Khepri Cobalt

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Youth and Whiskey



Birth Name... R'Shara Yuko

Aliases... Khepri Cobalt

Race & Clan... Miqo'te | Seeker of the Sun

Gender... Female

Age & Nameday... 28 | 17th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon

Marital Status... Taken

Quote... "...How the hells did I get here?"


Tribe... Not Affiliated

Current Residence... Limsa Lominsa

Occupation... Alcohol enthusiast and retired warrior

Height & Physique... 5’3” | Slender

Alignment... Chaotic Good

Status... She's struggling to find her place in life

Y O U T H   A N D    W H I S K E Y



Sometimes called ‘Hell on Heels’, Khepri certainly stands out in a room full of people. Boisterous and loud in nature, occasionally assisted by the bravery provided through a tonze of alcoholic beverages, the Seeker is sure to leave an impression. (Her favorite is the imported Rum, by the way). It’s up to the experiencer whether or not that impression is good or bad. Despite her consistent teasing and poking fun, she truly does mean well. Her only want in life is to live life to the fullest and experience all of those bucket list things before she’s either too old to experience them or dead. Fighting is not necessarily something she takes seriously, usually being more of one to taunt and find amusement in another’s anger but she enjoys the random boughts of playful sparring that sometimes follow her taunts.
When it comes to fighting to hurt someone, the Seeker will tend to try and divert it, unwilling to partake in a situation wherein she may harm another too seriously. More than enough times had she miscalculated her hits, taken the fighting too far. Eventually, she had murdered someone as a result.
Khepri would go to war for those she loves. The greatest flaw of her personality comes in the form of a loyalty so fierce that the Seeker just might attempt to move mountains for a person. While she doesn’t always believe in some of the things her companions might do, she may just be stupid enough to support them in their endeavors. Sometimes her chaotic good alignment will push this mentality a bit further.

A sense of familiarity/friendship
Doing crazy jobs no one else will
Conceited people
Sacrificing her best friend
Using the only person she ever loved for personal gains
■ Pressing her index finger to the tip of her nose when she's thinking.
■ Her blood is practically alcohol



R'shara was best with the axe, she always had been, but with the recent changes in her life she has come to utilize more of the strength that she has in her arms and her upper body rather than the axe as an actual weapon, though she certainly could if she wanted. A last resort, really, but still evident in her motions. The most prominent trait is her rashness, the willingness to rush in head first without really looking at the situation.
As the new comes life of R'shara Yuko turned Khepri Cobalt comes around, so do new life and fighting styles. A current work in progress, Khepri mainly uses this style as her primary fighting art. Rather than using her fists, she mostly uses her feet and legs coupled with several shoulder-tackle attempts in the midst.
In her previous life, Khepri (as Arin Tayuun), was an astounding mage. Nowadays she barely touches the craft, only resorting to it in times of absolute need as she has forgotten all of the things she once knew of the craft, forced to relearn as necessary.

S P E C I A L    T R A I T S

These are items.


  Color Key

Romance Former Romance Attraction Family Unique Friendly Neutral Poor Business Unsure Enemies Deceased


  R'nashi Nux ( ) - Mother
  R'Yuko Tia ( ) - Father


  Ciel Cobalt ( ) - Lancer; Girlfriend
"The love of my life, holder of my soul, and Keeper of my heart... It's hard to tell what she's thinking sometimes, the way she holds herself so neutral, but what the world doesn't know is that I have been privileged enough to have seen her smile the most brilliant of smiles, have heard her laugh the deepest and happiest of laughs. I have been privileged enough to have seen her at her best--and ultimately at her worst. I'm uncertain what made her choose me to be the person to experience such cherished and intimate things, but she did and I'm grateful.
How much she has touched my life, I don't think anyone could truly begin to understand. I may not remember the entirety of my time with her, a cruel side effect of my circumstance, but I know my heart sings loudest when she's with me and cries with loneliness when we're apart. In some ways I wonder if she saved me from myself rather than I that saved her. If there was one person in this world that I would do anything for... it's her."
  Arin Tayuun ( ) - Thaumaturge; Past Self
"Arin Tayuun. Thaumaturge and pugilist in training, bookworm extraordinaire, and perhaps the saddest girl to walk the earth. In her heart, grief had burrowed deep, seeding itself into her core and expanding ever outward to consume her whole being. In her mind dwelled a sadness that ate away at her mental stability, cursed her existence to walk the world fighting to survive, fighting to live a life she wanted to destroy... And destroy she did, leaving the ruin of many a man's heart in her wake, the crushed feelings of those she once called 'friend', and ultimately herself. To be strong, she had once thought, would mean the ability to withstand against any foe, man or monster alike. Little did she know that her final exit of the stage called 'Life' wherein she played such a heartbroken little girl striving to be strong would be at the hands of the very man who made her that strong woman she had fought to become.
In the end, he took that away. That man waited until she found the happiness she deserved and then destroyed it. Never do I want to become this woman again."
  Ehmi Tayuun ( ) - Little Sister; Always there in Spirit
"I don't remember her, but I know I had a little sister. Her name no longer rings in my head nor her face or the tale of how she became lost, but I know she existed. I had given Ciel the comb I used to comb her hair with just before the incident which caused my memory loss, and I still have the teddy bear with the note from her that she gave to me when we were still children. From what I can surmise from the terrible penmanship, it had been her favorite... and subsequently mine as well judging by how well both items have been taken care of.
...Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever remember how important she might have been to me."
  Julius Bennett ( ) - Paladin; Half-brother
"Julius was, thankfully, a fresh memory. I remember his face and his voice, his name and his persona. I don't quite recall our history with one another, but that matters little. Rather, I'm worried for if he has heard of Arin Tayuun's death... or if he still has been left in the dark as to what happened to her. He had been traveling back and forth between Gridania and Kugane for quite some time, I'm certain, and was far too caught up in politics and his new lady friend to be too concerned with me. I can only hope this is the case, anyway. Julius was a sad man, a hurt man, one that had been strong for far too long. I wished not to add to his existing anguish.
But we don't always get what we want, do we?"
  Sora Sholaali ( ) - Ninja; Adopted Sister
SoraSholaali 3.PNG
  Quinn Solanum ( ) - Bard; Adopted Sister's Girlfriend
  Ace Celah ( ) - Warrior; Past Lover
"The woman's utterly crazy, but she means well... all things considered. I dunno in what realm I stand with her now considering she fucked up so much that she shattered my willingness to follow her. Maybe it worked out for the better in that way. I met my current mate after her, of course, so not all of it was terrible. Perhaps I should be thanking her for making me the person I am now. After all, I might not have been confident enough to chase after Ciel were it not for the fact that Ace made be chase her for so long before I finally just... gave up.
...But she's special. No doubt I'd love to break her nose again, maybe give her a black eye cause she certainly deserves it. Woman makes me mad sometimes, but she was a good friend--CAN be a good friend--when she's not being a total asshat."




◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
“Such a sweet girl. Never had a problem with her when she came by for a drink. Charming personality, really.”
– Drowning Wench Server
“She's always got a bottle stuck in her mouth. A drunk, really, but she seems to be unaffected even though her blood should be alcohol by this point.”
– Ul'dahn Native
“She's always so loud and she doesn't understand the concept of personal space. Want your face protected from the dust storms of Ul'dah? Stay away from her! She'll rip your face covering off just to get a look at you. Trust me, I know from experience.”
– Alchemical Trader
“Tha' girl always had a different partner every time I saw 'er. Woman one night, man the next, occasionally two at once. She got around, tha's fer certain, but lately I ain't seen nobody hanging on her arms. I wonder if she might o' finally found herself a nice guy or gal to settle down with. Gods know the poor thing deserves some peace after losing her fiancé.”
– Limsan Local
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
“There's somethin' off 'bout 'er presence. It's as if, where ever she goes, the green life 'bout her wilts and withers. Like she's a' suckin' the life outta them!”
– Thanalan Fisherman
“She's a witch. Runnin' 'round an' battin' them pretty eyes. Hmph... Prolly some sort o' succubus. They exist, ye know!”
– Limsan Traveling Merchant
“If you ask nice enough, she might show you a good time. Maybe she'll just toss you some gil and let you have your own fun--I think she enjoys that sort of thing.”
– Courtesan
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
“War was hard. The hell she went through... How she's still sane, I don't know. Kill after kill, her streak is unrivaled. At one point its said that she practically bathed in the blood of her enemies."
– Military Veteran
“Insert data here."
– Name Here
“Insert data here."
– Name Here


◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!
“Y'know she watched kids burn alive at her hand, ya? Just cause their folks be Garlean .. Like I's know they ain't good people but they were fuckin' kids..."
Ace Celah
“She's sweet. She cares deeply for the people that she loves, and is one hell of a knowledgable and dangerous mage. I have nothing but respect for her."
Quinn Solanum
“When I met her she was the saddest, most miserable person I’d ever seen. But get enough alcohol in her and you meet one of the funnest and mischievous people I’ve ever met: and if there’s two things I am a Sharlayan Archon on, it’s fun and mischief. Win her friendship and loyalty, and Khepri will literally go to any hell and drag your sorry ass out of it on her back."
Sora Sholaali
“... Well. I miss my sister... I don't got a lot of family left. So, her loss.... Affected me greatly. But for when she lived, She was... very kind. Very sweet. Curious to a fault... Maybe a bit too much... Ahaha. Ah. But, she genuinely cared for people beyond her. And I'm glad she had that tendency- for that being something in our family... Otherwise. She would of made for a very lovely bride- for whomever was lucky enough to win her affections... And I swear to piss, if Someone didn't treat her right..."
Julius Bennett, whom thinks Khepri to be deceased


Born as R'shara Yuko somewhere close to Wineport, the Seeker lived traditional-nontraditional in the sense that her naming conventions were that of the tribe she came from but her parents, both being fisherman in the area, left R'shara to a far different upbringing than she would have experienced otherwise. Her parents weren't married, but they also believed that their relationship was strong enough that they didn't need something as silly as rings to bind the two of them together. Being cared for by a Lalafel nanny most days and then by her parents by night, travel time on boats, and exposure to plenty of sand filled her early days. Everything around her usually consisted of some type of water, some sort of horizon and, as she grew, the fondness of it grew as well.
Age 13
Water was like oxygen to R'shara. She loved to travel with her parents, to see the vastly different lands that they traveled to in hopes of selling the fish that they captured from the oceans around Limsa, but without water she just didn't feel like she was in her happy place. Most of her day was spent swimming when she wasn't assisting her parents with fishing. In fact, she had gotten so good with deep diving that she took to retrieving pearls to sell to jewelers as well, something she did on off days where the catch was always fewer than they would have liked.
During one of their trips for a specific type of fish that migrated to the deeper parts of the ocean, R'shara and her family were attacked by pirates. Their items were stolen and the boat was so heavily damaged that it never made it back to shore, but the three made it out of the encounter with rather minimal physical damage to themselves. Her mother and father had taken the brunt of the fight, able to hold them off until the flare that R'shara had fired was seen by a near by naval vessel that responded to their request for assistance. Still yet, R'shara's mind was badly damaged by the encounter, sparking a fear in her that kept her away from the seas for the years following the attack. Her parents, however, continued to work albeit locally.
Age 16
Enough was enough. Pirates had won over the sea she so loved as well as her mind... and she didn't like it. No longer would she allow herself to be afraid. For the first time in her life, the Seeker had fallen in love. Keeper of the Moon, Ahnu'ra was a simple man, a culinary student who worked part time in The Bismarck and studied the rest of the time. He had regaled to her the times that pirates had wandered through the restaurant, the fights that they would sometimes pick and how the staff would try their best to redirect them to the Drowning Wench to get their fill, the fights that sometimes broke out and how each employee was rewarded with a weapon to keep on their person for safety purposes. To have to live in fear of the bastards any longer was not an option for the Seeker if she intended to keep her family, herself, and her boyfriend safe.
With that in mind, the Seeker traveled to the Marauder's Guild and took up lessons. The Seeker would attend for a year, studying to become the axe-wielding tank she wanted to be. She obsessed over it, pushing herself to become stronger physically, to steel her mind mentally, and to gain the courage she knew it would take to go the next steps further when she'd gotten good enough in the style of fighting to be confident in herself.
Age 19
At the age of 19, R'shara joined the military. She was young, agile, and well versed enough in the art of the axe to make the cut. Training wasn't as hard on the Seeker as it could have been considering she'd lived her life on the coasts doing manual labor for most of it. The training from the marauder's guild had certainly helped to some extent as well. She took to it quickly, however, and it became an easy way of life with the constant drills, the practices and the yelling. R'shara learned that the easiest way to ensure a person stayed alive while there was to focus on yourself. You worked with your team, but you worried about only yourself. People died and that was simply a way of life.
Age 25
By the time R'shara was 25, the hatred she had for pirates was well ingrained in her being. More than once she had fended them off of the Ferry Docks that sailed into Vesper Bay. She had caught them in town causing trouble, running them off or arresting where necessary. She should have known that, eventually, one would start an all out fight right in the middle of a crowd just because he could. Six months prior, Ahnu'ra had proposed. The two were to marry in an additional six month's time to allow for him to save as much gil as possible. R'shara was working her way to a temporary vacation she had bargained with her commander. This particular day, the two were enjoying his lunch together while she was on patrol. It was unfortunate that said brawl was started right in the middle of The Bismarck... during her fiancé's shift.
R'shara tried her best to contain the situation to one corner of the room, but the bastard had a gun and her fiancé's wasn't all too keen on letting her take care of it alone. While R'shara used her battle axe to block and try to lock her opponent in place, she was unable to stop a second that had been hiding rather well among the crowed. A gun was drawn, aimed in her direction, and at the very last second she grabbed someone to use as a shield and block herself from the bullet. It was instinctual, something that had been driven into her as a part of her special training. Some sacrifices were necessary to save the mass. What she didn't realize in the moment was that it had been her fiancé she had grabbed to block said bullet... which hit him directly in the face.
It was an instantaneous death. She didn't have to see him suffer, but she was forced to live with the fact that she was the reason for his death. Immediately afterwards, the Seeker had delved into a blood rage. The pirates that had been the cause of the mess to start with were killed in cold blood, hacked into pieces with the sharp edge of her axe, R'shara screaming all the while. There was a red in her vision that she just couldn't shake. She was lucky that other Yellowjacket's had come to assist with the brawl, otherwise there might have been more deaths than just the two necessary. With one hitting her with a tranquilizing dart, R'shara was effectively mollified and transferred back to the barracks where she spent the next two weeks on medical leave, grieving the loss of her fiancé.
Age 28
At 28, R'shara was medically discharged from the military. Over time, her control over her rage seemed to be dissipating and she was becoming a hazard to both herself and her crew. Returning home to Limsa Lominsa after several tours between divisions, she settled into a life of alcohol, different bed partners each night, and spending almost all of her time in the Drowning Wench. R'shara couldn't bear to look at The Bismarck without remembering what she had done to the person she was supposed to be fighting to protect. Her parents had been killed during a rather nasty storm that destroyed their boat and pulled them to the sea. R'shara truly had nothing but she chose to live a happy life instead.
With her guard down, a pirate who remembered who she was successfully murdered her during a night of drinking and flirting, poison having been poured into her drink, stopping her heart.
Current Day
R'shara died at the same time as another Miqot'e, a Keeper of the Moon named Arin. In a last ditch effort to survive her own murder, Arin sought the closest and most viable body to take hold of with her skills in aether manipulation. While she was successful, it came as no easy feat, struggling to keep the heart going with the poisons in the body and trying to figure out where she was and why. Eventually, she had been able to get herself out of the morgue room that she had been placed in, cold and terrified. Ending up in a more secluded part of the Limsan decks, she was able to make sense of at least who she was. It took the course of several days for the Keeper turned Seeker to recall why she was as she was and get new clothes to make herself decent.
R'shara Yuko would become Khepri Cobalt, formerly Arin Tayuun. The part of Arin who had been lost through the course of the transfer became reborn in an alternate timeline (on the server Mateus) while the remaining living halves merged with the aether within R'shara's body to create a new person. Khepri still struggles with the seemingly dissociative personality, the mood swings and the anger, but there are part of her that remain as well such as her love for knowledge and books.


Youth and Whiskey
Artist: Black Veil Brides
Theme: Rebirth
Context: “Black tides of smoke and misery, a loaded gun and a bastard's history. My temple's full of crazy (youth and whiskey). No sorrow left inside me, celebrate the moments behind me. They shine his holy memory (youth and whiskey)”
Time Is Running Out
Artist: Muse
Theme: Romance
Context: "I wanted freedom but I'm restricted. I tried to give you up but I'm addicted."
In The End
Artist: Black Veil Brides
Theme: Final Thoughts
Context: “Born a saint, though with every sin I still wanna be holy. I will live... again. Who we are isn't how we live, we are more than our bodies. If I fall, I will rise back up and relive my glory!”
Context: “In the end, as we fade into the night, who will tell the story of your life? And who will remember your last goodbye? 'Cause it's the end and I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid to die.”

Artist: WIP
Theme: WIP
Context: “WIP!”
Artist: WIP
Theme: WIP
Context: “WIP!”

P E R S O N A L    R P    E T I Q U E T T E

My Do’s & Don’t’s
Talk to me. I’m a firm believer that communication is key and collaboration is dependent on it. Be honest with me about the RP or any ideas you’d like to explore! OOC will always take priority over IC!
Exceptions. While I’d consider myself a “mature roleplayer” there are a few exceptions and things I just won’t RP. Always ask if you think that a topic may be too sensitive to apply. I'm a logic-driven RPer meaning if there is good reason for it to be applied to the scene, there is a chance I might agree. However, I will not have my character involved with sex-trade or ERP. Any permanent damage, be it emotional or physical, must only be done with the writer's permission as well!
Plot-Driven. I love creating storylines, especially with my RP partners! “Tavern” RP can also be fun but I’d like to build upon those foundations and really get the characters involved in some misadventure together!
Lore. I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve got a lot to learn about the world of Eorzea but also really enjoy adding my own flavor to the mix. While I won’t blatantly break any lore that I’m aware of, I do encourage creativity and uniqueness in my own characters. All I ask is that if you are very lore heavy, just be civil. If you notice something of mine contradicts the official lore in any way let me know.

Other Stuffs
Posts. I tend to favor RP outside of the actual game and generally prefer doing most of my RPing on Skype. My posts can be considered “para” by RP standards. If you don’t like long or wordy replies just let me know and I’ll adjust accordingly!

C H A R A C T E R   E X T R A S

Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki, but are technically relevant to the character.
Voice Claim Audio: TBA

Thank you all for letting me use/alter your codes. Please remember to link back when using this wiki.

Template was created by Bancroft Gairn.
Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
Mash-up by D'lyhhia Lhuil.
More wee edits by Xeiz Feine.