Atlas Irvine
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Atlas Irvine
"Why, aren't you just marvellous?"
■ RACE & CLAN... Hyur, Midlander ■ NAMEDAY... 27th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon. ■ GENDER... Male ■ AGE... Late twenties/early thirties. ■ ORIENTATION... Heterosexual. ■ MARITAL STATUS... Single |
■ NATIONALITY... Hannish. ■ RESIDENCE... Various inns. ■ OCCUPATION... Painter. ■ PATRON DEITY... None. ■ HEIGHT... 6 fulms. ■ WEIGHT... 175 ponze. |
Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!
Common Rumors (Easy to overhear)
- ""
- ""
Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
- ""
- ""
- ""
Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
- ""
- ""
- ""
PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
- "
- Fine wine.
- A soft breeze on a cool morning.
- Interaction with a myriad of people.
- Passion, or drive, within another person.
- Painting. It's something he lives for.
- Original architecture.
- Juxtaposition.
- Eccentric or extravagant clothing.
- Vengeance of most kinds.
- Getting too close to fire.
- Coeurl.
- Getting water in his shoes.
- Self-deprecation.
- Seeing people suffer, even his enemies.
- Making said enemies.
♥ | Romantic Interest | ♥ | Platonic Love | ● | Positive | ● | Neutral | ● | Negative | ☠ | Deceased | ? | Uncertain |
● Akhutai Sagahl | Expand"The Emerging Poet" |
A somewhat quiet yet courteous Xaela, mannered beyond most Atlas has interacted with. |
● A'mahri Kahz | Expand"The Businesswoman" |
A Miqo'te who Atlas first met in the Carline Canopy and sat down with her to speak about the Starfall Trading Company. He quickly learned her staccato of speech and, with a bit of digging, figured out she was more of the business end than her companion Dezmond. |
● Dezmond Neophytos | Expand"The Smith" |
The second part to the Starfall Trading company that Atlas exchanged a few meant words with. He believes the man quite intelligent, if not a bit quiet. |
● Diadae Niera | Expand"The Willful Courtesan" |
A dark-skinned courtesan that happened upon him while he was drawing in Ul'dah. They had a brief cordial conversation that lead into deep talks about her past and his own. He sees the spark of wonder and adventure in her eyes, perhaps he can aid in helping the woman depart from her debts and troubles. |
♥ Fegasi Malaguld | Expand"The Conquered" |
A meek Xaela that Atlas found within the Carline Canopy after an introduction to the Starfall Trading Company. He saw sadness lingering just below the surface, thus went on a stroll with her into the Shroud. At the end of it all, he was rewarded with a kind and friendly smile. Their time together has heavily increased since that fateful day and the eccentric man has quickly come to realize she has a very real chance of capturing his heart. Or, perhaps, she already has. |
● J'lyneth Khal | Expand"The Brandy" |
An interesting woman Atlas met during one of his first ventures into the Host Club estate. She has a coyness about her that intrigues him. |
● Kyrrlana Tumet | Expand"The Meek" |
A quiet Auri woman who said very little to him, but a single string of wordage harkened to something deeply intelligent. |
● Xehn'a Hmyr | Expand"The Playwright" |
Yet another Star that Atlas has met and immediately got along well with. They both contain a tongue of silver with wit to match. |
● Y'lhieze Belhi | Expand"The Firestarter" |
A Sharlayan woman whom Atlas met during a brief period in the airship lounge of Thanalan. Unfortunately, their first interaction resulted in her igniting one of the precious feathers atop his hat. Likely done in a manner to aid him (in some possible way), they had a kind chat and he left with a smile upon his face. Perhaps they'll meet again. |
O U T - O F - C H A R A C T E R
- RP pretty much anything not talked about in the 'Won't' section of this wiki.
- Accept walk-ups or tells and will likely give them out myself.
- Willing to have pre-established connections, though please inform or ask me about it beforehand.
- Perfectly fine with mature and dark RP themes to most extent.
- Condone meta-gaming in any form whatsoever.
- Break lore or anything even close to that. Bending is acceptable but, that's about as far as it'll go.
- Character death, or limb removal, without my consent.
- Condone or imbibe fantasia as an in-character item.
- Blur or break the line between in-character and out-of-character.
This Template was put together with lots of help from Coatleque Crofte, Unnamed Mercenary, and Gharen Wolfsong!