Kiht'to Moui

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Kiht'to Moui

   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity

Ex privateer, current espionage expert within Drakensguard. Born in the Southern Shroud the Kiht brothers were left as sacrifice to Diabolo in the Lost City of Amdapor. Upon escaping the three brothers found their tribe decimated by Garlean forces. Parting ways they each set out to make their own way in the world, as it stands Kiht'to is the only brother still alive to this day. Finding work upon a cargo vessel the ship was one day overtaken by pirates. Any crew left alive were forced to work upon the large galleon dubbed 'Silent Siren'. After a couple years he earned respect among the crew during the impromptu fist fights they would hold, pitting enslaved work aga9nst each other for amusement. Eventually he caught the eye of the captain of the vessel, a beautiful yet terrifying Roegadyn with bright yellow eyes. One night the Silent Siren was assaulted by Maelstrom forces and a large explosion taking out the captains quarters left Kiht'to without a leader or a lover. Managing to avoid capture by setting explosives out within a alcove he assumed title of captain without much objection, and those who did object were slain. For years Kiht'to sailed the seas, robbing Garlean shipments, raiding port towns, and finding some solace in Doma. During a shipment raid the Silent Siren found herself in the throws of a vicious storm in the Sea of Jade. The stirring of water caught the curiosity of another beast and before the crew knew it they were in the clutches of a Kraken. Watching crewmembers getting slaughter and his ship sinking he set a fuse to the ceruleum shipment below and attempted to swim as fast as his body could manage, the explosion tearing through the water sending shrapnel and wood in all directions. One piece of the ship's hull splintered off and impaled his right eye.

Washing up on shore of Eorzea he'd be only slightly relieved to set foot on his homeland once again, pain searing in his skull from his wound. Luck would have it he would find a scientist working with magitek who took a curious liking to him, deciding he'd be a good subject for an experimental aetheric eye. After the successful surgery he started working for the scientist for a couple years before moving on, looking for purpose. Joining Drakensguard has proved to provide great purpose however, and his antics are currently enjoyed by his comrades in arms as they fight for the greater good. For Kiht'to however, just not being bored is worth the adventures themselves. Reuniting with his two cousins from a sister tribe of Moui's, he even accepted an upgrade to his magitek eye. Currently you can find him aiding in Realmsward initiatives or drinking heavily at a pub near you.


Appearance & Personality

Glass-lips.png Appearance & Personality

Nature & Demeanor

Nature & Demeanor

Demeanor: Jester at heart, he's often the one who takes things much less serious than others.

Nature: Flirtatious and violent, a cocktail of trouble.

Trope: Shunning his families ties to Menphila and Diabolos he prefers not to speak on the subject.

Habits: Drinking, gambling, sparring. He tends to have a proficiency with mechanics or engineering under his belt.

Notable Features

Notable Features

Common Appearance: Grey blue fur, psychically fit and tall for a Miqote. Left eye sky blue, right eye silver.

Scars & Markings: Scar on his left cheek, and right eye. Usually dawning a Moui tribe's red face paint. His body is covered in everything from burns to gashes to deep scars. Voice: Usually speaking in a relaxed Gridanian dialect, every once in awhile he's swabby speak shows. Clothing: Usually wears light armor or clothing, finding himself hindered by heavy plate or chainmail.




  • Rum
  • Explosives
  • Close quarters combat
  • Sailing


  • Garleans
  • Long sleep
  • An empty bar


  • Au Ra Ladies
  • Doman artwork and liquor
  • Good sparring matches


Talk about character prejudices


Glass-sword.png Abilities



Strong points



weak points


combat proficiencies

People & Places

Glass-people.png People & Places
Romantic Attraction Attraction Platonic Love Family Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure

Relations (NPC)

Relations (NPC)
Character Name ( ) - Descriptor
Something : Details about the character

Relations (PC)

Relations (PC)
Another Name ( ) - Another
title :Basic

This template was originally created by Evaleigh. Free free to use but please give credit!