Luna Nightstorm
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- Luna Nightstorm is a female Raen that ventures far and wide as a Samurai, aiding those who call upon her besides staying close to her parents along their travels across the land with her trusty book and pen by her side. Writing down everything that happens along their way, whether it be friend or foe or a random event.
Likes - Warm weather
- Other cultures
- Seeing new places
Dislikes - Bees
- Racists
- Nidhogg
- Hardcore training
Favorites Foods: N/A
Drinks: N/A
Colors: Anything NeonHobbies- Flying on her mounts
- Observing people and how they interact
- Caring for her parents
- Cleaning around the house
- Writing in her logs
AppearanceHair/Fur: A mix of a light and dark blond
Skin: Light tan
Eyes: Light blue with blue Limbal rings
Height: 4-5”
Weight: N/A
Build: Slim- Luna appearance wise is just your normal Raen besides her tail having thicker scales, making it uncomfortable if you are accidentally swatted by it. Otherwise you will rarely find her out of her gear, having multiple different styles and sets at any given time but she does in fact have at least two different casual looks.
Neutral GoodMotivation
To impress her parents to be the best she canDisposition
“There will always be hope, even within the dimmest of moments where it seems all is lost.”Positive personality traits
- Adaptable
- Caring
- Compassionate
- Daring
- Friendly
Negative personality traits
- Anxious
- Shy
- Hot headed
- Vengeful
- Self-Critical
Miscellaneous quirks
She will fondle her tail when she is nervous or squirm around slightly when anxious in certain situations. She also is attracted to shiny things like that of a crow but will not horde too many items as to not clutter her inventory as potions are more vital then something shiny.
Biography- Luna was born within the deep mountains of Othard, raised by a loving family with a very calm and easy life. Over the course of age, like all children, she became adventurous and had traveled too far from her home. The woods having been her home for quite some time, there would be trails and other means to find her way back but even then she failed to figure them out as she was never taken too far out from their home as they did not mingle with people outside of their home besides trading goods. As she had tumbled down the landscape, she came across the open ocean, her eyes having dilated at the sight of the crystalline waters. Once she finished gaping at the sight, she watched the tall civilians pass by her, carrying boxes and other assortments and nearly knocking her over a few times. Not wanting to be ran over, she had retreated behind some large rocks in hopes to not be noticed but it's not hard to spot something bright in the shadows as it caught the eye of a passerby. The tall being bent down to hand her some food and water as it was obvious she was far away from home, coated in dirt and mud from her falls and tumbles she took to get to their location. They looked over and called some more people over to have a look at her before taking her to a small house nearby to decide on what to do. Luna looked around the room and then back to the kind people who took her in and offered her sustenance, noticing they wore clothing different from those moving around outside even though to a child she could only notice a few things then the entire attire. Finally, they turned and smirked at the young Luna, taking her aboard their ship as they all sailed to Kugane.
- Over the course of their voyage, she learned how to clean and carry things around, building up her strength but maintained that slim build nonetheless. Once they arrived, they took her to one of the many large buildings in Kugane. Luna was then examined over a bit before being put to work as a helper with trade but not in the actual trade of course. Through the course of her early years of life, she had carried boxes and weapons to and from boats and had traveled around Othard with her fellow Merchants. Her overseer approached her one day and stated she was needed in Eorzea as they were running low on helpers as many were heading off to help aid in the rebellion, but as to what it was she wasn't told because that information would be useless in the eyes of her overseer. Luna nodded without question and had packed heavily as she didn't know if she was going to be coming back, spending time with those kind people who brought her Kugane.
- As time passed, she headed off with the rest of her fellow helpers to Eorzea, taking in the sights of all the creatures she spotted and wrote down in her logs in case she ever needed to know of them again. A storm had occurred as they were halfway to their destination which bothered Luna greatly as something had felt off since she had been in storms before. People shouted at her to help but was distracted, her limbal rings shined brightly in the thick layers of the fog before they widened rapidly as something dashed straight through the ship with a bright screech following suit. People screamed and shouted as they tried to reach the smaller boats that were on the side of what remained of the ship while others fell into the cold and violent waters below. Luna was paralyzed in her spot before instincts kicked in, rushing to one of the smaller boats and grabbing whatever food and water she could scavenge before the ship would be swallowed whole by the gaping mouth of the ocean. Several of her fellow helpers ushered her quickly onto the boat before another strike happened as it set the boat free from the hold of their main vessel, breaching the rough waters as they all held on for their lives, hoping for the best. Another loud shriek of the winds as another strike was to happen but Luna was prepared, grabbing a sharp piece of wood that had flung on board and stared into the void and thrusts her arm backwards in preparation. Everything had seemed to slow down around her, the rains dripping down her body, the shouts of the people aboard the little boat in confusion and fear, the shrieks of the winds as it broke free from the fog's hold. The creature roared in agony as she strikes it in the eye as it had barely missed the boat. The beat shook the waves as it writhed in pain, forcing them far away from the wreckage as they prepared their long journey ahead.
- Luna and the others had arrived on the beach, looking at their map as they tried to figure out their location. Luna had pointed to the mountains and explained that might be their best option as the beach was not safe to stick around long in and it seemed like the best option of a landmark they could find. Before leaving, Luna looked around the beach and grabs a long board as they needed some sort of protection even though that was nothing but it was something. As they scaled across the land, their supplies began to run low which forced them to scavenge on their way up, still impressed that Luna was not afraid, despite still being young. The first sight of snow caught her attention as she began to write things down in her logs as they were coming in handy for their survival but she wouldn't be able to understand that as she was mostly doing it for her own memory since she had already forgotten where she came from when she was taken to Kugane, having her history being rewritten for her through lies. Their struggle began as they face through the cold weather and the savage predators that lurked around them, trying to survive just as they too were trying to do. One of the men screamed as they were attacked by soldiers of some sort, the others following suit as they tried to run, each one of them slowly getting knocked out before Luna saw they end of a weapon jab at her head, watching the world around her spin and turn black. Slowly, Luna regain consciousness and saw her friends were gone and she was left to fend for herself. The reality of the situation struck her as tears flowed down her face but slowly stood up and continued the climb even though her chances of making it were extremely low but her instincts were put into gear as the cogs slowly began to mentally turn within the confines of her brain. Each crunch of the snow beneath her feet grew slower and slower before she collapsed and curled up, breathing heavily as the winds began to suck the warmth from her body. She looked ahead of her as she saw what appeared to be a tall man, bearing dark armor before succumbing to the freezing weather. Gasps echoed through the house as she awoken before groaning as her head ached and snot dripped down her nose before being wiped away, her blue eyes locking onto the figure that bore horns like that of herself but of a different color, their stories now intertwined with each other.
- Now being 22 and having lived with her parents, she had started her travels alongside them and writing down notes in her logs along the way. During the years, Lauriam Wispherimo had taught her the ways of the Samurai, sparking her interest in their culture and ways of living though she would never change the way she lived now as it was wonderful just as it was even if there was a lot of bickering from time to time about her training and skills. Through her encounters, she would always learn a little bit more and blossom into a wonderful Samurai and a proud daughter of her parents.
Relationships♥ Romantic Interest, ♥ Sexual Interest, ♥ Platonic Love, ♦ Good Standing, ● Neutral Standing, ↓ Poor Standing- Romantic Interest
- ♥ N/A
- Platonic Love
- ♥ Skorpio Zarnuhr - Her adoptive father along with Lauriam Wispherimo
- Good Standing
- ♦ N/A
- ♦ N/A
- Neutral Standing
- ● N/A
- ● N/A
- Poor Standing
- ↓ N/A
RumorsSome of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC Rumors! Instructions on how: Show text
Commonly heard
- ■ "Isn’t that Raen the daughter of those two Xaela couple?" - Ishgard Citizen
- ■ "I’ve heard her scales are about as thick as her attitude can be!" - Kugane Merchant
- ■ "A Raen with a Xaela attitude, wonder which father rubbed that off onto her." - Costa Del Sol Mender
Occasionally heard
- ■ "I’ve heard that she has cut a few people with that tail of hers" - Unknown
- ■ "Wasn't she one of those crew members that were apart of that voyage which was attacked by a beast?" - Unknown
- ■ N/A
Rarely heard
- ■ "Isn’t she that lost Raen from years ago? I could have sworn I saw a poster hanging around years ago about it near the mountains of Othard." - Unknown
PC Rumors (written by other players)
GalleryFootnotes- This page uses the Easily Read Template, created by Khita Atropah and inspired by Bancroft Gairn.