Josario Adrial
■ BIRTH NAME... Rosarieux Adrielle ■ RACE & CLAN... Elezen & Duskwight ■ GENDER... Trans male ■ AGE & NAMEDAY... 25th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon ■ ORIENTATION... Homosexual ■ MARITAL STATUS... Single |
■ TRIBE... N/A ■ CURRENT RESIDENCE... Shirogane ■ OCCUPATION... Sellsword / Paramedic ■ PATRON DEITY... Menphina, The Lover ■ HEIGHT & WEIGHT... 6'9" & 215 lbs ■ ALIGNMENT... Chaotic good |
Often times he is donning some sort of far-eastern attire fit for his combative style as a Samurai. He favors clothing with mostly black fabric and gold accents, and it almost always wearing masks with his attire.
Color Key
S T O R I E S To be continued... O O C
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