- { A.T.A } | As in " At a glance." / " At a distance."
A brief decription of what can be assertained about the specific object at a quick glance or at a distance.
- { Account ( Unread ) } | As in " Unread visual account."
A basic description of the item visually, assuming the character doesn't possess the relevant information to ascertain anything more than speculation / or more than is obvious.
- { Account ( Read ) } | As in " Read visual account."
An account of what can be ascertained & logically deduced as of the perusal of the written contents of the item, if anything at all; Assuming the character isn't possessing
knowledge that could be relevant to associating more meaning or gleaning more information other than what can be speculated & what is immediately obvious.
The character must be actively inspecting it, meaning it has to be in their possession & necessitating a sensible enough amount of rp time to read the available information.
The exact amount of time I leave to your discretion.
- { Crux - SYNTAX [ SUB-SYNTAX ] } | As in " A particular point of difficulty."
A knowledge check for the character, if the character possesses the relevant knowledge or skill, information relevant to that particular field will be displayed as your
character derives more meaning / gleans more information from the item in question, in accordance with what your character would know upon observing it / reading it's contents.
The character must be actively inspecting it, meaning it has to be in their possession & necessitating a sensible enough amount of rp time to read the available information.
The exact amount of time I leave to your discretion.
- { A.T.A }
Some form of ornate documentation, most likely of political or mercantile nature, likely to be an issued copy rather than the documentation proper.
- { Account ( Unread ) }
Ornate official records, the scale on the front infers it has some relevance to Ul'dah, hence almost certainly of political or mercantile nature, the
documents detail & material make-up seems to suggest it being the documentation proper rather than a copy.
- { Account ( Read ) }
The official personnel records of a decently ranked Immortal Flames vassal affiliate company, it's of a specialized consultancy company known as " The Crown "
whose brand ( logo ) rests in the middle of the document, the initials bellow it reading [ A.W ], further bellow it, it is stated that this is official documentation
issued by the immortal flames & that all information contained within is available & considered public knowledge, every member of a vassal affiliated company having
a military rank & is privy to the same rights & respect. It is further written that all personnel & individuals enumerated within this document is under the jurisdiction
of " Chief Aetherial Consultant Wrenn ", founder & owner of " The Crown " & that all inquiries pertaining to " The Crown " to be directed to her.
As it's an officially issued copy of the document, the purpose of the issued documentation & it's relevance to the reader is also recorded, it reads :
" With the increase in criminalistic & illicit operations & actions within Thanalan & a subset of provinces in proximity to the Ul'dahn governing body, it is for your own
safety & the safety of the Ul'dahn populous that we dispatch a representative of The Immortal Flames to assist & primarily monitor company operations within The Artifice Of
Reason. We are of one mind that the mobilization in Gyr Abania has our priority, even so, The Immortal Flames is taking such actions to assure you that you are no less protected
& provided for, even in these times of war. For The Sultana."
- { Crux - Mercantile [ Ul'dah, Thanalan & Neighboring Regions ] }
Ornate official records, the scale on the front infers it has some relevance to Ul'dah, upon closer inspection you recognize the brand, it's of a specialised consultancy company
known as " The Crown ", it occasionally appears in conversations among merchants & suppliers that claim that a lot of odd & miscellaneous supplies are brought in & out of the company,
that the owner has some personal projects she must be running unbeknownst to the Immortal Flames, it's all word of mouth however. You are certain that it's a high quality copy rather
than the documentation proper, no one would sanely walk around with legally binding documentation in tow.
- { Crux - Political Knowledge [ Grand Companies / Ul'dah ] }
The official personnel records of a decently ranked Immortal Flames vassal affiliate company, the brand you recognize, it's of a specialized consultancy company, " Erudite " as you recall it
being modestly denoted as; the name to the best of your knowledge is unknown by the majority of their client base, the company being primarily referred as the " The Crown ", apparently originating
as a joke by Immortal Flames soldiers who witnessed the owner & primary field agent " Ahlia Wrenn " & quote, end quote: " Wouldn't mind pledging allegiance to her... " Having caught on, it wasn't
long before the venture re-branded itself as such. The company itself has been the subject of both praise & concern as of late in aetherological circles, the leaders decisions being as innovative as
they are self-harming / endangering. The Immortal Flames approaching the venture with an affiliation proposition themselves was more than enough to warrant attention among political circles as well.
You are certain that it's a high quality copy rather than the documentation proper, no organisation would sanely walk around with the legally binding documentation in tow.
- { Crux - Military [ Ul'dah ] }
The official personnel records of a decently ranked Immortal Flames vassal affiliate company, upon closer inspection you recognize the brand, it's of a specialized consultancy
company known as " The Crown ", the joke that brought about the name isn't lost on you, originating as a joke by Immortal Flames soldiers who witnessed the owner & primary field
agent " Ahlia Wrenn " & quote, end quote: " Wouldn't mind pledging allegiance to her... ", you yourself have heard it being recycled tirelessly for a while before the soldiers finally
deigned it prudent not to run the joke into the ground. You have seen her at least once, being called to assist & provide specialized help in the field, her methods are truly odd from
what you've heard or seen & her seamless negligence of her own safety kept yourself & your equals bracing for the worst as panic became commonplace in her presence, if a soldiers
duty is to give their life for the safety of the people of Ul'dah, she seemed to embody the concept.
Where one would admire her fair complexion & laugh at the notion of her even being alongside them past the safety of the walls, solemn respect, fear & concern would surely mask them by the
time her work is done. Whether you'd of seen her with your own eyes or merely heard your fellow soldiers regale her in admiration or tell of her in naught but hushed breathes, it'd of been
hard not to recall it. You are certain that the documents in tow are a high quality copy rather than the documentation proper, no military official or affiliate would sanely walk around
with legally binding documentation in tow.
- { Crux - Intrigue [ Underground - Aether / Magitek / Machina / Mercenary ] }
The official personnel records of a decently ranked Immortal Flames vassal affiliate company, you recognize the brand immediately, it's of a "Choir" referred to as " The Crown ", formerly
officially licensed as " Erudite ", its front is of a specialized consultancy company & is a known "Choir" of "The Church." Accounts mostly speak of them burning out clients of mercenary
corps before a call to keep them away from certain altercations, seemingly arbitrary in nature. Questionable supply flow in & out considered: aether, magitek & machina included; It's no
less known to you the attempts to draft them in on a fold since they first started calling, accounts of the attempts follow the same pattern, they don't like their hand, they don't play.
As to why, you can only presume to ask yourself: "Are they bluffing?" "Trying to play up their game?" Whilst that's all well & likely in the underground, you get a feeling it isn't all as
arbitrary & rudimentary as it seems. Whether you yourself had a run in or merely heard the murder drawl, it would be hard not to be aware of them to some capacity. You are certain that the
documentation itself is a high quality copy rather than the documentation proper, no "speaker" of "The Church" would sanely walk around with legally binding documentation in tow.
The Underground "Choir" Dialect / Slang is used by " Speakers " of " The Church " & is a pretty well known buffer in most underground circles.
- { " Burn " } | " Burning out a client of a mercenary corps before a call. "
Outbidding a mercenary corps when already under another circle's employ, henceforth answering to you.
- { " Call " } | " Burning out a client of a mercenary corps before a call. "
Any action / con / heist / operation / etc... undertaken by an underground circle or corps.
- { " Choir " } | " ...a specialized consultancy company & is a known "Choir" of "The Church. "
A corps / organisation that is part of or acts within " The Church ".
- { " Draft " } | " ...the attempts to draft them in on a fold. "
An attempt to involve another corps / organisation in a fold, forming a temporary alliance of mutual gain.
- { " Fold " } | " ...the attempts to draft them in on a fold. "
Any action / con / heist / operation / etc... undertaken by multiple underground circle or corps drafted together.
- { " Hand " } | " ...they don't like their hand, they don't play. "
The conditions / objective / circumstances of a call / fold.
- { " Murder " } | " Whether you yourself had a run in or merely heard the murder drawl, it would be hard not to be aware of them to some capacity. "
Information specialized corps / broker.
- { " Speaker " } | " ...no "speaker" of "The Church" would sanely walk around with legally binding documentation in tow. "
Individual / member of a " Choir " & as a result, a practitioner of " The Church ".
- { " The Church " } | " ...a specialized consultancy company & is a known "Choir" of "The Church. "
An underground circle primarily involved with supplying & facilitating the actions & endeavors of other circles underground,
this involving anything from mercenaries, funding, information & so on.
- { " The Drawl / The Murder Drawl " } | " Whether you yourself had a run in or merely heard the murder drawl, it would be hard not to be aware of them to some capacity. "
The word of mouth & mass of brokered information that passes & spans the underground.
{ Translation & Clarification Of Written Information : Transcript Of Immortal Flames Personnel Records }
| A h l i a W r e n n
| S a k u s h i n o K a n a
| 0 1 3 9 A
- { RANK }
| C / C
| C h i e f C o n s u l t a n t
| A e t h e r o l o g i c a l
| U l ' d a h, T h a n a l a n R e g i o n, E o r z e a
| " T h e C r o w n "
| 3 7 - 3 5 - 3 6
| D o m a, Y a n x i a, O t h a r d
- { BLOOD - SEX - RACE }
| A B - F - A u R a R a e n
| S i n g l e
| A c t i v e C i t i z e n s h i p
| A r t i s a n 9 1 3 2 O
| " W i l k i n s " 0 1 3 9 F
| S e l f - R e p r e s e n t e d
| C a r b u n c l e " T a l i n " 0 1 3 9 B
| U l ' d a h, T h a n a l a n R e g i o n, E o r z e a
- { BOARD NO. }
| 0 1 3 9
| T h a n a l a n R e g i o n, E o r z e a
| [ INFORMATION REDACTED ], U l ' d a h, T h a n a l a n R e g i o n, E o r z e a
| C h i e f A e t h e r o l o g i c a l C o n s u l t a n t 0 1 3 9 A
| H e a d T a c t i c i a n : D o m a n C i v i l D e f e n c e F o r c e
| Self - Enforced : Opportunity with War Of Succession : Protection & Shelter of Civilian Population & Noble Families
- { MILITARY COMBAT QUALIFICATION & NO. ( i.e armament, aetherological, combat, etc.. ) }
| O A r m a m e n t O - 1 1 2, A A e t h e r o l o g i c a l A - 0 1 3
| D O M A N D E F E N S I V E W A R O N G A R L E M A L D
| Advanced Independent Research : Aetherological Community
| Sharlayan Mentor-ship : Saint Coinach's Find, Mor Dhona
| Practical Warfare Experience : Doman Defensive War On Garlemald
| Noble Military Family Mentor-ship : Strategy / Tactics / Leadership / etc..
| Third - Degree Precision Magitek Burn : Torn Musculature, Upper Dominant Arm
| Self - Inflicted Matter Decomposition, Ruin Arcanima : Minor Finger
| 2 Y e a r s, 1 M o o n, 1 4 S u n s - 21 Y e a r s, 4 M o o n s, 2 2 S u n s
| " W i l k i n s " - 0 1 3 9 F - 1 Y e a r, 3 M o o n s, 1 2 S u n s
{ Issued by The Immortal Flames Management Board, Ul'dah, Thanalan Region: Effective Immediately }
Ahlia Wrenn
Arcanima Specialist / Former Tactician
OOC Character Information
Main Job(s):
Main Tradeskill:
Preferred Role:
Neutral Good
Among Aetheroligists: Praised Yet Unconventional
Aetherological Consultant for The Immortal Flames
• Parental Mentorship • Practical Warfare Experience • Sharlayan Mentorship • Independent Research
Marital Status:
Azeyma, the Warden
Free Company
Items Carried
• Grimoires of Differing Craftsmanship • Tight Training Brace - loosened when in leisure • Varying Traditional & Cultural Attire • Ornate Research Papers & Documentation
Au Ra
Yanxian Raen
5 fulm, 2 ilm
119 ponze
Fair Complexion
Physical Build:
Myofibrillar Muscle Structure
Notable Features:
Reddish Hues Complimenting Aesthethic
Martial Prowess
Magic Affinity
Ahlia Wrenn (Eorzean Designation), formerly known as "Sakushi no Kana".
"Ahlia is merely my Eorzean designation, they tend to have a hard time with our names, understandably, I am well...Sakushi no Kana, first kin to the Sakushi Line."
First born of "Sakushi no Shun", Ahlia would act as the eventual heiress to the Sakushi Line, a line of Yanxian Strategists formerly stationed at Doma Castle, prior to Garlean Occupation.
" One must never shy from suffering, for suffering breeds challenge & with challenge comes the pride of doing what must be done, when there is no answer, people look to us! "
The Sakushi line & title spans only as far back as "Sakushi no Shun", Ahlia's father, which through his efforts granted the family their name & position, a new legacy for a family of formerly Yanxian commoners, henceforth giving birth to what promised to be a line of successful Doman Tacticians to follow in Shun's steps & meet the great honour & expectations granted to them.
As heiress to the line, Ahlia's training & preparation began at a very young age, resulting in her growing to derive pleasure & joys from self-perfection, pain, challenge & adversity; Her position as the eldest meant she would one day take her father's place as the "Head Tactician Of Doma", a position that, for most, held the weight of the lively-hood of the Doman populous, one wrong decision potentially endangering the lives of the aforementioned; Ahlia knew full well her responsibility, not letting her age blind her, she took the pain, adversity & challenge as her own, turning it into her strength, will & pleasure going forward as she held her fathers words & the families creed to heart.
Her father reciting his late father's teachings, always being told that there is no honour in a fight you know you'll win, his teachings tempering the girl as one would a blade, unyielding, strong & resolute, naught but a smile gracing her whenever adversity she faced, her own struggles & the tests her father would subject her to only bringing her pleasure as she pushed through the pain with a grin & the desire for greater challenges yet.
Ahlia's grandmother was of Xaela decent, namely the Kha, which is how she happened about her grandfather many moons ago; Whereas her father taught her: warfare, martial training, tactics & strategy, political & diplomatic conduct, trade / bartering & merchantile arts, Ahlia's grandmother taught her the finer trades: song, dance, fine arts & tailoring all accompanied by the scholastics of literature, calligraphy, prose & poetry, history & culture of the many peoples she has come across in her lifetime of travel, imparting every skill & knowledge she has earned through her tribes endeavors.
Alongside which, tales of the Xaela people, which Ahlia holds as dear as her own birthright, her grandmother's heritage clearly flowing through her veins as she seeks a world united, embracing the cultures of the world other than shunning them & aspiring to take on the struggles of the entire world on her shoulders one fateful day.
- ■ Teasing / Gossip / Familliarity
- ■ Informality & Romantic Exploits
- ■ Challenge / Pain / Adversity
- ■ Being depended upon by others
- ■ Drama & Over-exaggeration
- ■ Unsound / Unnecessary Conflict
- ■ Favorite Hobby: Cultural Interpretation
- ■ Favorite Food: Sweets & Confectionary
- ■ Favorite Drink: Tea & Coffee
- ■ Favorite Colour: Ever-changing
Aspects & Nature
- { Tactician }
Born of a long line of Doman Tacticians, she was trained from a young age to read the flow of combat & battle, accounting unexpected variables.
As well as the values of leadership, words & will.
- { Iron Will }
Having the Sakushi name to uphold, her training was not kind, having to learn through pain & strive to match the expectations given to her.
Ahlia's Research:
Aether Sink Designs
Ahlia's Research:
Aether Sink Cross Section
Ahlia's Research:
Aetheric Lattice Arcanima
This eventually developed a strong love for challenge / hardship / adversity & pain.
- { Mortality }
Her love for pain & adversity leads her to often time neglect herself, putting herself in harms way more often that not.
This recklessness at her own expense is seldom healthy given the concepts of mortality.
- { Ravaged }
A Magitek bolt pierced her arm, rending her flesh & musculature, leaving her incapable of wielding a blade & carrying out sudden movements.
- { Forever Young }
Ahlia possesses an endearingly childish demeanor, grinning & laughing at the simplest provocation, even when faced with morbid or terrible implications she rallies people
behind her with a smile & gleeful empowerment. Alike how she shunned other tacticians who hid behind the battlements in battle, preferring to take the front-lines, leading
from alongside her people.
- { She's A Lady }
For all her childish tendencies, Ahlia is very well spoken, elegant & well mannered, seldom referring anyone in a familiar fashion unless explicitly permitted, more often than
not referring to even the lowest of trade & questionable of intentions with honorifics & pleasantries, almost exclusively regarding anyone by their last names until prompted
otherwise, unless they are of a tribal demeanor: Xaela especially.
- { Objection! }
Ahlia doesn't stand being contradicted on factual accounts, prompting the only occasion she has to fake her smile, this seldom affects her enough to warrant her dropping
her smile, if it does however, she will do so, taking on a perfectly professional demeanor, yet NEVER speaking ill or regarding someone impolitely & NEVER keeping a grudge
or holding anything against anyone, she knows that most of the time, individuals demeanor are out of their control, often times being the product of societal adaptation,
temporary mood swings / experiences or social reprisal.
- { Intrepid Polymath }
Ahlia has become accustomed with recording all her findings to the extent that she does so incredibly quickly, recounting & accounting next to anything of importance
for future use & reference, even going as far as creating full scale painting to recount events or happenings for posterity.
- { Rehabilitation }
Ahlia has attended to her rehabilitation enough that wielding a blade is possible, yet the sheer pain makes it implausible, at least for right now to do so effectively.
Her body & musculature, unlike her build & appearance would suggest, is well defined yet still possessing her kinds fair features & elegance, defined more so than you
would expect given her condition, making it apparent that she struggled through the pain to maintain herself.
- { Miss World Wide }
Ahlia's Xaela Kha heritage & her time in Eorzea further enforced her desires & love for the cultures & history of all nations & civilizations, going as far as collecting
history & attire of importance to each culture, wearing it & adoring to regale people with tales of the civilizations proper.
- { Eorzea, In Season }
Eorzean influences made their way into Ahlia's aesthetic quite substantially over time, whereas she seldom adorned her face with hues & her clothes with gold, she slowly took
a liking to the practices, recently being of one mind to fully commit to her international appraisal, adorning her visage with red hues. As well as donning attire & applying
accessories that featured ellectrum, to better permit the flow of aether as well as propagating that Ul'dah flair she adores so!
Occupation Of Doma
Ahlia was naught but 12 when the Garlean offensive first struck, for all her training & contribution in the council, she was kept from joining the field, gracing each other with a wry smile & knowing nod as her father headed out into the chaos, never once did she anticipate her fathers demise & the Garlean offensive that came to shake the foundations of Othard. As Master Gekkai tore a hole through their plans & chaos devolved. With her father's death Ahlia would take formal leadership of the line, her unwavering smile not being broken for a second as she knew what was to come.
That fateful day showed her first hand the terrors of war, the challenge that she so longed for... & she wanted more.
Years later, with the War Of Succession underway, an opportunity had arisen to strike back at the Garlean threat; The challenge, the challenge she sought out so fervently was there, burning the fields & men before her very eyes, the might of the Garlean technological superiority, the destruction that was wrought by the Garlean Magitek beasts, it burned into her eyes, the image leaving her agasp, she understood then, even if Master Gekkai didn't turn his blade against their kin & the battle was won, she knew, they would of lost the war, in that moment of unbridled fascination & absence however, a Magitek bolt flew, piercing her arm, rending her flesh, dropping her blade. Regaining her composure, a toothed grin graced her lips as she quickly relayed orders to retreat, sparring the lives of her men was all she could do, the offensive had failed.
In order to protect the families, prevent further bloodshed & find aid among the people of distant shores, it was unanimously elected that we flee Othard & set sail to Eorzea, where Yugiri & the remaining loyal shinobi would yet hope to elect the kindness & assistance of our yet distant Eorzean kin.
Ahlia, anticipating the possibility of the failure of their attempt at retaking Doma, took measures to assure the safety of her family & those loyal to her; she journeyed to the Azim Steppes, home of multiple Xaela Tribes, where she faced the trials of Bardam's Mettle, granting her the rights & honour of a warrior of the steppe. This allowing her to arrange a refuge for her kin with the Kha & Malaguld tribes, be it that they failed.
When the retaking of Doma failed, the poeple of Kha rejoiced to see one of their elders having returned from a beautiful & resounding life, no second too late before barraging the Doman & our family with curiosity & praise, pride in their eyes as they saw her kin, me & my siblings, it was enough to wash away the terrors of that day away, as the celebrations commenced, prior to Ahlia's departure for Eorzea.
Ahlia with a toothed grin & a dangerous joy in her eyes, left the next day for Eorzea alongside her fellow Yanxians, hope & passion burning in her heart as she craved to understand Aether, Magitek & the source of the Garlean superiority that left them so powerless in the end & which marked a new day for herself & her people.
A New Home
Upon reaching Eorzea, Ahlia dispersed from the rest as they sought refuge, having had the musculature of her right arm torn by the magitek bolt, rendering her unable to wield a blade, she left pursuing knowledge, so that the mistakes she made would not result in the death of any more of her kin; Kana, adopting the designation of Ahlia Wrenn, began to seek out authorities on aetherology & it's applications across Eorzea.
As an intrepid polymath on a journey to aetherial understanding, she eventually made a name for herself as a strict practitioner, with an air of unwavering resolution & almost terrifying joy, braving the depths & limits of the study, stopping at nothing to expand her understanding on the applications of aether; upon completion of her studies with what must have been her 14th mentor yet, she was redirected to Saint Coinach's Find, in Mor Dhona, where the Sharlayan's stationed there welcomed her with open hands & endeavored to teach her the last of the art.
Upon learning all she could, Ahlia had to bid farewell to those that she had come to know as family once more, seeking out Ul'dah, where she enlisted in the Immortal Flames.
Her reputation among aetherological authorities in the area & the renown of her dealings with multiple highly prestigious aetherological researchers, quickly secured her a position as an Aetherological Consultant for the Immortal Flames, a position which she yet holds until today.
Stationed temporarily alongside the Machina & Magitek division, Ahlia had come to associate herself with individuals of varying pursuits & allegiances, the pleasure of working alongside others of similar predisposition & craft was exactly what she needed to push her forward in the domain, however, with recent events & happening leading to the Eorzean Alliances focus on reclaiming Gyr Abania from Garlean occupation, the division was quickly deployed by the flames. Her priorities being first & foremost her own people, she promptly disappeared, resigning from their employ & seeking out news of Doma.
A forum of Yanxian & Doman loyalists was called, many young souls speaking of their home's liberation as soul after soul went about preparing for the efforts that would soon be made to reclaim our home.
Her unyielding passion for the technology that ravaged her home led her to actively seek out knowledge to empower herself & take on greater challenges yet, all with a childish grin gracing her lips as she herself readies for that fateful day to come.
◢ Common Rumors (Easily Overheard)
- ■ " That Ahlia girl? Yeah, she frequents the markets often, she doesn't shy from talking, it'd be easier just approaching her out-right than to ask around for her. " - Sapphire Avenue Merchant "
- ■ " Are you a friend of hers too? Miss Ahlia always sits down with us & tells us the most beautifullest stories! Want to hear one! Want to hear one! - Young Children "
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to Overhear)
- ■ " I presume you're referring of Lady Wrenn? As it so happens she's worked alongside a handful of prominent aetherologists, the girl is undeniably bright, her means however are unsettling & do cause concern, the girl is more overzealous in the field than she ought to be! She will sooner loose her life in the field before she accomplishes all she's due! - Ul'dahn Aetherologist "
- ■ " Our division had to rendezvous with the Aetherological Consultant in Gyr Abania for the op, when you said she was Au Ra I didn't believe you for a second! I guess I'm buying you that drink after-all. " - Immortal Flames Sentry "
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely Overheard)
- ■ " Ahlia Wrenn? Hah, the girl's Doman! She's head of a line too, might want to act before she fucks off home, she might be worth the trouble, send a message as it were. " - Indiscernible Extremist "
- ♥ Romantic: Ahlia's romantic interests, the twelve save their souls!
- ♥ Familial: These people are either family or like family to Ahlia. The twelve preserve them.
- ♥ Friendly: Individuals of great interest to Ahlia, she would apologize in advance, but she's shameless like that.
- ● Good: Ahlia has their eye on you, run.
- ● Negative: Ahlia, upset? She's probably too busy being fascinated with how you did it to actually bother being mad.
Special Thanks
Templates by Bancroft Gairn and L'aenoh Tia and Chachanji Gegenji for variation.