Jakatolui Noyakir
Character In-Game BriefJakatolui Noyakir (31th Sun 6th Umbral Moon) is a boisterous Au Ra who has wandered into Eorzea to explore and enjoy it. She loves to hunt, travel and fawn over pointy things, and seems to enjoy getting on people's nerves. She's recently begun to learn the art of blacksmithing, though she believes herself a master already.
AppearanceJakatolui stands at about 5 fulms, 2 ilms tall, and has an athletic build. Her skin is a medium gray, and her hair white with dark blue ends. Her eyes are blue with icy limbal rings, sharp and accented by a horizontal bar of dark blue facepaint, which gives her a slightly intimidating glare. Her face is angular, yet youthfully rounded, and has dark scales on her cheeks and along her jawline, as well as a patch starting in the middle of her forehead, reaching down almost to the tip of her nose. On the sides of her head are a pair of horns, which jut forward following the shape of her jaw, ending in a point. Most often, she keeps her hair short, with bangs in the front and two long tails tied up on either side, falling behind her horns. Scales make their way down her neck, covering large parts of her body.
DemeanorOn initial meeting, Jakatolui is usually seen as energetic and excitable, especially given her labile temperament. She is similarly unreliable in her work and tends to follow impulsive whims, leading her to act recklessly more often than not. Despite this, she manages to adapt easily to different situations, being quite flexible so long as it helps her reach her goals. Lying is certainly not above her, and she often gives off the impression of being totally self-absorbed. This, in combination with her crude and juvenile sense of humor, makes her seem quite immature much of the time, however entertaining it may be to those watching from a safe distance. Despite this, her outlook is rather cynical and she is evasive when asked personal questions.
Some History
Noyakir Tribe InfoThe Noyakir once made their home in a vast system of caves in the northern mountains of Othard, but due to a major cave-in, its remains have begun to scatter. The cave-dwellers, once miners and crafters, fishermen and look-outs, now have only rubble and broken homes. The wanderers, once hunters and traders, now have no place to which they can return. Those who are of able-body have made their decision either to stay, to search for another home, or to join a new tribe.
Personal HistoryOthard
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