Alanii is a quiet one. Never approaching people on her own or openly talking to anyone in any sort of loud manner. She keeps to herself, observing those around her and waiting for any who might be curious or bored enough to approach her.
Aspects That Stand Out:
■ She is tiny, even for an au ra female! Standing a good half head or more below near all her kin.
■ She has a bit of a dark feel about her though one can not quite put a finger on what it is.
■ She wields a gigantic two handed sword. Possibly is taller than herself.
Recently set free from a life of servitude to a dviously evil black mage, she has a lot of catching up on worldy events to do. She shies away from confrontation unless it involves her sisters adventures and generally tries to stay out of sight out of mind. PErhaps with the right person looking after her, or loving her, or just generally befriending her she will come into her own person.
■ Though she is disastrously shy, her eyes are every filled with the hope of someone noticing her and coming to befriend her.
■ She has a dream of one day setting out on her own with a traveling companion at her side to see the interesting aspects the world has to offer. For now that is a far off dream..
■ She may be timid but this does not mean she is weak. Wielding a greatsword and dark magics she can defend herself and others when the need arises.
Timid, tiny, possibly terrified. Sums up Alanii in a nutshell. Ever hopeful to make a solid friendly --or deeper-- connection of some kind she has taken to trying to put herself in high population areas but still fails to bring up the courage to approach any she sees.
■ Spicy foods. The spicier the better!
■ Fighting. Joining it. Watching it. Learning new styles.
■ The 'out site world' Being locked away most of her life she has a hunger to see it but lacks the means to do so yet.
■ Loud noises, overly peppy people.
■ Being brought to attention, being put on the spot.
■ Being told she can not, because of her size. She is tiny not disabled she will prove she CAN every single time.
■ Writing. She loves to write of the things she sees, people she meets, and places she's been.
■ People watching. The best way to learn about these strange new lands.
■ Quiet places with people telling good stories of their travels and adventures.
■ Stubborn to a fault. Nothing will sway her loyalty nor determination. Just try it and see how far ya get with this hard headed woman.
■ Strength. Tiny in size, strong in will and muscle.
■ Curiosity, an open mind leads to many open doors and endless possibiities.
■ Timid nature, prevents her from making people connections.
■ Lack of world knowledge. She has so much to see and learn and sometimes gets into trouble for what she doesn't know.
■ Lack of confidence. Ever second guessing and unsure of herself she often will hold back from doing anything in favore or making mistakes.
■ The fear of ever returning to her past circumstances drives her forward to make new connections as best she can.
■ New family and a new home, these drive her forward to a new destiny.
Loving acrobatics and leaping about, Tanii fits into the lancer/dragoon job quite well along side rogue and monks in close ranged combat.
✦ Weapon: Using an array of melee weapons but also having a few magical tricks up her sleeve this Tiny Terror is a force to be reckoned with!
Weapons of Choice
■ Melee --> Great sword for offense and defense.
■ Magic --> Void flames that can burn or chill you to the bone
OOC information for YOU
Here you will find my preferences for combat ICly! Note: Everything can be discussed OOCly to make combat fun for all parties involved!
■ Free Form Combat: No rolls needed! Reserved for trusted friends who will fairly fight and take damage as well as dish it out without worry of anyone pulling too many god mode moves if any at all. Sometimes they are fun and we like to see just what our toons can do when they are allowed to let loose!
■ Roll Based Combat: Usually a simple 0-500 is a miss, 501-999 is a hit. Crit fails and Crit hits can be discussed. Used the most often when rolls are needed for private rp combat moments.
■ Group Rules Combat: This is FC/Groups that have their own rules for combat. I am more than willing to learn but will need some time, usually asking to view how your FC/Group does things and then joining the next time everyone meets up.
Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.
◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these
■ She is so quiet and creepy! Just look at that pale skin and dark hair! CREEP!
◢ Uncommon Rumors -A little more difficult to hear.
Use sparingly or ask first!
■ Have you noticed how sometimes her personality seems....a bit off? I wonder if everything is alright in her head?
◢ Rare Rumors -Very rarely overheard. Please ask
before using!
■ Did you know she has something sealed within her? Something evil they say?
Altanii Iriq,relationship. ( ♥ Family – ) - Lover/Future Mate.
Character's Thoughts:" She's quite loud and hyper. I really can't handle her for too long."
Relationship Description: Alanii tolerates her sister and will defend her to the death but she really would rather NOT be around her.
Person Name,relationship. () - Title.
Character's Thoughts:" ."
Description of their relationship.
Person Name,relationship. () - Title.
Character's Thoughts:" ."
Description of their relationship.
Place Holder.. ( ♦ ) - Place Holder.
Character's Thoughts:"Place Holder."
Place Holder.
Player Note
Please keep IC and OOC as separate as possible. Playing a long term type toon, bad things and drama are bound to come up ICly! Please do not take it personally and if you do not like something, tell me and we can compromise a solution.
Personal RP Limits
I am open to just about any and all rp themes, if you are unsure of something.../tell me your concern or question and we can talk it out. 99% of the time I'll agree to what you wish to do if it is reasonable and pertains to the current plot line or adheres to something my toon would do..
■ I will play Almost anything that isn't described below.
■ I won't play Complete Death or ERP only Plots. I love story driven plots, this includes romance. Erp is fine as long as it is not every single interaction and there is an underlying story happening between our toons. That said I will /USUALLY/ only erp with my toon's determined lover unless agreements between all parties are made out.
■ RP Type Preference I like to stick to long term RP or plot and story driven RP when possible. That said just about any genre or theme is allowed from Mature/Extremely Dark RP to Laid Back/Casual RP
Little Tidbits.
■ If the rp starts to go in a way you are not comfortable or happy with, tell me please! I am more than happy to talk things out and get back on a path more enjoyable for everyone..
■ I enjoy long term rp, this usually means taking things in an IRL pace however this can be worked around or discussed for certain situations, i.e serious injury or other rp hindering events. That said I will not eliminate said injury or do a quick fix just to hurry other rp along.
Potential Plot Hooks
While the below is by no means comprehensive, it's a kind of spring board for walk-up RP.
■ Her sword is oversized for her form and a topic of interest as it has dark energies swirling about it when drawn.
■ Is a bit of a daydreamer so easily approached
Thank you all for letting me use/alter your codes. If it weren't for you my wiki would not look how it does.