Bane Fyth
Bane Fyth Father of Sons Contents[edit]
Personality Mellowed by age, Bane might be described as a somewhat cold man. He is quick to gently chastise the reckless young - particularly his sons - but his intentions remain staunchly pure and concerned. His fondness for poetry leaks into his speech pattern and his choice of words, utilizing outdated pronouns such as "thee", "thou" and "thine" often - though perhaps that can also be attributed to his considerable age. At his core, he is a caring man who enjoys quiet as much as he does company, merely allowing his sunset years to pass in relative peace.
Appearance Bane stands roughly 7' tall, not counting another fulm of large, heavy ears that even he has some visible difficultly holding up. He is thick with muscle and healthy fat, and littered almost entirely with scars gained through his protection of the forest in his youth. His hands are clawed with sharp, thick talons that he (thankfully) makes an effort to cover, but are kept as a weapon of sorts should he find need of them. His eyes and messy hair are a deep raven, with skin nearly matched in tone; it's marked across his eyes with a streak of black warpaint, accented by bright red on the bridge his nose and cheeks.
Rumors Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category!
Stories Text, text, text, text.
Music Text, text, text, text.
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