Kadour Astollias
■ RACE & CLAN... Miqo'te, Keeper of the Moon ■ NAMEDAY... 12/29. ■ GENDER... Male ■ AGE... 28. ■ ORIENTATION... Homosexual. ■ MARITAL STATUS... In a Relationship |
■ NATIONALITY... Eorzean ■ RESIDENCE... Opal Imports. ■ OCCUPATION... Accountant. ■ PATRON DEITY... Nymeia. ■ HEIGHT... 5'8”. ■ WEIGHT... 120lbs. |
Kadour stands slightly taller than his Miqo'te brethren but has a much thinner frame than most. He is well-groomed, styled black hair covering a deep scarred laceration across the bridge of his nose. He is marked with a few tribal face tattoos that he does not acknowledge or explain. His red eyes look sullen, tired, but focused. The Keeper's complexion is pale grey, very much like charcoal. Well dressed and poised, Kadour looks as professional as he sounds, but seems to be holding it like a deep breath at all times. Kadour's tail is lion-like, sleek with a small tuft of hair at the end. The tail seems to have a mind of its own, expressing things the timid owner cannot at most times.
The Miqo'te seems to prefer professional and sometimes strangely tight-fitting clothes. Most will see him wearing a tie when appropriate. Appearances are usually kept key until Kadour's neurotic tendencies kick in. If he is nervous, he will pull at his clothes or adjust his tie.
Kadour's personality can get rather complex. Most of the traits he displays to others is a well-constructed mask to hide personal feelings. He can seem gloomy, self-depreciating and very deadpan. He rarely makes time to have fun so he is generally a very serious person. Deep within this is a person with a strong drive and passion for helping others. He is a diligent worker and always will see a task done. He is very intelligent but does not showcase this often unless asked. He will prefer solitary time over company but he loves to network. Even deeper, Kadour is a very tortured individual emotionally and this side of him only comes out when he fails or is helpless. Regrets overwhelm him and he becomes paralyzed in his sorrow. Very few have experienced Kadour at his lowest, and his self-hatred becomes so great that he is rendered completely incapacitated for days on end.
Kadour's morality is usually in a grey area and will usually move forward in what he believes is right. He generally seeks no approval or justification for his actions. He tends to steer towards the path of justice but does not follow conventional means to achieve his victories.
Strongest Positive Personality Trait: Incredibly Resourceful and Talented.
Strongest Negative Personality Trait: Incredibly Bossy and an easy mood-killer.
Attributes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Strength |
P.Defense |
Dexterity |
M.Defense |
Martial Prowess |
Intelligence |
Magic Affinity |
Luck |
When forced to fight, Kadour will rely on tactics and wit before leading to confrontation. He does have a few useful birth-given tools at his disposal. His heritage gave him natural magical talents that are reflective of lunar phases. His magic is mostly useless during the day. Also, being a tribal miqo’te he is naturally nimble, surprisingly fast for someone that seems weak. Kadour carries a very light sword to help him in close-quarters combat but he rarely uses it. He is very much a novice in martial combat, but his learning capabilities will take him to the peak of his potential given the right amount of tutelage. His physical strength is quite weak but his aptitude can make up for it.
PC rumors greatly encouraged, please let me know.
Common Rumors (Easy to overhear)
- " “Astollias? Wasn't he around here a few years ago? He gave money to sick people all the time."
- " “Everyone loved him. What happened to him? Thought the syndicate may have offed him.”
Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
- " “The kid had connections to the syndicate, didn't he?. Did he lose all his money or something? What's he doing here?”
- " “Kadour is tripping over himself all the time. He likes to act graceful but he's pretty much a complete mess.”
Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
- " “I recognize that man, he was buying airship parts just a year ago. Didn't want to leave a trail.”
- " “I've seen him in Coerthas, overlooking Witchdrop for hours.”.
- " “Don't get involved with him. He's been investigated by the Flames several times.”
PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
- " I've seen him read these reallly.. strange books, he has peculiar taste.” - Ross Silvercrest
- " The Ser tells me he was part of a bona-fide pirate crew at one point. I forgive it because he’s rather delightful, but... well, you know my feelings about pirate crews." - Edda Mercer
- " I wonder how well he dances too." - Eigengrau Mankhad
- " He is an odd fellow. You should see the types of books he reads." - Kindoron Tumet
♥ | Romantic Interest | ♥ | Platonic Love | ● | Positive | ● | Neutral | ● | Negative | ☠ | Deceased | ? | Uncertain |
♥ Kindoron Tumet | Expand"A Bright Flame" |
"You want me to talk about Kindoron? F-Fine. He's rude, he's selfish, he's wild and careless. He drives me absolutely crazy! People who see us together must think we are fools, but.. you cannot know. No one would ever understand how deep my love is for him. If you just look past the surface of Kindoron's self, you can see what I see. He gives me strength. When he shines his light upon you it is the best feeling you could ever imagine. Even if I am still completely broken, I can still see his light. It is just so beautiful. No one will truly understand why I follow." |
♥ Colere Delafleur | Expand"A Painful Bond" |
"Do you have a friend that you can entrust every secret of your life to? Colere would be the one for me. We have been through it all. All of our pain has been shared throughout our small time together. Even if our paths have diverged, I always know I will have one person to come back to with some sort of baked goods and just tell him everything I am feeling. It is good to have a friend like that." |
● Edda Mercer | Expand"A Beautiful Confidant" |
"Edda? Ah, well. It is quite an interesting feeling when I think about Edda. She is one of my own. We both used and were used by Ul'dah's aristocracy, but our paths never met until recently. We share many similar interests in culture and both have very expensive taste.. and it seems a very shared taste in men. A-ah, anyway, I feel a need to keep her safe. She is just as pained as I am, so... just another similarity between us. I want to be one she can call upon for anything at all. " |
● Ross Silvercrest | Expand"An Unassuming Defender" |
"Oh, Ross. Ah, one of my first contacts in my new company, Ross struck me as an individual who cares deeply for others but at the same time loses a bit of social graces doing so. He finds his place just as a shield, and he doesn't really ask for anything in return. He's like a fantastical knight in shining armor, I guess. He has such trouble with women, though. Regardless, whenever I notice him casually standing in front of me whenever he senses danger to me, I do smile. Thank you, Ross. I don't know exactly how to tell you my appreciation, but.. there it is. " |
● Yang Gao | Expand"An Unspoken Companionship" |
"Oh, erm. What I have to say publicly about Yang is that she is a dear friend to me and a very great person to be around. Confidentially, there isn't much I need to talk about between us. We have a similarity that neither of us are very proud of, so I will leave it at that. I hope she understands that I treasure our friendship dearly without saying much." |
● ? Kojhin Oronir | Expand"An Uneasy Balance" |
"Kojhin is a gods-damned enimga. I will never understand what he feeling or if he even likes me. I only get to see his true self when he fights, and he wants to fight -me- a lot, so it's something I don't actively chase. There's a deep pain within him that I want to get to the root of, but he will not let me in. Kojhin is helpful for keeping Kindoron active, so I thank him for it. Xaela just need to.. fight sometimes. I just hope Kojhin respects me." |
● Eigengrau Mankhad | Expand"A Broken Mirror" |
"Eigengrau. Ah, erm.. sometimes I see myself in him. I do not know how he has the strength to smile every day at everyone. I can see him struggle sometimes. It must be hard, Eigengrau. I know. You and I share a similar heart. I hope one day you can break free of whatever is holding you back. I will be there to help you." |
● Marina Stigandr | Expand"A Distanced Admiration" |
"Miss Marina is very stoic and very strong. Everyone gives her the utmost respect and I strive to do the same. I hope to learn from her, but she's a little standoffish, I guess. I wonder what I can do to be her friend..." |
● Dunrai Dazkar | Expand"A Stoic Mentor" |
"Dunrai has taken to training me, and it's hard to tell why. I do not know what strength he sees in me. I find it a great honor to be mentored by him though. He is strong, one of the strongest Xaela I have ever met. I must not let him down. He is the type of person I strive to be." |
☠ Oah'a Nelhah | Expand"The Firstborn Hunter" |
"My brother. I am sorry for what happened to you--to us. There was a point in my life where you were my world, but the rites of our family separated us. I don't think I will ever know what happened to you after we parted, but now you are dead and I just... feel empty. I promise to remember you as the guiding hand you were, not the monster you became." |
♥●☠ Zez Tristelle | Expand"..." |
"Zez, if I could talk to you again, I wish I could tell you how much I hate you. There will always be a wound in my heart where you stepped on it, over and over and over again. I hate you. I hate you so much, Zez.. but... why can't I stop thinking about you!? Gods help me.." |
Many people who know of Kadour Astollias in Ul'dah treat him as a bit of a Trade Prince with no heritage. He showed up in rags and in years had built himself up all the way to being invested by the merchant syndicate. Especially as a Miqo'te this would have been difficult, but Kadour clawed his way out using his talents and intelligence. Events that unfolded in Ul'dah gave his enemies a great opportunity to place blame on the rogue Miqo'te, which would surely lose him favor in the lower class where he started. This plan forced Kadour to step down as a high merchant connected to the syndicate and be replaced. No one else had seen the Keeper since officially, but rumors say he returns often to aid the weak and poor in Ul'dah's streets. Some people say that he gave away everything he owned to chase a Pirate that frequented his bar often. One thing is certain, is that Kadour Astollias will always be a savior to many and remembered forever.
Traces of Kadour for the past few years have vanished completely. Apart from a well-hidden Flames report on an incident in Coerthas, Kadour has not been seen in Eorzea at all until recently. With no home at all or people to call upon, he has been using what resources in Ul'dah he had to get by.
Kadour's full backstory is lengthy and is best told from the man himself. I will be including small snippets of dreams as they come to give some insight, but to avoid spoilers to contacts it is best to learn everything from interaction.
Dreamscapes (Spoilers!):
Theme Song(s):
O U T - O F - C H A R A C T E R
Hi everyone. I'm not new to roleplaying but am very new to FFXIV RPing servers. Currently dipping my toes into the community to hopefully contribute as much as I can. I have a large plot centered around my character but love to join into others. Hoping to make a lot of friends.
As far as limits go, I am generally open to all forms of RP as long as it fits into a believable story. Please ask if anything involves sudden lasting physical ailments. Dark, violent, and dramatic storylines are all open to me. Intimate scenes Kadour will only share with his partner, but please feel free to ask.
Art Credits: Profile art by KYUMEI https://www.instagram.com/ko.tsukii/?hl=en
Kad/Kindoron art by LOVEEDREAMS https://www.deviantart.com/loveedreams
If you know Kadour and want to add any rumors please let me know, and I will also share the same likewise.
Discord: ryagain#1673
This Template is not original in the least, I'm sorry. I ripped it from ripped completely from Atlas Irvine.