Moltove Mon'tova

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Moltove Mon'Tova (Pronunciation:Mol-tahv mon-toe-vah)
Moltove was, at one time, a successful wandering merchant turned adventurer. Little was known of him before the Calamity, but his name appears on records regarding his merchant status and permits; registered with the Ul'Dah Trade and Commerce and pawns his wares, he was found traveling between the city-states, but built a home base within Ul'Dah. His wares were typically basic amenities such as potions and supplies, and oft a fine selection of Aetheric weapons. One product of his set himself apart from most other arm dealers during this time-- the supply of Materia he owned. These particular stones set themselves apart from the lower, clouded quality easily found adventuring and through common merchants, as high quality, even pristine stones that are in such great demand even today. Where he found or how he made these products is a trade secret, and few even knew of these products due to their blemished background.

Molt himself was an average Wildwood Elezen. Tall, lean body, but one that had walked with experience in the city, rather than the wilds; everything about him seemed what would be normal by Erozean standard. There's really only three things that set him apart in a crowd of Elezen: His dark, red hair, how he fights and the scar above his left eye. Some would say, however, that there is a wandering soul that shares the same shade of red as his own hair. Other accounts tell of a woman with red hair looking for her twin brother. Do they look the same? As far as Molt would say, he would claim to be an only child.

Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Moltove Mon'Tova
Last known appearance.
Basic Information
Gender Male
Race Elezen
Clan Wildwood
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Age 33
Nameday 10th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon
Guardian Oschon, the Wanderer
Lineage Guardian Menphina, the Lover
Occupation Former Merchant, Adventurer and Alchemist
Moltove's Quest Journal (Coming shortly) Tonberry Scholar:



Height and Weight: 6 fulms, 8 ilms | +/-220 ponz

Body: Decent muscular build found on most Elezen; lean. Clearly active.

Hair: Red; rarely seen at around shoulder-length, but usually pulled up and held with a leather hair bind.

Eyes: Green. Those who can detect concentrations of aether will note something around his left eye. Further study, one can find a sigil placed over it.

Skin: Slight tan, pale in comparison to most Wildwood Elezen, due to his life in the desert.

Clothing: On his torso he favors a simple, laced but loose tunic. This tunic is chosen for breathe-ability under the sometimes grueling Ul'Dah sun, and often has hidden pockets. He wears a second layer underneath; a simple cloth just to cover one side of his chest. There are usually straps around his arms to keep the baggy sleeves out of the way, and leather fingerless gloves are always employed for protection and mobility. These often have knuckles on them. On a day-to-day basis, he does not wear gloves, and reserves them for adventuring or traveling.

On his waist he carries several belts with several more pouches, sometimes covered with a wide red sash used to hide what he has on him. These pouches carry everything between Gil to herbal remedies and ingredients. No matter his weapon of choice is at that moment, a subtle dagger in-sheath rests across his lower back. Slacks are usually loose, while reinforced with leather to add adequate protection for his legs without sacrificing mobility. It's quite warm, sometimes, but better to be slightly uncomfortable than dead. His boots are no different in that way, though they are often caligae or jackboots. He enjoys to kick his enemies just as much as punch.

Jewelry: He usually wears two rings, one a signet of Oschon and the other a fragment of Dalamud. A necklace as well; an ornate piece of aetheryte on a gold chain. It had been crafted some time ago, and made into the shape of an Aetheryte gate.

Marks: One tattoo on his chest, alluding to the Order of the Stormguard, and a scar that splits his left eyebrow. While small, it notably cuts one third of the way in from the right of the brow. Another tattoo has recently surfaced, though as far as Molt even realizes, all he is concerned with is the burning sensation at the back of his neck.


He was mostly blind in his left eye, but an ex lover, and teacher, managed to release whatever curse was left on it. He always carries an aetheric pair of spectacles that used to restore his sight in both eyes, but is now used mostly for reading. His eyes used to cloud not only without the glasses, but without medication as well. Due to the repeated trauma to his head and knees, he is a little sensitive and even more-so careful of things heading in either direction in fights.



  • Fears:
  • Breaking his glasses
  • Blows to the head
  • Bee or Hornet-like vilekin
  • His age
  • Muskets and other violent projectiles
  • Talents:
  • Dexterity, as expected of most Elezen
  • Great tolerance for pain, as taught by the pugilists of Ul'Dah
  • Mercantile skills are great assets he has honed. He could sell fire to a candle if you'd let him.
  • Security skills (lock picks, traps, detection ect.)
  • Alchemy
  • Botany
  • Up to three songs on the lute!
  • Likes:
  • Cooking and dining on particularly excellent food.
  • Fine arts (music, paintings, ect...)
  • Nature
  • Drinking
  • Being solitary
  • Being in a close-knit group.
  • Dislikes:
  • Corrupt figures with power or wealth.
  • Fighting person to person unnecessarily.
  • Loud , sharp noises or musket shots.
  • Peas
  • The Grand Companies and most Free Companies that are mercenary or otherwise militaristic in nature.
  • Hobbies: Over the past seven cycles, he has picked up a few hobbies. It was not uncommon for him to pull over his caravan to look at the scenery and pick ingredients, a side-effect from working at the Phrontistery. Alchemy is most certainly his favorite hobby and is his main study. Collecting musical link pearls is another, and tending to most things magical in nature has been a recent habit of his.


  • Demeanor: Molt is a pleasant person, and one would say easy going. He is a hard worker and strives to complete tasks presented to him to the best of his full ability-- or pay someone to get it done so. On a bad day, he is quick to snap and easy to anger, though would still maintain enough cool to sell you what you don't even need or will otherwise remain... polite. He has recluse tendencies from time to time, and is often very selective who he chooses to get close with. Very rarely, drinking reverses this.

When he thinks no one is paying him any attention, he can often be heard talking to himself about tasks at hand, often in a strange accent.

  • Outlook: Molt's outlook is unsure, but optimistic. He has lived a life of regrets, but finding himself where he is now, he let most of them go. His time with those of Stormguard, before its final, escaped breath into the lungs of Hearth Haven, taught him far more than he had realized, and he is better off for it.
  • Voice: Firm and masculine, with a touch of airy. Known to mutter, stutter or fumble over his words at times if uneasy, but when he's peddling potions or important lies, this is next to non-existent. Growing up with family, out in the desert, he did not initially speak as eloquent as a merchant of his stature might. It took years of literal beating into him the 'noble tongue' that he knows today, and is why he tends to stick speaking clear and concise. Over the past two cycles, however, he had learned to let it relax among close friends.
  • Mind: Intelligent, though lacking in any kind of ambition other than the pursuit of knowledge. He is quick witted, but lacks clarity at times as his mind races with his usually long to-do lists or plans for certain tasks. Planning is planning about future goals or outcomes to him that may not even affect him until much later down the road. Meditation has always been a part of his life, though not as much as the past seven cycles. He has only returned to the art within the past two.
  • Drunk: Molt's easygoing attitude shines through brilliantly when drunk. He's an easy target to get information out of or start a brawl with in this state. He will only fight fisticuffs while drunk; while sober he would claim to never having such a desire. Molt will soak up any and all attention you give him in this state, and will generally be more inclined to do odd things to win someone's favor if he feels he needs it for leverage later.


Between the age of 12 and 18, his outlook on life was far more worse off. He states he was able to use his hatred for those around him at this time to become quite the trained fighter, but as soon as he was able to escape the life, he did so without looking back. After working several cycles at the Phrontistery in Ul'Dah, he vowed to start fresh with a better outlook. The Calamity shook everyone's expectations for a bright future, and Molt wasn't excluded from this. After rebuilding, and with his adventures with the Stormguard, he was able to finally build real, meaningful relationships.

Relationships and Affiliations


  • Father: Artem Mon`tova (Deceased)
  • Mother: Valerie Serielle (Deceased)
  • Siblings: Possibly a Twin Sister?
  • Children: Theiolen Nakatomi ('Adopted')


  • Seraphine, Aylis and the Lost of the Stormguard: Comrades in arms and hearts, Molt lost many a good friend to the passing of time, Calamity, and to the hidden blades at the Guardsmen's necks. This group, with important note on Seraphine, Shurin, Arydin, and Aylis, helped Molt in infinite ways, drawing from their wisdom even today. After reviewing all reports, he has decided those that were with him before the Calamity are now dead. Once every week, if not more, Molt can be seen paying his respects to them through Thal's Respite.
  • The Adventure League of Eorzea After answering the call of an adventurer, he caught wind of a formidable adventuring company that roamed the land and sought to help each other out. A stranger to true adventuring, he appealed to one Rikitiki Tavatiki in hopes to gain a worthwhile support group with like interests. Adventuring did end up coming to Molt easily enough, but between that and his current responsibilities, he kept himself busy and from interacting as much as he would have liked with them. He had left shortly after, realizing he had not depended on them quite as much as he had intended, and could not provide them with anything in return. He hopes that, one day, he could return and better utilize this network of people.
  • Remnants of Post-Calamity Stormguard


Order of the Stormguard (Inactive):


Moltove was a relatively new member of the ancient Order of the Stormguard. Very fast did he become a Warden, and was said to help make way for rebuilding a lost keep and help reclaim the order to this secret society's former glory.

After the leader fell to critical injury, she was rushed out to an unknown land, outside of Aldenard, and the Order was unofficially disbanded. You see, if the leader falls, all memories of the Order will be wiped from all members, and its secrets will be kept safe perhaps another time when the Order deems a new leader ready to take on the challenge. Thus, the surviving members in Eorzea of the Order have their memory still to this day, suggesting that while the leader is far away, she may yet live on or was already replaced.

After not having contact for over six cycles, and after checking and speaking into the linkpearl on a daily basis, he finally heard a voice in reply...

Free Company

  • None

Other Associations (?)

The Rumor Mill

► Player Rumors (Rumors personally written by other PC's. Please feel free to drop a line!)
  • "I think he might have a bit of a knife fetish. Perhaps worth looking in to~" -- Xenedra Ambreaus
  • "..." --???
  • "..." --???
► Common Rumors (Easily overheard):
  • "That guy sure loves kids-- I've seen him in the alley sometimes, giving potions or food out to the orphan kids. How admirable!"
  • "Speaking of potions, I think he worked at the Phrontistery? From what I hear, he's good but never got anywhere in there."
  • "Isn't he a merchant, though? Yeah, that's right! I saw him traveling on a chocobo caravan between Limsa, Ul'Dah and Gridania selling weapons and such! That was 'cycles' ago, though!"
  • "I see him frequent the Adventurer's Guilds. He always goes up to the counter, speaks with the person in charge, looks dissapointed, then stays just long enough for a tea."
  • "Aye, but I think there's sommat odd wif 'im. Hadn' seen him in ages-- dis'peared!"
► Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear):
  • "I've talked to a guy, who knows a girl, who knew a guy who said that red-headed guy uses daggers, but it certainly doesn't seem like he's doing any Gladiator training, if you know what I mean!"
  • "Nah, I always see him in Idylshire, armed only with books! Spell weaving books, but still. He looks to be a scholar."
  • "Ah! No, I think that was someone else? There was a woman in here the other moon askin' for someone like him. Must've knew 'im"
► Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard):
  • "He's a formidable fist-fighter, but you couldn't tell-- that's why I used to bet on his scrawny ass in the Underground!!"
  • "I heard that he didn't just find those weapons...and the materia is somehow related to it!"
  • "I've seen his sister, I think? Gods, they could be twins. She wore a long, red blade on her back and was clad in armor. She looked a bit distraught, if not a little angry but she didn't look like she was from around here, nonetheless."


Sixth Astral Era

Birth (Cycle 1547)
Born as Adiar Mon'tova, Moltove had no memory of this. He had little memories from the past, but even his twin sister, born only minutes before him, was not included in the memories he was spared. What memories he did have, he studied immensely for any clues for more. Amarua grew up at his side, and the two hardly even left each others sides. Those close to the family often spoke to the children as one entity, and they replied in kind. Never referred to he or she, or by individual name unless punished or praised. For it, they grew up together, and without notion of gendered bias. In fact, Amarua often cited her dream of becoming an adventurer capable of slaying the largest, most meanest beasts in order to keep her family safe. Adiar, on the contrary, had no dreams of conquest. Exploration, mayhaps, but when it came to slaying ferocious beasts and the like, he'd rather stay far away, nose deep in a book about the beast.

When both were old enough, they often took up responsibilities for the village that involved traveling out a short ways, up along the river. These were usually menial tasks the adults were glad to offer up, such as checking on the traps along the banks and in the river. When the twins knew they had a lot of time to fill, they would venture out further than they were supposed to, Amarua usually having to drag Adiar, or trick him into coming along so far out of the way. They both eventually came to love the adventures they had, and it even made Adiar consider becoming an adventurer, too. With Amarua at his side, he knew he could do anything-- no matter if she tricked him into it or not.

Fall of Al Mhigo (Cycle: 1557, Age: 11)
The Golden and Jagged Maw (Age:12)
Battle of Silvertear Skies (Cycle 1562 Age: 15)
Break! & Reunion (Age 19)
Split (Age 23)

Pre-Calamity (Cycle 1572)

The Stormguard

The Calamity

Meteor (Age: 25)

Seventh Umbral Era

Caved In (Age: ???)
Cycle 1
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Cycle 2
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Cycle 3
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Cycle 4
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Cycle 5:
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A Realm Reborn

Rebirth-day (Cycle 5, Age: 30)
A Short Tale
The Stormguard Reprise


Changing Specs (Cycle 8, Age: 32)
Stormguard Finale (Cycle 9, Age:33)