Lawrence Samuelson
Lawrence Samuelson Shark-toothed Skulldugger Contents[hide][edit]
Appearance Lawrence Samuelson is a crude figure carved out by a crapsack life cast to the depths of the Lominsan underbelly, and he is all the more resilient for it, it seems.
Though before one sees Larry, one hears him. The bars he convenes are a full place regardless of the patronage, a charcoal and brimstone rumble washing the place to its depths with his rugged timbre and low-born cadence. His words are sharp, as a delicate blade through silk or a shank prying open a door. His guffaws are full, his indignations a thundering storm gathering in his chest, his exclamations seismic events that threaten to tear his lungs with the force. One takes a look at his stature, and it is a bearish affair. A dockworker's strength is packed liberally along a tree-trunk torso and ropey limbs, padded with indulgence where vigilance often wanes. His hair is wild and raven-black, swept back with haste and rolling with a careless regard. His features are built wide, a bullish nose and lantern jaw. Though, that is obscured by a wild growth of a beard that connects to a thick mustache. He shears himself square-shaped, though that is often determined by mood and circumstance. His smiles are sharp, shark-toothed, devilish lines skewed by tawdry wit and tinsel promise. His eyes are a dark umber smolder, a foxly glimmer flecking within his pupils. His attire drapes over him like the dead of night. A fine tunic is obscured by a magnificent drape and cloak flowing over his torso, with intricate designs reminiscent of calligraphy rendering itself meaningless in pursuit of a greater aesthetic pleasure. His gaze is often shrouded in absence, a pall cast by the wide brim of his black hat. His gait is lumbering and slow, carrying with it the inexorable speed of a lazy river. The air around him hangs heavy with the smell of smoke and whiskey. Most of all, his presence carries an explosive promise, a coiled spring of potential energy ready to snap into the fray for either good or for fun. Rumors Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category!
Credit Thank you all for letting me use/alter your codes. If it weren't for you my wiki would not look how it does.
Please remember to credit everyone when using this wiki. Thank you. "We cross our bridges as we come t' them and burn them behind us, with nothing t' show for our progress except a memory of the smell'a smoke, and the presumption that once our eyes watered" |