Qorchi Hotgo
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A survivor who was absent from the Dotharl's destruction of the Hotgo tribe on the Azim Steppe. Resourceful and pragmatic, she has adapted what skills she has to get by in Eorzea. With the loss of her tribe, she is unbeholden to anyone except for herself, and her journey alone has led her to some surprising discoveries about her own potential. But as she embraces an Eorzean lifestyle, she worries about leaving behind what she knew on the Steppe.
[hide]Basic Info
Appearance & Personality
- Tall by an Au Ra's standards, Qorchi is nonetheless small relative to other Spokenkin. Her round face and her lean upper body offer her a somewhat tomboyish look, though she has a wide waist that she usually tries to hide under skirts or loose garments. She is often mistaken for being younger than she is. Her face and body have more frequent patches and patterns of scales than other Xaela may have.
- Qorchi generally comes off as agreeable to others and isn't typically one to make waves, usually standing out of others' ways and avoiding unnecessary confrontation. It's difficult for her to trust others on a more than superficial level, but those she does open up to find that she has a sense of humor and a dry, sharp wit that is otherwise understated. Qorchi works hard and believes in doing her fair share of work for what she gets rewarded with...but on ocassion, she has been caught taking something she knows she probably should not have taken. She is also known to snoop and likes to be in the know about things going on around her...even when she knows it is none of her business. As much as she may speak against it, Qorchi is a sucker for gossip.
- She is petty, judgmental, and a good bit selfish, and she has a competitive streak that rears its head from time to time. Qorchi does take easily to guilt, however, and even with her flaws, she isn't prone to malice. She worries for putting others off and repelling them from her, so she will often try to compensate for her personality flaws by giving gifts.
- Even with her inclination towards poor impulse control, Qorchi maintains a certain sense of dignity and is careful about how she acts in public. She does her best to avoid having others looking at her as a savage, maintaining a modest and well mannered persona. This works effectively enough, if Qorchi can refrain from having something to eat for long enough. Her table manners are not always on par, and she frequently takes out something to nibble on when she feels nervous.
Known History
- Born on the Azim Steppe, Qorchi's parents passed away from disease when she was still very young, and she had very little memory of them. Her guardian and primary caregiver was her aunt, with whom Qorchi shared a very close relationship with. From a very young age, her aunt taught her how to use a bow, and Qorchi came to be a capable and formidable marksman.
- • Qorchi hoards food and can nearly always be found carrying some on her person. She is willing to share it, but becomes anxious if she can't find a satisfactory enough amount to be able to eat later.
- • Sometimes, some little things that may not be missed if they were gone end up disappearing when she's around...
- • While many Hotgo will change their face paint, Qorchi consistently keeps hers the same. She paints pale bluish-white spots on her cheeks to resembe the stars. Only very rarely will she neglect to paint them.
- • Prior to losing half her vision, Qorchi was a very skilled archer and took pride in being a successful game hunter. However, now she can only manage anything close to her old accuracy if she uses Arcanima to feel out the aether in her surroundings.
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- Template by Bancroft Gairn