A'razh Tia
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![]() Despite his good nature, A'razh does not form close relationships easily. Casual friendship and acquaintance is easily had, but closer connections require some effort due in part to his natural shyness and in part to past experiences that have made A'razh hesitant to take the risks entailed in getting close to others. Each relationship entry carries one or more icons to give an overview of the relationship. Expanding it reveals additional details including a relationship meter measuring core attributes on a scale of 0-5. Check the legend below for the meanings of icons and attributes! ![]() Click an attribute to show/hide details
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Parvaneh is A'razh's first and (to date) only mate. While there have been a few ups and downs in the course of his learning how to relationship, she has proven deeply patient and understanding. Beyond that, she has done a lot more for A'razh than merely seeing the romantic potential in him - she also recognized his value on the battlefield and, as such, gave him a place in her company. This meant far more to A'razh than Parvaneh even knew at first (perhaps even more than she yet does today) as it was the first time he had been given a place to belong since being exiled from his tribe. Through Parvaneh, A'razh has found the family he hadn't realized he needed. For all these reasons and more, she is his most trusted individual and he is highly defensive of her. A'razh would give his life for Parvaneh in a heartbeat without regret.
Maiev is Parvaneh's infant daughter. Although she was sired by Caex'ra, A'razh has stepped into the role of father figure in the baby girl's life - a role which he takes very seriously. There would be no faster means to elicit A'razh's ire than to threaten Maiev in any way.
Kyren is one of the most senior members of the Glass Sylph, having a well-earned position of authority within the organization. It follows, therefore, that A'razh would work closely with him in a professional sense. But A'razh's respect for Kyren runs a little deeper than their company's chain of command: he recognizes not only Kyren's talent in battle but also sees clear signs of the hardships the Au Ra has been through in the past - and the lessons he has learned from those hardships. A'razh, having learned at least one very difficult lesson of his own, greatly respects these qualities.
Kukiko is one of the principal healers in the Glass Sylph, and thus a close associate to A'razh. Though they have relatively little familiarity outside their professional lives, she still nonetheless has his respect and A'razh sees Kukiko as a friend, if not an especially close one.
Kairen has a past with the Garlean Empire - a past partly spent on the Imperials' side. Although she shows every sign that she has fully turned her coat, A'razh will always burn a nagging candle of suspicion that old allegiances may one day resurface. And even should they not, A'razh can never completely trust the allegiances of one who has already changed them once before, even if that change was from the enemy side to his own. Nevertheless, until Kairen does something to merit such suspicion, A'razh will extend the benefit of the doubt and be as true a colleague and ally as he can given the circumstances.
Yujin was the first friend A'razh made after being exiled from his tribe, perhaps the only real friend he ever had before meeting Parvaneh, and certainly the truest friend he's ever known. Which only makes the sting of regret all the keener for A'razh knowing that he was indirectly responsible for Yujin's death. A'razh now leads his life in fastidious devotion to his atonement for this failing: after having picked the fight that led to his friend's demise, A'razh has ever since refused to draw steel unless absolutely necessary. And every life he saves, he reasons, is potentially one fewer unseen friend who will have to endure the kind of guilt that plagues him. ![]() Click an entry to show/hide details
Lilah and A'razh have a curious relationship. She was rescued from a Garlean detention facility and laboratory by the Glass Sylph, and initially he had no idea what to make of her. However, she soon developed a keen idea what to make of him. Following several... physical encounters... A'razh developed a better sense for her. Which only complicated matters, as Lilah has become a source of conflict for the boy. He can't deny that he enjoys her company, but he also can't help feeling that he's somehow taking advantage of her despite the fact that the inverse would be closer to the truth. His perception of Lilah may perpetually by coloured by the vulnerable state in which he first witnessed her.
A'razh has complicated feelings about R'shenn. The man is a battle-hardened warrior with plenty of experience that gives him a certain level of wisdom, which A'razh respects. But at the same time, he and Parvaneh share feelings for one another. A'razh is well aware that his own relationship with Parvaneh is secure and that R'shenn is not a threat, and he is further aware that R'shenn's monogamous lifestyle is at odds with Parvaneh's polyamorous one. But that awareness cannot completely suppress his feelings of jealousy toward the giant Seeker, and A'razh wrestles with those feelings whenever Parvaneh spends time with R'shenn.
Nesrin is Parvaneh's cousin and that relationship alone is enough to paint her in a good light by A'razh's standards. Fortunately, she seems pleasant enough to be deserving of the amicable sentiment. Her close kinship with Parvaneh makes her uniquely qualified as a confidante for A'razh in matters relating to her cousin, which means that she is a valuable acquaintance for him indeed.
A'razh met Mhiago when she chanced to walk into Parvaneh's bedchambers just as A'razh was exiting the bathtub in his nameday suit. She probably still teases Parvaneh about that, or perhaps Parvaneh is the one who does the teasing? Regardless, A'razh has not spoken much with Mhiago since then and it might be for the best since he's pretty much guaranteed to break out blushing anytime he sees her from now until the end of time.
Nikytta and A'razh have only crossed paths several times, so it would be a stretch to call them good friends. Still, she seems pleasant enough and no red-blooded male could deny her physical appeal. However, while A'razh harbours no animosity toward Nikytta, he is liable to keep some distance from her owing to her relationship with Caex'ra.
A'razh has met A'sharah several times in Ul'dah. On one occasion, they chatted for a time. On another, he walked her to the Goblet gate to ensure she got home safely. It went over his head, of course, but she seemed to enjoy his air of innocence.
R'khena was one of the first individuals who A'razh met when he began visiting Ul'dah regularly. She encountered him observing the Grindstone and was kind enough to say hello. Although they've shared few words or encounters since, A'razh still considers her a friend.
A'razh met Sleepy Cat through R'khena and miraculously managed to survive the risky business of meeting Sleepy Cat while being a male Miqo'te. She gave him some advice he probably should have listened to, but which he was too modest to truly take to heart.
Veyha once hired A'razh to assist her on a mission into Thanalan, during which the two fended off a duo of giant ant attackers.
Parvaneh respects Steel Bison, so A'razh makes a genuine effort to do the same... with limited success. While Bison is certainly friendly enough and seems a good ally to have at your side in a scrap, A'razh has less favourable opinions about his collection of significant others, and especially about his desire for Parvaneh. Unlike with R'shenn, these feelings run deeper than rote jealousy - A'razh is genuinely suspicious of Bison's intentions for Parvaneh, and skeptical about how the Roegadyn views the women in his life. A'razh fears that he is either too emotionally dependent on them, or even worse, that they are little more than collectibles to him. These concerns are mostly kept by A'razh to himself, and he puts on as jovial a face as he can when Bison visits the company house.
Irr'hosha dropped off A'razh's radar when she departed the Glass Sylph, but he continues to consider her an ally and distant friend. If she were to appear to him looking for help, he would not deny her.
Z'nyira, the apple girl, was A'razh's first crush as well as the first woman to express romantic interest in him. Unfortunately he was far too hesitant to accept her advances, still possessed as he was of his mindset that he was not meant for that kind of companionship. A missed opportunity, perhaps, but he nonetheless wishes her the best and hopes that she has found someone since then.
Ashtarth was a casual friend to A'razh, though the two haven't spoken in quite some time. A'razh was naturally oblivious to any attraction Ashtarth may have had toward him, but the Au Ra was certainly able to get under his skin by teasing him, or petting him like a common housecat. ![]() Click an entry to show/hide details
Caex'ra and A'razh do not get along. When first they met, while Caex'ra was Parvaneh's primary mate, A'razh made a genuine effort to connect with the man and found his efforts soundly rebuffed, answered with frequently confrontational behaviour and only fleeting efforts at cooperation. Eventually some progress was made, the two even joining forces on a hunting expedition, but this ultimately proved fruitless owing to the discovery of Caex'ra's open racism toward Seekers of the Sun. This mentality exceeded the bounds of A'razh's tolerance - and as it turned out, that of his mate as well. By the time Parvaneh cut ties with Caex'ra, A'razh was more than ready to do the same.
Detailed description of relationship goes here. ![]() Your character may have overheard these rumours directly from the NPCs who spread them, or as secondhand information. Take note: these rumours may not be entirely true! Some NPCs are fond of speculation, exaggeration, and hyperbole. Common rumours are easily overheard and can be used freely in RP. Uncommon rumours are a bit tougher to come by, so use them sparingly or ask first. Want something even juicier? Ask the player for a rare rumour crafted just for you!
![]() Your character may have heard one of these rumours directly from another player's character... or maybe your character is the one spreading the gossip! As with NPC rumours, their veracity can't be guaranteed - but given that they come directly from the mouths of player characters, the odds of them being honest are a bit higher! Want to add a rumour from your character? Click here.
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