Meta Xi
Meta Xi | |
![]() "Is t?" | |
Gender | Male |
Race | Hyur |
Clan | Midlander |
Citizenship | NA |
Age | 28 |
Guardian | Oschon |
Namesday | NA |
[hide] Character
♦ General
♦ History
The Battle of Carteneu:
Meta was one of many who rose up to fight against the escalating aggression brought by the Garleans five years ago. While he had no affiliation with the Grand Companies, he was still recruited for the battle of Carteneu. He requested to be placed in the vanguard unit, and as such, was part of the first wave of men and woman to surge against the horde of Garlean troops. Part of the left most infantry unit, his unit's task was to push in against apposing forces and perform a hammer and anvil maneuver with the main infantry unit in the center. Their unit was greatly impeded by an unexpected heavy use of Magitek armor in the initial Garlean force. Meta met his enemies head on, holding against the opposing forces. Acting as a rear guard, he aided in helping the majority of the unit to retreat and reform. This in turn allowed the left vanguard to hold the line until the main forces could arrive. From there Meta continued to fight with intense ferocity until the fall of Dalamund, and the subsequent call for a full retreat issued throughout the Grand Company ranks.
The Five Years: After the Battle of Carteneu, Meta simply vanished. It would not be until three years later that he resurfaced in the land of Eorzea, spear in hand, and wearing white armor very similar to that of the Azure Dragoon. For the next two years Meta would take on any odd job that paid well. However, there have been times when he would take on jobs without pay, often citing that the challenge itself was payment. It is during the end of these two years that he met the adventurer Lillith Cale, with whom he would form a lasting friendship with to current times.
Assault on the Praetorium: When the Garleans returned, Meta once again appeared to make a stand with the Grand Companies. Like five years ago, he requested to be placed in the Vanguard where fighting would be the most intense. Being the spearhead for the main forces, the Vanguard was to cut open a path and lay the foundation for the main forces. Meta did just that with his unit, scoring numerous kills and even personally taking the head of an officer of the Garlean Forces. Meta's might and skill helped in rallying the troops he fought with, giving way to a glorious success to the vanguards objective. From there, Meta would continue to fight time and time again in the campaign against the Garleans, throwing himself into the frontlines, until the call came in that victory had been achieved by the Eorzean Alliance.
After the Assault: With the allied campaign dissolved, Meta returned back to Mercenary work, avoiding and refusing any form of recruitment into the Grand Companies of Eorzea. During this time he began began to work in operation with others within Eorzea, performing a multitude of tasks that fitted his skill with the polearm. Meta also started to work more closely with Lillith, often acting as a partner and sharing in jobs with her when it fit the duo's skill set. For now this has left Meta in a rather stable, if close to the line, lifestyle to which he wouldn't complain about.
♦ Appearance
Meta is your typical midlander Hyur, standing at just around the average height. He is as fit and tough as one might expect of a mercenary and ex soldier, with a soft and commanding voice. The most notable feature about Meta is not the man himself but the attire he adorns himself in. Specifically, the armor he wears. A near identical copy of the Azure dragoons armor, Meta has on more than one occasion been given the odd look for it. The armor itself is nothing more than a replica, made of high quality metals, by a smith who was happy to put their skills to use for the right amount of coin and odd jobs. That said, it is still armor and functions just as good as any suit of steel should.
♦ Behaviour
Meta could be best described as a juxtaposition. Though he is never seen without his armor and spear of the Order Dragoon, and appearing to be ready to strike at but a moments notice, he is rather friendly to any and all who approach. One will quickly find the midlander is ever courteous to any and all, often gracefully ignoring faux pas and investing himself instead to the subject of what ever the individual in conversation with him is on. It's this approachability and general charm that has more than once allowed others to open up to Meta on more personal beliefs and subjects, even when they had only just met.
Meta is also immensely honorable, and forever hold to his duty to a fault. He is loyal to any and all friends, but the Dragoon does put his position before the personal beliefs and desires of those even closest to him. This has of course led to issues of faith within those he is with, or trust towards Meta. Though he would politely decline any request that would cause conflicts between friends and self, it has not stopped this from being an issue before.
Meta is also know for his cool hatred for all dragons. This vendetta runs deep within the man's blood, and he has on multiple occasions offered his services free of charge, to anyone who offered the opportunity to fight dragons. This often leads him to the lands of Ishgard, where he has earned a reputation of sorts with the populace for his work. That said, the reason why is rather oddly unknown
There is little description on Meta's combat skill before his time as a Dragoon. That said, Meta's own fighting style focuses on the strength of his weapon and combat skills he has picked up through experience and training. Meta is not a brutal fighter by any means. His strikes are often practiced and methodical, their application dependent upon the foe he faces and the gear they bring to battle. Much of the style focuses on utilizing the reach and force of the spear, while utilizing the movement and aerial maneuvers of his Dragoon training. This combination allows Meta to disable vital parts of his targets body, or outright rend foes apart, while he keeps his opponent locked down and struggling to retaliate.
Meta is also rather competent with "short-hafting", or moving up his grip on the spear to fight in closer ranges where the reach of his spear would be detrimental. While not as effective, it has saved him more than once from an otherwise deadly blow.
★ Recent RP events ★
Blood on the Sands (part 2): Hearing of an assault against Ul'dah by Void sent, Meta quickly placed himself in the frontlines with newly acquainted ally, Rauffe Bell. During the initial wave of zombies, Meta was quick to dispatch body after body, aiding in holding the defensive formation. During the fight, the right rear line had been breached and pushed back. Faith in his ally, Meta broke from frontlines and rushed through zombie the horde to save the right rear line from collapsing, who was being assaulted by a rather powerful and crazed Void sent force. Upon arriving he saved a mage by the name of Xao Ganajai, and helped push back the zombie force, clearing a path for Xao to advance upon the leader of the zombie forces. Sweeping up the remaining zombies, Meta rejoined the frontlines until the Leader of the zombies was pushed back, and victory was achieved. For Meta's heroics, and the number of zombies slain at his spear, he was awarded the title Zombie Slayer and a fair sum of gil.
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Common Rumors
- "He never takes that armor off. I've seen him just waltz on in to the quicksand and take a seat like there's nothing weird about it." -Quicksand Waiter
- "If you want the job done, he's the man to hire. Though, you should probably do business with his partner. She's a lot more friendly." -Plump Merchant
- "I've gone on a few jobs with him. He's not much of a small talker, but he's willing to pass on some pointers if you ask." -Scruffy Mercenary
- "From what I know, he's gotten pretty decent reputation in Ishgard. Not sure how he did it, but if I hazard a guess, he probably killed a dragon or two." -Toll Guard
Player Character Rumours
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♦ Footnotes
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