Oriane Teaurelin
Please Note: Some of the following information is OUT OF CHARACTER information, provided for those players who are interested in learning more about this character. Please respect this fact and refrain from misusing this article.
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Gender | Female |
Race | Elezen |
Clan | Duskwight |
Citizenship | Ishgard |
Guardian | Nymeia, the Spinner |
Nameday | 26th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon |
Occupation | "Maid" |
[hide]General Information
Oriane is the personal servant of Aumeric Chassebel's family, tasked with keeping an eye on their wayward charge. In the past she has employed her diverse set of skills to serve the Astrechère family in everything from serving tea to disposing of still-warm corpses, and has perfected that often-mentioned quality servants have of simply not being noticed. Many times people walk right past her without realizing she's in the room with them.
She is frequently sent out into the world to deal with various tasks for her lady, endeavors which involve her taking on a host of assumed identities. She is enlisted within the Yellow Serpents. She is a blade for hire in Ul'dah. She is a serving lass in Limsa Lominsa. Names, mannerisms, and even her voice changes to suite the situation at hand, and many that have met her in more than one persona fail to realize she is the same woman.
Many would call her sinister at best. But to Oriane, it's all just a job, one that she performs with all the focus and care of a goldsmith bent over his raw gems.
Known Aliases
- Anette
- The Black Lily
- "that creepy duskwight"
- Helaine
- Melanie
- Stalker
- Sweetie
Gridanian Rumors
"Lieutenant Teaurelin’s brought in a fresh report on Sylphic activities. Did anyone see her come in? I don’t think I’ve ever actually laid eyes on the woman..."
"So I was at the play that local troupe put on, the Lansquenet, you’ve heard of them, we went to another of their shows and my aunt wore that utterly ghastly hat. Anyway, the show was tolerable, I especially liked that one actor with the dark hair and the tan, the one in the armor, but the service was simply phenomenal. If I hadn’t been looking right at my glass I would never even have noticed their maid topping me off! I suppose there’s some use for greys after all!"
"We’ve got another order of aldgoat leather marked down, who’s on it? Poisson? Who’s... oh, the grey, right. She’s a quiet one. Didn’t she say something about taking time off with her wife?"
Ishgardian Rumors
"I hear the Black Lily’s been prowling again. Haven’t heard tell of her for moons, seems like, but got a report from the night watch of a woman in black on the ramparts. Gone by the time he reached her, left a dead heretic for him to find. Halone strike me for a fool, but it’s almost a relief."
"Second heretic this week we’ve found along the trails with his throat slit, sir. Been out here long enough the wolves got to him. The men are restless, we’re supposed to be hunting these fiends, not finding the work already done."
Limsan Rumors
"Oi, you hear the ruckus down the pier last night? Some cove got his fare counted out, down to the penny. Honeybees found him laid open like a trout on the boards, maybe an hour cold."
"Never thought a girl like that would heft an axe, she looks so dainty. Well, when she’s not wearing the armor, of course. I wonder if she’s seeing anyone..."
Ul’dahn Rumors
"You hear the Stalker’s working for Kakana Tatana now? Won’t win him any favors, and he’d know it, so he must be paying her for someone nasty..."
"Didn’t think Momodi’d hire on Elezen for staff, she’ll break her neck trying to boss the girl around. Pretty enough, though, wonder how much she goes for."
"Wouldn’t try that, friend; saw a Roegadyn get handsy on her once, she snapped his wrist without even slowing down."
"Ooh, fiesty..."