Nenetsu Netsu
IntroductionYou walk through the Sapphire Avenue with people passing you by and lively chatter filling the market air... but out of the corner of your eye, you notice a young lalafell resting on a crate away from the bustling crowd. There wasn't anything significant to them, their attire was quite plain and they appeared to be just resting there but it was in that moment when you noticed them, their eyes flashed opened and they looked right at you. Dark hunter green eyes that stared into your own eyes expectantly for a few seconds but for what? You then felt a strong chill as you found yourself staring back at them and then suddenly with the passing of others, they were gone as if they were never there. It left you with a brief wonder of what happened but that dispersed as you found them right next to you with a smirk that touched cheek to cheek. You hesitantly step back and they only smiled some more at you before soft words flowed swiftly from their lips, lifting a rolled newspaper out of their satchel towards you.
AppearanceStanding about two feet and eight inches, Iiro is around the average height of any other Lalafell. Her size although not quite notable, hides the fighting spirit of an adventurer of four years. She has a lion brown skin tone which is complemented with slighter darker tone of freckles that brush against her child-like face. Her eyes are a glossy hunter green which indicate her Dunesfolk origin along with her small gemstone on top of her forehead. What is perhaps her most notable feature is her ink black hair that falls around her shoulders (although is often pulled into a ponytail), it's dark tone tends to be noticed by those looking for her in crowd or just in general. Clothing wise, this Dunesfolk tends to dress herself in tunics and pants. She isn't much for dress wear and skirts, sayings it is limiting her potential movement and has gotten in her way while fighting monsters. Though she admits that she would wear them only in special occasions if she must. EquipmentOther then the clothes on her back and her standard twin steel daggers she uses while she fights, Iiro carries around a number of assortments in her Mole-Brown Satchel that she deems are a must have for any adventurer out there in Eorzea traveling the realm and fighting monsters... Well... at least for her that is.
CharacteristicsBeing a rather forward Lalafell, Iiro has a hard time restraining herself but luckily she is much like Ifrit's flames... Predictable and can be burnt out quickly although she can leave some nasty burns if one isn't careful. She can also be quite blunt about how she feels about things as she finds that honesty is a better then being completely sympathetic. Although this sometimes make others wary of her opinions, feeling she may respond in a negative way but that isn't quite the case. Beyond her ever-changing emotions and blunt comments, Iiro is very kind-hearted and doesn't completely mean to be rude. Half the time it just happens to be that way, when certain people just push her buttons like Elezen folk. It's not like she hates them but they just... leave an awful taste in her mouth and she has a hard time controlling her emotions around them. Her thoughts are also much like that same but she has a better control on those since they tend to stay in her head better.
NPC RelationsBabawai Oowai { 💕 ★} - Tutuchu Tuchu { 💕 ★} - M'aja Raha { 💕 } - PC RelationsAlaire Szynskii { 💕 ★} - Fell Krieger { 💕 ★} - Theme Songs of Iiro Iro
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