Milo Northwind
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♦ General
Milo is a street-rat thief turned... Well, turned into an older, sneakier thief. Milo gained some minor infamy in pre-calamity times as Three-shanks Milo, wherein he escaped the captain of a crew who had caught him filching with a hidden third blade after being disarmed. Sure, it left him more or less unofficially exiled from Limsa Lominsa till the Calamity metaphorically and rather literally wiped the slate clean... But hey, It was a good haul.
Milo now divides his time between Ul'dah and Limsa Lominsa as a sell-sword and, through the right channels and for the right price, thief. The latter occupation is where Milo gained his greatest notoriety, but recent years have seen him resort to it less and less. It's unclear however if this is an actual moment of morality... Or if profits are just better playing adventurer. Knifeplay is hobby and art to him, and he takes a nearly childish glee in martial combat.
♦ Appearance
Milo is built more like a bruiser than a thief. A powerfully built man of Highlander stock, 6 fulms and 4 ilms tall. Training, hard physical work and combat has packed corded muscle onto his already large frame, balanced precariously to compromise between sheer power and mobility in a fight. Expansive shoulders, corded biceps flowing into solid pectorals. His flesh is roughly tanned by Thanalan sun and his chest scattered lightly with dark, slightly curling hair. His torso, arms and back nicked all other from innumerable scars most small, many the result of very serious injury. Milo is aware of his size and relishes it in situations where throwing a guys weight around gets you places. It's also clear that he's rather fond of his bulk, nearly to the point of vanity. Compliments go places.
Milo's features are rugged. He could be called handsome at times, masculine always... But never beautiful or pretty. Like the rest of his body his jaw and cheeks are nicked with scars, all of them slim and easily missed however. Notable features are the sweeping tattoos positioned around his eyes, and the shorn down stubble of his hair. that This is a man who grins easily, if not always for the right reasons. dark stubble always seems to be progressing into a true beard on his jaw, acting to hide the worst scarring and further lend an air of masculinity.
Due to an... Ah, undisclosed incident involving a lot of corrupt crystal somewhere in Thanalan, Milo's eyes have been discolored a vivid amber hue. There isn't really any benefit to this, and the aetheric charge within them occasionally gives him foul migraines.
♦ Behaviour
Milo grew up without any real family, fighting to survive. Crime was bread and butter from the beginning. Of all the places a kid could have gone, his seeming joviality is probably a pretty good end result. The sellsword is a simple guy. He likes food, he likes to brawl gamble and cavort. He likes ahh... Well, the aesthetic values of the various men and women of the better taverns... Ahem. Milo tends towards the quiet, expressing himself primarily through physical means. When he gets ale into himself, though, he gets louder and brasher. Not cruder, though. He's always pretty damn crude.
He know's he's big and is not afraid of resorting to intimidation to get something he wants. Though he tends to avoid actual violence where he can in less serious situations-- Pointless, wasteful violence makes for a poor track record, and the kind of people who employ him like professionalism. Sparring provides him with a vent for his otherwise channeled emotions, which doubles as an excuse to hone his skills with his knives. He trains as a pugilist strictly as a hobbyist, along with the exercise the Pugilists Guild provides in maintaining his physique.
♦ Axe
The weapon Milo increasingly favors, playing off his increasing mass and aetheric stores, which when channeled around a more delicate object like a dagger causes the metal to deform and corrode. In a relatively short period of time Milo has taken his passable skill with an axe into a personalized art. Milo does not wield his weapon with anything like caution or a defensive mindset. His style, built with the image of a pack of wolves attacking from multiple angles in mind, incorporates ferocious swings and spins to cleave through his target, while maneuvering and re-positioning around his opponent to both disorient them, adjusting and balancing himself with his free left hand. This places a lot of burden on that arm, leaving a point of weakness that if hampered severely reduces his maneuverability. Milo considers this a fair trade-off; Men focusing on two handed combat are similarly hampered when an arm is struck, regardless.
His axe, procured through means he would rather not talk about, is of moogle make. Exactly what that means is hard to say, but the alloy the weapon is composed of is fantasically tough and has an enormous capacity for the aether that pours off Milo and through the metal. The... Sounds... And the engraved Moggle Mog are worth it.
♦ Knifeplay
Milo has allowed his knifework to fallow, lately, but has been using daggers and knives in fights all his life, with his technique honed in streetfights and the capricious auspices of the Rogues Guild. By his teens he was fiendish with his chosen weapons, using his prodigious mass to propel powerful sweeping attacks, taking advantage of that weight to smash through the guards of his opponents. Milo was once mildly infamous for the use of three daggers to claw his way out of an otherwise fatal situation. The stories were generally exaggerated (by Milo) however; Milo keeps a heavy stilleto along with his ordinary daggers, and trades it in whenever he has need to puncture heavy armor that smaller daggers would simply glance off. Milo keeps a collection of many forms of knives and swords for this reason, and isn't afraid to weave them in and out of a fight to press any advantage given to him, provided he has them to hand.
♦ Inner Beast
Milo, finding little luck with the Shinobi soul crystal he procured, has instead focused his efforts on honing the berserk rage that he awoke through unfortunate circumstances. The Inner Beast is a ferocious source of power chained to the man's emotions, and Milo being an already wild sort has difficulty at times reigning it and his temper in. When tapped into, the Beast is a well of aetheric might that a thaumaturge might envy, and outpouring of chiefly fire aspected energies that afford the brute terrific strength and endurance. Milo's progress with this specific power has been slow, chiefly due to a lack of anyone who could share their experience with the warrior's crystal. At it's most advanced use, Milo channels the power surging out of him into his blade and spins it, creating almost invisible buzzsaws of vicious, slicing fire and air that cut into whatever his axe does.
But even outside of this, the wild gushing of heat and ghostly, flickering light like fire off his flesh can be all he needs. Intimidation is a potent tool in any arsenal.
- ■ "I heard he had a hit out for him from one of the major Pirating factions still in Limsa Lominsa! Had a pretty big reward pool, too..."
Player Character Rumours
- ■ "Solid an' reliable. Vain bastard, but I don't blame 'im." - Berrod Armstrong