that, at first glance, may appear the same as her natural scales. This tattoo covers her arm from shoulder to wrist and it is described by Sokhani as a marking of her mastery. The mastery displayed can seen throughout her body, if it is ever laid bare. Her shoulders, upper arms, and forearms are all especially chiseled from constant use of weighted jamadhars and her newly acquired gauntlets. Her upper back and abdominal muscles showcase the same sort of build, though it is a bit less extreme. Even with these developments, her body manages to remain compact and properly proportioned. Her training focuses entirely on keeping her upper body balanced with her lower and to keep muscles from interfering with what speed she has.

The Au Ra also suffers, so she says, from increased scale growth. Her face, while heavily covered in the armor, is not too unusual. Her hands do, however, end up with scales that run just past her knuckles and used to give her difficulty in making full fists. Several stray scales have also found themselves upon the flats of her digits, giving her hands an extremely rugged look. The scales are not just for show either. Each scale on her arms, legs, and tail is formed of multiple teeth-like protrusions that flow upward. While trailing fingers from her wrist to shoulder, calf to ankle, or tail base to end will be met with no issue, doing so in reverse is quite a fantastic way to lose flesh. The scales besides these carry a rather gritty texture, mostly harmless with the exception of a possible burning sensation should one rub against them, though they flow in much the same way otherwise. This leads to the Au Ra covering herself up as much as possible and gives her a feather light touch with friends and intimate ones in her life.


Story that goes on for like



Four paragraphs, sure.



Each story read here is full of information that can be used against this character in what is known as meta-gaming. If any of this information is found used without consent, or learned without IC reasonings, it will resort in me cutting all IC and OOC contact from you. Please understand this is a mere history of this character and for the enjoyment, or dislike of those who wish to peruse.

Coming eventually.

Coming eventually.

Coming eventually.

Coming eventually.

Coming eventually.

In Sokhani's feverish haste to heal Kharanai's wounded arm, she began to turn to more and more faces and more and more friends. Mulling over ideas with Kimiko and U'ami lead her to seek advice from the Ossuary in Ul'dah. While nothing could be said to her during her visit to the Order of Nald'thal, she did get the hints that what she sought for was not within the powers that Thaumaturges or Conjurers could grant. With that left one last order she could turn to. With more advice from Kimiko and U'ami on those of the Arcanist's Guild, Sokhani left with the pair for Limsa Lominsa.

Upon her arrival to Limsa Lominsa, Sokhani, Kimiko, and U'ami were quickly met by Isranne and her student, Ayse. Taking part in the festivities of Valentione's Day, or sun, as Sokhani called it, the group exchanged words, and cleaned U'ami's hair to a brilliant shine. It was after their fun that Sokhani began to peruse the areas of Limsa Lominsa for information. While her tongue was inexperienced still with Eorzean, Isranne headed her off and helped her along in the negotiations.

Once the two stepped into the Arcanist's Guild and braved the line of import goods and suspicious freight, they were granted the time to speak with the receptionist. After a lengthy burst of information from Sokhani, her words were properly summarized by Isranne. What Sokhani sought was no mere Arcanist's tome, but something that could provide succor or turn back time itself. While not quite explained in such a way at the time, it became clear to Sokhani that these terms were what she required. To bring back the hands of time, or to go beyond what the Elementals would allow. With a simple tip to check the darker dealings of Limsa Lominsa, the receptionist bid the two farewell.

Isranne, a member of the Midnight Pearl and quite known in the dealings of piracy, privateering, and barely legal sales, lead Sokhani to several outlets. One common theme was amongst them all: several tomes had been taken, or were missing from their manifests. Some were "found" books of Arcanist scrawlings. Others were more interesting tomes of theory and magnificence. Without much idea of where to next seek, they overheard the rumblings of a hawkish Hyur. He was robbed by a band of hooligans, he said. The markings he ranted over to a friend, or maybe someone who would simply listen to him, gave Isranne enough information to seal their destination.

With their first search target located, a cove entered by few men of similar colors and marks, yet never left by them the same, Sokhani awaited Isranne in the Drowning Wench. During her idle time, U'ami and Kimiko joined in with her treasure hunt. Kimiko, with a desire to trounce pirates, and U'ami, with a burning passion to seek treasure, were all roaring to go before Isranne could scarce say a word. Sokhani had but one simple, but iron-clad rule for their venture: no Spoken were to be felled. It was not too long until their gear was secured, and their travel set into motion. Standing upon the entrance to the cove where all entered, but never returned, they ventured into become part of the norm.

Inside of the cove, various unearthly lights, Vilekin, and Wavekin were there to greet them. With no true idea as to what they were seeking, they aimlessly proceeded through the cove of salt, sea, and mystery. U'ami, as expected by Sokhani, flit herself from all corners of the cove. Danger fell to her several times, yet not a hair was harmed. The diligence of Sokhani and Isranne was profound in the protection of the young Seeker. As they continued on and on, they finally found signs of Spoken life. The pirates were settled, and amongst their dwellings were several of the missing books they sought. Each tome, worn by brine, was largely useless to Sokhani's endeavor. It wasn't until they finally happened upon the leader of the trope that they noticed he was hiding something.

The man ran to escape their fists and wrath, a satchel under his arm as he went. Though, he could only run so far until Sokhani, Isranne, Kimiko, and U'ami would catch him. In desperation, he fled to his ship to set sail, though as his feet chanced upon the dock, he was met with a life-ending surprise. A sahagin, one of great, ornate necklaces and plates, found the Hyur at his weakest point. A clutchfather wishing to ensure his place, or to impress the Indigo Matriarch of his deeds, tore the man limb from limb in order to gain the satchel. Not willing to waste his kill, the twisted beastman quickly swallowed what he could, and the satchel all the same. A short battle ensued as the small group rushed to the bloody sahagin. Sokhani, loath to break her promise for the chance of saving her sister, could do no fatal damage to the beastman. It was Isranne who landed the final blow and tore the satchel from the being's stomach.

After a healthy wretch, Isranne opened the covering and presented to Sokhani a ominous, black tome. Bound in what feels of leather, yet not quite leather at the same time, Sokhani immediately felt as if she found a missing part of herself. After leaving the cove, and officially learning where its exit truly was, Sokhani opened the tome before her three companions. The characters were, to Sokhani, written in such a way that she felt as if she'd inked them herself. The text seemed almost of her own tongue's written script, yet just off and out of order enough to be illegible; all agreed they needed to figure out what else they could do. Parting ways after a last bout of fun, Sokhani left Limsa Lominsa to seek a clue with Kimiko and U'ami. Isranne agreed to look for some means to decipher the tome from her station upon their parting words.

At Sokhani's training location, the western lands of Thanalan, she poured over the book one last time. Adalhaid, seeking the Auri woman, was given a look at the book as well. With Adalhaid's eyes, and due to Adalhaid's unique gift, all she could see was a chaotic tapestry of lines, swirls, and blots. No characters could be made out, and even one page appeared blank. Sokhani and Adalhaid were made to realize the book simply did not want to be read. It was protecting itself from all ways of figuring its contents out, or it was a malicious curse that was waiting to be freed. Sokhani, still feeling the text to be part of herself, believes the former.

Several weeks passed since the discovery of the strange black tome, and Sokhani had no better idea as to what to do to read it. While Kimiko, U'ami, and Sokhani asked about Ul'dah's standard dwellings about ciphers, Isranne ventured back to Ishgard due to ongoing proceedings. It was there that Isranne spoke with one who may know of such a book. A man who's name was withdrawn whispered but one phrase: "'Twas once a clue of such a thing within the northern most vigil of Coerthas."

While the information bore little more information than assumed knowledge, Isranne ventured a guess that the vigil in question was within the central reaches of Coerthas. The Steel Vigil met all the description of location. The only other that could be known of as the Dusk Vigil, yet with such a place recently investigated it would be hard to find anything of use. The man who's words were so quiet in helpful clue would also not still speak of such a thing, would he?

Coming eventually.


💘 Romance  💗 Strong Favor (individual colors per character)  Platonic Love  Family  👻 Deceased  Student  🌟 Positive  Neutral  Negative 
N O N - P L A Y E R   C H A R A C T E R S
Quranai Malqir ( ) - Mother
Sokhani Family Mother.png
Coming soon.
Tabagu Malqir ( ) - Father
Sokhani Family Father.png
Coming soon.
Kulhan Malqir ( 👻 ) - First Love
Sokhani First Love.png
Coming soon.
Khudus Malqir ( 👻 ) - Teacher and Friend
Sokhani Trainer Khudus.png

Khudus was Sokhani's first true mentor. He came to the Malqir clan without a tribe, but with an art unlike what many had seen. The abilities he taught were only shared with a specific few. Sokhani, while hated by her mother and tolerated by her father, was one of the few chosen. Kharanai was also taken under Khudus' wing. The two sisters were both tattooed by their teacher and are, possibly, the only two remaining with this particular design and meaning.

Khudus fell in battle against the Garleans while the Malqir migrated to another camp. The rebellion at Doma had spread some pockets of Garlean influence outward near, and into the steppes. While the arts of destruction proved to fell some, guns and magitek atrocities ultimately claimed his life.
Eadric Hrunting ( ) - Teacher of Astral Fists
Monk Trainer Eadric.png
Coming soon.
Sigilinde Bladeknuckle ( ) - Teacher of Umbral Blades
Monk Trainer Sigilinde.png
Coming soon.
P L A Y E R   C H A R A C T E R S
Kharanai Malqir ( 💗 🌟 ) - From Farthest to Closest

Kharanai is Sokhani's biological sister, and the closest woman to Sokhani by far. The two shared distance, and possibly one-sided hatred on Sokhani's end until Sokhani left the Malqir Tribe. Kharanai came along with her, even though Sokhani wished the worst for her sister. Over the year and a half they spent alone as vagabonds, and later, eluding Garlean influence, they grew closer and closer. Sokhani and Kharanai might be too close for their blood relation, but that does not stop them regardless. At the very least, Sokhani refers to their relationship as, "twisted sisters."

Over a few moons of Eorzean life, Sokhani and Kharanai began to seek training above their own mastery. Under the advice of Adalhaid, they moved their temporary residence to Mor Dhona and met with the trainers of Astral Fists and Umbral Blades. Eadric and Sigilinde were instructors on the same level of Khudus, and the sisters took well to the duo's teachings. Yet, upon the cusp of their final lesson, Kharanai was robbed of her right arm's use. Growing even closer to her sister in this vulnerable time, Sokhani and Kharanai began to sleep while cradling each other's wounds with the palms of their hands. Sokhani's new vow was clear then: to bring Kharanai's arm back to her. To make Kharanai feel like she was herself again. She will go to any length to do this, even if it hurts.

Sokhani has taken Kharanai's likeliness into a tattoo of a lapis flame. Mingling with her scales of mastery, and feeding along fiery wisps that trail towards her heart, Kharanai is one of the embers that drives strength into Sokhani's soul. Of course, without Kharanai's own hand, the mark would have no connection. In this line of thought, Sokhani granted her sister the honor of adding the color herself.
Adalhaid Rask ( 💘 💗 🌟 ) - Fists of Iron
Sokhani Friend Adalhaid.png

Adalhaid, or Ada as Sokhani simply calls her, is Sokhani's first friend since her journey to Ul'dah. Met while Adalhaid was set to guard an entrance way for gil, the two sparred after speaking over styles and arts. There was no victor decided, and the two were ever reluctant to say they had a direct advantage. Sokhani has been directly taught the power behind Adalhaid's fists, both with and without her Chakra unleashed.

In doing so, Sokhani proceeded to unlock her first Chakra and begin training in Mor Dhona. Before Sokhani's training in the ways of the Fists of Rhalgr began, the two began to understand the feelings they felt for one another. They have since begun a relationship, vowing to stay together no matter how complicated it may end up becoming.

Sokhani has taken Adalhaid's likeliness into a tattoo of a crimson flame. Just over her heart, it powers all of the fiery wisps that trail towards her arms. Adalhaid's ember may very well be what drives Sokhani's heart to be strong and powerful. Of course, without Adalhaid's own hand, the mark would have no connection. In this line of thought, Sokhani granted the Highlander the honor of adding the color herself.
Kimiko Mototsuka ( 💗 🌟 ) - Green and White
Kimoko, the first Raen Sokhani ever granted an audience with and also the very first Raen she did not call, "Whitescales." Sokhani shares a respect for the woman due to her departure from the Raen stereotype she'd grown to dislike so heavily. A drinking partner at the least, and a great friend at the most, Kimiko is never greeted with distaste or distrust. Far be it, Kimiko holds a unique spot in Sokhani's circle, one that would be hard to fill by any other. It's also hard to poke and cover other people's foreheads or faces without repercussion, something Sokhani does to Kimiko often enough.

After regaining her heart and learning of the friends she loves and holds dear, Sokhani asked Kimiko to do something she'd never allowed any other aside from Khudus to do: to ink her body. Sokhani desired fires along her chest, her arms, and her back. After the wispy red laced with her dusky blue skin, Sokhani wished for Kimiko to lay her own emerald green into an ember. Kimiko's fire now sits amongst yellow and blue, just as Sokhani wished it to.

U'ami Rahz ( 💗 🌟 ) - Lessons Learned and Shared
Coming soon!
Isranne Valreux ( 🌟 ) - A Fleeting Blur
Coming one day.
L'anaya Tyqi ( 🌟 ) - A Nostalgic Feeling
Coming one day.
Natalie Mertens ( 👻 🌟 ) - The Everchanging
Natalie is Sokhani's second direct contact in Ul'dah, and one who grew closer to her than she'd allowed any other. Natalie and Sokhani share a relationship that struggles, at least in Sokhani's mind, to remain friendly without growing further. She refuses to allow it to grow to romantics due to her own insecurities over her own tendencies. She is unsure if Natalie is close to her because she is attracted to her, or if she merely feels fondness due to Natalie being the first woman to offer her heart after so much loneliness was endured. L'anaya was the one to gift her the information that Natalie had since perished. Sokhani still yearns to see Natalie again, but the dire understanding of never being able to caused her to grieve for bells.


N O N - P L A Y E R   C H A R A C T E R S
Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!

"Sokhani? You mean the girl who sits outside the Quicksand in the alley? Shady. Only word I have for her."
"I seen 'er out in the rain. She jus' stares up at it r'summat like that. Gets them leathers all soggy."
Quicksand Goer.
"You seen those sword things at her sides? You suppose they're punch blades or something?"
Pugilist Guild Initiate.

Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!

"I think I've seen a woman matching that description before. She usually heads out to Western Thanalan's regions and always returns in two to three bells time."
Brass Blade Guardsman.
"I've overheard Sokhani talking over drinks about her combat style. Says she can't help but kill? That's an outright lie because I spar with her all the time..."
Pugilist Guild Initiate.
"That girl can't hold her liquor for shite. Drinks like four tall glasses of strawberry brandy and then flops about like a cooked noodle."
Quicksand Patron.

Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!

P L A Y E R   C H A R A C T E R S
Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

Player Character Rumors -Some of these are more rare than others!

R O L E P L A Y   H O O K S

The points below are a few ideas that could bring characters together for RP situations. Have other ideas? Potential rumor mill plots? Shoot me a tell! I'm not an evil dark lord hell bent on destroying you. That's just a hobby anyway.

Early Suns and the Malqir Tribe

Are you of the Malqir tribe who never wished to be displaced? Do you know of Sokhani's past with the tribe? Are you one of the respected members of the tribe who could never grow past her disrespect? Instant conflict, instant hatred. Who needs friends when good enemies can lead to intense RP situations!
Perhaps you know of Sokhani's secrets all ready and never told any other. How you learned these secrets, through her mother's rage or otherwise, is up to you. This would give Sokhani an ally, or perhaps even some closure to her days in the Malqir Tribe.
Are you trained in the same style of martial arts as Sokhani, perhaps by the same practitioner her sister and she learned from? Perhaps you recall her dedication to the art, or even scorn her for her applications of it!

Vagabond Life and Escape From Othard

Sokhani and her sister, Kharanai, escaped by boat to Eorzea with several others. One could have met her there and recall her for her fiery temper towards a teasing sister.
Garleans are Sokhani's most hated individuals, and she has fought with a few before on her way to Eorzea. Perhaps a Garlean would still be looking for her either for a scar caused, items stolen, or for a simple revenge plot!
As with other Xaela who might have been ousted by Dotharl or Garlean influence, perhaps you've seen her fight, sneak about, or even trade in her vagabond life.

Present Time

Sokhani is often in the alleyway leading to the Quicksand in rain or pounding sun.
Are you racist, sexist, or generally hate her type? It's not a bad thing to have Sokhani in an unpleasant situation from time to time!
Do you train that the Pugilists Guild? Sokhani often visits to speak with others and spar.
Have you seen Sokhani training down in the valley of Western Thanalan? She is often there for over three bells a sun.
Sokhani can't hold her alcohol well, but she certainly does love to drink. Drinking buddies are never turned away!

Nabbed from Tsaganarii Dhoro, love you. Template was adapted from Bancroft Gairn, Xheja Rajhera, Unnamed Mercenary, D'lyhhia Lhuil and Glioca Sargonnai.